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Big Bad Maverick

BBB + Maverick Integration

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#1 MithMorchaint



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Posted 18 June 2008 - 09:27 PM

I was originally going to integrate a Maverick into a Longshot in the same style as this (upside down), but I rather like my BBB and decided to do it to that instead.

The idea here is that my BBB fires quite far, but is slow to reload. I added the Mav to supply a faster firing but lower powered alternative.

To my knowledge this hasn't been done before with a BBB, so without anything further, pictures:

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The Mav cocks like a shotgun grip, and while it might seem like the trigger is hard to pull or uncomfortable, I have large hands so it isn't. I can imagine it might be awkward for someone with smaller hands though.

I hold it by the barrel to cock the BBB, though I'm probably going to add a handle on the top for that purpose.

The BBB has standard mods done to it; Barrel replacement, new spring, ARs out, and obviously a paintjob.

The Mav also has standard AR removal, as well as the drop-clip mod, seen in one of the pictures.

The one thing you might see here is that the silver part of the BBB's barrel screws onto the black part. This allows me to fire arrows as well, since with the silver part removed the regular arrows still fit on. It also allows me to backload the silver barrel and then screw it on.

Thoughts? I'll post another picture if I add a handle for cocking the BBB.

Edited by MithMorchaint, 18 June 2008 - 10:23 PM.

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#2 bobafett109



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Posted 18 June 2008 - 09:36 PM

Nice, I like it.

What glue did you use for the intigration? it looks like hot glue; did you use epoxy underneath it?
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QUOTE(Carbon @ Feb 17 2008, 10:17 PM) View Post

QUOTE(FoamSniper @ Feb 18 2008, 12:08 AM) View Post

You're probably all wondering how to get a range of 95' from a mech 20

I was figuring you threw it.

#3 MithMorchaint



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Posted 18 June 2008 - 09:55 PM

Yes it is hot glue, and no I didn't use epoxy. However, it is not standard hot glue. When I use hot glue, I heat it with a butane torch (like one might use to solder) after I apply it. For whatever reason, this makes the glue adhere incredibly well once it hardens again (my theory is that because the heat makes it less viscous, it gets into the pores in the plastic better). I use this for most of my hot glue jobs and it has never failed me.

I actually glued this on wrong on my frist try and had to remove it to try again. Believe it or not, I could not break the hot glue even when I tried. I was literally sitting here twisting and pulling on it, but it wouldn't budge. I eventually wound up chipping away the hot glue with a knife.

So, yes it is hot glue, but it's a little different than one might usually use. I know hot glue is not as strong as epoxy, but I don't have any on hand. If this breaks, I'll probably buy some epoxy or putty and do that, but as I said, the super-heated hot glue has never failed me. We'll see how it holds up, I suppose.

Edit: Oh, and thanks :P.

Edited by MithMorchaint, 18 June 2008 - 10:11 PM.

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#4 Banshee



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Posted 18 June 2008 - 10:20 PM

Sweet, good job man! One thing though, the Mav needs the same black paint job!
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#5 nerfsharpie6



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Posted 18 June 2008 - 10:20 PM

It looks awesome. I personally think you should paint the mav black like the BBB but thats just me. I think that it would look awesome if you also added some like highlights of another color (green, red, yellow etc) it would make the gun stand out.
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#6 Renegademilitia15



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Posted 18 June 2008 - 10:56 PM

Awesome mod dude. I have a maverick and now all I need is a BBB. :P

Anyway, Even though your way to hotglue may be better but I still dont trust it to that much.
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#7 Retiate



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Posted 18 June 2008 - 11:31 PM

The trigger on the Maverick looks really uncomfortable. How do you hold that?
I agree that you should add some secondary colors as well.
Cool mod.
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#8 MithMorchaint



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Posted 19 June 2008 - 08:18 AM

In response to people saying I should paint the Maverick: I actually considered it, but decided not to. I plan on using this in our battles at my college, and I was worried that if I painted it all black (even with highlights of color) it might look too "real" from a distance. By leaving the Mav yellow, I hope to avoid that problem.

Anyway, Even though your way to hotglue may be better but I still dont trust it to that much.

Certainly, epoxy or putty may very well be better ideas. I'd like to see how it turns out, if you do it. I'm sure using putty would make it look much smoother as well, if you paint everything.

The trigger on the Maverick looks really uncomfortable. How do you hold that?

while it might seem like the trigger is hard to pull or uncomfortable, I have large hands so it isn't. I can imagine it might be awkward for someone with smaller hands though.

If the question was how do I actually hold it, as in how do I position my hand physically, the answer is this:

I use my left hand. My index finger goes through the trigger, and my thumb goes around the back of what is left of the handle. My other three fingers just rest across the side of the gun. I'll take a picture of me doing it when I get home later, I'm currently at work.

And thanks for the compliments everybody!
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#9 MithMorchaint



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Posted 19 June 2008 - 07:36 PM

Sorry about the double post.

I added some ammo holders on top of the front section of the BBB. I used the dart carriers harvested from a Firefly and added some tube inside each slot to hold the darts better. You can see in the pictures that I attached the holder where the front "sight" of the BBB used to be. I cut it away, then reattached the sight in front of the holders for purely cosmetic reasons.

This means that I can carry one loaded in the main barrel, 8 darts on top, and 6 in the Maverick. If I can scrounge up another Mav clip, I'll have a further 6 shots.

You'll also see that I converted the "rear" sight into a holder for the barrel extension for when I am not using it. I dremeled away the inside to produce a tight friction fit.

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And, as promised, a picture of how I hold the Maverick.

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Edited by MithMorchaint, 19 June 2008 - 07:38 PM.

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