Here's my Longshot/DTG integration:

The Longshot gets 70-80' and It has an added NF Spring. The DTG's spring has been replaced by a Firefly Spring, and it gets an average of 40-50'
After I did that integration, I thought about what to do with the other DTG... I looked over at a stock Titan I had laying around, and thought about it for a while. Both guns looked as if they would line up perfectly, and I even had a spare NF plunger rod that would work perfectly for the trigger. After a little planning, I busted open both guns and got to work:

I cut the handles off of the DTG, and cut the Site thing off of the Titan. After a few more adjustments, they fit together perfectly.
Then I trimmed down the DTG trigger and the inside of the Titan case so that they fit. I attached the NF plunger rod to the DTG trigger with some sheet metal, added an extension spring to the whole thing, and suddenly I had a working trigger that looked good, too.
Before I put the gun together, I also removed those retarded little ball bearings in the triggers.

The finished Product:

The Titan has a 1/2" Steel barrel that can fling 6 darts 80' in a spread that's nearly impossible to dodge. Eventually it will have it's own barrel (It's currently borrowing the one from the Double Titan) The DTG get standard ranges.
The Brothers Grimm together:

EDIT: The Longshot has been overhalled! Grimm 2.0
Edited by AssassinNF, 02 May 2009 - 11:51 PM.