So, in preparation for tomorrow's NERF war, I decided to throw together a few new guns. One of them uses an idea I have dubbed "Marvelous Salvo." I originally came up with this idea when designing Arachnophobia III. There are two guns that I really like to use for integrations:
1) Big Salvo (See Arachnopobia)
2) Spiderman Vs. Venom Dart Tag Blaster (See Arachnophobia II).
I like the Big Salvo because of the amazing range it gets. I like the SMDTG's for the trigger system. The downside of one is the strength of the other (Big Salvos have sucky triggers and SMDTG's get crappy ranges) so I decided to take the good parts from each one and put them together. I called the result "Marvelous Salvo." ('Marvelous' because Marvel Comics created Spiderman and 'Salvo' because, well that's obvious).
It is very easy to integrate the "Marvelous Salvo" into any gun. Simply cut off the SMDTG blast chambers and attach Big Salvo blast chambers and then then glue the trigger mech to the shell of the gun to be integrated and put the barrels/blast chambers wherever you want them to be.
I've done this to a couple guns and I'm very pleased with the results. Here it is done to my Big Blast, which I have dubbed "Big Big Blast" (Big Salvo + Big Blast = Big Big Blast):
You're probably wondering how the pump is connected to the "Marvelous Salvo." If you're not, you should. I simply drilled a small hole in the Big Blast's air tank (on the big part between the three posts), trimmed down the end of the tubing and shoved the tubing into the air tank.
The trigger is unbelievably comfortable! I dremelled a small groove on the shell of the gun where the SMDTG push-button trigger is to make it fit my finger just perfectly. The SMDTG trigger is high enough that while I normally grip the gun handle/trigger I can't tell there's anything there. However, with just a slight readjustment of my trigger finger, I'm ready to fire off the Big Salvo rounds.
The whole gun takes about 24 pumps. If I just fire off the main barrel, it only takes the regular number of pumps to refill the Big Blast air tank. The Big Blast barrel gets, of course, ridiculous ranges and the Big Salvo rounds get around 100' flat. Oh yeah, and I'll probably shorten the Big Salvo barrels about 2" to maximize range.
I highly recommend slapping on a "Marvelous Salvo" to your favorite primary for excellent back up shots. The range and accuracy are great and this mod is very easy to do! (Usually you don't have to drill into an airtank for this to work, but that's not very hard either).
Hope you enjoyed your introduction to "Big Big Blast."
Edited by imaseoulman, 28 January 2009 - 09:32 PM.