Thats where this comes in.

It is not just supposed to be a giant missile, but it is supposed to rain pieces of foam on opponents from a hole in the back.

However, if you just put them in and throw it, they will just come out in the first ten feet or so, not something that has use in a war.
So, here is what I did to compensate for that.

See that plug? it has a string coming out of the back, which then goes to one of your hands.
So it is supposed to fly a while, and then have the bach pulled off about mid-flight, and have the pieces of foam:

rain out one by one out of the back of the missile.
Here is a video of the plug coming out after a very short flight.

The only problem is that the foam does not come out of the back when the plug comes out. I have tried many different things including foam size, plug tightness, and missile weight.
Any ideas?
I would really like to get this thing working.
Edited by nerfturtle, 17 November 2007 - 09:34 PM.