I'll start with mine;

My main, and best of the three.

Mods, removed air ristrictors, added nf spring, reinforced bolt sled, removed bolt lock, removed trigger lock, pvc stock block
reliability and function, very reliable, hits at an average of 95' flat with stream lines, 4.5 out of 5
My next is the carbine;

Mods, removed air ristrictors, reinforced bolt sled, removed bolt lock, removed trigger lock, removed barrel
reliability and function; very reliable, no added spring yet, so it only gets 45' flat with stream lines, 3 out of 5
The last is my recon;

Mods, reinforced bolt sled, removed air ristrictors, working on spring addition in stock, not finished yet
Reliability and function, semi reliable, occasionally jams when using stefans, hits 35' flat with tagger darts (I have many more taggers then streamlines, so I use the taggers in the recon and save the stream lines for the longshots)
As I said, I know forums like this have been created before, but they have been outdated and ignored, thats the only reason I'm posting a new one.