Holy shit, a Rebel XTI? Your a photographer or is it one of your parents? The lowest on my Pentax K100D kit lens is f/4.5.
I recall him having a wife, so I doubt he is still with his parents. I also have a Rebel. Amazing quality and capability.
By the way, those #9713 springs will destroy your gun if you aren't careful. That's why my new NF-in-progress hass all excess space filled with hot glue. I will reinforce it with either steel plate or laminated aluminum, and replace the catch spring.
Edited by SHADOW HUNTER ALPHA, 30 August 2007 - 07:27 PM.
The only commonly shared fate among us all is death. I turn to the shadows so that I may not be unfamiliar with hell's corridors when I arrive. - SHADOW HUNTER ALPHA
Founder of the Shadow Militia.
Founder of Nightshade Laboratories and The Nightshade Armament Corporation.