After recently trying to come up with a grenade-type device (which I'll complete later) I've discovered something quite interesting. I know some of you won't like it, as it's not exactly nerf and grenades and the like are looked down on by most, but I think it is quite effective.
When thinking about large-spray, shotgun type effects I realized foam wouldn't work. It just wasn't heavy enough to go anywhere. So I turned to airsoft BBs. My first attempt at making a shotgun-like barrel setup turned out pretty well.
I'm using a 5" PVC barrel on an at2k (which is on my crossbow that I recently tore apart). You'll need your barrel, two small sections of non-weighted Mega FBR, and airsoft BBs (I'm using .12 gram).
Take one of the FBR segments and put it in the end of the barrel.
Flip it around and fill it up almost to the top with BBs.
Then plug the front up with the other piece.
-Missing Picture-
After testing a couple times, I was amazed at the results. With my 2k (on my crossbow) it fires the things about 40', with a 20' spread (at least). It makes a huge bubble-like shape when fired. This is definitely one of the coolest and most effective 'shotgun' devices I've seen (the only one, actually). Imagine something like this on a Titan! You'd have to change barrel diamter/length, but it would be AWSOME.
I'll try this on different guns (definitely my Titan once it's finished), and mess around with barrel lengths and possibly BB weights if I get more time. I don't know how much I can promise to do though, because I don't really want bbs all over my front yard... The more powerful the gun, I would recommend a larger barrel diameter/longer barrel/heavier darts. I still have yet to find the ideal length.
You could also make multiple ABSTRACTs and make holders for fast reloading/barrel exchange (if you get in a close situation). Reloading these mid-war would be a pain, but could be easily remidied (sp) by buying a quick-loader airsoft-thingie (the name eludes me).
I'll try to get a video up by this weekend, you really can't appreciate it until you've seen it yourself.
I still can't get over how cool these things are, they definitely have lots of potential. I'll post here once I make adjustment or incorporate these in some other way.
Questions? Comments?
Edit: I know alot of you might not like this because of the lack of foam, but I'm really not trying to convert anyone to airsoft. Like I said before I'm only using Airsoft BBs because bits of foam lack the density to travel any measurable distance, and it seems to compliment Nerf guns quite well.
Edit: You do plug up the end, to stop the BBs from falling out. Sorry for no picture, will be fixed. The FBR segment fly out upon firing, but only go a couple feet, making for easy resuability.
Edited by OfAllTheNerf, 04 May 2008 - 07:10 PM.