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#57350 Your Favorite Nic Contribution

Posted by Viper on 12 June 2005 - 04:31 PM in General Nerf

Just as a note, many members tend to get tired of these "your favorite" topics, but I don't have too much of a problem with it. The decison is easy, boltsnipers F.A.R by FAR.

#57443 Your Favorite Nic Contribution

Posted by Viper on 13 June 2005 - 04:26 PM in General Nerf

Its probably even less than 5%. Think about what I've done, in reality is nothing. I've recently added some reviews of bizarre toys to my name but that is all. Its the Talio's,cxwq's,stefan's,boltsniper's,ompa,uriel etc. that make our nerf community.

#60305 Supermaxx 1500 Arrow Shooter

Posted by Viper on 27 July 2005 - 02:15 AM in General Nerf

This is a pretty rare gun I had at one point and would like to collect more data on it. I was wondering if anyone had this rare gun even in broken condition.

#48725 What Does The Word Nerf Mean?

Posted by Viper on 05 March 2005 - 12:15 AM in General Nerf

For all of those ebayers out there: Why do we have nerf bars for trucks? Where did that name originate. I think nerf being reffered to as a substance was that physics paper the guy wrote about it. This discussion is very insightful and fruitful, keep up othe good work fellas!

#48674 What Does The Word Nerf Mean?

Posted by Viper on 04 March 2005 - 03:55 PM in General Nerf

I'm confused as to the origins of the brand name nerf. I've seen french movie titles with the word nerf in it and buffy also known as nerf herder. But I really have no clue what it means.

#55862 Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith

Posted by Viper on 28 May 2005 - 04:12 PM in Off Topic

I thought episode 3 was great. The dialogue was a little dry, like he was trying to hard to portray feudal europe meets star battles. I thought the rebel alliance was implicitly explained as Yoda etc. group together at the end. I did notice a great deal of contradiction in the JEDI way, as in reality they were just a little-bit-nicer siths. Think about when Mace Windu tried to kill the emporer when he was down, which was wasn't the jedi way and Vader defended the emporer. The best part was the development of Anakin into Darth Vader through a series of events that start out being what may seem to harmless.

Does anyone know where I can find the scripts for episodes 7,8, and 9?

#32337 X-bow Finished..

Posted by Viper on 26 July 2004 - 04:19 PM in Modifications

I've had that prob w/ my crossbow in the past. With arrows the air can be forced out too fast if you mod it too much. The seal might very well be folded incorrectly or there may have been a leak forced by the additional force involved.

#49123 Ruff Stuff's Shotgun

Posted by Viper on 09 March 2005 - 04:52 PM in General Nerf

I'd like to do a paintjob on it. Black,silver and brown. It's probably not powerful enough to be a great primary just a neat curiousity.

#49075 Yet Another Music Thread

Posted by Viper on 08 March 2005 - 10:40 PM in Off Topic

Good find, never heard of it, but IT IS obviously better than musicmatch and about 10x quicker. Again, thank you cxwq.

#40146 First Homemade

Posted by Viper on 28 October 2004 - 09:35 PM in Homemades

i'd try 2steel shot, but its gonna hurt like hell in a nerf war. The gun is quite good, just may be too powerful for the darts used as 99% of homemades are. I know for certain I use at least 2 steel shot on my powerful nerf guns.

#46188 Guass Gun/coil Rifle

Posted by Viper on 15 January 2005 - 07:36 PM in Homemades

I've already proposed such an idea. The problem would be mainly the ability ot turn on and off the charge quickly enough to have a real controlled shot. Its possible with something like a foam sphere w/ a metal bb in the middle.

#42002 Progress Report

Posted by Viper on 18 November 2004 - 03:56 PM in News

That write up is far more specific on what exactly to sand and the such. Looks like too much work, I'd rather just keep the long-ass barrel and add a breach or something. If you can do it effectively, then its awesome.

#42083 Virgin Mary In Grilled Cheese Sandwich!

Posted by Viper on 19 November 2004 - 11:22 PM in Off Topic

I am in the wrong business. Nothing is more sacreligious and oh, yea the buyer should be shot for stupidity because of how easy that bastard replicated it and how incrediably sacreligious that is. I am not religious, but used to be and anyone who is religious should seriously believe it is a slap in the face to humanity. It's inspiring though, cuz I could sell a "holy" pulsator on ebay or better yet a gyrostrike, no a "holy" gyrostrike :cry: blessed by my priest who molested me when I was younger, wait even better yet it became holy when he played my organ. Uhhhhhhh.... For those of you who get that that's a little too much. How about holy socks or something like Jesus's underpants with his face on it. I don't see anything wrong with capitalizing on it, after all its evolution happenning right before our eyes as the weak spend all their resources on things made by stronger beings with a brain and a sick sense of humor. I wonder who the top bidder voted for in this past election........ Bush???? :D Maybe that's how Bush won, because we all know Jesus hates homosexuals and the poor. :P

#61509 Firefly In Stock At Walmart.com And Dart Tag

Posted by Viper on 09 August 2005 - 01:29 PM in General Nerf

Nerf Firefly

#35228 Funny

Posted by Viper on 25 August 2004 - 09:47 PM in General Nerf

The funny thing is, he got 73.32 + 15 shipping for it! I bid 52.

#47379 I Love Gw!

Posted by Viper on 16 February 2005 - 10:17 PM in Off Topic

I don't ask for a perfect president, I merely ask for one with a brain. If it were up to me, I'd appoint a renowned economist, irreleveant of party ties. Either that or I would get Clinton, John McCain, Arnold or just about anyone who would not jeopordize this country over interest in personal oil profits. I list sarcastic phrases in regards to Bush, but all the facts I list are completely objective and transparent.

#47415 I Love Gw!

Posted by Viper on 17 February 2005 - 02:42 PM in Off Topic

Good analysis Osaki. I actually agree with funding cuts on the "war on drugs." No matter what, even if 60% of coke boats are caught which is current estimates, if you want narcotics or any type of illegal drug you'll get it regardless. The thing is that by the time our generation gets to office we'll probably have become conservative individuals ourselves with things to lose, I mean what about many of the 60-70's people that are in office now, did they ever legalize marijuana? Although much of the conservative population is towards the older age bracket.

#47372 I Love Gw!

Posted by Viper on 16 February 2005 - 09:40 PM in Off Topic

Sorry for the confusion, I stated the tax the Clinton administration placed on the top 1% that could generate an estimated 800(bush)- 1.2 trillion(Kerry) dollars in revenue. It's funny that Bush calls it the "liberation of Iraq" because translated Hitler called his initial invasion "The liberation of Poland." About desensitizing america with our censored news, its funny that many of these same parents would watch some cheesy war film with their kids and the kids grow up to be infatuated with war, or at least the idealized form of it. In truth reality should be shown to everyone, there's nothing less grand than living a delusional existence thinking Iraqi's love us and America is there to stop world hunger and some how the iraqi's have rubber bullets and bow down to the american troops.

Look at our resons for going to war:

Connections with Al-Qaida (totally fabricated)

and WMD's?
The fact that the media makes this a non-issue in an effort to remain politically neutral is astounding. All we have left is oil and humanitatrian relief. :lol: It's almost an ethnic cleansing effort, ridding america of poor to middle class individuals that we use to fight wars for us and replacing them with old money morons who love Jesus. :blink:
I think it should be a law that a president should have to be at least near the troops planning these operations if he's going to put people at risk like this.

Why do you think so many of Bush's cabinet stepped down after he stepped in for his second term? Including a great man like Colin Powell?

#47582 I Love Gw!

Posted by Viper on 19 February 2005 - 07:44 PM in Off Topic

Faucetious people elected Bush. He gave us tax cuts, which then drove inflation to the point where our purchasing power has decreased so low that even the wealthy would have been better off without a tax cut. It's a simple phenomenon when a nation borrows money from other banks, mainly China in our case, that the currency loses value. This happens especially when there is no near term actual paying back of the loans. The outlook is so bad for the government paying back its loans all of the american banks won't touch it and neither will anyone except for China and Japan and other aisian nations looking to hold power over us in some way, like the emerging superpower China.

#47491 I Love Gw!

Posted by Viper on 18 February 2005 - 02:49 PM in Off Topic

Well the Bush team doesn't seem to understand simple economics, he has given nothing for foreign investors to invest in American cpmpanies, which is again connected to his unilateral policies, leaving us as a nation more isolationist finacially though imperial militarily. My "feeling" is that by synthetically driving inflation with his increasing debt and tax cuts the administration hoped to stimulate investment overall, though they really stimulated investment domestically, while scaring the foreign investors with the rising inflation. So I don't have a "feeling" they don't know what they're doing, I know they don't know what they're doing.

#47320 I Love Gw!

Posted by Viper on 15 February 2005 - 09:49 PM in Off Topic

.Oh, you mean the privitization of social security which will cost us $4trillion we don't have.

#47317 I Love Gw!

Posted by Viper on 15 February 2005 - 09:15 PM in Off Topic

Great news guys! Everyone by knows that China is poised to be the next great superpower, but the source of all this wealth has been unknown. In a recent attack by the dems they unleashed the fact that at least 1/3 of the borrowed money to compensate for the deficit is from CHINA. This gives China leverage against the United States, since without the foreign investors to depend on after Bush's unilateral show he put on in Iraq and reluctance to CREATE new jobs without making cuts on tax incentives for overtime pay. But wait didn't he give us tax cuts? He only removed the 1% tax bracket tax set up by Clinton that could generate as much as 1trillion in revenue, eliminating a deficit altogther even without cutting spending from medicaid and other "inefficiencies" that when all the programs are added up, only account for 6% of the deficit compared to more than half of the deficit coming from the tax cut to the wealthy. The wealthy are screwed too, with rising inflation the dollar is worth 0.65 of the euro, compared to a dollar's advantage during the Clinton years their money isn't worth shit. I love those who are willing to cut the pay of soldiers down from the average private salary of $13,000 per year during a conflict, while reducing pensions by 60% and cutting vetern's funding by $1billion. Don't forget that "No child left behind act" which is an implicit apology for earlier cuts in education with one provision: "During times of foreign conflict or war, the money is diverted to military funding." Comforting eh? No civil liberties,no money, over 11,000 casulties in a war for oil companies and investments directly tied to him,the only president to lose jobs, and common comments that he doesn't read the work of historians like his predessor Clinton, because, "They wouldn't vote for him anyway." Is that REALLY why they won't vote for you,because of some common predjudice among intellectuals? Or is the fact that a chimp can run the nation better than GW! Honest to god! My post is very tangential but I think it mentions some keys facts that show we elected the wrong guy.

#47337 I Love Gw!

Posted by Viper on 16 February 2005 - 03:29 PM in Off Topic

Out of all of Europe, only Poland preffered Bush in mock elections. Cxwq summed it all up. We are stuck with him unless he screws up in his personal life or actually get charged with any blatently illegal activity. One of the main reasons for Europe's hatred of Bush and support of Kerry was more common in Europe is that they have uncensored news, with people really dying during battle and getting injured. Over here we simply post death tolls which desensitize us to war. Both my mom and stepdad voted for him unfortunately and my dad voted Nader, so I'd like to get the message out that Bush is horrible. It'll take us probably 5 years after he leaves to realize just how bad a president he really was.

#40837 Omg This Is Strange!

Posted by Viper on 04 November 2004 - 11:09 PM in General Nerf

The 4-pack is a good deal, for now at least.

#40836 Omg This Is Strange!

Posted by Viper on 04 November 2004 - 11:06 PM in General Nerf

Ya $50, its sweet, but including shipping its prob at least $60 each which is close to what people will pay for on the forums. I know many of us will pay tha much for one but I don't know about how much of a market there is.

#41105 Omg This Is Strange!

Posted by Viper on 07 November 2004 - 09:18 PM in General Nerf

IN all honesty, its probably cheaper this way because Nerf Special Forces didn't need to tell us and could hae kept selliing them for $80 + shipping. A boycott might work after a few weeks of implicit boycotting and people not informing her of the temporary boycott.

#47753 TV Show Nerf Sightings

Posted by Viper on 22 February 2005 - 01:05 AM in Off Topic

I started one on this a while back. I remember on ESPN halftime Charles and Kenny had Tek six's and were shooting each other. In 1994, while congress was discussing budget deficits, reporters caught them shooting each other with ballzooka's. I'm guessing it was on C-Span, the channel that myself and 2 other canadians watch.

#48727 TV Show Nerf Sightings

Posted by Viper on 05 March 2005 - 12:25 AM in Off Topic

I don't know if I'd admit to watching Will and Grace on a consitent basis...... <_<

#40414 Help Me Mod Me X Bow

Posted by Viper on 31 October 2004 - 06:43 PM in Modifications

Great point ompa! Ignore all the stuff you've seen about spring replacements, for with surgical tubing you can put enough tension so as you can bearly pull it back and eventually offset the cocking mechanism. Reinforcement really isn't anything more than vestigial, it doesn't hurt but I've never done it to mine.

#40060 Help Me Mod Me X Bow

Posted by Viper on 27 October 2004 - 08:31 PM in Modifications

I could get arows to hit birds on my TV antenaa outside my house seriuosly for over 120ft max. But I would reccomend a barrel replacement at least 12" for micros, the tape around the circumference of the plunger and surgical tubing.

#41558 True Self Expression

Posted by Viper on 12 November 2004 - 11:32 PM in Off Topic

Muy Thai boxing? Ins't that that crazy cloe quarters martial art in which people litterly grab people by the back of the neck and knee the fuck out of them?

#41397 True Self Expression

Posted by Viper on 11 November 2004 - 12:15 AM in Off Topic

This may seem irrelevant, but my little brother is a super martial art flla. He combines various black arts with arts like akido and bruce lee's fighting form and then uses jujitsu and ninjitsu to mix it up a little. I know he studies Muhaammed Ali's footwork and again, bruce lee whom based his footwork off of Ali's.

#30805 Which Nerf Gun Has Greatest Range?

Posted by Viper on 09 July 2004 - 01:27 PM in General Nerf

Hard to say, of course you could mod a paintball gun to shoot nerf darts insane distances. A talon or blade will run about $17 at walmart. but those blow holes in the darts.(PVC barel replacement) A modded SM1000 made by makers of supersoaker will do about as a well as a modded BBB,sm5K,x-bow,modded electric eel,and lightnin blitz. Supersoaker's do count in my opinion, but remeber to use arrows for best distanmce, since the air release is a little slow.

#52690 Airsoft Forums On Nerf?

Posted by Viper on 17 April 2005 - 03:07 PM in General Nerf

Yes I do agree me spending 5 seconds thinking about it and showing to this forum was odd, but I just found it while I was surfing topics to find that other people outside the nerf community have a great deal of interest in it, enough to post a topic about it with a picture. I don't regret my decision.

Note: the TM g18c is sweet, I am very happy with its performance.

#52628 Airsoft Forums On Nerf?

Posted by Viper on 16 April 2005 - 01:01 PM in General Nerf

ignorant people and nerf?

#52678 Airsoft Forums On Nerf?

Posted by Viper on 17 April 2005 - 12:07 PM in General Nerf

Sorry if I seemed defensive, but the whole point of my post was to show that nerf is preffered mainly because of its cost and that people don't play nerf just because they're "ignorant" of airsoft.

How many of you guys actually read my post instead of making judgements based on the idea that I was pissing people off in another forum?

For those of you who think I caused some havoc and get a boner thinking about stopping a nerf vs airsoft/whatever shooting sport war, you obviously didn't read my post at all, nor did you read theirs, which didn't bash nerf at all.

I am also a regular at airsoftretreat, I didn't just make an account to explain nerf, how did you think I'd find it if I wasn't a regular?

If you guys want to continue keeping up with the topic, you'll notice it is not a flamewar at all.

#46792 Primary Weapons

Posted by Viper on 01 February 2005 - 06:25 PM in General Nerf

I think they were originally $25.99

#42081 Auto-pumping Idea For Supersoaker Sniper Rifles

Posted by Viper on 19 November 2004 - 11:15 PM in General Nerf

I'd bet it could, but still though I odn't think it would sport too many advantages over manual pumping, probably taking just as much time.

#38033 Expanding On The "zero Valve"

Posted by Viper on 30 September 2004 - 02:56 PM in Homemades

I'd send the design pln ith pictures to cx when u get done with it.

#38065 Expanding On The "zero Valve"

Posted by Viper on 30 September 2004 - 07:48 PM in Homemades

That is ideal! The only kind I know of has a metal matrix on the inside of the hose. Does your valve release air more efficiently than the zero valve?