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War @ Marymoor!

June 28th- Redmond WA

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#51 Blacksunshine



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Posted 28 June 2008 - 07:41 PM

Too bad. All of you that said you were coming that didn't, you missed out. I didn't get a lot by way of pics. But I know someone did.
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#52 Dayko



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Posted 28 June 2008 - 09:19 PM

This was an awesome war! Good turn out of people, I have never nerfed with so many before :mellow: .


Good turn out of people ( The people who didn't come missed out on a lot of fun )
Having most my my guns work, except my LS
Great park area/play area
Not running out of ammo like I thought I would
My Dad taking a bunch of pics ( which I will post probably tomorrow. Still sorting through them)
I know there is more, but I can't think of any right now


The biggest one I can think of is the weather. It got really hot
Having my LS act up on me

Over all I think it was a great war. BlackSunShine was a great host and the spot he picked was awesome.
I can't wait for you to host another war.

Edited by Dayko, 28 June 2008 - 11:58 PM.

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< One foot in death...The other in life. >

#53 Retiate



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Posted 28 June 2008 - 11:58 PM

Awesome war.
It was really hot, it hit what, almost 90? We definitely need to host more wars up here in Washington.
-Placing a lot of good shots with my Pump Shotgun.
-Actually doing good with my Splitfire before it broke on me (see below). This was my first or second war using the thing, and after shooting targets with it the day before, I was pretty accurate.
-My guns working perfectly for the most part. One barrel on my Splitfire started leaking and wouldn't hold pressure for more than 3 or 4 seconds, so I put it away. At the end of the war, I pulled it out the bag to check which barrel was leaking, and they both worked perfectly. Hah.
-Losing a whole lot less darts than I expected.

-Getting kicked out of our first location due to that concert. I really liked that spot too.
-Almost everyone from our group had a gun break on them. Multiple air guns started leaking, couplers broke off Crossbows, and other problems. Fortunately, nothing seems to be permanently broken. I think the heat really got to the guns and loosened up glue and such, causing problems I named above. One guy was using just his Nitefinder after his primaries broke on him.

Random highlights:
-Me getting shot at 3 times in rapid succession. I dodged the first two, then the third hit me the back of my shirt. Almost had it.
-Hitting someone with my Pump Shotgun, then whirling around, drawing my Splitfire from it's holster, and hitting oncoming rushers. I don't think my guns are going to be changing any time soon. It was just the perfect combo for me.
-Blacksunshine's single man rush at two or three of us, firing both guns, missing, then turns around running and screaming.
-Me rushing someone from behind, him whipping around and hitting me directly in the center of my forehead with his Lock 'N Load. It hurt, but it was such a cool shot.
-Sharing welts at the end of the war, there were some pretty good ones.

Overall, awesome war.
I also thought it was funny how our group showed up with four Crossbows, then ended up only using one or two of them.

We gotta get those pictures up.
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#54 BlackFox



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Posted 29 June 2008 - 01:33 AM

One guy was using just his Nitefinder after his primaries broke on him.

And dominated with it! I got like six kills in our last war.

Haha, ok, serious now.

The war was amazing. In my grand experience of two real nerf wars, this was definitely the best.

Pros/cons are exactly the same as Retiates.
Although I'd like to add that I felt cover was a little lacking.

-Meeting cool nerfers outside our normal group
-Seeing wicked paint jobs (Amazing, BlackSunshine)
-The drama with hearing the plumbers goop burst on my sm1500 in the heat of battle... well, the heat period.
-Making my miracle shots with the nf when everyone else was using primaries
-Receiving my "pendant" welt from Retiate's pump Shotgun. Right in the collarbone!
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"Until we meet in the place where there is no darkness"
-George Orwell, 1984

Think that piece is beyond repair? Think again!

#55 Blacksunshine



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Posted 30 June 2008 - 05:03 AM

Awesome war.

Random highlights:

-Blacksunshine's single man rush at two or three of us, firing both guns, missing, then turns around running and screaming.

The best part of that moment was that I actually freaked you guys out for a few sec and you guys started backing away from me. You guys could have so had me right there. That was one of my fav moments as well. Had me laughing my ass off even after I came home.
Daykos mom actually caught me in that rush.

Posted Image

(rushes fires and misses turns and runs)

Low ponts of the day
My 4b coupler failing (goop cannot take the heat)
The trigger on my DTG/a2K failing and me losing the ablity to use the A2k
Realizing how much longshots suck for outdoor wars.
Half the people that said they'd be there flaking out. (not calling anyone out, @#$% happens but still)

High points
Great weather
Awesome spot that for the most part we had to ourselves all day.
Meeting all you guys and getting to get my nerf on
Seeing the splitfire in action and now NEEDING to get one. (Still have the welt it left.)

Edited by Blacksunshine, 30 June 2008 - 05:11 AM.

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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#56 hierarchy



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Posted 30 June 2008 - 08:17 PM

Man, that war was alot of fun. I was so tired after the war though.

Seeing the splitfire in action and now NEEDING to get one. (Still have the welt it left.)

Ya, I love those pistols. They are so accurate, high powered, and they have two shots. Can't much better than that.
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QUOTE(Retiate @ Aug 13 2007, 08:43 PM) View Post

I guess you have some heavy duty industrial strength toilet paper holders. Do they advise you to wear eye protection when changing rolls?

My TTG mod.

#57 Dayko



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Posted 01 July 2008 - 03:19 AM

OK, I got the pics uploaded. If you guys want them you are going to have to PM me your E-mail addresses. I uploaded the pics into a folder in my PhotoBucket account, and if you want to see them I will E-mail you guys the file of it.
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< One foot in death...The other in life. >

#58 Blacksunshine



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Posted 01 July 2008 - 04:34 AM

link um up here from the photobucket
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#59 Renegademilitia15



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Posted 04 July 2008 - 11:23 PM

Wow. Awesome war. We definitely need to do another one this summer. Preferably at Sunnyslope Elementary.


-Testing out my tripled titan. Definitely satisfied with its performance.

-Shooting Blacksunshine point blank with my titan after he shot, missed and tried to tap me out. :D

-getting to test out my Nerf Warrior System. It worked really well until someone decided to turn up the heat and my At2k broke.


-Having my At2k break. :angry:

-Not getting to use my NWS the whole time. :angry: :angry:

-getting confused a whole bunch and getting shot when I didn't need to.
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Singled RFS
FA_24's response to Ice's back pain thread:

I used to have that problem until I got circumcised. 15 pounds later I was able to stand up straight.

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