Alright, before I started nerfing, I enjoyed making rubberband guns. These were not your average single-shot rubber band guns, no. These were heavy gatling gun turrets and automatic pistols. I have pictures, so take a look!

This is my automatic pistol. It shoots rather slowly but holds 25 rubber bands. Is a kickass sidearm.

My old rubberband primary. Holds 60 bands and fires crazy fast using a gatling type system.

A remake of my old primary. Holds 60 bands, fires faster, is lighter and smaller, and is my current band-war primary.
Hope you enjoyed!
If you have any questions, just ask.
'KaneTheMediocre', on 16 Aug 2010 - 11:14 PM, said:
5. Protip: sarcasm is good for making someone else look like more of an idiot than they already do. However, if you are an idiot to start with, using sarcasm just makes you look like a COLOSSAL idiot.