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#15535 Tech Target Integration

Posted by Oroku Saki on 02 January 2004 - 08:48 PM in Modifications

That is a great idea. Secret Strikes seem to be the best Nerf gun to integrate into other guns.

#22438 Crazy Ideas

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 01:43 AM in Modifications

If you look around the internet for Nerf modifications, this has already been done before. I haven't found any glow in the dark tape that can be used, though. If you find where some can be found, I would like to know.

I don't think this is a "crazy" idea for darts. If you really want to impress people, you might as well install a flux capacitor on the darts so they can time travel and hit people BEFORE YOU PULL THE TRIGGER! Now that's not only crazy, but downright insane, not to mention impossible. :w00t:

#19959 Sharpshooter Ii

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 February 2004 - 04:33 PM in Modifications

I also have a SSII, and I recommend making a nested brass barrel. The mods section on this site has some great info on this.

#26411 Ballzooka Ammo Question

Posted by Oroku Saki on 17 May 2004 - 09:33 PM in General Nerf

As far as I have seen, all Nerf ball ammunition is pretty much the same size. I have never heard of different sized balls that have come out over the years.

#29365 Dart Modds

Posted by Oroku Saki on 23 June 2004 - 11:38 PM in Modifications

In my opinion, I think it would be more cost effective to modify your guns to fire stefans. They are easy to make, and extremely cheap. If you do a search on the forums, you can find many topics that previously covered stefan making.

If you are still looking to modify the stock darts, there isn't really much that can be done, but there are a couple of things. One, if the darts load into a barrel instead of on a peg, you can take some duct or electrical tape around the darts to increase the air pressure. The second dart mod that I have heard of is to stick straws down the holes of the dart holes to make them more durable, especially when running them through a modded gun.

#22491 Copper Barrels?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 07:03 PM in Modifications

Copper is okay, assuming you use something that fits the darts, but brass piping sized to fit most darts is much easier to find.

#18639 Help With Making Boltsniper's Homemade

Posted by Oroku Saki on 10 February 2004 - 10:14 AM in Homemades

I recently got the parts listing the boltsniper posted on NHQ, and went out to my local Menards to get most of the parts. I have the main pvc components cut to specs, but I am not sure of the best way to cut out certain parts, such as the area for the bolt to slide back and forth. Also, I am having difficulty in figuring out how to get the main components together to make this gun at least somewhat functional. Has anyone built anything like this before? I would appreciate any advice or help.

#20155 Pimpjuice12

Posted by Oroku Saki on 28 February 2004 - 02:14 PM in Off Topic

That may explain a few things. His nerf sales and business practices seemed questionable to me. I kept on emailing him, and I never even received a legitimate response. I hope shit like this never happens on NH again. Scammers like that deserve to have their asses kicked.

#18648 Help With Making Boltsniper's Homemade

Posted by Oroku Saki on 10 February 2004 - 12:57 PM in Homemades

Thanks for the info guys. I appreciate your help. A few days ago, I was checking out boltsniper's site, but some of the close-up pics were not loading at all, making his description rather confusing. I did not know that he fixed his site until you guys told me. It's great to know that he posted some updates on it. Again, thanks for the info.

#29367 Mod Nerf Darts

Posted by Oroku Saki on 23 June 2004 - 11:52 PM in Modifications

Dude, I already replied to your question in your other dart modding thread. Posting the same topic isn't going to help with your problem. Trust me, you only need to ask your question once.

#25488 Pac Man Rpg

Posted by Oroku Saki on 03 May 2004 - 10:08 PM in Off Topic

Holy crap! That is so cool! I wish we could arrange something like that in our area.

#24392 Small Soldiers

Posted by Oroku Saki on 16 April 2004 - 05:26 PM in General Nerf

I don't really know what can be done about these guns, as I have never really seen them. Take them apart and try seeing if you can do the basic modifications (barreling, rubber banding, removing air restrictors, plugging the overflow, etc.) to these guns first. With a little imagination, you can be amazed at what you can come up with for other ideas.

#30092 Seattle Nerf War

Posted by Oroku Saki on 01 July 2004 - 02:31 PM in Nerf Wars

Would the flood control catch that?

#36594 Nerf Ammo

Posted by Oroku Saki on 07 September 2004 - 03:41 PM in General Nerf

The Gyro Rockets are the smaller missle thingys that were made for the Gyrostrike, one of the shittiest Nerf guns ever made.

#17576 At2k Problem

Posted by Oroku Saki on 30 January 2004 - 02:11 AM in Modifications

You might be able to patch the leak with some hot glue or super glue. It may not work the same as before, but at least the gun may still be functional.

#36155 Acclaim....

Posted by Oroku Saki on 01 September 2004 - 07:32 PM in Off Topic

I wonder which game company is next on the chopping block? It's sad that Acclaim is now out of business. Despite a few shitty games here and there (which is common with practically every game company) I think that there are a few good games that Acclaim did come out with. Like Rags said, I'm not even going to bother with the Turok sequels. Didn't EGM publish a crappy game award section each year in honor of that weird Tobias guy from the Turok Games?

Edit: I also found that Acclaim was responsible for the Mary Kate and Ashley games that we have seen in existence. Unless you are one of their stalkers, or a deranged perv, those games will definitely not be missed.

#39833 How Do I Make A Nerf Faster?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 25 October 2004 - 11:23 PM in Modifications

It depends on which gun you are using. Take the name of your nerf gun, do a search, and you will find many mods out there. Looking at the mods section of this website wouldn't hurt either.

#47776 Paris Hilton's Address Book

Posted by Oroku Saki on 22 February 2005 - 06:25 PM in Off Topic

Talio's edit:

A. Don't post crap about Paris Hilton, nobody gives a fuck.

Agreed. I have wondered for quite some time why that bitch is famous in the first place. She's not that hot anyway, and the only thing she is "famous" for is her sex video. Who cares? Over time, I believe that she will be most likely be remembered as nothing more than a skid mark on the underwear of modern culture.

Maybe this mobile phone hacking is a first step in the demise of our douchebag pop culture. All it takes is a few bored hackers with some time on their hands....

#37720 Wildfire

Posted by Oroku Saki on 24 September 2004 - 01:03 AM in Modifications

I would try trimming down the poles to about 1/2" or so. Then, you could at least run Stefans, and still maintain a proper seal.

#32756 Wal-mart Report

Posted by Oroku Saki on 31 July 2004 - 09:32 PM in General Nerf

I have also seen the First Shots at my local Wally world. Looking at the shipping date on their website, I think it may be a good idea to wait until Monday when they supposedly restock their toys.

#22877 Your Nerf Website

Posted by Oroku Saki on 29 March 2004 - 11:38 PM in General Nerf

I am sure when Cx gets the links page up and running, there will be many of the member sites listed.

IR: Looking at Highlander's post, it seems that he is interested in seeing some of the sites that some of us created, which I think is a somewhat reasonable request. Right now, I don't have a site created yet, but I know of several sites out there.

Highlander: Have you checked out some of the links pages in some of the larger Nerf sites out there?

#37718 New Powerclip

Posted by Oroku Saki on 24 September 2004 - 01:01 AM in General Nerf

According to what I have heard, the PC rerelease is going to be exclusively at K-Marts, and it is expected to be out later this year. I haven't found a solid release date, however I heard it should be within the next month or so.

#46665 Happy 2nd Birthday Mraow

Posted by Oroku Saki on 28 January 2005 - 10:14 PM in Off Topic

Or to put it in more elaborate terms, he acted like a dipshit, and then claimed that it was his brother who signed on to his computer and did the postings.

#33479 Ballistas Or Arrows

Posted by Oroku Saki on 07 August 2004 - 08:59 PM in General Nerf

Either that, or mod your gun with PVC, Brass, or PETG to fire Stefans. Accuracy and rangewise, Stefans kick the shit out of stock darts or arrows any day.

#25032 New (are They?) Scenarios

Posted by Oroku Saki on 28 April 2004 - 03:11 PM in General Nerf

Maybe you should try using a different vehicle instead, like a golf cart or go-kart.

#27991 Nerf Airjet Stinger

Posted by Oroku Saki on 08 June 2004 - 01:19 AM in General Nerf

Both pumps are similar, but I think that the SS2's is slightly different. In my opinion, I hate the gun, even after modding it. If you can get one for really cheap, it might be worth it, but I think people are crazy if they are even willing to pay more than $5 for it. I think you may be better off with a Secret Strike or making a homemade.

#22056 Super Soaker Sniper

Posted by Oroku Saki on 22 March 2004 - 05:23 PM in Homemades

Since most Super Soakers require so many pumps to fire a single shot, I think that you would be better off building a homemade Nerf gun. They usually require fewer pumps, and are more useful in a Nerf war.

#21681 Nerf Teck Target Mod

Posted by Oroku Saki on 19 March 2004 - 01:31 AM in Modifications

Deciphering what he said, I think he means that he cannibalized a NF, took its barrel, and taped it to a Tech Target. Is that what you did, Animal?

#19051 How To Get People Into This

Posted by Oroku Saki on 15 February 2004 - 12:07 AM in General Nerf

I just have people over, show them my arsenal, brag about my mods, and then we just shoot each other and stuff.

#16861 Cant Find!

Posted by Oroku Saki on 22 January 2004 - 02:58 AM in General Nerf

The main places that I can think of for buying Nerf guns are stores that carry toys, and eBay. Many stores, such as K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Target, KB Toys, ShopKo, Toys R Us, etc. usually carry nerf guns. If a store doesn't have any, it may be a good idea to check back once in a while. Also, there are a few places online where Nerf guns can be purchased.

#20946 Which One

Posted by Oroku Saki on 09 March 2004 - 03:00 AM in Modifications

As far as what I have heard, the AT3K is a better gun because it has an automatic rotating mechanism. The AT2K has a manual mechanism similar to the Supermaxx 1500. Both are excellent guns after they are modded though.

#26148 Positions In Nerf

Posted by Oroku Saki on 13 May 2004 - 10:32 PM in General Nerf

Positions, eh? Hehe, well......Shit, I need to get my mind out of the gutter.

When I play, we usually don't assign certain "Positions" except when we play certain scenarios. The other day, we played a game around my house where one person was designated as a defender, who was armed to the teeth with several guns, while the "attackers" had only a single pistol with 2 darts.

I guess positions such as "loser", "trooper", "heavy weapons", etc. can be used in certain games, depending on how you play, but we try switching the positions around to add variety to our nerfing. It's not like a certain person always plays the same position every single round.

#25307 Air Bazooka Mod

Posted by Oroku Saki on 01 May 2004 - 12:43 PM in Modifications

Is there an overflow valve on the end of the pump that you can plug? If there is, then maybe you can modify the pump so that it takes fewer pumps to fire the gun.

#21638 Nerf Gun Balls

Posted by Oroku Saki on 18 March 2004 - 06:01 PM in Modifications

You might be able to use those yellow foam practice golf balls found in sporting goods stores. I don't know if they fit, but they may be worth a shot.

#38894 Dowel Darts

Posted by Oroku Saki on 13 October 2004 - 01:09 AM in Modifications

This dowel method sounds pretty painful if you were to be on the receiving end.

As a strange aside, I noticed that this is the second post I have seen on these forums by someone with a Wallace avatar making one of their first posts about dart mods. At least this one is more creative than the last one.

Before I go rushing to Home Depot to pick up wooden dowels to replace my arsenal of stefans, it may help if you were to post more about the accuracy and distance measurements comparing the dowel dart to a regular stefan.

#22129 Personal Photos

Posted by Oroku Saki on 23 March 2004 - 01:04 AM in Site Feedback

I think that's going a little too far.

#29366 Secret Shot 2

Posted by Oroku Saki on 23 June 2004 - 11:40 PM in Modifications

Instead of making it double barrel, why not just make the barrel extra long, and stuff multiple darts down there. You can still achieve the shotgun effect doing this.

#22134 Personal Photos

Posted by Oroku Saki on 23 March 2004 - 02:01 AM in Site Feedback

The reason why I think it may be too far is because I have a feeling that the pic there is probably not the person's real pic anyway. I don't have a real problem with people posting pics like this, but I think that people can be really stupid sometimes. Once I get around to posting my pic, I also intend to use a real pic of myself.

#36177 Suggestion

Posted by Oroku Saki on 02 September 2004 - 12:21 AM in Site Feedback

Ompa, you just made my day with that post! Funny stuff.

#24868 Anzac Day

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 April 2004 - 11:18 AM in Off Topic

I wish that the US could withdraw from Iraq as well, and focus their military on more important areas in the world for the war on terrorism. I feel that our president decided to go to war with Iraq mainly for the oil, instead of the "legitimate" reasons they tried to pitch to the UN.