
Approx. 1 and a 1/2 inches of 12.5mm Clear Vinyl Tubing (CVT) Joiner (12.5mm in diameter, PVC, CPVC may work too)
2 and a bit inches of PETG
A Maverick Air Restricor

Take the Air Restrictor and cut of the three prongs and sand down flat
Next grab your PETG and cut a tiny slit in one end. If using different barrel material, cut as many slits as needed to insert the Maverick Air Restictor (next step)

Insert your air restrictor into the PETG. It should be the perfect, nice, airtight fit.

Now put the PETG into the CVT. A little hot glue around the top (careful not to get on the outside of the CVT) and your finished.
Extra Tips
1) Wrap some etape around the bottom of the shell so that it can catch on the Double Shot 'hooks'
2) Put a small bit of etape on the indide of your PETG to stop the darts falling out
3) Scrape out the Air Restrictor hole a little to make it about the same size hole as an original Buzz bee Shell.
Now for some comparison pictures:
Mine on right, Buzz Bee on left (for any dumbass who can't tell)

In the Double Shot:

No ranges but I can say much better than a stock shell, bettween 10-20ft more range. Overall I'm pleased because its hard to buy shells here an now I can have many more.