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N-strike Spectre Rev-5

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#1 Talio


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Posted 03 June 2010 - 10:38 PM

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Here's what I got from Nerf this morning:


Happy summer! I hope you enjoyed the holiday weekend. I have official information on one more Nerf exclusive blaster to share – the N-Strike Spectre REV-5.

· Available in October

· Exclusively at WalMart

· Combines features of the N-Strike Maverick REV-6 and N-Strike Recon CS-6 blasters

· 5-dart rotating barrel blaster

· Adjustable stock

I’ve attached an image of the N-Strike Spectre REV-5 blaster in package. As usual, we won’t be announcing this info until tomorrow but we're sharing it with you and a few others today.

Unfortunately the news on exclusives will start to slow down a bit now, but keep an eye out for a few other fun things we’re sending your way.

Thanks again!

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#2 jubjub517



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Posted 03 June 2010 - 10:43 PM

That's one ugly mav.
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[18:17] <+Jugs> Hey beefy
[18:17] <+Nerfer> pls dont call me that
[18:18] * Nerfer is now known as Guest17574
[18:18] <+Lucian151> Woah its Beefy Theify
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#3 Echnalaid



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Posted 03 June 2010 - 10:48 PM

Cool. I want it. It might be pretty neat by itself without the attachments, unless it's range is worse than the Maverick.
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There was something on the bottom of the ad that said erotyka. Sounds like something spicy -Renegademilitia15

#4 Broderick



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Posted 03 June 2010 - 11:19 PM

Echnalaid, on Jun 3 2010, 08:48 PM, said:

Cool. I want it. It might be pretty neat by itself without the attachments, unless it's range is worse than the Maverick.

Considering the plunger is about 50% larger than the Maverick, it can't be worse unless it has a horrible stock seal-- which is more than likely.
This one looks pretty cool, I have to admit. I swear that thing on the stock, the gray bulge that almost look like wheels, may be an extra turret. Swappable turrets could make these a really handy primary indoors. I'm excited.
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#5 Echnalaid



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Posted 03 June 2010 - 11:27 PM

Broderick, on Jun 3 2010, 08:19 PM, said:

This one looks pretty cool, I have to admit. I swear that thing on the stock, the gray bulge that almost look like wheels, may be an extra turret. Swappable turrets could make these a really handy primary indoors. I'm excited.

I didn't even notice that until your post. I too think it's another turret.
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There was something on the bottom of the ad that said erotyka. Sounds like something spicy -Renegademilitia15

#6 nerfman600



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Posted 03 June 2010 - 11:29 PM

I don't think it's a swappable turret because it says it has a folding stock which would need something to collapse it right?
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#7 jakejagan



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Posted 04 June 2010 - 12:03 AM

I like how this looks. If the plunger is bigger than a maverick and it has SOME potential, it could be a fast sidearm.
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00:38 jakejagan I hear you guys still bring up the "gangsta shot"
00:38 Bags it is legend now

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17:45 Zorn moral of the story: don't pick on idle mods yo

#8 ejrasmussen



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Posted 04 June 2010 - 12:06 AM

Ugh, I am so tired of reverse plungers.
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#9 tomorrowsDarkness



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Posted 04 June 2010 - 12:49 AM

Are the holes on top of that barrel extension supposed to let air out? Because that's what it looks like it does. :blush:

Though that folding stock looks nifty, why would a pistol need a stock? It looks to be the same size as the Mav, and MAYBE the size of a Recon with the stock on.
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#10 JcommaL



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Posted 04 June 2010 - 12:55 AM

Honestly unless there are some fantastic stock internals, this whole blaster looks pretty redundant. Basically everyone has a maverick already or can get one for pretty cheap, and there really isn't a point to having a stock and extendable barrel on a pistol. Of all the new releases coming out at the end of the Summer, this is the least imaginative design I've seen.
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#11 MavericK96



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Posted 04 June 2010 - 03:43 AM

Here's to hoping it has decent ranges. Otherwise, like everyone else has said, no point.

My guess is it's meant to eventually replace the Maverick.

Edited by MavericK96, 04 June 2010 - 03:47 AM.

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#12 durka durka

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Posted 04 June 2010 - 05:19 AM

We all know that this is going to be a reverse plunger. There's no suprise there. However, the plunger may be bigger/stronger than a maverick's to compensate for the adverse affect the faux barrel attachments have on darts.

It's sad that hasbro seems to be putting more thought into the attachments than the blasters themselves.
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#13 BritNerfMogul



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Posted 04 June 2010 - 06:27 AM

*waves a VERY small flag in celebration*
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#14 Phree Agent

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Posted 04 June 2010 - 08:12 AM

Honestly, I think this gun is mega fugly. Other than that, I don't see it having any more potential than the already boarder-line absolutely awful, Maverick.
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#15 J cobbers

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Posted 04 June 2010 - 08:49 AM

Hmm like a mav but with one less shot, inverse plunger and cocking mechanism like the recon and another faux barrel. Looks like the mounting for the stock is the same as the Recon, but the folding stock is off center. This makes adding a power tube to the stock perhaps more difficult.

Yeah I'll stick with the Mav for now. I'm guessing the price tag on this with be significantly higher than a Mav, because of the accessories that won't really add to the performance. Cute but not really adding anything performance wise.
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#16 coltsboy29



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Posted 04 June 2010 - 09:03 AM

Still, even if it isn't the best gun, it looks like it would a cool gun to just have and mess around with.
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Totally not gettin' siggy with it at all.

#17 T dog

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Posted 04 June 2010 - 10:22 AM

I must say that I'm completely unimpressed with all of the guns spoiled so far.

The Alpha Trooper seems silly when compared to the Raider which most likely has the same internals, also has slam fire, and comes with a drum that holds twice as many darts.

The Spectre seems completely obsolete when compared to the Maverick's six shots, and the Recon whose clip system not only lets it reload faster but allows it to hold between 6-35 darts.

The only one I'm slightly excited for is the Barrel Break since it seems different from everything else nerf has put out in the last couple years, but I'm completely terrified that it, like the rest of the guns I've mentioned, will have zero mod/war potential.

That being said, I guess they may be fun if you are not serious about this hobby. Maybe.

Edited by T dog, 04 June 2010 - 10:24 AM.

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#18 Split



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Posted 04 June 2010 - 11:17 AM

T dog, on Jun 4 2010, 11:22 AM, said:

I guess they may be fun if you are not serious about this hobby.


I love the stock on this thing. I've been looking at making one like it, but it's tricky to adapt to most designs which are based around round tubes (e.g. SNAP) or triangular-pattern stocks (e.g. +bow).
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#19 Coal Ten

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Posted 04 June 2010 - 11:35 AM

A stealth blaster that shoots whistling darts! Genius!

Anyways, kids love this kind of thing. My little cousin glued his recon barrel to his maverick because he thought it improved performance, go figure.
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#20 Hi Yah

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Posted 04 June 2010 - 11:45 AM

Why are all these new blasters all store exclusive?
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The yellow balls are also slightly smaller in diameter than the green ones.

#21 wingd man

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Posted 04 June 2010 - 12:05 PM

I guess, considering the success of the maverick, this makes sense from a business standpoint... but it looks like shit, unlike the maverick, it is bulky, unlike the maverick, and it is probably expensive, unlike the maverick.

Excuse me, I'm gonna go puke into my maverick.
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#22 sllewgh



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Posted 04 June 2010 - 01:01 PM

At everyone who doesn't think this has war/mod potential, does it matter? This looks like it'l be a lot of fun to dick around with/weild. If you've got a beef with the reverse plunger system, come to a serious stock-dart war. You will then realize the unimportance of it. Not saying it's great, or that I'm happy about it, it's just a shame how many people in the community put so much emphasis on modding and not enough on form-factor and how much fun it might be. A Mav with better internals might have nice HvZ potential, and you can always more than likely throw some Recon mods into it. Take all the attachments off, its Mav 2.0.
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#23 Lion



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Posted 04 June 2010 - 01:14 PM

sllewgh, on Jun 4 2010, 02:01 PM, said:

Take all the attachments off, its Mav 2.0.

I like how it looks and will be buying one, that said, with only 5 shots it's more like Mav 0.9
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#24 Salmon



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Posted 04 June 2010 - 02:25 PM

I'm disappointed. I mean, everybody figured it was going to be a crappy version of the Mav though, so I guess no big surprise there. The folding stock is kind of cool, I guess, maybe, but if you put it on a Recon you couldn't put a spring tube on while keeping the folding bit. Whatever.
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#25 durka durka

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Posted 04 June 2010 - 03:02 PM

Hi Yah!, on Jun 4 2010, 12:45 PM, said:

Why are all these new blasters all store exclusive?

Probably because hasbro makes deals with the different stores. What probably happens is that hasbro gets money from a store to sell a blaster only to that store, and the store makes money because you cant go to other stores to get that blaster.

sllewgh, on Jun 4 2010, 02:01 PM, said:

At everyone who doesn't think this has war/mod potential, does it matter? This looks like it'l be a lot of fun to dick around with/weild. If you've got a beef with the reverse plunger system, come to a serious stock-dart war. You will then realize the unimportance of it. Not saying it's great, or that I'm happy about it, it's just a shame how many people in the community put so much emphasis on modding and not enough on form-factor and how much fun it might be. A Mav with better internals might have nice HvZ potential, and you can always more than likely throw some Recon mods into it. Take all the attachments off, its Mav 2.0.

The fun of nerfing does seem to be underrated, and I wish that weren't so.

This blaster did seem like fun to me at first, but then I remembered we have the blaster called the maverick. And guess what? The maverick holds one more shot, is smaller, costs less, and is available now. This is a repackaged maverick and nothing more.

If you're looking for fun, I would get that break breech gun. Hasbro has never done something like that before, and it's bound to be better than the double shot.

Edited by durka durka, 04 June 2010 - 03:02 PM.

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