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#358700 I have an idea for adding swapable barrels to the Alphahawk (would lik

Posted by morpheus1977 on 22 March 2017 - 03:32 PM in Modifications

This is what I am thinking. Grab 1"-3/4 PVC reducer X2 (This may require some sanding to the inner portion of the gun to accommodate the larger outer diameter of the reducer).


Place one reducer right in front of the cylinder, and another towards the front of the blaster, secured in place with your choice of adhesive or other means.)


On the front reducer, drill a small hole in the side, Use a tap and appropriate size threaded screw. For your friction lock. Now you can remove and replace the barrel any length you want.



#358679 Alphahawk barrel extension.

Posted by morpheus1977 on 21 March 2017 - 03:22 PM in Modifications

Has anybody done a barrel extension for the Alphahawk yet?. I have seen 1 picture of an example but with nothing showing HOW they did this. I am mainly looking for a cosplay so It doesn't have to be functional. I want to make the barrel removable so I will have different options. (I.E. use it as a carbine or as a loser rifle).

#264431 Sdno

Posted by morpheus1977 on 05 February 2010 - 03:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Not going.

Nerf swords would be great for that, anyways I could probably go, I live in El Cajon....San Diego's only like 15 minutes away. Unfortunately I'm going on a cruise ship for a week from the 19th of January to the 26th. But if it's before then great, all I have to do is ask my parents, otherwise I can do it.

My armaments are the Recon, Raider, a pair (2) of Mavericks, and a pair of Strikefires, oh and also I have 1 blue and 1 yellow nerf swords

Every gun there is stock, unmodded, and also I want the host of the war to know that this is gonna be my first war so I'll probably be asking ALOT of questions and annoying him/her to no end because of that, heh heh

Ok I know double posting is extremely erotic but I needed to make a correction, I meant to quote Fragtacular because his zombie comment is what I was referring to when I said Nerf swords would be great for that

I would be interested in going also if this is still in the works. I live in Santee so it would not be that far for me either. I would be bringing a couple of recons. A long strike,raider and a Vulcan. All have had the AR's removed except for the Vulcan. (I do have a 75 round chain for it though) This would also be my first Nerf war. I hope it gets off of the ground.

#263678 Turning The Nerf Bandolier Into A Belt.

Posted by morpheus1977 on 29 January 2010 - 05:34 PM in Modifications

How many times do I have to tell you kids this. Don't post these write ups until you can show your final product. If you have pictures at home, wait till you get home to post the whole thread.

I was at work and decided to just post this up I will add the appropriate step by step pictures on Sat. Also was not sure if you were being sarcastic but I am 32 LOL

#263672 Turning The Nerf Bandolier Into A Belt.

Posted by morpheus1977 on 29 January 2010 - 03:56 PM in Modifications

Pictures would help.

I know I have my pictures on my PC at home I will be posting them this weekend.

#263660 Turning The Nerf Bandolier Into A Belt.

Posted by morpheus1977 on 29 January 2010 - 12:43 PM in Modifications

So this will be my first Mod post. But not for a nerf laucher this will be for the Nerf Bandolier. Just like the title states this a quick little mod. Now I know what you are thinking "its a bandolier its meant to be warn over the shoulder Chewie style." I totally agree. But for me I have a feeling it would slide off my shoulder during crazy nerf wars. So I wanted to turn mine into a belt. Its really easy. Things you will need.
1 The Nerf Bandolier (duh)
2. scissors.
3. Fabrictac (or some other fabric Glue)
4. A wide enough belt that the bandolier will rest on. Or if you are like me. A belt blank(and assorted belt finishing materials) from a leather store like Tandy Leather. That way you can have a personalized belt.
5. Pop or Craft rivets.
6. Lighter.
7. Heavy Duty Paper Clips. (The Black kind with the fold over grips.)
This is a really easy mod to do. I will post pics of my mod this weekend.
So step one. Lay the Bandolier (from now on abreviated NB) flat on a table. you want to cut the end of the NB off just before the first elastic strap. Save the material for a later step.
#2. You want to take the lighter to the frayed ends of the NB from where you cut the excess off. This will get rid of any frayed end and will slightly melt and char each end to prevent more fraying.
#3. (this part is assuming you have a premade belt or a belt blank already made the way you want)
lay the NB onto your belt and position it to where you would like it. Mark where the NB end on the belt using a pencil.
#4 apply a generous ammount of the Fabrictac to the underside of the NB and then lay it onto the belt. Using the Heavy Duty paper clips use them as claps for the NB and belt. Let it dry for 24 hours.
#5. For extra support I would either use some pop rivets or flat hammer rivets to Rivet the NB to the Belt.
#6. Attach the C clips to some of the extra material left over and then rivet those to your belt. So you have use of thos clips.
So that is a down and dirty Mod for turning the NB into a belt. I will post pics of mine this weekend. If anybody has any comments or constructive crit on how to improve this Idea please share.

#263107 Longstrike Cs-6 Revealed

Posted by morpheus1977 on 25 January 2010 - 01:12 PM in General Nerf

apparently these are starting to pop up. I have seen several on ebay from a seller in El Cajon CA, has any body else found one??
"Edit" These are now for sale on Amazon.

#261887 Longstrike Cs-6 Revealed

Posted by morpheus1977 on 14 January 2010 - 11:17 PM in General Nerf

When I went to walmart today. I noticed they had the new shelving diagrams taped to the shelves and on the spot where the bottom shelf would be it said nerf longstrk so it looks like they could be hitting sooner than later.

#168102 An Idea For Storing Vulcan Extra Long Ammo Belts.

Posted by morpheus1977 on 11 August 2008 - 01:25 PM in Modifications

Well, you could store belts in your backpack, but you could'nt feed them into the Vulcan from your backpack. The gears in the blaster don't have that much strength to pull a chain longer than 25. You can do a 50 chain, but that is pushing it. The gears have a lot of stress put on them, and there is a small part that breaks a lot when you put too much stress on the gears. But if this is'nt what you were thinking of, try to be a little more specific. Or, were you talking about single fire mode?

(even if you only let 25 rounds at a time hang out of the pack?)Thats exactly what I was thinking. To bad that would be an awsome way to carry a lot of ammo..

#168096 An Idea For Storing Vulcan Extra Long Ammo Belts.

Posted by morpheus1977 on 11 August 2008 - 01:17 PM in Modifications

Has anybody toyed with the idea of using a back pack to store an extra long ammo belt for the culcan? You could cut a whole in the bottom of the bag for the belt to come out of and then feed into the breach.

#101082 Star Wars Nerf Blasters

Posted by morpheus1977 on 14 March 2007 - 06:22 PM in General Nerf

I don't think they are out yet, but I'm not sure

they just came out I picked up the clone trooper blast not really to scale but still kinda cool

#101078 Star Wars Nerf Blasters

Posted by morpheus1977 on 14 March 2007 - 06:07 PM in General Nerf

Has any body picked up the new SW Nerf Blasters yet?

#98384 Wanted To Ask The Experts

Posted by morpheus1977 on 16 January 2007 - 07:22 PM in Modifications

ok i believe that that is the light/sound system from a starwars clone blaster, so you would want the light by the barrel somehow, or right under the clip import, or above, and the speaker can go anywhere that u can fit it, and drill holes so the sound can come out, you might need to extend the wires with some more wire, and some solder.

You are exactly correct sniperdude

#98314 Wanted To Ask The Experts

Posted by morpheus1977 on 15 January 2007 - 12:12 PM in Modifications

oops it was kinda late last night when I did this. (I Know no excuse) LOL but its now edited

#98306 Wanted To Ask The Experts

Posted by morpheus1977 on 15 January 2007 - 02:44 AM in Modifications

I want to take this.
Posted Image
and install it into this. (BTW I have to thank Captain Slug for posting this pick it has come in quite handy several times)
Posted Image
now obviously the round part is the speaker I will be using a smaller battery box and the square piece between the speaker and the batteries is the circuitry and switch and the two parts to the right are obviously the LED's I will be adding one or two more to this but I wanted the experts opinion on the best way of installing this into my LS

#97714 Electronics Inside Of A Ls

Posted by morpheus1977 on 04 January 2007 - 07:07 PM in Modifications

to be honest its for a costume I belong to the sandiego star wars society. We are a not for profit organization we do charity events parades all sorts of cool stuff and I have a custom bounty hunter costume. I Have adapted the LS to my costume with a custome paint job I modified the stock a little bit so I wanted to add lights and sounds so I wanted to come to the experts and get your guys opinion.

Well, it depends. Are you wanting the Longshot to still be able to fire after you add the electronics? If you are, I'm not quite sure where you're going to put the light.

well I was thinking on the main gun where the grill is at on either side couldnt I feed the line for the lights into that drill some holes on the inside part of the gril and that is where the light would come out.

#97699 Electronics Inside Of A Ls

Posted by morpheus1977 on 04 January 2007 - 02:28 PM in Modifications

to be honest its for a costume I belong to the sandiego star wars society. We are a not for profit organization we do charity events parades all sorts of cool stuff and I have a custom bounty hunter costume. I Have adapted the LS to my costume with a custome paint job I modified the stock a little bit so I wanted to add lights and sounds so I wanted to come to the experts and get your guys opinion.

#97693 Electronics Inside Of A Ls

Posted by morpheus1977 on 04 January 2007 - 01:08 PM in Modifications

But why? :blink:

but why what?? why do I want to do this??

#97687 Electronics Inside Of A Ls

Posted by morpheus1977 on 04 January 2007 - 01:27 AM in Modifications

this would obviously be for looks only. But I wanted to ask the experts. How hard do you think it would be to take the electronics from a toy gun (like a storm trooper blaster) and put it inside of a LS so when you pull the trigger it makes the noise, lites up the works?

#91728 Insterting Electronics

Posted by morpheus1977 on 11 October 2006 - 12:19 AM in Modifications

sorry its to my Long Shot the whole harness will consist of 2 AA batteries with the battery box some wire and three LED's like the kind you would see next to a power knob on a speaker or something like that. also the back end of the LED will sticking inside of the gun about a 3-4 of an inch I and also the power switch I hope I can put those where they will not be hitting something vital BTW THANKS for the pic...

#91724 Insterting Electronics

Posted by morpheus1977 on 11 October 2006 - 12:02 AM in Modifications

I am going to be modding my LS for use with my Halloween costume and I am going to be adding some LED's my question is. Is there enough Dead space in the LS to accomidate 2 AA battery Pack some wiring (bunched of course) and the LED's will be sticking out of the LS some where...

#89319 New Longshot Mod/integration

Posted by morpheus1977 on 07 September 2006 - 10:27 PM in Modifications

hey every body I have been lurking for a while and have seen some great ideas but I do have a question about the long shot front gun. I want to keep it attached to the front of the long shot for the extended look and have it be able to fire, but not have the handle attached to it is there a way to mod it to where pulling back on the priming handle will prime and then just automaticly fire it??