Hi Yah!, on Jun 4 2010, 12:45 PM, said:
Why are all these new blasters all store exclusive?
Probably because hasbro makes deals with the different stores. What probably happens is that hasbro gets money from a store to sell a blaster only to that store, and the store makes money because you cant go to other stores to get that blaster.
sllewgh, on Jun 4 2010, 02:01 PM, said:
At everyone who doesn't think this has war/mod potential, does it matter? This looks like it'l be a lot of fun to dick around with/weild. If you've got a beef with the reverse plunger system, come to a serious stock-dart war. You will then realize the unimportance of it. Not saying it's great, or that I'm happy about it, it's just a shame how many people in the community put so much emphasis on modding and not enough on form-factor and how much fun it might be. A Mav with better internals might have nice HvZ potential, and you can always more than likely throw some Recon mods into it. Take all the attachments off, its Mav 2.0.
The fun of nerfing does seem to be underrated, and I wish that weren't so.
This blaster did seem like fun to me at first, but then I remembered we have the blaster called the maverick. And guess what? The maverick holds one more shot, is smaller, costs less, and is available now. This is a repackaged maverick and nothing more.
If you're looking for fun, I would get that break breech gun. Hasbro has never done something like that before, and it's bound to be better than the double shot.
Edited by durka durka, 04 June 2010 - 03:02 PM.