So, I'm just wondering how many of us watch and/or like the NBA finals. Personally, I do, just because it reminds me of the days (which I wasn't alive for) of the Magic vs. Bird Finals. And, in my personal opinion, the 1987 was one of the best finals ever. And it was also the last time the Celtics and Lakers faced off. Also, it hopefully won't be a sweep like last year.
So what do you guys think? Who do you guys want???
O, and I'm rooting for the Celtics, just for the record.
Game 1: Paul Pierce's Miraculous Return
Boston: 98
Los Angeles: 88
Series: Boston 1; L.A. 0
Game 2: Leon Powe's Uprising; L.A. Almost Huge Comback
Boston: 108
Los Angeles: 102
Series: Boston 2; L.A. 0
Game 3: Kobe being Kobe
Los Angeles: 87
Boston: 81
Series: Boston 2; L.A. 1
Game 4: The Greatest Comeback Ever In NBA Finals History
Boston: 97
Los Angeles: 91
Series: Boston 3; L.A. 1
Edited by Sleebo, 13 June 2008 - 02:22 PM.