Thanks for the LOADS of input. And thanks a ton for your input CS, I was really hoping for your input especially. I really wish I could've had access to the internet at work, because now I need to have a long post to reply to every one. lol
"CaptainSlug" said
1. You probably can't use a rubber washer to seal against the trigger rod. The pressure will deform the center of the rubber washer and increase it's ID.
Partly inspiried by Rork's post, could I keep the finishing washer and put goop on the side that'll touch the PVC and use Goop as the seal? Because we fix AT2k's rear seal by spraying slicone on the shaft and gooping it, could I use that INSIDE the tank? Or will it not be flexible enough or will melt under pressure?
2. Getting a good sealed fit between and o-ring and the trigger rod without having tons of friction is difficult.
O-Ring? I never mentioned an O-Ring? >.>
3. Making all of those parts from scratch in a way that results in them being leak-free isn't easy.
I will have to take your word for it. and Draconis's.
4. A rubber washer may not be suitable for the barrel seal either unless it's pre-compressed by a decent size spring. Even though the DCHAP-1 valve has a huge amount of surface area for pressure to work on and the fairly strong maverick spring pushing on it, the valve will still leak at lower pressures.
I have this pretty powerful 15/32'' OD, 3/8'' ID spring that I could use that would DEFINITELY keep the front rubber washer compressed... If I even wind up using any rubber washers.
The AT2k tank has a captive seated o-ring sealing against the stainless steel trigger rod.
Designing and then making parts that utilize o-rings is very hard to do with basic tools.
That is why I was designing this around rubber washers...
slowguitarman, on Dec 5 2008, 12:46 PM, said:
It's actually more like a tank expansion, but has a lot of homemadeness to it. Maybe I'll post a pic of it before I put it in what it's going into.

Splitlip, on Dec 5 2008, 06:49 PM, said:
Where did Galaxy go in all of this?
Went off to work for 9 hours. @.@ Helping my piano teacher make end-of-year music CD's for all 90 of her students.
Hmm. I will definetly have to think and plan about this some more. But I think I can do it... off to ACE Hardware!