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#38065 Expanding On The "zero Valve"

Posted by Viper on 30 September 2004 - 07:48 PM in Homemades

That is ideal! The only kind I know of has a metal matrix on the inside of the hose. Does your valve release air more efficiently than the zero valve?

#363192 Drain Blaster Questions

Posted by Viper on 15 July 2018 - 10:18 PM in Homemades

Does anyone have any research into which drain blaster creates highest pressure for highest performance meaning highest fps?

#38129 All Major Foam Guns Ever Made

Posted by Viper on 01 October 2004 - 10:40 PM in General Nerf

I want to start a list with all the major foam guns and brands ever made, pictures would be helpful but not essential.
I'll start with the major brands:
Rappn Fire
Milton Bradley

#47321 Why Nerf Is The Ulitimate Sport

Posted by Viper on 15 February 2005 - 09:52 PM in General Nerf

It all comes down to semantics, its however you define it. Hell, chess club can be a sport TO ME if I want to call it that. There are no absolutes in language.

#47305 Why Nerf Is The Ulitimate Sport

Posted by Viper on 15 February 2005 - 03:06 PM in General Nerf

I think nerf's more popular than you think. Even though we may have only a seemingly small amount of active members, many people might either causually surf the internet for mods and reviews, like I do for airsoft and paintball because I have no need to sign up for every site I see. In offices its becoming more commonplace to the extent that MAXIM and many male-oriented sites have pointers on nerf. Nerf does have the intrisnic "pump" balance where the more powerfull guns are single shot and require skill and the diversity of weapons is very great and cheap.

#67974 Why

Posted by Viper on 19 November 2005 - 02:21 AM in Off Topic

I love airsoft, but I really don't get the point of this topic? Nerf and airsoft are like apples and pears. Paintball isn't too much fun and is prohibitively expensive.

#35061 Crazy E-bay Guy Again

Posted by Viper on 24 August 2004 - 01:32 PM in General Nerf

Why thank you captainCC. 85 feet angled was the powerclip. If you go to nerfcenter it has powerclip max range at 78 feet. 102 feet angled was the rototrack which I Meantioned earlier. All clear???

#34916 Crazy E-bay Guy Again

Posted by Viper on 22 August 2004 - 10:18 PM in General Nerf

I tested it and it does shoot 85 feet max(angled). Nerfcenter has it at 78 feet, so I don't see the big deal( 7 foot differential). If you guys want to buy them I could guarantee these numbers. If you don't think I'm telling the truth then don't buy the guns, its that simple. As much of an "asshat" or "con" I am I can guarantee the ranges. My descriptions aren't inflated at all, and if you'd actually test these guns out yourself,you might figure it out. Just make a good seal w/ a crayola barrel using tape on the back end,stuff it in the track. Then you can use what is most likely a common stronger spring the same size as the rototrack's(length) or you can order one of these springs from me. 17/32 brass also works,but the only place I've received that is from past aucitons in which I bought a brassed gun. I didn't do any extra sealing on the plunger w/ masking tape, because I screwed up my chainblazer doing that.

#34859 Crazy E-bay Guy Again

Posted by Viper on 22 August 2004 - 01:28 PM in General Nerf

Ya thanx, links.

#35097 Crazy E-bay Guy Again

Posted by Viper on 24 August 2004 - 08:15 PM in General Nerf

eeech... I got a few for me and a few against. Somehow the fact that a crayola barrel modded track gets almost 90 feet angled doesn't cross their minds. 12 more feet was added on by the spring. How do you know thirst? How do you know I didn't add on a titanium spring that was 4x as thick? based on my given information, you can't assume for certain I achieved or didn't achieve these distances. How does drilling a hole make the seal worse? How are crayola barrels sloppy? If you bore them out you have a plastic barrel and plastic is self-luricating unlike brass, so the resistance is less coming out of the barrel.

#34814 Crazy E-bay Guy Again

Posted by Viper on 21 August 2004 - 11:19 PM in General Nerf

That's me actually and it will shoot farther than my modded x-bow, bceause its spring got replaced by an aco hardware spring and its modded to shoot micros.I drilled holes in the back of the chain also. I haven't brassed my modded xbow yet, but it still gets 97 feet max. You could try buying it and find out for yourself if you'd like. They are crayola barrels w/ tape on the back to seal them in well. It is very accurate, though it does shoot high( like a brassed arrowstorm does) and the crayola barrels can be taken out with pliers fairly quickly. My sold modded xbow got 120ft w/ arrows but I sold that like a few years ago after the plunger seal stretched and busted due to the stress ( I also broke the cocking mechanism)IN that case I just did the Stephen Mohr mod,taped up a better seal for the plunger and added a REALLY tense peice of surgical tubing. When I was little I used to use that modded xbow to shoot at birds around my neighborhood. I got one every so often, still I shot a few birds w/ a nerf gun.

#35112 Crazy E-bay Guy Again

Posted by Viper on 24 August 2004 - 10:14 PM in General Nerf

I just wanted to use that as an example(titanium spring) so as he understood that he doesn't own my rototrack and cannot therefore, by given information prove my ranges false. I was told by a guy in a machineshop that plastic was self-lubricating when asking about brass as a material. Has anyone actually tested these lubricants effectiveness? I am certain that a liquid lubricant on the inside of barrel would not be benficial and lubrication on the plunger would not either, I've tested both on my modded xbow. The only kind of lubricant that I could see as benficial is graphite lubricant, but I have yet to test that. No I do not have flat ranges on my modded rototrack,but since the powerclip gets 78feet max according to NC and 32 feet parrallel to ground an I measured a powerclip's max to 85 feet. That leaves an approximate 2.4375 ratio for max distance to flat distance(NC) and since the ammo type tested is identical,that leaves my flat range at approximately 42 feet.

#35137 Crazy E-bay Guy Again

Posted by Viper on 25 August 2004 - 11:11 AM in General Nerf

but PTG can be somewhat ambiguous. Is it exactly parralell to the ground in the testing? Max distance gives the viewer an idea, if he knows the ratio's using certain guns of how far something shoots. A tornado parrallel to the ground is its max distance while a powerclip parrallel to ground is not. Still during any given nerf war, most people angle their gun slightly for longer shots to compensate. (response to lowerpost) I know cxwq, lol and thank you. I don't know about you guys but I am spent on this topic :o

#34846 Crazy E-bay Guy Again

Posted by Viper on 22 August 2004 - 08:18 AM in General Nerf

Sorry fellas, I meant Stefan Mohr. Anyway, it shoots 102 feet angled, which isn't that great,but its a semi-auto repeater.

#56164 How Can I Get A Hold Of Andy Of Nerfcenter?

Posted by Viper on 31 May 2005 - 06:37 PM in General Nerf

I've tried going through his site links etc. and have come up empty on contacting Andy Grau. Does anyone know his active email? I am looking to help in some way, maybe through funding etc. so we can get NC back into the groove.

#56249 How Can I Get A Hold Of Andy Of Nerfcenter?

Posted by Viper on 01 June 2005 - 12:15 PM in General Nerf

Thanks guys, I appreciate it. LOL, I've known that for awhile OMC, while his graphics are pretty and his reviews are neat the guys ego seems to be insane. The guy claims to have his own "legal team" for nerfcenter and if you listen to the way he posts his language is full of signs of delusions of grandeur as if NC is some fortune 500 corporation.

#40471 Thrift Stores?

Posted by Viper on 01 November 2004 - 02:28 PM in General Nerf

Sorry cxwq, I didn't bother to do the calculations. I guess he was a bullshiter. I bought 6 powerclips off amazon a while back for $5 each and sold 4 of the each for over $30, so it can at least be supplemental. Think if you bought 300 of them at $5 each = 1500 and sold each for 30 = 9000 revenue. That's discluding the auciton fees and the such and now I am convinced a decent income is impossible, but you could help pay for college or at least survive through it that way. I've made about 1500 off all my mcdonalds' paychecks at 6.50 an hour and made over 2grand off all my nerf guns i've sold, in profit. 2 grand in 6 months isn't much, but its still some money. A week ago some guy 60 units of tornado x-2 pieces for $77 + $100 shipping. If you could buy in bulk, though its not really aftermarket, then you could make a great deal of money.

#40478 Thrift Stores?

Posted by Viper on 01 November 2004 - 04:23 PM in General Nerf

The only other idea that I though would work would be mass-scale thrift store involvement. The buyer would contact major thrift stores and set up a deal to resell the nerf toys for about 2x the price and the buyer would use private investors and loans to purchase these and pu them up for auction, then I realized everything in the process would have to be automated and even putting them up for auction would require many people. In the end, you are right it is impossible to make any reasonable amount of money off of nerf guns. Amazon's sale lasted a little while, so there were prob more than 300 of them, so if I can I will bankrole as many as I can get if it ever happens again. It would be interesting to start an extreme sports store that included modded nerf,airsoft, and paintball. You could maybe get hasbro to support such an experimental establishment and expand their revenue after people raalize how much cheaper nerf is and much more balanced of a game it is, how much fun the mod process is, and consequently how much easier it is to organize a game.

#40463 Thrift Stores?

Posted by Viper on 01 November 2004 - 01:45 PM in General Nerf

I was just curious cuz a guy I bought from in georgia makes his living off buying nerf guns at thrift stores and selling them on ebay. He makes over 50K a year tax free of it.

#46338 Maverick Issues

Posted by Viper on 20 January 2005 - 08:10 PM in Modifications

I've never noticed any problems with it. I think nerf would listen as faulty products can hurt sales.

PS: okto my razorbeast?

#40341 Thrift Stores?

Posted by Viper on 31 October 2004 - 11:15 AM in General Nerf

Thanks okto. I live near detroit michigan off m-59 highland road (milford). I think I've seen a few.

#40325 Thrift Stores?

Posted by Viper on 31 October 2004 - 01:14 AM in General Nerf

Anyone know of specfic thrift stores you guys have found that carry a great deal of nerf guns?

#38761 Political Equity

Posted by Viper on 10 October 2004 - 10:24 PM in Off Topic

As much as I hate Saddam Hussein, I hate hunger and emachines computers all the same. With $87 billion dollars we could have saved millions from hunger just by sending food and still have some left over for scientific research.After all it is a fact that with the amount of money we spend on ammunition alone each yer we could feed the world 4 times over. Bush wants America to be afraid of terrorists, and of impotent leaders like Saddam Hussein that no longer cause the world any threat, especially since he didn't have WMD'S! I mean Clinton lied about his personal life and made a mistake, but how can you make a mistake and fight a war over it. As far as "evil-doers" go, Africa, all of the middile east, and latin america has plenty of them all posing as much threat as that 3rd world shithole iraq. How about the "undemocratic" Saudi-Arabia? Oh wait they have oil..... Iraq does too but they're bad, now that Halliburton has every oil contract in iraq that's all cleared up. Does anyone remeber when we tried to rig the filipino elections? Or how about us throwing out democratic governments in Latin America and replacing them with bribed dictators since Teddy Roosevelt set out to do it. People don't be nieve, as many people that have dies from terrorist attacks, many more will die from inadequate healthcare under the Bush administration. Don't forget the 2 trillion dollar raise in the national debt in the last 4 years from 5-7 trillion even though our total federal revenue per year is less than 1trillion. As for tax cuts? ONly benfitted the wealthy, for everyone else was left with enough cash to buy a huffy. If the current tax was raised only 5% on the top 2% of people in the tax bracket, we could generate 600-800 billion dollars more in revenue almost doulbing it, saving the country from bankruptcy and social security. As for the bipartisan system, that's how it is britain and many other democracies, it has to do with funding and building an adequate campaign infrastructure, its very hard to start from scratch unless one of the other parties screws up big. In the debate Bush was more precise and actually thought about what he as saing, albeit simple, while Kerry was trying to run away from questioing about his past.Though Bush's math was little off since his medicare and scocial security reform will cost a combined 2 trillion per year, though we make an average of 10% of the GDP, which should be about 1.4trillion, is 900 billion and the record deficit was set for this year: 422billion, imagine what it would be if we enacted these plans? 25% of your money goes to pay off interest from the national debt and the interest isn't getting any smaller from our banks on loans to the federal governamnet. Kerry's policy was domestically far better, as biollionaires Warren Buffet and George Soros have already endorsed Kerry.

#38874 Political Equity

Posted by Viper on 12 October 2004 - 06:42 PM in Off Topic

LoL....I guess I can say anything and say that I am not racist. How about blacks kills white babies, its a fact that doesn't have a source, so who's to say it isn't a fact? But wait I can say I am not racist after that, though it is total hypocrisy ^_^ and its all better. Being black has nothing to do with those people, for the genetics corresponding with skin color and various other chararcteristics of blacks have nothing to do with intelligence or aggresiveness. What you should have stated is "poor-urban class culture" Which is still simply using a glittering generality. How about the white people living in the "ghetto"? Are they somehow anamolies amongt their neighbors? It's a known fact that poorer areas have more violent crime than welthier areas simply because survival is not guaranteed to the extent it is in the wealthier areas. Look at any nation in the past in which its population was impoverished. Bad_Karma, maybe you haven't read the article of organizations in the south denieing blacks the right to vote in isolated regions. Of course only in recent studies has this been reported because those people don't exactly have enough money to file a lawsuit. The chances of you dying in a car accident are far greater than dying in inner-city atlanta, even though it may look more dangerous, its not always the case.

#38987 Political Equity

Posted by Viper on 14 October 2004 - 10:14 PM in Off Topic

Ya in Vietnam we lost 55,000 men over the coarse of around 10 years. How long have we been in Iraq? Deaths doesn't inlcude the disfigured,paralyzed, or without limbs, which is at a far higher ratio in Iraq( to death) than it has been in the past wars.

#62882 Blast-a-matic

Posted by Viper on 01 September 2005 - 06:26 PM in Modifications

Nerf Had a rocket launcher from the 1970's( One of those stomper thingies). I've already discussed my view on the matter of TeamNC's view of pictures.

#36814 Eab Breech Mod

Posted by Viper on 09 September 2004 - 09:02 PM in Modifications

that's really cool man, I might just buy onw off you someday.

#48501 Titan Envy?

Posted by Viper on 02 March 2005 - 07:42 PM in General Nerf

Permanently disfigured? Maybe if you had a handgrenade attached to a dart head. The titan is very powerful,but its got similiar ranges when modded to shoots darts as the sm5000, at least I think but takes a long time to prime. I say anything should be legal in nerf wars as long as it shoots foam and doesn't disinegrate the darts like some of my co2 guns that I've made that put 2 nice bb holes in the wall every time I shoot it, after the bb weights go through the foam. I say let em' use the titan, indoor or outdoor, unless they have a good shotgun load or have a great first shot, they're gone as soon as they have to reload. My titan has interchangable ballista and 1/2" PETG 24" barrels on it.

#48579 Titan Envy?

Posted by Viper on 03 March 2005 - 02:58 PM in General Nerf

Having a blood burst is very likely, stallion from that type of injury.

#48463 Titan Envy?

Posted by Viper on 02 March 2005 - 03:50 PM in General Nerf

The really bid difference is reload time. I could get off like 4 shots with a crossbow before I could get a titan up to power. The feel is very different also.

#338157 New Line of Mattel Blasters

Posted by Viper on 09 April 2014 - 10:47 AM in General Nerf

Mattel new blasters 3 years in making

#48170 Why Are Maverics So Rare?

Posted by Viper on 27 February 2005 - 11:34 AM in General Nerf

Wal-mart never has the new shit. Try anywhere else.

#48196 Why Are Maverics So Rare?

Posted by Viper on 27 February 2005 - 03:59 PM in General Nerf

I live in Uriel's area. Try kmart,meijer or target. Or buy one off me.

#35234 Water Balloon Launcher

Posted by Viper on 25 August 2004 - 10:21 PM in Homemades

Did you guys see those homemades? Its like a parrallel to the nerf commmunity.

#39865 Converting Cps Super Soakers Into Sniper Rifles

Posted by Viper on 26 October 2004 - 02:37 PM in Homemades

Ya it can shoot 200' angled consitently. My other weaker supersoaker shot 180' consistently w/ only a 6" 9/16" brass barrel. I mean it may sound extradinary, but a modded sm5000 will get 130' flat consitantly on 4 pumps. Good paintgun's w' stock barrels get 150 flat. In comparison to flat/angled distances the powerclip will get 78angled and 32feet flat. The ratio is almost universally around 2.2 for angled to flat distances. This puts the modded sm5000 at 286' theoretically, though the multiple increases usually with increased range. For instance the sm250 will get 24' max but gets 16' flat, a 1.5 ratio. The MBZ gets 42angled and 21 flat an exact 2 ratio, proving the angled to flat ratio increases continously as you move up.

#51169 An Article On The Effectiveness Of Abstinence

Posted by Viper on 30 March 2005 - 11:25 PM in Off Topic

Just for the record I don't search for this shit on a daily basis. It was the first thing on netscape news.

God is dead
Only the ignorant weap
and if there is hell
there we shall meet
-Friederich Nietsche

#50213 An Article On The Effectiveness Of Abstinence

Posted by Viper on 21 March 2005 - 11:03 PM in Off Topic

EW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) - Teens who pledge to remain virgins until marriage are more likely to take chances with other kinds of sex that increase the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, a study of 12,000 adolescents suggests.

The report by Yale and Columbia University researchers could help explain their earlier findings that teens who pledged abstinence are just as likely to have STDs as their peers.

The latest study, published in the April issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health, found that teens pledging virginity until marriage are more likely to have oral and anal sex than other teens who have not had intercourse. That behavior, however, ``puts you at risk,'' said Hannah Brueckner, assistant professor of sociology at Yale and one of the study's authors.

Among virgins, boys who have pledged abstinence were four times more likely to have had anal sex, according to the study. Overall, pledgers were six times more likely to have oral sex than teens who have remained abstinent but not as part of a pledge.

The pledging group was also less likely to use condoms during their first sexual experience or get tested for STDs, the researchers found.

Data for the study was taken from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. An in-school questionnaire was given to a nationally representative sample of students in grades 7-12 and followed up with a series of in-home interviews roughly one, two, and six years later. It was funded in part by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Leslee Unruh, president of the National Abstinence Clearinghouse in Sioux Falls, S.D., called the study ``bogus,'' disputing that those involved had pledged true ``abstinence.''

``Kids who pledge abstinence are taught that any word that has 'sex' in it is considered a sexual activity,'' Unruh said. ``Therefore oral sex is sex, and they are staying away.''

Millions of teens have signed written pledges or verbally promised to abstain from sex, part of a church-led effort to discourage premarital sex and the spread of disease. President Bush has boosted funding for abstinence-only education in schools.

Critics say that education needs to be coupled with safe-sex education to be effective.

``If adolescents only had sex in monogamous, married relationships, by definition there would be no STDs,'' Brueckner said, echoing President Bush's remarks in last year's State of the Union address. ``But the majority of adolescents don't live like that. They do have sex.''

Last year, the same research team found that 88 percent of teens who pledge abstinence end up having sex before marriage, compared with 99 percent of teens who do not make a pledge.

On the Net:

Journal of Adolescent Health: http://www.jahonline.org/

National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health: http://www.cpc.unc.edu/addhealth

National Abstinence Clearinghouse: http://www.abstinence.net/

Got Bush? ;)

#50526 An Article On The Effectiveness Of Abstinence

Posted by Viper on 25 March 2005 - 06:58 PM in Off Topic

Veggie you're brilliant in every way possible but what? I am certain there's been far worse things posted on the nerfhaven forums, now I can understand how children shouldn't be exposed to anti-bush literature, because that's just terrorism. ;) Thanks cxwq and shindig etc. for backing me upo on that. Just as a note, that article was posted on netscape's browser, meaning people thought it was appropiate enough for all of Netscape's audience.

#37552 Porn?

Posted by Viper on 20 September 2004 - 08:52 PM in Off Topic

What a bunch of dumbasses! I thought it was mocking christianity and religion at first, because it was so rediculous. :P I love Christian activists.

#29724 Best Nerf Gun

Posted by Viper on 28 June 2004 - 01:13 AM in Modifications

Modded: SM5000 unmodded: bbb? With a very simple mod the sm5000 will do 100' straight.