Sleebo, on Jun 12 2008, 11:20 AM, said:
First thing that popped into my mind?: DBF
Second?: Star Wars Kid
Third?: Stupidity.
Nerf, not Foam Sword Battle.
wow, well when you're done fucking your mother i would like to see you make something half as nice as these
SHADOW HUNTER ALPHA, on Jun 12 2008, 11:42 AM, said:
Sleebo, on Jun 12 2008, 02:20 PM, said:
Nerf, not Foam Sword Battle.
Why do you post in topics like this only to complain about something "not being Nerf," while overlooking the effort and functionality of the actual product?
Why is this in the Mods section?
About the subject: I don't know about their legality in wars, but they still look cool. How thick is the foam padding on your weapons, on average? Also, how durable are they? Does the core material warp after decent use, or is it pretty rigid?
thank you. Anyway, i posted in the mod section simply because thats the one i always check and i didnt even think of the other threads, it just completely passed my mind, my bad. The padding is about a centimeter to half an inch thick with thicker padding on the thrusting point. It's not meant to make it feel good when you get hit, it stings, but it does keep you from actually being injured while still looking slick and functional. They're not indestructible, but theyre meant for full contact usage and will stand up fine to being whacked together forcefully. However, if you are just trying to break them you will. Its a PVC core that i have reinforced and weighted to balance out the sword. I wont warp unless you leave it in your car in direct sunlight for a weekend, then i promise you it will. It would however shatter it you just smashed it into a steel beam over and over again.
foo fighter, on Jun 12 2008, 11:59 AM, said:
I agree with SHADOW HUNTER ALPHA 100%.
But aside from how long the core will last, what is the core? PVC? CPVC? Just curious, these look fun to make!
EDIT: And how exactly do you play with them? I mean, like, is it a one-hit-K.O. or what? Because if it's OHKO, then I can see your Tonfas being extremly useful.
you can come up with whatever rules you want and change it up from game to game. Typically in one on one duels we use a point system, with head contact weighing more. In group fights you get "stunned" for a period of time if hit, with last man standing winning.
I actually have made nunchucks before easily, but they are utterly worthless in a fight and not even worth mentioning... haha. Also you could just as easily go out and purchase a pair of foam covered chucks if you really wanted to.
Lastly, i dont know why you would consider H2H not nerf. Hand 2 hand has been a long established and prized aspect of nerf battles. Im far from the first to come up with the idea. Nerf is foam based combat with your friends, how is this any different?
Lynx, on Jun 12 2008, 01:40 PM, said:
I noticed the tape, sizes and shape.
Bwa? What is this Belegarth you speak of?!