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Post-Turkey Day Blasting

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#1 JPRoth1980



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Posted 28 October 2012 - 06:24 PM

We have a Facebook group. You should sign up. We get neat things.


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Location: Humble City Park/Hilton C. Schott Park
8510 Will Clayton Drive Humble, TX 77396
Date/Time: Saturday November 24th, 11 AM until we get tired.

If you are coming off 59, park in the FIRST parking lot you get to (before the sign, even). We'll be over by the alpine trail in the nice, wooded area with lots of shade and cover. If you need better directions, PM me and I'll give you my number.

What to bring:
-Eye Protection (seriously, guys, let's not get hurt)
-Blasters: Primary, Secondary, Etc. Bring more if you'd like, and loaner blasters are very important if we want to expand. Give the newbies a taste.
-Horribles: Bring at least one truly crap blaster/pistol/what-have-you
-Ball Blasters: We all seemed to have a blast with the ball rounds and they will continue.
-Rocket Launchers, arrows, disc launchers, anything that fires wacky stuff is great!
-Stuff for trading. Work it out in this thread or just bring some choice items. Most of us have a decent collection, so bringing a bunch of crap will just wear you out.
-Hydration. There will be a cooler full of blue Gatorade and bottled water if so needed, and donations are appreciated to cover said cost, but unnecessary.
-Melee is allowed and encouraged. Anything made by Nerf or within Dagohir/Amtgard guidelines is acceptable to me, although I reserve the right to spot-ban anything that I think is unsafe. Shields are more than fine as well, particularly if you're going melee. There will likely be melee rounds since those seem to go over well.
-Darts. Lots of them. There's practically no grass where we've been playing, but you will lose some.
-Good attitude, but that goes without saying.
-FRIENDS. Get people to show up. We have plenty of loaners and we're not going to expand without promoting a little.

What Not to Bring:
-Overly powerful blasters, like a singled Titan or whatnot.
-Crap darts. No exposed metal, please. I personally don't care if you're shooting slugs or domes or stock darts or what have you, but let's not go crazy.
-Camo/Black/Realistic blasters. Historically this hasn't been a problem.

Games played: Lots of free-for-all 3:15, some team/wingman games, likely melee and horrible rounds, the rest depends on attendance.

Mobstacles remain a wonderful dream of mine that has yet to come to fruition, but we'll see what happens with the Mother-In-Law.


JP's wife again, who hopefully will be feeling better by then,
3 of her friends--beware the Girl Squad.

Another note: I am looking for a round plastic sled. If you happen to have one for whatever reason, let me know.

Edited by JPRoth1980, 04 November 2012 - 09:24 AM.

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