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#316454 Shingles 3.0

Posted by Ambience 327 on 02 June 2012 - 09:05 PM in Homemades

You guys are totally missing the best part of these things. Old farts like me won't have to bend over and pick up darts nearly as much!

I sat out the last round at Cata3 because my back was killing me (no longer getting exhausted from a full day of Nerf - thanks Gym membership!), and having access to some of these would let me do a single dart sweep between rounds with my magnet wand, fill them back up, and then do very little ground-scrounging during the rounds. Less bending = more Nerfing for me - at least until I get rid of my paunch and strengthen my back muscles.

I know for a fact these would help me, as I used three of BabyGhandi's jello-shot loaders, and when they were loaded and ready, they really sped up my loading and got be back into action that much quicker. What is most important is a design of shingle that will let you carry a decent amount of foam without hampering movement too much. I like what I am seeing so far, but I am thinking something more along the lines of the elastic-banded loader holders they use in paintball would be more up my ally. (i.e. something softer and more flexible for holding the tubes, so as to decrease weight and increase mobility)

I should say: don't get discouraged just because Zorn, Venom and I shit all over your idea. We have rather strong opinions of what is and isn't war-worthy, but we're just voices on the internet. Whether people use these or not is the true measure of their value.

To add to this, I would say that most Nerfers agree that unmodded Stampedes aren't really "war-worthy", but I have now been to at least two wars where said unmodded Stampedes have contributed significantly to the success of their team in at least a round or two. (The first time for scoring numerous points in a Defend-the-Core round, the second time used dual-wielded with 35-round drum clips in defense of the bucket in a Carpe round.) "War-worth" does not always equal "fun".

#151840 Secret Strike Question - Did I Get Some Lemons?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 April 2008 - 02:56 PM in General Nerf

I mean no offense, and maybe I'm missing something here FA, but why would the dart's condition affect the pumping? My "problems" both have to do with the pumping:

1) Pumping slowly produces no effect - the air tank doesn't get filled. This happens whether there is a dart there or not, and with any dart I put there, including the two that came with it, Streamlines, Taggers, Sonics, etc.

2) Pumping also causes the dart to "hop up" just a bit - meaning air is escaping from the air tank into the barrel prior to me pulling the trigger - and obviously having enough force to move the dart a bit. I can only assume the situtaion you describe would actually prevent/hinder this occurrance.

#151833 Secret Strike Question - Did I Get Some Lemons?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 April 2008 - 12:19 PM in General Nerf

Ok, thanks!

I guess that means I'm free to start modding them, since I'm not going to get anything better.

It shouldn't be too big of an issue to pump quickly, but I'll probably have to keep the "dart pushing" thing in mind when I design the mod - most likely a method of pump-then-load will work the best. Since I was already thinking of coupler-modding them *, that shouldn't be too hard - I can just pump it up then slap the loaded barrel on the front.

* The idea of the coupler was originally this: I want these things to perform well, so the primary mod will be plugging the OP valve and replacing the barrel, but I am going to try out a longer barrel with a shotgun-load of 1" Nano Stefans to see what kind of range I can get with that loadout. If I can get a spread of darts at 10+ feet, it would become a rather useful addition to my arsenal due to the nature of our indoor play. If this works, I'll be sure to post a good write-up of it.

#151803 Secret Strike Question - Did I Get Some Lemons?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 April 2008 - 07:01 AM in General Nerf

I picked up a pair of Secret Strikes from Meijer last night. They both seem to have a small problem, and I want to know if this is par for the course on SSPB's, or if the two I got were somehow flawed, albeit in identical fashion.

Here's what they do: If I pump really slowly, the air won't fill the tank at all. I have to use firm pumps in order to get the air to go into the tank. (it may also have something to do with the angle the pump is moving in...? I haven't tested them a lot yet) Also, as I am pumping (firmly, as described above), the dart in the barrel will usually start to move up a bit, which tells me some of the air is being released from the air tank early.

Basically, if I pump it up with firm pumps, then insert a dart, I'm getting a decent shot - but it seems like more effort than should be required. Is this how all of them work (or at least the current crop of N-Strike variety), or should I take them back to the store and exchange them - hoping for less flawed examples?

If this is how things are, does anyone know possible solutions? I am thinking that plugging the OP valve will help part of the problem (though that is a difficlut proposition with the SSPB, involving cutting the pump area open and re-gluing it after pulling out the pump handle and sealing the OP). But the part that really bothers me is the dart moving in the barrel. I am hoping to put a coupler on this and attempt a shotgun load with a 6" barrel (for close encounters indoors - 10' range spread fire would be awesome with the way we play), but I would prefer to not have to pump the thing before loading up the barrel, so solving this part of the problem would be nice.

If you need any other info, let me know - I really want to figure this out as I plan to use these things as modular integrations - mod writeup to come if I am successful.

#151808 Secret Strike Question - Did I Get Some Lemons?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 April 2008 - 07:58 AM in General Nerf

I don't believe the AR in the SS has the 3-prong spring deal. Also, it pushes the dart up in small increments, and only during a pump, so I know it is the air doing the pushing. The dart will come 1/3 to 1/2 of the way back out of the barrel, a little-bit at a time, after 5-10 pumps.

What is the problem with your hornet? And do you know how this might be fixed?

#151829 Secret Strike Question - Did I Get Some Lemons?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 April 2008 - 11:45 AM in General Nerf

I would hope that isn't the problem here with mine, as I just got them and have only used them indoors with clean darts - that would mean they both shipped with dirt in the valve!

#217321 Search Nh With Google!

Posted by Ambience 327 on 10 March 2009 - 03:16 PM in Site Feedback

It has to be "site:nerfhaven.com" - leave out the "www"

Click here for an example.

#206523 Schoolwide Nerf Tournament

Posted by Ambience 327 on 26 January 2009 - 09:48 AM in General Nerf

Congrats on getting this going. It sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun. I am also really digging the list of blasters being used - most of those are the blasters that get knocked on this board all the time, but when you get them indoors, fighting in close quarters like that, they tend to come into their own. In CQ, range is a secondary concern, ROF is king. Thus - the Mavericks, Fireflies, MT20's, Magstrikes, RF20's, Longshots, Recons, Vulcans, etc. all have their place.

(I'm really digging the dual NF's the one kid is sporting. Makes me want to find an effective way to carry a full N-Strike Attack unit set around. Six single-shot blasters, primed and loaded? Yes please. :lol:)

#215107 Satx Nerfer's Park

Posted by Ambience 327 on 26 February 2009 - 11:37 AM in Nerf Wars

The slide would be perfecto! There is holes in it to stick your gun out of.

If you are talking about the one below, I personally would have no use for it. Of course, most of you guys aren't 30 years old, fat and mildly claustrophobic!

Posted Image

Man, I wish we had something remotely close to this cool in my area. I've been scouting around for a place to play outdoors when it gets warmer, and I haven't found anything nearly as well-suited to nerfing as this playground. I have found a few that would work, but they are always crawling with kids.

Out of curiosity Sputnik, what days of the week/times of day/seasons are you guys actually able to nerf here without it being overrun with little folk?

#214889 Satx Nerfer's Park

Posted by Ambience 327 on 25 February 2009 - 10:46 AM in Nerf Wars

Awesome Cover here
Posted Image

I don't think I've ever seen a piece of playground equipment that looked so purpose-built for Nerfing before. That thing has it all - great coverage from all sides, easy in-out access from multiple directions, and even a great "observation blind" where you'd feel fairly safe standing up and looking around, but not have to worry too much about incoming fire. And I don't think I even need to point out those little holes in the walls...

#282857 Rotating The Fury Fire And Maverick Turrents Manually?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 11 August 2010 - 03:05 PM in General Nerf

While it is not likely to cause issues most of the time, you are still moving parts in ways they are not meant to be moved, and causing stress on areas in ways not intended.

Bullshit. They were very much meant to be moved that way. There would be no ratchet otherwise.

Things just wear out, it's perfectly normal. To wear out that part of one of these toys, someone would had to have gotten many many hours of play value out of it. Things wear out; it's normal, learn to cope. The Grand Canyon is an example of "normal wear and tear."

They're toys. Moving parts cause wear. Everything wears out eventually. They never came with any promise to last your lifetime, so just replace it.

And learn to spell turret.

You're entitled to your opinion of course, but nobody needs to tell you that. I'm no expert on Nerf blasters, and never claimed to be - all I can go on is my own limited experience. That said, I would think the ratcheting action exists because the designers were smart, knew their target audience, and put it there so the kiddies don't break the thing on day one when they try to spin the cylinder, but that it still isn't how it was intended to be used. I've got Mavs that are older, and used more often than the one I'm talking about - but I take better care of them. They don't have the same issue as the one that was repeatedly spun. It isn't the best idea - why take the risk? (Especially when it is so easy to just pop it open to spin it to the correct location.)

#282820 Rotating The Fury Fire And Maverick Turrents Manually?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 11 August 2010 - 08:00 AM in General Nerf

While it is not likely to cause issues most of the time, you are still moving parts in ways they are not meant to be moved, and causing stress on areas in ways not intended. I have only ever seem one Mav wear down in this area, but it does happen - and it makes it so that the rotation doesn't work properly. (It was my nephew's Mav, and he and his friends rotated it like that quite a bit, because it was "cool".)

So yes, it is bad for the blaster, but it is not very likely to cause you issues unless you overdo it. Still, why take the chance? (If you need to simply move the turret for advancement purposes, you can either use the trigger or flip out the turret (for Mavs anyway).

#141234 Recon Rifle

Posted by Ambience 327 on 19 February 2008 - 08:55 AM in Modifications

Looks good, sounds like it is effective enough. But I think it is screaming for a shotgun foregrip - the image I get is of you (not that I know what you look like) holding this thing with the stock on top your shoulder, then raising your off-hand even higher to cock it. I would think that would be rather awkward and even get in the way of your field of vision a bit. With a shotgun grip, you would at least be able to drop your hand under the barrel - and since the whole thing is glued to gether now you wouldn't have too much trouble putting such a grip under there.

#316905 RainbowPup

Posted by Ambience 327 on 12 June 2012 - 05:22 AM in Homemades

Your cost estimate sheet link is asking for a Username and Password.

#316671 RainbowPup

Posted by Ambience 327 on 07 June 2012 - 08:34 AM in Homemades

You really take an idea and run with it, don't you Ryan? I still find the idea of the crossbow-based blasters to be slightly more fun overall, but you can't argue with the compact nature of this design. I don't think I have ever seen anything that could hope to compete with this thing in terms of size+power combination while retaining the pump-action springer nature. I think this new bullpup style plunger system is the way forward in homemades - and it pretty much puts Hasbro's engineers to shame for the simplicity and effectiveness of the design.

#237161 Raider Preview

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 June 2009 - 02:34 PM in General Nerf

Ok, if I'm reading all this correctly, you've removed the AR's and added a spring addition in the stock, and you're hitting 55 feet consistently. I'm assuming that's with the same 3" single bb stefans, right? That's a beastly range for something with such a high ROF and ammo capacity. This might just be the Doomsayer of indoor/close-quarters combat. At 55 feet, it easily matches the range of anything else in my indoor arsenal. I might just have a new indoor primary in a few months...

Did you reinforce the cocking bar? I didn't see mention of whether you did or not, only that you might...

I did reinforce it slightly with putty. And no, that range is with streamlines.

55 feet with streamlines?! That's fantastic! Well then, I am sold. I will be grabbing at least one of these just as soon as I'm able.

While I've got your attention, perhaps you could answer another question, if you are able. Do you think it would be possible (whether with little work or a lot of work, whether modding the mag or the blaster) to reverse the drum mag's loading direction? (i.e. so that the drum faces downward instead of upward?

I ask because I have tentative plans to get ahold of a pair of these drum mags and a pair of recons, then mod the whole mess into a functional and aesthetically pleasing replica of a Storm Bolter from Warhammer 40,000 - simply because it would look ridiculously awesome. :)

(it might also make a halfway decent indoor weapon, what with the dual-firing, 35 round clip and all)

#238552 Raider Preview

Posted by Ambience 327 on 25 June 2009 - 01:10 PM in General Nerf

I have always liked Ice's PJs

Wow, the fanboys really home in on small details, don't they? :D

#237102 Raider Preview

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 June 2009 - 10:46 AM in General Nerf

Ok, if I'm reading all this correctly, you've removed the AR's and added a spring addition in the stock, and you're hitting 55 feet consistently. I'm assuming that's with the same 3" single bb stefans, right? That's a beastly range for something with such a high ROF and ammo capacity. This might just be the Doomsayer of indoor/close-quarters combat. At 55 feet, it easily matches the range of anything else in my indoor arsenal. I might just have a new indoor primary in a few months...

Did you reinforce the cocking bar? I didn't see mention of whether you did or not, only that you might...

#145508 Quick Question About Maverick Penny Mod

Posted by Ambience 327 on 17 March 2008 - 07:11 AM in Modifications

The penny or pennies are place behind the spring to improve the power of the spring.

Where else would it go?

In a jar so you could start saving for a better gun? <_<

#145541 Quick Question About Maverick Penny Mod

Posted by Ambience 327 on 17 March 2008 - 02:51 PM in Modifications

I believe it is intended to increase the compression of the spring, causing it to move the plunger faster, thus increasing the amound of air that affects the dart before it leaves the barrel.

#213455 Question About The New Sonic Darts

Posted by Ambience 327 on 19 February 2009 - 09:29 AM in General Nerf

I don't know whether they will release the new darts in 10-packs or not, but why would you want them to?

At my local Wal-Mart, you can buy the 10-packs for $4.00 each.
Also at Wal-Mart, you can buy a 25-pack (w/ free Vulcan chain -_-) for $8.00 each.

Compared to the 10-pack That's like getting 5 darts + the Vulcan Chain free.

At my local Target, you can buy the 100-packs (w/ Ammo Box) for $30.00

To get 100 darts from the 10-packs, you'd have to buy 10 packs. That's $40.00 - $10.00 more than the 100-pack (not to mention getting that wonderful, high quality Ammo Box free! </sarcasm>) It's even cheaper than buying the Vulcan Chain refills, at least as far as the darts themselves are concerned. 100 darts purchased that way would cost $32.00. Of course, if you have a Vulcan and want the extra chains, then the chain packs make more sense. (As you'd get four chains instead of one ammo box, for a total difference of only $2.00.)

So again I ask. Why would you want to buy them in 10-packs? If you are buying extra darts, that means that either your original darts are lost/broken/worn out, or you want more darts available so you don't run out as quickly during a war. In either case, a single 10-pack usually isn't going to be enough (if your darts are lost/broken/worn out - these probably will be eventually). As I've shown, for as little as $4.00 more, you can buy your darts much more cost-effectively than in the 10-packs.

#214419 Question About The New Sonic Darts

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 February 2009 - 11:40 AM in General Nerf

Dude13 - As I mentioned, I have noticed the foam in the black-foam sonics does wear out fairly quickly, but I've never had a single problem with the heads staying on. Perhaps you got a bad batch...?

islot - Sounds like your experience with the orange-foam sonics confirms what I've heard from other sources. If they increase ranges (vs. suction-tipped micros) as well as the old black-foam ones, but maintain their rigidity better, I'll be quite a happy camper when I get my hands on some of these. Now I just need to talk my wife into letting me get one of those 100-count ammo box packs.

#213729 Question About The New Sonic Darts

Posted by Ambience 327 on 20 February 2009 - 03:59 PM in General Nerf

You're welcome.

It's a great time to be a sonic micro fanatic. We use only stock darts in the wars we have at my church (for liability reasons), and I've found that the sonic micros work best in most of my blasters (all except the Longshot and the Recons of course). I tend to trim about 1/4" off of each one to reduce jams in the Mavericks, but otherwise they are perfect.

All of my current sonics are the old-style black foam, and I've noticed that they tend to degrade after a lot of use (the foam gets soft and they lose range). I've heard that the new orange foam sonics feel a bit more dense. Do you happen to know whether they last longer than the black foam sonics?

#169023 Question

Posted by Ambience 327 on 14 August 2008 - 09:36 AM in General Nerf

Singled Titans are banned most places. However, he said he wanted to add 8 Crayola barrels in place of the rocket barrel - thus a shotgun modded Titan, which - as far as I've heard - is much more welcome at most wars.

#316539 PVC Health Concern

Posted by Ambience 327 on 05 June 2012 - 10:02 AM in General Nerf

I do it outside with a mask on.

I just know somebody is going to sig that. :rolleyes:

Good ventilation and a filter mask will protect you from the dangers of PVC dust inhalation - and in fact is a good precaution whenever you are dealing with cutting/sanding/drilling/anything else that creates a lot of particulate matter (dust).

#284322 Pump-action Crossbow

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 August 2010 - 07:37 AM in Homemades

Ryan let me take this thing out for a test drive Saturday at Foam in the Fort. Let me just say that it was truly the most fun I have had with a foam-flinging blaster in a long time. This thing is awesomeness in its purest form. The draw is extremely smooth, the handle quite comfortable, and the firing action both strong and accurate.

Oh - and it's a freakin' crossbow. A REAL freakin' crossbow. 'Nuff said.

#285393 Pump-action Crossbow

Posted by Ambience 327 on 14 September 2010 - 03:01 PM in Homemades

I like to think that the cocking slide, shown in three of the four images in the first post, which draws the string and plunger rod back to the catching point, would be what qualifies this as pump-action.

Oh, and in case the pictures weren't enough, reading the words helps too:

The pump grip merely pushes back the nylon bow string, until the catches, obviously. I'll probably add a return spring for the pump later.

And yes, he typically runs this with a hopper. In fact, he has probably never actually Nerf'd with it with any setup other than a hopper.

#155688 Primary Guns

Posted by Ambience 327 on 13 May 2008 - 03:20 PM in General Nerf

Dual weilded spy gear signal launcher. One 2k turreted and one singled and silenced. Or a mongo titan longshot combo.

You can't carry that many guns effectively.


If I am reading his post right, that's two options of on only two guns at a time.

1) Spy Gear Signal Launcher w/ an AT2K Turret attached
2) Spy Gear Signal Launcher (singled & silenced)


1) Longshot
2) Mongo Titan

To stay on topic, I personally use a lightly modded AT2K (AR's & posts removed) and a Maverick (AR's & posts removed). In our indoor wars, this is generally all I need to stay competetive against the youth.

My wife, on the other hand, prefers to tote either my LS or one of my Recons - sometimes with a Maverick as a backup.

#253446 Pretty And Removable Pump-action Recon Mod

Posted by Ambience 327 on 13 October 2009 - 07:55 AM in Modifications


You madea at least three mistakes in your post:

1) You posted in a thread that has been dormant for months without adding anything significant. The mods frown on that, and it is likely to get you on their bad side. You don't want to see that side - it isn't pretty.

2) You didn't think about what you were saying. You said that this adds nothing to the functionality of the original gun, but it does. Many people find that the top-slide cocking action of the Recon and similar blasters (such as the Maverick and the scout) is uncomfortable or otherwise undesirable, and they find that adding a shotgun-style pump action to the blaster is an improvement. (Nerf seems to have realized this - just look at the new Hyperfire blaster).

3) You didn't bother to read the mod itself before posting. You accuse the original poster of having "wasted a perfectly good recon". As the quote below shows, he did no such thing.

Today we're going to make a pretty looking and removable pump-action attachment for the Recon. Others have made the Recon pump-action before, but I've never liked the looks of them, and I had a broken Recon to mess with anyway. This is an advanced mod: read these instructions, but only do the mod if you understand what is going on. A lot of this was done on intuition, and I got a lot of things to fit by sheer luck.

#283482 Powerball/carpe Testiculem

Posted by Ambience 327 on 19 August 2010 - 07:39 AM in General Nerf

Here are the writeups for the games as they appear in my War Thread for Foam in the Fort II. This should at least give everyone a good base line for discussion.

Sieze the Balls

Teams: 2 or more (generally at least 3)

Setup: Each team is given a "base" location consisting of a bucket filled with a number of balls (3 or more), as well as a designated "spawn point" (which should be at least 20-30 yards behind their "base" locations). Players start at their designated "spawn point".

Respawn: Unlimited, 15-count at designated "spawn point"

Objectives: Take balls from your opponent's buckets and return them to your own bucket. The team with the most balls in their bucket when the time is up wins. Balls not in buckets when time is called do not count towards any team.

Special Rules: A player may only carry a single ball at any given time. If a player is hit while carrying a ball, they must drop the ball where they were hit before returning to their "spawn point".

Team Powerball
(Adapted from multiple sources.)

Teams: 2

Setup: Each team is given a "base" location consisting of 3 buckets spread out 20-40 yards apart, roughly parallel to the opposing team's buckets. (The center bucket on each side should be a bit further back than two outside buckets.) Each team is also given a designated "spawn point" which whould be 20-30 yards behind the "base" location. Finally, each team is given 8 balls of their team color (red or blue, or similarly contrasting colors) and 4 white balls (the "Powerballs"). These are placed at the team's designated "spawn point" at the start of the game.

Respawn: Unlimited, 15-count at designated "spawn point".

Objectives: Take your balls to your opponent's "base" and get them into one of their buckets. Any balls in a team's buckets when the time is called score points for the opposing team. The two outside buckets are worth 1 point each, the center bucket is worth 3 points. A "Powerball" in a bucket is worth double the normal points (so 2 or 6). Balls not in a bucket when time is called are worth no points. The team with the most points wins.

Special Rules: A player may only carry one ball at a time, and they may only carry balls of their team's color or "Powerballs". No player may intentionally touch, pick up, block or otherwise disturb a ball of the opposing team's color at any time. When a player is hit while carrying a ball, they must drop that ball where they were shot before returning to their "spawn point". (The ball may not be dropped into a bucket after a player has been hit.) Any player may touch, pick up, carry, block, etc. a "Powerball" at any time, except that you may not attempt to strip a "Powerball" from the hands of another player. Once a ball, whether it be a normal ball or a "Powerball", has been placed in a bucket, it may not be removed by either team.

Variants: One player per team may be designated a "Goalkeeper". The "Goalkeeper" is armed with either a melee weapon or a single shot blaster that shoots less than 50 feet (but not both). The "Goalkeeper" must remain on his team's side of the field (i.e. may not cross the "center line"). The "Goalkeeper" is invulnerable - i.e. he may not be eliminated by either shooting or melee hits. (Optional - the "Goalkeeper" may be "stunned" for a 5-count by shooting and/or melee hits - which means he cannot move or shoot/swing melee.) Unlike other players, the "Goalkeeper" may touch the opposing team's balls - but only to attempt to block a thrown ball or to quickly throw a ball back towards the opposing team's side. (The "Goalkeeper" may not hold an opposing team's ball for more than a 3-count before he must throw it away, and all throws must be directed toward the opposing team's side - no throwing it behind your own team's buckets.)

#253611 Power Wheels Warthog With Vulcan Chaingun!

Posted by Ambience 327 on 15 October 2009 - 02:11 PM in Off Topic

While I certainly can't say for sure - the Vulcan has a removable tripod mount (which isn't even all that useful) that has a quick-release mechanism. He probably just glued the tripod, or just the quick-release mech, to the Power Wheels jeep - allowing the Vulcan to be attached quickly. If he really went all out, he attached the quick-reliease to a swivel-mount of some kind.

#231015 Potential Maverick Semi Auto

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 May 2009 - 09:42 AM in Modifications

I can't really see this working, mainly because you'd have to have extremely long fingers to be able to cock the gun with a trigger pull after the trigger actuated the catch. Think about it - for this to work, you can't even begin pulling back on the slide until the blaster has fired. I don't have the exact measurement, but I'm guessing the mav's standard trigger pull is probably somewhere between 1/4" and 1/2", maybe longer. That's all distance you have to cover before you can start cocking it - as any movement of the slide before the blaster fires would result in the slide catching the plunger before the spring fully decompresses.

Now, add on the pull distance for the slide itself. Again. I don't know the exact dimensions, but it's probably somewhere close to 3" or more. With that in mind, we're looking at something like a 3-1/2" (or longer) trigger pull, that you would then have to release completely before pulling it again to fire a second time.

This doesn't even take into account the fact that, while your trigger is pulled back, the catch would still be actuated (or would likely actuate as the trigger moved back to it's "resting" position), or the fact that the Mav's trigger mechanism is tied directly into the barrel rotaction mechanism. Both of those would be design problems you'd have to overcome as well.

Long story short, it just isn't feasible.

#219395 Possible Southern Mi War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 March 2009 - 08:32 AM in Nerf Wars

There is an outside chance that I might be able to come if it is on the 4th. That is my birthday, and so my wife might let me do whatever I want. (Or she might have secret plans that I know nothing about...?)

We might run into conflict with Massacre 4 being on the same day, and only a few hours away, but if there is enough interest for that date to hold a war, I may be able to come.

#210812 Portable War Obstacles

Posted by Ambience 327 on 09 February 2009 - 11:30 AM in Nerf Wars

I made a set of flags using 1" thick wooden dowels and different colored bandanas. You can either staple the bandana directly to the dowel (which requires a strong paper stapler or better yet a staple gun) or sew a narrow pocket along one edge of each bandana to slip it over the dowel.

When the youth group at my church get together for our indoor wars, we usually play in the dark. For that purpose, we just use different colored glow sticks from the dollar store as flags - this makes them quite visible both when they are in position, and when they are being moved for capture. (We use a rule that the flag must be held up over your head while you run it home, so that everyone can clearly see it.)

#145525 Poll: The Maverick

Posted by Ambience 327 on 17 March 2008 - 10:37 AM in General Nerf

I voted for "Good", because we play indoors exclusively. (church youth group that my wife and I help out with)

When you are dealing with ranges under 20' most of the time, the Maverick is tough to beat. The ROF is great, and the range (once you remove the AR's) is enough to go wall to wall anywhere but in the largest rooms (the sanctuary & fellowship hall).

Among our arsenal, only the Recon & Longshot can keep up ROF-wise, the the LS is too unwieldy for tight quarters!

#310600 Planning an interesting war on March 14th

Posted by Ambience 327 on 02 February 2012 - 09:43 PM in Nerf Wars

A suggestion for keeping cardboard steady in windy areas - just put a brick or some other heavy object in them.

#310576 Planning an interesting war on March 14th

Posted by Ambience 327 on 02 February 2012 - 06:56 AM in Nerf Wars

With 10-20 people, a single basketball court sized gym could work. With 50-60, you WILL NOT have nearly enough room. You will simply have a crowd of people milling about shooting each other - especially if you put up any kind of cover. Go with the field (and provide lots of cover). I held a war in which over 40 people showed up, and we played on a large elementary school campus with lots of wooded area. It was great. That same number of people in a small gym would have been awful!

The jail system could work, but you will still have people "sitting out" as they wait in jail. Better to have designated respawn areas, and have them go and count themselves back in. (With that many people in play, I would up the count time significantly, so one team could actually make some headway toward reducing the other team's numbers - say something like a 30 count or more (we typically do 10 or 15 counts at our wars).

If you have two flags, make it two teams, unless you have something for the other half of the crowd to be doing. Who wants to sit around a watch others having fun when you could be having fun yourself? :)

Also, I suggest you look into other game types mentioned on this site. Look for things like "Defend the Core", "Humans vs. Zombies", and "Sieze the Balls" (aka "Carpe Testiculum" - this one is great for breaking down into multiple teams - you could even do five or more teams if you wanted) as great alternative objective games that are great fun and where nobody sits out.

#310657 Planning an interesting war on March 14th

Posted by Ambience 327 on 04 February 2012 - 09:19 AM in Nerf Wars

For larger boxes, check with grocery stores and "big box" electronics, furniture, appliance and department stores. Most of them just throw their boxes out, and would probably be happy to donate dozens of large boxes to your cause. Most Nerfers can hide behind a box meant for a washer or dryer after all... :lol:

#164088 Places That You Wish You Could Nerf

Posted by Ambience 327 on 24 July 2008 - 12:09 PM in General Nerf

Are we running some kind of topic exchange program with NerfHQ that I'm unaware of? Did they just get an original modification or war planning thread?

Maybe they haven't noticed that the HQ went back online yet?

#152443 Pistol Tommy 20 Mod (no Writeup)

Posted by Ambience 327 on 21 April 2008 - 04:44 PM in Modifications

45-50ft? With 20 rounds that'll make a great secondary. <_< Reloading would be a pain so maybe not so much... but good job.

The nice thing about loading the MT20 is that you can do it piecemeal - meaning you don't have to wait until it is empty to reload. Due to its revolving nature, you can simply load as many slots as possible whenever you have time. The real trick is keeping the thing quiet enough that it doesn't announce your presence to the whole world when it is turned on.