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#125635 Sts Grenade

Posted by Banshee on 09 October 2007 - 07:35 PM in Modifications

Holly hammer of Thor... Does it work? I mean when you trow it, do darts go flying? You should cut up tiny little stefans and load like 4 in each barrel so it shoots more projectiles.

#159436 Pvc Barrels

Posted by Banshee on 16 June 2008 - 08:49 PM in Modifications

Hmm, I don't have a Dremel bit long enough to do the whole barrel. And I thought mega's used 3/4 inch PVC. 1/2 inch is way too small. It's even to small for micros.

#159619 Pvc Barrels

Posted by Banshee on 18 June 2008 - 01:38 PM in Modifications

Either way I still have CPVC that my darts don't fit in. And if I were to drill it out, I'd need a 9/16 drill bit because the 1/2 is too small.

Too small? I use that all the time on mine... Do you have 3/4 inch cpvc?

No. I have 1/2 inch CPVC.

#159488 Pvc Barrels

Posted by Banshee on 17 June 2008 - 11:04 AM in Modifications

Either way I still have CPVC that my darts don't fit in. And if I were to drill it out, I'd need a 9/16 drill bit because the 1/2 is too small.

#159460 Pvc Barrels

Posted by Banshee on 16 June 2008 - 11:20 PM in Modifications

its definatly CPVC. I didn't even know there was a difference.

#159398 Pvc Barrels

Posted by Banshee on 16 June 2008 - 07:12 PM in Modifications

Sorry that I had to start a new topic to ask a simple question, but I don't know what else to do. I have a lack of resources when it comes to buying barrel material, so I bought some PVC. Usually I use Crayola barrels but I'm out. So now I have 1/2 PVC pipe that is slightly too tight as we all should know from experience. I don't use megas so I'm sticking with this size. But I need to some how bore it out. I was thinking a 9/16 drill bit down the pipe. However I have a feeling that it'll score the insides really bad. Does anyone have experience with this? Is there a better way to bore out the pipe?

#176348 Foam Ball Firing Crossbow

Posted by Banshee on 10 September 2008 - 12:35 AM in Modifications

So... why the hell is this in modifications???

#125953 How Much Is Everyone Spending On Their Longshots?

Posted by Banshee on 12 October 2007 - 03:52 PM in General Nerf

Yeah, I think I'm gona buy one soon too. There is so much to mod, I don't know where to start...

#125932 How Much Is Everyone Spending On Their Longshots?

Posted by Banshee on 12 October 2007 - 12:05 PM in General Nerf

I've been reading a lot of people talking about their Longshots costing a lot. I've heard people spending anywhere between 50-120 dollars (not including modification supplies). I'm guessing things very in price across the US, because I know things are more expensive in Cali. But I'm seeing them in local stores as cheap as 25-30 bucks. I'm just wondering how much a long shot is for you?

P.S. Sorry if I posted this in General Nerf as apposed to Off Topic, but I figured this had more to do with nerf than it didn't...

#125935 How Much Is Everyone Spending On Their Longshots?

Posted by Banshee on 12 October 2007 - 12:52 PM in General Nerf

Thats what I figured they would be, but I have cousins in the northern states complaining that they're in the fifties.

#125939 How Much Is Everyone Spending On Their Longshots?

Posted by Banshee on 12 October 2007 - 02:02 PM in General Nerf

They're in North Carolina.

#125948 How Much Is Everyone Spending On Their Longshots?

Posted by Banshee on 12 October 2007 - 02:56 PM in General Nerf

Yeah, I'm in Arizona, and at Wal-Mart I can get one for $25 and if I go to Toy's R Us I can find one for $45. So maybe my cousin is Full of shit.... Or he's just talking out his ass.

#229547 Combo Spring + Air Powered Nerf Gun

Posted by Banshee on 11 May 2009 - 08:47 AM in Modifications

The closest you'll get is integrating like an AT2K in some springer with a good rof, like a Longshot or a dart tag gun.

#250642 Cpvc At3k

Posted by Banshee on 16 September 2009 - 07:10 PM in Modifications

CPVC would work great if you singled it, but not too great for the turret. The seal between the tank and the turret is so bad that the tight fit on the dart is so much that most of the pressure is lost out from under the turret. Your dart will fly, but I wouldn't bet on more than 40-50 feet. I've seen Mavericks nearly do that. And since you said you have another one turreted, I see no reason to not single the other one, its not like you can use them both efficiently at the same time, so have some diversity in your armory.

#181659 Titan Leak

Posted by Banshee on 05 October 2008 - 11:37 AM in Modifications

No do not use vegetable oil. It can supremely fuck up your seal and any other rubber. Only use a lubricant with a silicone base.

YES, and don't use WD40 for anything... Try that and let us know.

#159620 Tail-spinning Problem

Posted by Banshee on 18 June 2008 - 01:42 PM in Modifications

This might be a little redundant. The tagger darts create so much turbulence coming out of the barrel they can't go straight at all. Either stuff a 1/4 inch slingshot BB down the end, or cut off the tip and replace it with a BB and hot glue. Otherwise, just use good Stefan's.

#159652 Tail-spinning Problem

Posted by Banshee on 18 June 2008 - 07:11 PM in Modifications

Ok, I fixed the thing, it is amazing accurate and powerfull now. The only problem is I have to ramrod the darts into the barrel so I am probably going to have to make shells.

If you make shells it'll most likely decrease your ranges. and its kinda hard to do if you're a noob to shell and clip making.

#229745 Mag Bladder Casing

Posted by Banshee on 12 May 2009 - 12:52 AM in Modifications

What happened to the HUGE plastic clamp that's supposed to hold the bladder on? It works just fine, unless you don't have it. If you lost it or something, use a hose clamp.

#298060 Inconstant blaster fire.

Posted by Banshee on 14 May 2011 - 01:00 AM in Modifications

I stick some BB gun BB's in the tips of mine through the little hole. Just one will make the dart shoot straighter. But if you're using a high powered gun like a 4B or a Titan, I put 3 BB's in. Its cheaper and easier than most other methods.

#312435 Help Identifying Nerf Type Blaster

Posted by Banshee on 04 March 2012 - 07:28 PM in General Nerf

Thanks for your help guys! Between the 2 guns, I have 3 of the shells, so I bet that raises any resale value a bit. Does anyone have a ballpark of what these things are worth?

#312428 Help Identifying Nerf Type Blaster

Posted by Banshee on 04 March 2012 - 05:14 PM in General Nerf

Okay, so I picked up a pair of these at a Goodwill this morning. They were in great shape, and I could tell they were powered off an air tank. But I have no idea what they are and I've never seen them before in my life. I got home and Googled everything that's printed on the gun with no luck at all. They're made by a company called Yes! Entertainment Corporation. I did a little research on them and found that they were only in business from 1992 to 1998, and they were pretty low key. They shut their doors in 98' and this gun was made in 97'. So I have a feeling that there are not very many of these guns out there. And I have two!

Posted Image

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It appears to fire some sort of ball, maybe about the size of a ping-pong ball. It operates by loading a ball into the 2-round pivoting cylinder, then you crank the ratchet on top which drives a rod forward pushing the ball into the barrel. For the next shot, you just push the cylinder over and do it again. Pretty neat.

Posted Image

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But the neatest part it how it pumps! The handle comes out the back with a pretty long draw, and you push it forward. The trigger is super beefy too!

Posted Image

I opened it up to see whats inside, and its pretty simple. It looks like the air tank is about the size of a mega missile tank, probably bigger. But the hole where the air come out is nearly 1/2 an inch in diameter!!! Its the largest hole in any air tank I've seen! With a pump as long and skinny as this one with a hole that large, I imagine this gun could get scary ranges with an RSCB or a hopper. Combined with its unique pump location, it could fire off round pretty fast too!

Posted Image

Now my question is, because to my knowledge, this gun is so rare, is it worth anything? I would hate to go ahead and modify one or both of these to find out that they're the last of their kind. Has anyone seen these before? Does anyone know if they're collectible? If not, they're going to make awesome primaries! And if any of you are interested in these before I go and mod them, just PM me, this isn't the sales thread.

#177986 My Longshot Mod

Posted by Banshee on 17 September 2008 - 06:56 PM in Modifications

The mod's pretty much worthless anyways! I mean I'm all for posting mod's that have been done, but come one people, add a little something for us, don't waste our time. Maybe if it had some pictures and you didn't have the S word in your user name I'd be in a better mood. But you need to totally redo you "mod".

#270682 Change Goo Color On A At3k

Posted by Banshee on 29 March 2010 - 02:43 PM in Modifications

I've done it in a few guns I've sold, I even posted pictures up. A lot of people have done it, I just added food coloring, nothing fancy there! Just a few drops. However if you do an AT3k, it'll be hard to change blue to any color. Except green if you add some yellow.

#182338 Steampunking Longshot

Posted by Banshee on 08 October 2008 - 12:38 AM in Modifications

Steam punk is usually done in all brush paints because you need to get the worn out, rusty, and old look. Spray paint is too even. Also, you're going to want a ton of oxidized copper nic-nacks to fuck your gun up with, so go for it.

#158110 Nf Reinforcement?

Posted by Banshee on 05 June 2008 - 10:09 AM in Modifications

Fill all the empty gaps with J.B, Welds. Wait till it dries. It'll be a bit heavier but rock solid.

#158114 Nf Reinforcement?

Posted by Banshee on 05 June 2008 - 10:54 AM in Modifications

Yeah, you can even get it at Wal-Mart. However the stuff is a little tricky to work with. There are right ways and wrong ways and it needs to be mixed perfectly. Send me a message if you need some help with it.

#256996 At3k Internals Questions

Posted by Banshee on 22 November 2009 - 01:33 AM in Modifications

Its very simple and requires buying nothing. There are nuts that tighten the tubing to the tank and the pump. In between is a goo gauge. Cut the pump hose off of the gauge as close to it as possible. Then unthread the nut around the hose on the tank off. Pull the hose and goo gauge off and put the loose hose and from the pump on with the original nut and you're done. I did that for my blood finder (which was totally NOT added to the directory) and it took me about 2 minutes. No glue or anything.

#185960 Angel Breech (or Any Ls Or Recon Breech)

Posted by Banshee on 27 October 2008 - 10:19 PM in Modifications

Never mind, you fixed it.

#174542 Foaming The Maverick

Posted by Banshee on 02 September 2008 - 05:12 PM in Modifications

It might have been better to contact the creator of the mod, it would've been a little more direct. Unless he's inactive, then screw it.

#263385 Help With The Buzzbee Belt Blaster!

Posted by Banshee on 27 January 2010 - 08:33 AM in Modifications

My belt blaster shoots over 50 feet still using the chain. Just bore out all the shells in the chain and increase the airflow out of the plunger. Its pretty self explanatory, figure it out.

#274907 Magstrike Clip Problem.

Posted by Banshee on 16 May 2010 - 01:31 AM in Modifications

Remove the no-clip safety mechanism and you should be good to go.

#256997 Clear Coat Stickiness

Posted by Banshee on 22 November 2009 - 01:36 AM in Modifications

Wait until the base coat is completely dry then apply Krylon crystal clear coat. It dries in under an hour to the touch and is not sticky at all. And the can costs like 3 bucks and will clear a lot of guns before you run out. Just let the gun dry, otherwise the oils in your hands seep in and the paint never seems to dry where you hold on to it. It will also turn a nasty brown color.

#159412 Show Off Your Guns!

Posted by Banshee on 16 June 2008 - 07:27 PM in Site Feedback

Yeah, that's great and all, but my idea was to collect all the scattered mods and paint jobs of each user and allow them to post it on there personal pages. I know there is something "sort of" like that, but my idea is based on a different concept. I'm offering the idea, merely as an option of something we COULD have. I don't want people to treat me like a newb and say "well here's what we do have, live with it". It's an idea

#159382 Show Off Your Guns!

Posted by Banshee on 16 June 2008 - 04:49 PM in Site Feedback

I had this idea the other day for something to add to the personal profiles we all have here at Haven. If there was a section where we could upload pictures of our weapons and etc. with small bio's on each, we could all see who works with what. The newbies could easily see whats out there weapons wise without having to search real deep. This could be helpful for everyone!

I don't know who specifically to talk to about possibly getting this added to NH, so I thought I'd post my thoughts here and see who is for my idea.


#159392 Show Off Your Guns!

Posted by Banshee on 16 June 2008 - 06:50 PM in Site Feedback

The modding directory has NOTHING to do with this. I hope you weren't being sarcastic either, I don't appreciate sarcasm...

#159437 Show Off Your Guns!

Posted by Banshee on 16 June 2008 - 08:52 PM in Site Feedback

I understand that, I know how to make websites (barely) I'm just saying if we had the ability, that option would be pretty cool, I think.

#158995 Getting Ready To Paint My Recon And Longshot

Posted by Banshee on 12 June 2008 - 06:30 PM in Modifications

There is this stuff called "Makes Paint Stick" by Bulldog Brand. Its a caned primer that will make any paint stick to any surface, it works like a dream! one can will paint like 50 guns, so I recommend getting it. You could paint water with this stuff!

#255103 Need Your Help

Posted by Banshee on 01 November 2009 - 05:01 PM in Modifications

Try skimming through the Nerf Gun Modifications Directory and just look for something that fits your needs. We all want a fast and accurate gun, but whats in that thread is what we have, and not a single person on here is going to spoon feed you your information, if its not in that directory or in the search bar, then YOU have to come up with it because no one else has. Good luck.

#159675 Big Bad Maverick

Posted by Banshee on 18 June 2008 - 10:20 PM in Modifications

Sweet, good job man! One thing though, the Mav needs the same black paint job!

#163227 Magstrike

Posted by Banshee on 18 July 2008 - 02:33 PM in Modifications

Never mind, CS just answered my question. Good job CS! I might try this when I get some money.