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The Half And Half Nerf Grenade

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#1 Predalien Ro

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Posted 05 May 2008 - 08:56 PM

Well hell, I get sick for a week, had time to tinker on a grenade idea, and now that I can type without getting the spins, people go and make their own grenades! Now all the older members are gonna get sick of grenades. Well this one is simple to do, all you gotta do is get these things.

foldable frizzbe

at least eight tagger darts(more is encouraged)

a key ring

and a knex connector part(honestly I don't know what you call it.)


the whole thing should look like this...
Posted Image

how you make it is get to get your tagger darts, pull the head off, and cut off the stem and shove eight or more of them in one side of the folded up frizzbe like so...
Posted Image

then get at least three sticks of the left over foam from when you ripped the head off and cut the foam into peices equal to the size of the dart head seen here...
Posted Image

Once you got that, get your knex connector and put the key ring through the hole. Now, here is the tricky part, get your other end of the knex, and use it as a clamp for the three loops of the frizzbe in center of where the whole thing opens...
Posted Image

if done correctly, it should hold well. Attach it to yourself however you see fit, and it shouldn't open up on you as you duck, dodge, run, and hide.(I tested this myself) Pull the knex off and be sure to throw it with the "clam" opening facing away from you. The foam will fly at anyone at point blank range while the tagger heads will bounce around at futher distances. I tested this in my living room, and a few of tagger heads fly and bounce to the other end of my dinning room, so it should get all the corners of a dorm room. I don't live in a dorm room noir do I go to frequent nerf wars, so I haven't fully tested this, but I do expect it to preform better than any of the current grenades I've read on.

I highly encourage that you try filling the grenade entirly full of the tagger head for a better effect. Please, go out, make one yourself, see the results for yourself, tell me what you think. Any thoughts on this?
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Toilet paper is for your ass, not your nerf gun.
Try craft foam if you want to add cushioning to the handle.

#2 Captain



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Posted 05 May 2008 - 09:01 PM

Another 'nade design? These are popping up everywhere lately. I like the k'nex pin idea, so you can pull it off with your teeth.
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#3 Predalien Ro

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Posted 05 May 2008 - 09:07 PM

Another 'nade design? These are popping up everywhere lately. I like the k'nex pin idea, so you can pull it off with your teeth.

Yeah, I know, I had this idea for a while now, about a day before the other guy posted about his nerf football grenade, but I got sick and couldn't even type without getting dizzy. Now it just looks like I made this because everyone else is, man I hate that!
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Toilet paper is for your ass, not your nerf gun.
Try craft foam if you want to add cushioning to the handle.




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Posted 05 May 2008 - 10:24 PM

This already exists. It's called a barricade buster. However, your k'nex clip is a unique and new idea. Props for figuring out an easy method to keep them closed in storage.
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#5 Ubermensch



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Posted 06 May 2008 - 05:46 AM

I had the same idea, but using a "chip clip" for a better hold. By the way, this goes in "Homemades".

Edited by Ubermensch, 06 May 2008 - 05:56 AM.

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#6 Ambience 327

Ambience 327


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Posted 06 May 2008 - 06:22 AM

Now if you could get those frisbees in O.D. Green, you'd have the coolest Nerf grenade ever! :D

As mentioned, the Barricade Buster is an old idea (don't feel bad - a lot of the things I've thought up are either variations on others ideas, or things that I find in the archives of this site after I think of them). However, your clip-pin is quite clever and original to my knowledge. I also like the use of tagger heads as your shrapnell - they are a bit heavier than just foam, and if you make a lot of CDTS's you'd have loads of these lying around anyway!
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#7 Predalien Ro

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 08:00 AM

Now if you could get those frisbees in O.D. Green, you'd have the coolest Nerf grenade ever! :D

As mentioned, the Barricade Buster is an old idea (don't feel bad - a lot of the things I've thought up are either variations on others ideas, or things that I find in the archives of this site after I think of them). However, your clip-pin is quite clever and original to my knowledge. I also like the use of tagger heads as your shrapnell - they are a bit heavier than just foam, and if you make a lot of CDTS's you'd have loads of these lying around anyway!

Actually, I got the idea of the knex clip from some kid I saw on youtube. The only thing that's original is using the tagger heads as shrapnel, and as far as I've seen, everyone is just using foam for shapnel. I've seen a few guys with video of their nerf grenades, and the foam doesn't seem to eject far from the disc, which dissapointed me. I was playing around with the tagger heads and stubbed apon this, so I figured out that tagger heads make better shrapnel than foam. I didn't have enough heads at the time, so I used foam with it and called it the half and half, go figure.
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Toilet paper is for your ass, not your nerf gun.
Try craft foam if you want to add cushioning to the handle.

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