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There have been 411 items by Oroku Saki (Search limited from 11-February 97)

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#17576 At2k Problem

Posted by Oroku Saki on 30 January 2004 - 02:11 AM in Modifications

You might be able to patch the leak with some hot glue or super glue. It may not work the same as before, but at least the gun may still be functional.

#41113 Attn: Any Soldier

Posted by Oroku Saki on 07 November 2004 - 11:21 PM in Off Topic

It is good that you are bringing this site to our attention, Evil. Our soldiers deserve those little extras regardless of where or why they are stationed where they are. I like it that one of their suggestions is Beanie Babies for the soldiers to give to Iraqi children. Finally, we all have a use for those damn things that have been sitting in America's closets, collecting dust. Maybe I can talk a few ex-beanie collectors into sending some donations.

I remember hearing stories from one of my friends who was stationed in Iraq a few months ago. When it comes to donating DVD's, pr0n does go a long way for a poor soldier stationed out in a desert. I'm serious. The thing is though, usually soldiers order it themselves, and it's hard to please everyone. I would probably go with a universal type donation such as CDR's or DVDR's. Then they can burn what they want.

I also encourage the food listings they have there. It's only a matter of time before standard issue rations start to taste like shit. Beef Jerky is one of the best fucking foods out there (link found at the Anysoldier website):

I am sure Maddox would also agree with me on that one.

The site also has some other great suggestions. I just wanted to highlight some of my favorites.

Support our troops!

#17809 Avatars

Posted by Oroku Saki on 01 February 2004 - 12:43 AM in Site Feedback

Getting back to the tmnt avatars, I hope you guys put up a Shredder. That would be sweet!

#17578 Avatars

Posted by Oroku Saki on 30 January 2004 - 02:33 AM in Site Feedback

I think some Ninja Turtle avatars would be great, please. Another suggestion would be some FF7 Avatars, maybe even the old-school FFI black mage, fighter, etc.

#15528 Ball Guns

Posted by Oroku Saki on 02 January 2004 - 08:15 PM in General Nerf

Personally, I have had more experience with dart-based guns, but a one of my friends has a Master Blaster and a Pulsator. I don't want to diss ball guns too much, because they are good for excellent applications (such as situations similar to Neonerfer's). I am sure most of us prefer to use dart guns because they are more accurate and have better range, but maybe someday there will be someone who will come up with some better mods for ball guns. I may buy myself a ball gun and try coming up with mods. If anyone finds out any mods for ball guns, please let us know.

#33479 Ballistas Or Arrows

Posted by Oroku Saki on 07 August 2004 - 08:59 PM in General Nerf

Either that, or mod your gun with PVC, Brass, or PETG to fire Stefans. Accuracy and rangewise, Stefans kick the shit out of stock darts or arrows any day.

#26411 Ballzooka Ammo Question

Posted by Oroku Saki on 17 May 2004 - 09:33 PM in General Nerf

As far as I have seen, all Nerf ball ammunition is pretty much the same size. I have never heard of different sized balls that have come out over the years.

#22583 Bean Or Hung?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 27 March 2004 - 09:29 PM in Off Topic

What really bothers me is that people have actually voted in this poll.

I know, it's really sad. By the way, my last post was referring to the other poll. Sorry, I was a little confused at the moment when I posted it.

I didn't vote in this poll either, As I precisely said, Who gives a fuck whether some guy on American Idol is funnier than Mr. Bean?

I have my guesses as to who actually voted on this poll, but then again, there's a part of me that really doesn't want to know. Let's just hope something like this never happens again, capice?

#22514 Bean Or Hung?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 11:11 PM in Off Topic

I didn't even vote for Canada. I'm sorry if I have offended you, Spectre. You have contributed a lot to these forums. I have a lot of respect for you. I was only joking a little about Canada, and did not intend for it to go this far.

#23106 Bean Or Hung?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 31 March 2004 - 11:47 PM in Off Topic

Dude, shut the fuck up. This topic is fucking dead already, and the shithead that started it got deleted.

Move along, people, nothing to see here......

#22405 Bean Or Hung?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 25 March 2004 - 09:35 PM in Off Topic

Okay........I don't understand why you bothered to create this survey. Most of the time, the polls around here are about more relevant topics. Posting a survey like this is like asking random people what type of deodorant they use, assuming that they actually use deodorant. Who cares about pointless bullshit like this?

#36243 Best Gun

Posted by Oroku Saki on 02 September 2004 - 05:26 PM in General Nerf

Singled AT2K's are the schizznit when it comes to primaries. For Sidearms, my guns of choice are the Nite Finder and Scout.

#23360 Blow Guns?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 04 April 2004 - 12:19 AM in General Nerf

IR is right. All you need is a chunk of PVC that fits darts. If you really want to get fancy, you could add some sort of mouthpiece. A 5' piece of CPVC costs about $1.50-$2.00. I think that's a better deal than buying an expensive blowgun. Besides, it works just as well.

#30279 Brass Barrels...

Posted by Oroku Saki on 03 July 2004 - 09:16 PM in Modifications

Most of the hardware stores I go to (Home Depot, Menards, etc.) usually keep their brass tubing in the metalwork section, in the same area of sheet metal.

#18819 Bring Back Any Memories?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 11 February 2004 - 11:05 PM in General Nerf

It's interesting to see that Hasbro has even posted information on the older nerf guns. It would kick ass if they could re-release some of them though..........

#24599 Building A Custom Pc

Posted by Oroku Saki on 20 April 2004 - 11:10 PM in Off Topic

Make sure that the part that advances the clip up functions properly. Also, make sure the screws around the orange clip itself aren't too tight or too loose. Take out the restrictors if you want. Unless there's some air leakage, you'll find you have a decent PC with minimal customization.

Did you even read his post or are you just fucking retarded? He's talking about a computer.
Superintendent, www.newegg.com has pretty good prices and selection, I was gonna order my PC from there.

I think that he's talking about PC's, Neo, as in POWERCLIP.

Wrong PC, dude.

Oops. Looks like I should have listened to Taita.

You guys can be really funny sometimes. Reading this thread really made my day. When I get the money, I'll have to check out the site too. I'm running dual P3 800's on my computer, and I think that it is going to be time to upgrade.

It seems that Newegg has an okay selection for laptops too, and that is probably what I'm going to get when I finally do get off my ass and get a new computer.

#23204 Bush's Space Plans

Posted by Oroku Saki on 01 April 2004 - 09:44 PM in Off Topic

The latest news about Saddam has been rahter spotty. As far as I know, lately he hasn't given very much info to US interrogators, and they are arguing over how he will stand trial. Last I heard, some French lawyer is going to defend Saddam in his case. Even though it's obvious what he's done, he still gets due process under international tribunal laws, no matter how much we all just want to kill the fucker and be done with it.

#23236 Bush's Space Plans

Posted by Oroku Saki on 02 April 2004 - 05:46 PM in Off Topic

I guess we'll all find out when he finally does go to trial.

#23134 Bush's Space Plans

Posted by Oroku Saki on 01 April 2004 - 03:10 PM in Off Topic

Read the thread before you post. Like Cx said, the government would be better off upgrading the Hubble instead of making a base. Besides, the money being used on the moon and Mars could be put into better use, for both science, and helping our country's more important programs. Many members of the scientific community agree that Bush's proposed plans are unnecessary at this time.

#22762 Bush's Space Plans

Posted by Oroku Saki on 29 March 2004 - 01:02 PM in Off Topic

I was too young to vote in the last election, but if I was eligible, I wouldn't have voted for Bush anyway. Yeah, he may have had some tough times to go through, but so did every other president before him. Sure, he captured Saddam, but I think anyone else could have done it if they put their minds to it. In my opinion, he took military action for all the wrong reasons, created a larger budget deficit that could have been reduced or prevented, and lied to us to get away with pursuing his own political agenda. America needs someone to turn around the negative things going on around here, and I don't think Bush is going to do that.

#22598 Bush's Space Plans

Posted by Oroku Saki on 27 March 2004 - 11:42 PM in Off Topic

President Bush overheard discussing space plans behind closed doors:

"Strap on the rockets........WE'RE GOING TO THE MOOOOOOOOOOOONN!!!"

Sometimes I wonder about him. All I can say is that he definitely doesn't have my vote in this election. I don't think anyone can ever fuck up our country more than Bush did.

#22603 Bush's Space Plans

Posted by Oroku Saki on 27 March 2004 - 11:51 PM in Off Topic

i want to grow oranges on the moon. Go Moon Base Go.

I wonder how those would taste......

But Bush taking over the moon may have some merit. Maybe he'll find Iraq's weapons of mass destruction there, or maybe they were up his ass the whole time, and the CIA didn't know about it.

#22706 Bush's Space Plans

Posted by Oroku Saki on 28 March 2004 - 09:04 PM in Off Topic

Thanks for helping back up our points, Cx. Bush needs to spend money on more important things within the country (Economy, Healthcare, etc.) before wasting money on needless projects. I would not have as much of a problem with the moon program, but only if Bush pulls his head out of his ass and care more about the country's true needs first, which will probably never happen.

#16860 C's Creepy Floating Head.

Posted by Oroku Saki on 22 January 2004 - 02:52 AM in Off Topic

Funny, yet a little disturbing. Cx and Stephen Hawking make an interesting combination.................

Btw great agent pic too. I'm sure this thread will now start a barrage of interesting Photoshop-doctored images of Cx. Be creative, people. hehehe.

#16963 C's Creepy Floating Head.

Posted by Oroku Saki on 23 January 2004 - 08:14 PM in Off Topic

That's quite a scary coincidence.

#16917 C's Creepy Floating Head.

Posted by Oroku Saki on 22 January 2004 - 11:15 PM in Off Topic

Seems okay to me, how about the rest of you?

#16861 Cant Find!

Posted by Oroku Saki on 22 January 2004 - 02:58 AM in General Nerf

The main places that I can think of for buying Nerf guns are stores that carry toys, and eBay. Many stores, such as K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Target, KB Toys, ShopKo, Toys R Us, etc. usually carry nerf guns. If a store doesn't have any, it may be a good idea to check back once in a while. Also, there are a few places online where Nerf guns can be purchased.

#64626 Cars

Posted by Oroku Saki on 29 September 2005 - 08:37 PM in Off Topic

My ultimate dream car is a dark blue Lamborghini Diablo, but the dream car that I will eventually be able to afford within the next few years would be a DeLorean.

#42293 Cell Phones

Posted by Oroku Saki on 23 November 2004 - 07:12 PM in Off Topic

That's why I asked which providers are good in your area. Just ask a dozen people who live near you which carrier they're using and how the coverage is.

That is probably the most important thing, above looks, features, etc.

There's no sense in having the phone you want with all the things you like about it if it won't even work in your coverage area. Where I live, nothing works except for NEXTEL, and even where I am it's kind of spotty. Out on the ocean it works like a dream, because of all the different cell groups on the different islands overlapping each other.

Even if it means the $20 dollar phone with superior coverage, over the $300 phone that cuts out on you everytime you go into the mall, go with what works.

My NEXTEL i305 is a cheap, rugged, waterproof phone that never lets me down. Even when I drop it from a 35 foot high roof. No camera, no folding down to a size where you lose it in your pocket, no ringing that sounds like damn Britney Spears, no blue LEDs. Just one hell of a phone. Direct Connect isn't too bad, either.


Ah, a fellow cellphone user who looks more for functionality and practicality. I just have the cheap $20 special my local Cellular One had available. If it falls apart, at least it's insured.

You darn kids and your fancy phones with features you will probably never use. I can see some usefulness in getting a camera phone, but the other features, such as an led that displays messages when you wave your phone, or the ability to play games that are shittier than what you play on your PC's and console systems, is just plain bullshit and a waste of money.

Of course, your first priority should be finding a provider that gives great coverage for a reasonable price. Sprint has a Fair and Flexible plan, in which you get charged simply for the amount of usage that you have every month. In my area, Alltel has some pretty good coverage. If you can find a 1-year contract phone, it's definitely worth looking into, but they are hard to find. If you don't plan to use your phone much (mainly for calling a tow truck, or other emergencies) I would go with a prepaid service like Tracfone or Virgin Mobile. I work at my local Radio Shack during the week, and it's amazing what I have learned about cellphones. Spend some time shopping around, so you can make an informed decision.

#36434 Check This Out

Posted by Oroku Saki on 04 September 2004 - 09:21 PM in Off Topic

I have seen that quite some time ago, probably back at the time Bush started the Iraq war. The link is even funner when you go to Google, type in "weapons of mass destruction", and click on the "I'm feeling lucky" button.

#33985 Classic Video Game Music.

Posted by Oroku Saki on 14 August 2004 - 09:07 PM in Off Topic

That site is fricking awesome! Lately, I have been working on a few remixes on my own using Acid 4.0. I finished up a remix of the original Gameboy Tetris A music, which sounds pretty cool. If I get to it, I'll see if I can start posting tracks on OC Remix.

#34029 Classic Video Game Music.

Posted by Oroku Saki on 15 August 2004 - 05:51 PM in Off Topic

I think I remember hearing that version, but I lost the mp3 the last time I reformatted my hard drive.

Rags, if you can find a copy of Acid or Acid Pro, I highly recommend getting it. You can do some pretty cool shit, and also crank out your tunes in mp3 format, so you can play it on pretty much anything.

#27106 Code Of Conduct

Posted by Oroku Saki on 27 May 2004 - 12:13 PM in Site Feedback

I don't have any problems with the current code of conduct, however I have seen many users abusing it way too much in the past. If only people could put more thought into their posts, instead of having the amazing posts we have all come to know and hate. As I type this, the famous postings of ninjayoshi ("Who's funnier? Mr. Bean or William Hung") and several other idiots come to mind. By the way, could someone please explain the story about .:BlueIce:.? Many of us seem confused.

#46664 College!

Posted by Oroku Saki on 28 January 2005 - 10:11 PM in Off Topic

You guys suck- 8 inches of snow overnight, and the Elmbrook School District did NOT cancel school.


Let's hear it for the shitty Wisconsin weather! My water pump froze up two weeks ago, and I needed to get it replaced thanks to the -20 below windchill. It's not so bad outside now, but winter can be a real bitch with the windchill.

You people in the warmer climates should be grateful you can actually go outside without having to wear at least 3 layers of clothing.

Fuse, when do you plan to go to Full Sail? My current plan is within the next 2 years.

#44178 College!

Posted by Oroku Saki on 16 December 2004 - 07:34 PM in Off Topic

College can be fun, as long as you go into something you truly enjoy. In my personal experience, it was okay, but I got bored with it really fast because I found that my degree was something I wouldn't enjoy anyway. After I fix up my house and sell it, I think I might hightail it to Florida and go to Full Sail. Over there, they teach really good game development, which is something that I really find fun to work with having already devoted a majority of my life to video, card, and board games.

#26156 Conscious Of My Nitefinder

Posted by Oroku Saki on 14 May 2004 - 02:38 AM in Modifications

I modded one of my Nite Finders, and had the same spring problem. Next time I get around to taking it apart, I will see what may be causing it. Maybe it's from something that is not placed in the gun properly.

For number 3, have you tried checking the positioning of the trigger mechanism? It seems to me that the mechanism may have been put back in incorrectly after the Nite Finder was put back together. You may need to take it apart again, and make sure the trigger is placed just like when you first took it apart.

#22491 Copper Barrels?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 07:03 PM in Modifications

Copper is okay, assuming you use something that fits the darts, but brass piping sized to fit most darts is much easier to find.

#22438 Crazy Ideas

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 01:43 AM in Modifications

If you look around the internet for Nerf modifications, this has already been done before. I haven't found any glow in the dark tape that can be used, though. If you find where some can be found, I would like to know.

I don't think this is a "crazy" idea for darts. If you really want to impress people, you might as well install a flux capacitor on the darts so they can time travel and hit people BEFORE YOU PULL THE TRIGGER! Now that's not only crazy, but downright insane, not to mention impossible. :w00t:

#39312 Custom Hornets

Posted by Oroku Saki on 19 October 2004 - 08:48 PM in Modifications

I'll have to be the first......

You can say that when you post your custom Hornet pic. Get to work already.

#29365 Dart Modds

Posted by Oroku Saki on 23 June 2004 - 11:38 PM in Modifications

In my opinion, I think it would be more cost effective to modify your guns to fire stefans. They are easy to make, and extremely cheap. If you do a search on the forums, you can find many topics that previously covered stefan making.

If you are still looking to modify the stock darts, there isn't really much that can be done, but there are a couple of things. One, if the darts load into a barrel instead of on a peg, you can take some duct or electrical tape around the darts to increase the air pressure. The second dart mod that I have heard of is to stick straws down the holes of the dart holes to make them more durable, especially when running them through a modded gun.