
manual Vulcan
That shows you how it basically works. You pull back on the handle and with the bar going through the plunger directly it pulls it back and primes it. Then you push it forward and the little notch sticking out of the slide reacts with the gear to turn it thus turning the either pvc revolver or a Magstrike bladder full of hot glue. The trigger is pulled, the plunger dose what it dose through the shell through the barrel thus propelling the dart. simple but what about the full auto foam throwing beast of a gun.

Full auto furry.
First make sure that the plunger is all the way forward (not primed). Then activate the electric air pump of your choice ( thats why theres so many batteries), then you flip the switch to activate the motor. Even though its on it wont move due to the extra switch witch activates when the trigger is pressed just like the NFs ''laser''. But how will it turn even with the notch sticking out of the slide, simple its able to move on its small hinge with the spring you put in it to help hold it in place. the diagrams really help. Thats how simple it is questions or comments leave them below I'll try to get back and answer them. Thank you and I hope you have fun attempting this mod. Now get out there and try it.