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Melee Weapons

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#1 g-force



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Posted 01 May 2008 - 09:40 PM

I made this thread because I believe melee weapons are very effective. Some may not believe me but in my last war about 65% of the kills where with melee weapons. So post your homemade melee weapons here. (Modifications of buzzbee swords or other weapons are acceptable.) Here is one of mine. It is a souvineer mini baseball bat wrapped in several layers of mega size fbr tipped with a nerf ball and wrapped in duct tape.
Posted Image
P.S. futureseal and I are designing a foam folder. (inspired by call of duty 4)

Edited by g-force, 01 May 2008 - 09:42 PM.

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QUOTE(Carbon @ Jul 28 2008, 03:25 AM) View Post

My god, you actually built it. To that, all I can say is, "bravo".


#2 eddieoctane



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Posted 01 May 2008 - 10:12 PM

g-force, on May 1 2008, 10:40 PM, said:

P.S. futureseal and I are designing a foam folder. (inspired by call of duty 4)

What do you mean by "folder"? Are you talking about something like an asp? If so, that would be hilarious, and I may want one for that reason alone.

As far as melee goes, why even carry a weapon for it? If you get up behind someone, wouldn't tapping them on the shoulder signify that you could have bashed their head in with the ranged weapon you are carrying? I mean, why pull out a knife and slit a throat when you can simply pistol whip someone in the back of the head and not have to change weapons?
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#3 badger


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Posted 01 May 2008 - 10:59 PM

Here's my thing when it comes to melee weapons. I don't see the use in them except for comedic, and sometimes amazing, moments at a war.

I look at the one you have there g-force and I see a potential for injuries. No matter how much duct tape and foam you put on that thing, if you get a little bit overzealous and swing a little bit too hard, you will hurt someone. Boffer weapons can hurt someone as well if you use too much force. At the UMD war "The Dart of War" during a round of HvZ, one player got a little carried away with his boffer swords when attacking my zombie ass and actually left a few bruises, including one across the top of my head. If it wasn't for self-control, I would have thrown that fucker off the balcony. Your minibat weapon there is an accident waiting to happen.

Now the only weapons I have seen at the NJ wars and at DCNO were Buzz Bee foam swords. OMC actually was able to block 6 darts in succession at Apoc, quite an amazing feat until my dart snuck in and nailed him in the shoulder. I think it is rather funny to see a grown man run around with a toy sword, charging at people with guns while belting out a battle cry.

This is the only way I see melee being of use...for that random, hysterical moment or for that once-in-a-blue-moon amazing moment of superior dexterity. As for sneaking up on someone for a close quarters kill, I'd still rather use my blaster. If you manage to duck away from my melee weapon, I have to think fast and raise my blaster before I get shot, but if I use my blaster to get the kill, if you dodge I can just pull the trigger. You also have less to carry when you don't carry a melee weapon as well as a primary.

You can argue all you want and say that you can control yourself, that it won't hurt anyone, but think for a minute. You have a wooden bat covered in easily compressable foam and duct tape. Hit yourself with that real hard in the head and tell me how you feel afterwards. I bet it will fuckin' hurt alot. Besides, if I saw you swing that thing at me, I'm liable to ram it so far up your ass that you'd have to cough to poke someone with it.
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#4 Green-Buckshot



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Posted 02 May 2008 - 03:08 PM

badger, on May 1 2008, 11:59 PM, said:

Besides, if I saw you swing that thing at me, I'm liable to ram it so far up your ass that you'd have to cough to poke someone with it.

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QUOTE(A side of nerf @ May 18 2008, 12:33 PM) View Post

Also, could you post some more revealing pictures?

#5 g-force



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Posted 02 May 2008 - 04:11 PM

badger, on May 1 2008, 09:59 PM, said:

Here's my thing when it comes to melee weapons. I don't see the use in them except for comedic, and sometimes amazing, moments at a war.

I look at the one you have there g-force and I see a potential for injuries. No matter how much duct tape and foam you put on that thing, if you get a little bit overzealous and swing a little bit too hard, you will hurt someone. Boffer weapons can hurt someone as well if you use too much force. At the UMD war "The Dart of War" during a round of HvZ, one player got a little carried away with his boffer swords when attacking my zombie ass and actually left a few bruises, including one across the top of my head. If it wasn't for self-control, I would have thrown that fucker off the balcony. Your minibat weapon there is an accident waiting to happen.

Now the only weapons I have seen at the NJ wars and at DCNO were Buzz Bee foam swords. OMC actually was able to block 6 darts in succession at Apoc, quite an amazing feat until my dart snuck in and nailed him in the shoulder. I think it is rather funny to see a grown man run around with a toy sword, charging at people with guns while belting out a battle cry.

This is the only way I see melee being of use...for that random, hysterical moment or for that once-in-a-blue-moon amazing moment of superior dexterity. As for sneaking up on someone for a close quarters kill, I'd still rather use my blaster. If you manage to duck away from my melee weapon, I have to think fast and raise my blaster before I get shot, but if I use my blaster to get the kill, if you dodge I can just pull the trigger. You also have less to carry when you don't carry a melee weapon as well as a primary.

You can argue all you want and say that you can control yourself, that it won't hurt anyone, but think for a minute. You have a wooden bat covered in easily compressable foam and duct tape. Hit yourself with that real hard in the head and tell me how you feel afterwards. I bet it will fuckin' hurt alot. Besides, if I saw you swing that thing at me, I'm liable to ram it so far up your ass that you'd have to cough to poke someone with it.

This is not potentially dangerous. Futureseal and I had a fight with some of these and we were each clubbed every where including the head without geting injured.

Edit: We just tested it on each other and it HURT. But, that was due to the fact that we held our sleevless forearms out and whacked them as hard as we could.
The solution would be to A ) put more foam of a higher density and thickness on; B ) not hit near as hard; C) toughen up by continueing to beat myself with it.
A and B would be the best solution.

Edited by g-force, 02 May 2008 - 11:29 PM.

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QUOTE(Carbon @ Jul 28 2008, 03:25 AM) View Post

My god, you actually built it. To that, all I can say is, "bravo".


#6 Dangaard



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Posted 03 May 2008 - 01:47 AM

I also larp, and am a somewhat gifted foamsmith this was taken 3 years ago, I am quit a bit better at it than I was then, but here's an old photo.

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#7 TED


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Posted 03 May 2008 - 06:50 AM

That's funny... that's really funny.
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#8 g-force



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Posted 03 May 2008 - 09:58 AM

eddieoctane, on May 1 2008, 09:12 PM, said:

g-force, on May 1 2008, 10:40 PM, said:

P.S. futureseal and I are designing a foam folder. (inspired by call of duty 4)

What do you mean by "folder"? Are you talking about something like an asp? If so, that would be hilarious, and I may want one for that reason alone.

By foam folder I mean that it is a foam version of an assisted opening knife. speaking of foam knives her is the closest i've gotton so far with the materials on hand.
Posted Image
It is made of a peice of pvc as the handle coated in foam insulation and tipped with a spy gear missile which still does whistle. And before anyone flames me i can hit myself over the head several times before it hurts at all on any part of my body except one. (I'll let you figure out what part.)

Edited by g-force, 03 May 2008 - 10:05 AM.

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QUOTE(Carbon @ Jul 28 2008, 03:25 AM) View Post

My god, you actually built it. To that, all I can say is, "bravo".





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Posted 03 May 2008 - 02:21 PM

I've never been to a war, but I'm sure some vets can back me up on this. There really is no point in melee weapons in Nerf when you have barrel tapping and such. The reason people carry their guns in wars is to be able to attack from range, and then then always have the option to barrel tap someone in melee proximity. Actually clubbing people with foam bats and swords is not nearly as practical or safe. Given the option, I think that most of us would prefer to be tapped on the back than have a large mass of foam duct-taped to a stick come flying at our bodies.

The war that you and your friends had is a rarity compared to the bigger coastal wars. Well, compared to almost all wars, actually.

Edited by SHADOW HUNTER ALPHA, 03 May 2008 - 02:23 PM.

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#10 badger


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Posted 03 May 2008 - 02:57 PM

To late, here comes the flame. This is still a stupid idea. So you hit yourself over the head with this "knife", but did you use all of your force and more so, how did you do it? Tell you what, bring that thing to a war that I am attending and I'll hit you with it. The force that can be produced when the swinger isn't yourself will show you how much that thing will really hurt.


This is not potentially dangerous. Futureseal and I had a fight with some of these and we were each clubbed every where including the head without geting injured.

Edit: We just tested it on each other and it HURT. But, that was due to the fact that we held our sleevless forearms out and whacked them as hard as we could.
The solution would be to A ) put more foam of a higher density and thickness on; B ) not hit near as hard; C) toughen up by continueing to beat myself with it.
A and B would be the best solution.

You say is isn't potentially dangerous and state that you have hit each other all over including the head and it didn't hurt, yet you also just said that you hit yourselves in your bare forearms and it did hurt. Hmmm...could it be that I was right? You did just contradict yourself. You also didn't hit yourself in the head with the bat. You say it hurt because your forearms were bare but your head and face are always bare, so doesn't that conclude that it WILL hurt? I'm sure that if you used the same amount of force to hit yourself in the head rather than the forearm, you would see why this idea is as dumb as I have stated, once you've regained consiciousness.

Besides, these "melee wepons" would not be allowed in any major war, though I would love to see yours, Dangaard, at an event. That thing is quite beautiful, albeit very hard to run around with while being chased and shot at.
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As Carbon once said,

"The moment you can no longer see the fun in running around like a little child is the moment you begin to die."

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#11 ChiliPepperFender



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Posted 03 May 2008 - 03:14 PM

If your going to make a melee weapon, at least make it look somewhat good. Honestly, in the first picture, it looks like a giant yellow piece of crap(literally). I still don't get what you were trying to make on the second either. On a side note: Dangaard that thing looks awesome, I'd like to see some of your more recent stuff.
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#12 Dangaard



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Posted 03 May 2008 - 03:47 PM

ok, I'll post some more of my newer boffer designs, in another topic. afk for pictures.

badger/ChiliPepperFender, glad you guys like them, ergh.... what was I gonna say? Oh yeah: no its not hard to run with at all, but then I have been sword fighting for abourt half my life, (I'll be 20 in august) I am a blacksmiths aprentice, and I do various extracurricular activities that involve lots of muscle use. for some reason though, I have always been fat despite my physical activity... hrm I'm rambling I should probably stop typing now.


That's funny... that's really funny.

Dark Shrimp if that was directed at me, then I would like to say yes, I agree it is funny, but not much more so than running around with plastic guns. meh

BTW G_FORCE, try pool noodle, duct tape open cell foam, and 1/2" pvc for the core. pipe then foam, thEn tip it with open cell, then cover in duct tape running lengthwise.

Edited by Dangaard, 03 May 2008 - 03:53 PM.

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Discretion is the better part of valor, thats why I carry a very big axe.

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#13 Twitch



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Posted 03 May 2008 - 05:23 PM

The wars I attend weekly are held in doors, and melee weapons (almost exclusively the BuzzBee foam swords) have shown themselves to be exceptional. It's much easier to swing around a doorway or corner and hit a hiding foe in one broad sweep, then to pray & spray with a magstrike or the like. Aside from being safer for the attacker, it's much quieter than any blaster. There are a handful of people at the wars I attend who make a damn fine "career" out of wielding only a sword and nitefinder. That said, here's my homemade melee.

Posted Image

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It's layers of craft foam, supported with insulated copper wire and hot glue the components, the skeleton is designed to be able to barely support the weight of the "blade" with my arm outstretched, ensuring that even if I swing as hard as possible, the weapon is destroyed before it hurts anyone. It ended up looking like a jagged lightning bolt last time I used it, after repeated thrusts and blocks against my foe, brandishing a BBB.

Inspired, of course, by Army of Darkness/Evil Dead movies. Yes, I have the sawed-off BuzzBee DoubleShot to go with it.
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#14 g-force



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Posted 03 May 2008 - 07:06 PM

chili, I dont care how these look. And if it makes you happy i will name it the yellow crap
daangard' thank you for the tip.

Edited by g-force, 18 May 2008 - 08:16 PM.

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QUOTE(Carbon @ Jul 28 2008, 03:25 AM) View Post

My god, you actually built it. To that, all I can say is, "bravo".


#15 Enigma



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Posted 14 May 2008 - 05:34 AM

I don't know if any of you remember Sandman from his time in nerf and his pioneering techniques in melee weapons, but I'm gonna have to agree with most of the negative comments. the self-control thing just ain't gonna work in a hot'n heavy battle situation. My friend ended up throwing one of my home made saber's handles at me when the blade part slipped out. That was four 1/2" elbows... Ow... Basically, stick with nerf guns, and if you want to spar with this stuff, keep it separate. That's my view.
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#16 dooda



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Posted 15 May 2008 - 12:11 PM

You could make a bayonet. I mean cant you see some fat bastard running at you with a buzzbee sword stuck to the bottom of his magstrike??? :blink:
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#17 ice



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Posted 15 May 2008 - 12:38 PM

badger, on May 3 2008, 11:57 AM, said:

Besides, these "melee wepons" would not be allowed in any major war, though I would love to see yours, Dangaard, at an event. That thing is quite beautiful, albeit very hard to run around with while being chased and shot at.

I agree, though me and my friends do sometimes use pvc staffs covered in foam if we are at a loss of a weapon with good ROF and are playing an indoor war.
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<!--quoteo(post=206428:date=Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM:name=Mukersman)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mukersman @ Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
Turd stefans. When I pulled these out of the pillow case i was just like, what... the... fuck...

#18 three Chord me

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Posted 25 May 2008 - 08:17 AM

I suggest that you guys read this thread.
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#19 Hicks



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Posted 25 May 2008 - 10:43 PM

I LARP myself, and we use 5/8" pipe insulation foam around a lightwall (Schedule 20) PVC core. It can hurt a little, but it's not too bad -- and made using the right construction guidelines (1" thrusting tip -- pipeless area at the top made purely of foam stuffed in foam -- and a 1" squish tip made of a sponge; half the weapon covered in foam, no counterweighting, etc.) they come out pretty safe. Most of the injuries we've have actually been unrelated to weaponry, so I'd have to say that for the fun factor, such weapons are not a bad thing.
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