Background Info
A shop near me is having a closing down sale. While wandering around something caught my eye. 'Twas a box of spring powered party poppers. I bought a couple of boxes (each containing 12 poppers) and had an idea.
Write up
Here is one of the boxes:

Here is a similar popper on its own: (I forgot to take a picture of my own poppers)

Step one: Cut off all the labels and stickers. Also rip of the card circle on the top and pour out the bits of coloured confetti. Below are 12 (1 box full) without labels, stickers, card tops and confetti:

Step two: Load in seven darts like so:

This is now ready to be fired.
Step three - Firing: Twist the base clockwise (like you would with a glue stick) to fire.
The internals of these things is unsurprisingly simple. It is made up of only four pieces:
This is the twisty base and also part of the catch:

This is what the catch catches on and also what pushes the dart out:

This is the really strong spring:

This is what it is all housed inside:

Here is a picture of how the insides catch:

And here it is after being fired:

1. Pull apart the twisty base from the housing.
2. Put spring back on twisty base.
3. Place the thing that hits the dart on the spring.
4. Push it down and twist it until it catches.
5. Put housing back on and push down until it clicks twice.
It is now ready to have darts loaded into it and be fired again.
Range Test
All these shots were fired at waist height, 40" (3.3' ) at a 45° angle. There are five sets of seven results (five shots). The hall I tested it in is 33" (2.8' )in width, so some of the darts bounced off the walls, killing the range. Spread is around 36" (3.0' ). I am sure better ranges and a tighter spread could be achieved with Stefan’s. Range could also be improved if it were held at shoulder height instead of waist height. Results are as follows:
Set 1
1. 175" (14.6' )
2. 180" (15.0' )
3. 194" (16.2' )
4. 200" (16.7' )
5. 205" (17.1' )
6. 223" (18.6' )
7. 228" (19.0' )
Average: 200" (16.7)
Set 2
1. 224" (18.6' )
2. 225" (18.0' )
3. 231" (19.4' )
4. 232" (19.3' )
5. 239" (19.9' )
6. 240" (20.0' )
7. 250" (20.8' )
Average: 234" (19.5' )
Set 3
1. 143" (11.9' )
2. 202" (16.8' )
3. 205" (17.1' )
4. 206" (17.2' )
5. 207" (17.3' )
6. 222" (18.5' )
7. 239" (19.9' )
Average: 203" (16.9' )
Set 4
1. 167" (13.9' )
2. 172" (14.3' )
3. 178" (14.8' )
4. 182" (15.2' )
5. 211" (17.6' )
6. 227" (18.9' )
7. 233" (19.4' )
Average: 195" (16.3')
Set 5
1. 201" (16.8' )
2. 213" (17.8' )
3. 218" (18.2' )
4. 223" (18.6' )
5. 227" (18.9' )
6. 228" (19.0' )
7. 245" (20.4' )
Average: 222" (18.5')
Total average: 211" (17.6')
Overall I an very pleased with these things, considering how little they cost and how quick they are to produce.
Edited by NerfUK, 09 May 2009 - 05:35 AM.