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#3994 Sigs

Posted by jon on 25 April 2003 - 01:32 PM in Site Feedback

thanks for the words of engcouragement. i now know that terrible at grammar

#3996 My Ripper.

Posted by jon on 25 April 2003 - 02:06 PM in Modifications

black balde :
it is interesting how you moded you wart hog and all you did was but rumber bands on it? also it dont think spoon was trying to insult you i think he was saying that it is very powerful for and indor weapon

other posters:
forty feet is not abad rage at all in general. it is not how far your gun can go it is how you mod you gun for you personal standerds. also most of you people dont know is but, most combat in all warfare is usualy within 20 to 30 feet of each other. also you gun does not need to go over 50 to be good, look at the beast! it only shoots 35 feet but it can kick major ass.

#4132 Milk Jug Airtanks

Posted by jon on 29 April 2003 - 12:23 PM in Homemades

I should of metioned I am using a air regulator, so no, it will not be gone in one shot.

i dont know how much a milk jug can can hold but the standar pvc you buy can hold up to 120 psi and still be safe but that is the three inch in diameter kind. i found out if you are manking and air tank pvc is the best to work with for you homemades. if you are using any type regulator i would say atach it to the tank then have the air hose come out the the regulator. this way if you opent the regurlator let some air inthe hose then shut the regulator. you will get one shot but then you could do it again and again.

#4133 Good Sniper Wepons.

Posted by jon on 29 April 2003 - 12:38 PM in General Nerf

to mistic falcon 183: If you have not noticed, some of us are just bad a spell and are terrible at grammar, for example me. But it not you place to correct people one the boards. alot of the people just don't come here to piss you off with spell and grammar errors, alot of them are well experieced nerfers who are giving aid to some one who asked for it. to sum it all up dont be a grammar nazi!

every one els: the smk5 is a gread gun for range but it will break in two wars. it is usualy with hair line fractures in the pump and if you plug it up it will usulay make a new one. the smk5 is a good gun for range but it is very unrelible. the rf 20 on the other hand should never have been made in the fist place.

#4311 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by jon on 06 May 2003 - 12:28 PM in Nerf Wars

steve and i will see wich people want to go and wich dont, also we will see if we can work out a riding situation. also kev i just got a good camera and good film ediding system. would you guys like to have a nerf video? if you have space it would be cool to put on the this site? also that sux that ozzy cant come!

#4402 Realistic And Dynamic Defense Plans

Posted by jon on 09 May 2003 - 01:05 PM in Off Topic

well first you would have to look how the virus/ fugi / whatever the hell it is came on this earth. If was spawned by some evil cleric that whatedt to take over the world then you could us super soakers! no joke fill them with holy water! a few drops on one summoned zombie Booom they explode. Also you could have all the preist that are sitll alive turn the hole ocean into holy salt water! the zobies would never go near the shors! if yous water molecue bombs with holy water you could kill zombies as fast as Bobit can get a boner!

#4414 Realistic And Dynamic Defense Plans

Posted by jon on 09 May 2003 - 06:00 PM in Off Topic

actualy the catholic church has holy water, no joke! but i think your right with the satan part. so if wores comes to worse we all could up to mars and live there on a base and melt the ice caps for water and grow our own plants hydroponicaly for more air a food. then we would have enough time to plan on how we could win earth back. but next situation would be would are next threat be martians? :alien:

#4529 Music To Nerf To

Posted by jon on 13 May 2003 - 12:49 PM in Nerf Wars

fuck linkon park! man the copy so many other bands it is not funny. they have been know to steal solos from artists like ozzy and rage against the machine. In my opoin i think it should be System of a Down, AFI, Dream Theater, Rage against the machine or Wax

#4531 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by jon on 13 May 2003 - 12:59 PM in Nerf Wars

It is only grunge if Ozy it there. You cant beat the long hair, camo pants, ruged t-shirt, and a marijuana addiction.

#4575 Music To Nerf To

Posted by jon on 13 May 2003 - 10:37 PM in Nerf Wars

if you guys want mettal techno listen to Rammstein: Du Hast!. its from the orginal matrix and it is in German! it is so much better than Rob Zombie. Rammstein is koolest German mettal i have ever have heard. if you guys have not heard it already you should downlaod it. julie it would be a great canditdate for the video

but if you really want to change it the style around you could do the Aquabats Superrad?

#4576 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by jon on 13 May 2003 - 10:52 PM in Nerf Wars

Grunge, n. Slang 1. Filth; dirt. 2. A style of shitty rock music that incorporates elements of punk rock and heavy metal, popularized in the early 1990s and often marked by lyrics exhibiting nihilism, dissatisfaction, or apathy.

for one it is not shitty. come on dude i have not met one person who does not like Nirvana. so would be saying that you are first one i have met? also it is not just a music style it is an immage like punks there is punk rock and there are punks. what i was saying was that ozzy fits that image.

#4589 Music To Nerf To

Posted by jon on 14 May 2003 - 12:14 PM in Nerf Wars

have you heard of offspring Huck it? that is it kool one, i have the music video its fast and good. or have you heard dream theater Dance of Eterinty? iti is all instramentals but it frickin rocks!

#4590 Suggestions For The Store

Posted by jon on 14 May 2003 - 12:30 PM in Site Feedback

can you get the new line of X tream guns ?

#4591 Things You Have "nerfed"

Posted by jon on 14 May 2003 - 12:36 PM in General Nerf

i onced duct taped two wildfires to my go cart. it was kool but none of my friends were around so i couldn't shoot them while they were riding bikes. i was thinking of doing a beast modification to a wildfire and puting it on my go cart and see how that would work out.

#4601 Music To Nerf To

Posted by jon on 14 May 2003 - 06:53 PM in Nerf Wars

hey i just heard smashing pumkins Siva that could be a good one also

#4602 Suggestions For The Store

Posted by jon on 14 May 2003 - 07:03 PM in Site Feedback

can you get the new line of X tream guns ?

That's what the thread was started about, retard. If you can get a link, go for it.

thanx for reminding me what this subject was fist started on. since you are so good with reminding me things, you can remind, me next time we meet, to kick you in the face.

#4603 Avatars

Posted by jon on 14 May 2003 - 07:23 PM in Site Feedback

what about jay and silent bob?

#4628 My Site.

Posted by jon on 15 May 2003 - 12:46 PM in General Nerf

why dont you mod the guns yourself and take pics of them? also i know you cant take the ones from this site they are cxwq's and they are not for anyone els to use. tust me i have ask him about my site that i was building.

#4629 Matrix Reloaded

Posted by jon on 15 May 2003 - 12:52 PM in Off Topic

some of my friends went and saw it last night, i will see it today. my friends said that it sucked, i dont want to believe them, so i will see for myself today.

#4679 Whiptail Scorpion Mod

Posted by jon on 16 May 2003 - 12:27 PM in Modifications

well moding a crapy gun does not make you not a newb. you are not a newb if you an experienced nerfer that ben nerfing for some time now. but for my sugestion i would say for the tail you extend the tubing and have it to where you can shoot out of your arm like spider man but on the other side of your arm. from there spring replacement few ruber bands and you set.

#4759 Matrix Reloaded

Posted by jon on 19 May 2003 - 12:48 PM in Off Topic

the movie was a good one but there were some realy stupid scenes like when neo masojed trinitys heart to bring her back to life. i thought that the sex scene was stupid, come on (not to be racist) black people getting ther freak on to techno while neo and trinity are doing it! if anything it was more funy than erotic. the fight scenes were great especialy the freeway one. i read one article about the matrix they said that there was suposed to be ghost and wearwolfs in it. i know about the gost but what about the wearwolfs? the story line was good but i needed a better ending. I agree that it wasn't as good as the first one. over all i would give it a B, but still i makes want to see the final one

#6370 Armageddon

Posted by jon on 01 July 2003 - 06:59 PM in Nerf Wars

fuck fuck and more fuck! Damit i wish i was there im just look at the pics right now. and im thinkin it would better to have a thousand welts rather that a fucking thouhsand misquito bites! damit all with the boy scouts and makeing me there leader. dam it sound like you guys had alot of fun. damit damit damit i wish i was there. well my weekend was full of a buch of 5th graders who are not even smart enough to put up a stupid tent. so kev when are you going to start planing for the next yano? also stevie did you get my tool box like i asked? well anaways i glad you guys had

*pulls out gun and shoots himself in the foot*

#6371 Armageddon

Posted by jon on 01 July 2003 - 07:03 PM in Nerf Wars

oh ya steve what are you doing staring at mario's ass?

#6469 Armageddon

Posted by jon on 02 July 2003 - 09:31 PM in Nerf Wars

No kidding, the tables were clean for the first time ever.

August YANO will be coming up fast - it will likely be on 8/9 which is barely a month from now.

thanx next time i won't leave my shit around but anyways kev did steve get my tool box from you?

#8335 Sdno: Wrapup

Posted by jon on 16 August 2003 - 10:53 PM in Nerf Wars

well im finaly back on the internet i just moved and we finaly got it. well i sounds like it was fun. i couldnt go because its my moms b day tomaro and i just made it though the fist week of band camp and also im going to have a second week of non stop 12 hour days. ya im really on a tite scedual. also with all my other plans i dont think im going to be posting for a while but im glad to hear that you al had a good experience. except for toj not behaving himself. that little shit can such a neusence. well i know swear that i going to be at the next nerf war! you all know this and you have it in writing now i will be at the next war!
also forgive the spelling

#8901 August YANO Planning Thread

Posted by jon on 30 August 2003 - 12:31 AM in Nerf Wars

Hmmm, I could have sworn that I posted this, I guess it didn't post for some reason.  Anyways, we won't be able to make it.  I'm at beach house, so my mom can't drive, and Toj's fam is celebrating his mom's birthday.    Well sorry for the late notice, I could have sworn that I clicked the Add Reply button...

wep and im celebraitin with him! who dogy im in deep shit

sorry that last post was me. im at toj's house and he was loged on and whatever the hell happen i posted on tojs identity. and my main point still is that im not going to be there.

#26613 Armageddon '04 Planning Thread

Posted by jon on 20 May 2004 - 09:14 AM in Nerf Wars

holy shit it feels great to talk to you guys again! anyho i would like to say i will finaly be able to go to this war. between moving three times this year and all the drumline practices i truly opolygize. also anyone who needs a place to crash anyone can come over.

#27406 Code Of Conduct

Posted by jon on 31 May 2004 - 11:07 PM in Site Feedback

The current rules are very fair and should not be tampered with. CX you did a good job on writing them. But, I want to know are you going to be very strict about the rules, or are you going lets some spelling and grammar errors slip by? Also, is every waring going to be tied with the punishmen of temporarry suspention? If so is there a specific of time for your first, second, or third supention, or is the amount of time just how you see fit?

If you don't know my former typing style it was very errorous and full of spelling errors (do to the lack of the current rules). I am willing to monitor my posts more closely out of respect for nerfers and this site (witch everyone should do as a member of the forums).

#27516 Code Of Conduct

Posted by jon on 01 June 2004 - 11:59 PM in Site Feedback

Hey Cx, is this a sintax error or is there really such a thing as Pr0n links and images?

"No Pr0n links or images "

#27602 Guitars

Posted by jon on 02 June 2004 - 11:00 PM in Off Topic

If you want the best deal on a cheap guitar, the option I would suggest is making one. You could spend the 300 bucks on some good pick-ups and anther 100 on strings, tuners, wood, etc. The wireing is quite basic and should not be much of a hasle, unless your a fucking retard. Any other info im leaving out you could find in a how too book (just add 20 bucks).

As for my stringed beast Im carring a clasic Vox four string. It is so old it doesn't even have a modle type. It was built for that clasic british rock sound. Alass it is useless because im a drummer and have other shit to do than learn base.

#27604 Guitars

Posted by jon on 02 June 2004 - 11:10 PM in Off Topic

Cx, from what I've heard, it's not so much the guitar as the amp that makes it sound good.

not to be an asshole, but your wrong. It is the pick-ups in a guitar that gives the quality sound. an expensive amp will just amplify your sound louder and just a little more clear. that is if you buy a bran new amp. I know this because my dad is formerly a studio guitar player, and im a future music major.

#28121 Fav. Gun Attribute

Posted by jon on 09 June 2004 - 02:37 PM in General Nerf

just as a waring im to lazy to read all the previous post on this topic.

Tho I did choose an acurate wepon, i think the answers should not be one or the other. i just want a gun that performs to a specific calibur. if you think about it most compat is within 30 to 50 feet. I think people sould have a gun that is acurate within or above that range and feels nice and looks it could take someones head off.

#44503 December Yano

Posted by jon on 21 December 2004 - 09:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey guys I know I haven't posted in ages. I think it should be around a year now, but anywho, I am desperate, and I need a ride. Is there anyone coming up from SD, other then Steve and Sam, 'cause Steve is full (a la Toj), and Sam's friend is possibly a douchebag (but Sam, I still love you if you can gimme a ride!!!!111one!!shift+1), so umm..yeah.

On the other hand, I am willing to handout (literally) sexual favors (with my hand (omg lol!!!11)) as long as your not gay about it, ie: Goo.

Spoken by Jon!
Typed (and edited to make interesting) by Toj! 'Cause Jon SUCKS at typing...

#44514 December Yano

Posted by jon on 22 December 2004 - 12:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Ok guys Sam's friend is a douch bag! I still love you Sam! (in a hetero sexual way of couse) Iam just poasting to all the people I called that dont nerf anymore.....FUCK YOU ALL

Oh and Thanks Sam and Stevy for a making the effort. i do(n't) apreciate that

#54133 Movie Help

Posted by jon on 04 May 2005 - 01:58 PM in Off Topic

Hey guys,

I know I have not posted in a long time. It's good to see that the nerfing comunity is growing, but to get to the point, let me say this. I currently writing a screenplay and I'm trying to make it into a generation studdy. Right now I have come down with a bad case of writers block. If you guys could help me and just poast what you love most about this generation and what you hate most of this generation.

Also for those in film school. Would any of you guys be willing to help me shoot this my peice when it is all written. If not could you give me some good contacts, books, advice, ect.

thanks for your help guys

#54243 Movie Help

Posted by jon on 05 May 2005 - 06:10 PM in Off Topic

Well chums, I didn't think that you guys would be so cynical. I hate to say it but most of the things you guys are talking about have been traced back to the Bible. I would like for you guys talk about THIS generation. Some of the good ideas that you guys have talked about are that we are the first generation to grow up with internet. Some of the things that I have observed about our generation is there are so many genres and styles. Tell me what you think of punks, goths, ska boys, or the preps that buy all there cloathes from American Eagle. (I.E. I HATE EMO kids and punks are the coolest people) . Also,Why dont you guys talk about something more taboo. (I.E. The openess of the gay community, or the Christian Reich [pun intended].)

This movie that I am writing has mainly about a boy who is a movie buff and loves trageties. He is purposly holding himself back acidemically (and in writing contest) in high school so that when he becomes a directo,r that he has sort of a Cynderella story. he eventually wins a contest and then kills himself. You see the the actual tragety is him wining, not him killing himself. (note this is potentaly 180 pages rolled into a short paragraph)

Hey Ash- thanks for the encouragement. I would PM you but I don't know what that is. Aslo, could you put your personal observations of this generation. I think I have a feeling I would like what you would say

#54262 Movie Help

Posted by jon on 05 May 2005 - 09:14 PM in Off Topic

Please less history and more present. Also it would be nice if you guys just stop going for someone else's jugular. Here is other thing I would like to bring up for you guys to express your opion on. Try talking about modern philosophy (I.E. objectivism and others. ), fashion, and new ovements.

Oh Shotty you should watch the John Stewart Show. He often makes fun of the Christian Right. From there I took the joke farther and made it into the Christian Riech. (after all, the Pope was in the Nazi Youth) :D

#58513 Armageddon 2005

Posted by jon on 30 June 2005 - 09:20 PM in Nerf Wars

I beg to differ! The most fashionable gun (in my opion) is a power clip with several loaded clips waiting to be unloaded. I get half a stiffy just thinking about it.

By the way, I'll see all you people in Irvine. If anyone needs a ride, I can seat 3 other than myself. Just email me at www.moviemaker2b@gmail.com if you want a ride.

#58640 Armageddon 2005

Posted by jon on 03 July 2005 - 07:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Well I filled my car with two newbies (excluding toj). There is room for one more if anyone needs a ride from Oceanside, Vista, Fallbrook, San Clemente, Mission Veio,San Juan Capistrano or Bonsal. any other city your in your just shit out of luck. :angry:

#58654 Armageddon 2005

Posted by jon on 03 July 2005 - 11:12 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey Kev,
Are all homemades baned from this war? Because im making the one Evan made, the FAR Rifle. I would love to use it, also posibly the beast. Though I'm pretty sure that you will ban the beast. The reason that I ask this question is because the FAR Rifle is not as powerful other homemades.(Like the ones desert storm brought that could shatter safety glasses.) Plus this gun will help me compensate for other things... :angry: