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#72277 Nerfers In Henderson Nevada?

Posted by Switchblade on 04 February 2006 - 04:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Dear kids,
Nerf on Frappr. Love, Switchblade.

#71859 Nerf On Frappr

Posted by Switchblade on 29 January 2006 - 12:18 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm on there.
Cincinnati, OH

#71426 Nerf Mag

Posted by Switchblade on 21 January 2006 - 10:13 PM in General Nerf

There was one with the word foam in the title. Foam Damage maybe? Something like that. If somebody knows what I'm talking about, help a brother out.
Google that.

#71275 Painted Sharpshooter Ii

Posted by Switchblade on 19 January 2006 - 09:46 PM in Modifications


#70925 'dragonfly' Maverick, Anodized Green.

Posted by Switchblade on 13 January 2006 - 11:49 AM in Modifications

Nicely done, sir. I may just grab one very soon....I need to buy another NiteFinder though, and I think we know which one is the better value. But wow, that's awesome stuff. Thanks for the tips on paint.

#70693 Climb Etc

Posted by Switchblade on 09 January 2006 - 05:54 PM in Homemades


And you're assuming that the TItan is going to shoot one hundred feet. Through a curved pipe.

Thanks Talio, just throwing in my two cents.

#70691 Nf In A New Color Scheme

Posted by Switchblade on 09 January 2006 - 05:50 PM in General Nerf

Tigatron was a pimp. Too bad his lady died.

#70549 Nerf Online

Posted by Switchblade on 06 January 2006 - 08:39 PM in General Nerf

Haha, yeah. He really ought to have one from fairly recently.

But yeah, I might go with him if I have free time. Because hax0rs are teh sux0r. And I think it will be really funny. Hackers are usualy not that intimidating of people.

And yeah, Hal has always kinda seemed jerky and seemed to think he was really paving the way to the future or something.

#70533 Nerf Online

Posted by Switchblade on 06 January 2006 - 03:38 PM in General Nerf

Back on topic, X-Forums was hacked. By a clown named d1r3kt. Who was smart enough to post about it on some other forum.
My good friend found all of his personal info and actually talked to him, and he gave him his address. He is going to go visit him (he lives about an hour away). Just to put the fear of God in him. The jerk deleted all of the archives, including on the role-playing stuff. Not cool.

And yeah, I think I liked NO because it was my first Nerf forum. NH is much more professional and geared towards contributing information and helping one another.
And it's more fun without trolls. :D

#70484 Penny Arcade!

Posted by Switchblade on 05 January 2006 - 04:58 PM in General Nerf

PA is awesome, it cracks me up. That is truly killer that the Nerf folks got a shout-out in the video-game communtiy, especially at freakin' Penny Arcade. Who knows, maybe some people will dig out their old Secret Shots.

"The best part about placentas is cold placenta sandwiches the next day."

#70228 Nerfhaven In The Press!

Posted by Switchblade on 01 January 2006 - 02:16 PM in General Nerf

Yeah, I don't endorse leaving rude comments either. Who comes across as the petty one, here? And yeah, he jokes about the NH folks being nerds, but then he says "nah, I should cut them a break, they found something they like."
And really, you sound like 7th graders. Which you very well may be. Way to represent the sport and the community.
Anyway, yeah. Happy New Year, everyone.

#70216 Nerfhaven In The Press!

Posted by Switchblade on 01 January 2006 - 01:15 AM in General Nerf

DUde, that article was the one I was talking about being around here. I live in Cincinnati, that's from the Cincinnati Enquirer. Blue Ash is like 10 minutes away from me. Good times, though, haha. People will always blow stuff up, most parents are smart enough to not buy everything they read.

Did it mention the "invisible rule"? That thing was awesome.

#70093 Nerfhaven In The Press!

Posted by Switchblade on 29 December 2005 - 02:04 PM in General Nerf

Holy poop, it's Groove himself. Nice to see you, man.

And yeah, I think you probably have a fan club here.

#70063 Nerfhaven In The Press!

Posted by Switchblade on 28 December 2005 - 11:05 PM in General Nerf

Hey, don't hate. And I do go to a lot of shows, but I am no fashion-whore. And yes, i will hardcore dance. And do it well. But we're cool......for now. DUN DUN DUN

Anyway, yeah, this isn't Something Awful material. We have too many hard-asses. Because aliens-probed-my-butt people just yell "IT'S TRUE!". We shoot them in the face. With Nerf guns. Modded. HARD.

#70026 Nerfhaven In The Press!

Posted by Switchblade on 28 December 2005 - 10:26 AM in General Nerf

Thanks, Taita. And man, he's really good at the graphic design stuff!

And I think MySpace is good. Unless you're a whore. Which is 50% of the people on there. I mainly use it to keep in touch with bands and local shows and stuff. Plus, I have met some pretty darn cool folks through it. Plus I was on it before it was hot, so I'm not "OMG ADD ME." If I think you're cool or like your band or whatever, I'll add you.

Somewhat on topic: Anyone else ever have an article in the paper about local nerf wars? A lot of high schools around here did monster ones over a few weeks, but one was just ridiculous. I thuoght that was pretty neat.


#69945 Nerf Rpg

Posted by Switchblade on 27 December 2005 - 10:09 AM in Homemades

Wow, that's just downright hot. Nice job, Renegade, you're really contributing some great stuff to the NIC. I am still pretty excited about the Barricade Buster's, so it was nice to see this too. Plus, that's got quite an intimidation factor to it. Peace.


#69944 Nerfhaven In The Press!

Posted by Switchblade on 27 December 2005 - 10:05 AM in General Nerf

Groove probably is our hottest nerd, though with my new shaggy hair I can look pretty "scene". What is the Gr00ve-meister up to? College? I haven't really been around here in a while.

#69883 Nerfhaven In The Press!

Posted by Switchblade on 26 December 2005 - 03:04 PM in General Nerf

Yeah, I just realized there are no comments on anything on there. But whatever.
And yeah, that picture is almost "Napoleon Dynamite"-ish. We need to have a photo shoot with the sexiest, most stylish nerfers for Nerf to use in their next product catalog.

Any other interesting finds related to Nerf? They don't just have to be about NerfHaven.

#69878 Nerfhaven In The Press!

Posted by Switchblade on 26 December 2005 - 02:20 PM in General Nerf

Nerfhaven gets props

Just some random blog, but I thought it was interesting. Found it by googling "Nerfhaven". Anyone else have interesting finds?


#69210 Heavyarms Rf20 Custom

Posted by Switchblade on 14 December 2005 - 03:58 PM in Modifications

That is killer, man. And let's face it, everybody digs freakin Gundam Heavyarms. In Endless Waltz, I think I peed myself a little when I saw the new Heavyarms.
Anyway, I'd imagine you'd want to attempt to make one handle and put the air tubes directly next to each other? Just an idea. Cool idea, even if it isn't practical, way to puruse it anyway. Peace!

#68477 Bass And Guitar Amp Suggestions

Posted by Switchblade on 27 November 2005 - 04:58 PM in Off Topic

For bass, I would suggest the Behringer BX108 Thunderbird Bass amplifier. It's only 15 watts but it has a really nice tone and is just a solid solid choice. Check it here. Great tone, impossible to blow the speaker out (I pretty much tried), and it has computer recording capabilities and a headphone jack. So yeah. It's $80.
For guitar, I'd suggest anything by Crate. They're the best value.

#46337 Dbf #21 : The Troll Saga - Finale

Posted by Switchblade on 20 January 2005 - 06:12 PM in News

Very well done, good job. And I think we'd all prefer a sucession of quality strips rather than you straining to squeeze one out every 2 months. This was a very good one...More of a comic book style with the panels and certainly more action. The drama was funny in mocking itself, but cool at the same time. So nice job and good luck with the schoolwork!

#46300 Portable Pressure Sprayer

Posted by Switchblade on 19 January 2005 - 05:11 PM in Modifications

Posted Image

Courtesy of Nerfonline.


#46152 Maverick Locations

Posted by Switchblade on 14 January 2005 - 10:39 PM in General Nerf

I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet, so I will. They're on eBay, with Buy It Now prices of around $20-25 and lower starting bids, but most likely those bids will end up in the same price range.

Man, I got out of the Nerf loop, but when I came back and saw this....It's a beautiful thing. I'm excited.

EDIT: Sorry, i posted the wrong link. Maverick pics, discussion, etc.


#6459 Happy Birthday To Julie!

Posted by Switchblade on 02 July 2003 - 05:52 PM in Off Topic

Happy B-Day Julie!! What did C give you? :(

Must...resist..mention of sex!

#6457 Stefan Straightening

Posted by Switchblade on 02 July 2003 - 05:51 PM in Homemades

I haven't tried this, but maybe sticking it in the freezer in some PVC or something? I dunno, just an idea.

#6146 Bonsai Kittens

Posted by Switchblade on 27 June 2003 - 10:03 PM in Off Topic

Dammit Ash, you didn't get the Bonsai Kitty litter™?! You're so irresponsible. "No, I swear, the bones move into place after a while!" Then I find out you broke it's bones! Fool...

#6113 Bonsai Kittens

Posted by Switchblade on 27 June 2003 - 01:19 PM in Off Topic

I always wondered if it was...But no, they had to reassure me it was real. I feel silly now. I didn't thouroghly(sp?) investigate it or anything though. So my bad, and that's pretty funny. Cxwq: wow, that's great.

#6098 Bonsai Kittens

Posted by Switchblade on 27 June 2003 - 10:46 AM in Off Topic

Yeah, I saw that a while back. It's so messed up. There aren't any graphic pictures on the site, except one, but you have to e-mail the Admin to get permission to see it. Like anyone would want to...But yeah, they put them in a bottle, and eventually their bones break/bend until they fit the bottle. They can't take them out though, or all their bones will get screwed. Seriously, it's some wrong stuff. That disgusts me.

#6075 Age Of Nerfers

Posted by Switchblade on 26 June 2003 - 07:21 PM in General Nerf

AH! So wrong. A mix of horror and laughing very hard. That is so wrong....You guys are the masters.

And that saddle was uncomfortable.

#6013 East Side...West Side...

Posted by Switchblade on 25 June 2003 - 02:06 PM in General Nerf

From what I understand, they're down with parents. I mean look at the YANO pictures. Anyway, we're talking freakin' Armageddon. The war to end all wars. Who cares if you have to bring your dad? Heck, he could enjoy it.

#5950 Age Of Nerfers

Posted by Switchblade on 23 June 2003 - 05:16 PM in General Nerf

Yeah, most schools have "band geeks" who are heckled. Being in band doesn't make you cool, but people don't think less of you if you're in it. In fact, it's a hell of a way to make friends...That is, if your section isn't full of assholes. But yeah, good times.

#5937 Age Of Nerfers

Posted by Switchblade on 23 June 2003 - 12:01 PM in General Nerf

I'm going to be a freshman. Hoo boy. Well, 8th grade sucked anyway. Marching band oughta be pretty rockin'. You see, at my school marching band is cool. The band people are considered cool. It rocks. Anyway, I'm young for my grade so I'm turning 14 in early July.

#5933 East Side...West Side...

Posted by Switchblade on 23 June 2003 - 10:58 AM in General Nerf

East side, fool. I be from Ohio, down in the 'Nati. If only New Jersey was next to Ohio...then Apoc would be a realistic trip for me.

Vacc: I agree, the polls are not being used very well. Just let the mods make 'em or something.
Me and my friends had a Invision forum a while back, and I was an Admin. It's so easy to use. Gooood.

#5813 Just Starting

Posted by Switchblade on 19 June 2003 - 02:46 PM in General Nerf

Okay, a couple things.

Foam Backer Rod: Look in your local Home Depot. Ask an employee. I had a hell of a time finding it without him. If you're doing micros (there's only 2 sizes; mega and micro, micro's the smaller one), get 1/2 in.

Brass: Look at a local hobby shop (you know, the places with remote control stuff and models). You're gonna want to look for 9/16 in. brass for most of the mods.

#5811 Stefans Weights

Posted by Switchblade on 19 June 2003 - 02:37 PM in General Nerf

Okay, someone (say, a mod?) seriously needs to sticky a thread with all valuable information about Stefans. Mmmk? And like Spoon said, 1/4 lb slingshot ammo. Anyway, this damn flood control...yarr.

#5810 Eagle Eye

Posted by Switchblade on 19 June 2003 - 02:34 PM in Modifications

I was able to look at the page, but all but 2 of the pictures had that wonderful little X. I dunno maybe it was the bandwidth. Whatever.

#5749 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Switchblade on 17 June 2003 - 02:03 PM in Nerf Wars

Groove...do you really want that? Think about it, man. We're talking about Spoon.

Spoon: You tell Groove it's cancelled 2 hours before he leaves and tell everyone else it is, but let them know it's a joke. Then you proceed to have the best Armageddon ever and rub it in his face, complete with pictures and war stories. Nice, eh?

Just kidding, if you can read this. It would be unfortunate if you couldn't.

#5731 God Bless

Posted by Switchblade on 16 June 2003 - 04:31 PM in General Nerf

Cxwq- dude, ban this unregistered biotch. BANHAMMER! It's hammer time! *MC Hammer music comes in, much dancing and n00b bashing ensues.*

Yeah, but seriously. Ban.

#5714 Rf20 Problems

Posted by Switchblade on 15 June 2003 - 05:51 PM in Modifications

Same thing kinda happened to me...I think you somehow threw off the barrels when taking off the casing. You see, I opened the whole thing, took out the barrels, but didn't mess with it anymore than that. I put the casing back on, and it doesn't work. But I can't find my mini-screwdrivers(!). If I could find those bastards I'd be done with a whole lot of mods by now. YAAAR! I need new ones.