I think when noobs just beg for a XBow even though it has a very good reputation they are being a hypocrit big time. IF YOU LIKE A GUN LIKE IT BECAUSE YOU'VE USED AND LIKE THE PREFORMANCE,ECT.
What, you can't desire to own something that you haven't already used? Well crap, I guess I can't want a Corvette cause I've never sat down in one.
I have no problem using old or new blasters, however, the nostalgia of the old blasters is part of the reason I like them. I remember going out and buying SM1500s and PCs, receiving an LNL or a DT3 or a BnA (all brand new) as gifts when I was considerably younger. The guns of my childhood hold a special place in my heart.
That being said, the LS I've got coming is going to be kickass. Definitely looking forward to it.