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#14560 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by Spectre2689 on 17 December 2003 - 08:51 PM in Off Topic

Yes, Canada has had an average army throughout history, until recently. Yeah, the States got rocked in 1812, but we were on horseback shooting single-shot mullet rifles. Now, in a world of technology, we spend money elsewhere, improving the way we live (i.e. healthcare, hospitality, electricity, etc). Most of us don't care about how much military technology we have. Now with the recent wars (Afghanistan, Iraq), a lot of us are starting to realize..."Hey! Our military blows!"...so now, Paul Martin is going to start investing a whole bunch in the military to fix what that asstard Jean Chretien did. "A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." Great words Chretien...I remember them each time I take a shit.

#14558 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by Spectre2689 on 17 December 2003 - 08:25 PM in Off Topic

big dad

He means his grand-dad.

#14543 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by Spectre2689 on 17 December 2003 - 06:12 PM in Off Topic

No sir, at no point in time did we have the BEST air force in the world. AT a certain point in WW2, the German Luftwaffe was the best air force. After the war got in to full turn, British and American planes ruled the skies. Canadians did indeed have quite the air force, but not as large as the others. Lancasters, handling as well as say...a pregnant cow...were frequently shot down on bombing raids, either by flak turrets or Luftwaffe. P-51s were only dispatched on short-range bombing runs, as they didnt have the fuel to carry them all the way to the destination and back.

#14541 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by Spectre2689 on 17 December 2003 - 06:04 PM in Off Topic

Note: The subs are coal-powered and can't submerge more than a few feet. What good's a sub that can't submerge?

#14525 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by Spectre2689 on 17 December 2003 - 04:10 PM in Off Topic

If you're going to make fun of anything in the Canadian Armed Forces, make fun of the Air Force. We have a grand total of about 10 planes, what's left of our helicopters are falling out of the sky, and we have about 5 trained pilots to an aircraft. Our Air Force is a joke. Our Navy is not. In fact, we have one of the best navies in the world. Our ships are fairly modern, even though we have no submarines. With Paul Martin in place now, things should start to change with Canada's military. We just placed an order for a bunch of new helicopters, and a few weeks ago we placed an order for Stryker armoured vehicles (Although to replace our Leopard tanks? Hell no.) Also, recently, Canada's elites beat America's elites in a war game. And we have the best losers in the world. My rant is done.

#14448 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by Spectre2689 on 16 December 2003 - 07:15 PM in Off Topic

Ouch...nice turn around on the words...I deserved that...

#14437 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by Spectre2689 on 16 December 2003 - 05:52 PM in Off Topic

I'll tell you what can't happen in this thread:

So I told Groove, no you can't shove that many hamsters up your ass without feeling some sort of discomfort.

Oh shit, I just contradicted myself. I'll shut up.

P.S. Don't take that seriously Groove, I just like having fun picking on the first person I think of when I do something :huh:

#14374 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by Spectre2689 on 15 December 2003 - 03:19 PM in Off Topic

Hitler killed millions. That's not a matter of weapons of any kind of destruction, the allies faught the Nazis because they butchered, maimed, mutilated, tortured, killed, and slaughtered. They were engineers of a genocide of which the civilized world couldn't imagine.

That would explain why it took the U.S. 3 years to get off their ass and do something then. And THAT was only because of Pearl Harbor. If Imperial Japan hadn't attacked the U.S., they just would've stayed there in their own happy little world.

#14360 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by Spectre2689 on 14 December 2003 - 10:32 PM in Off Topic

I hate to say it, but the U.S. doesn't give two shits about anyone elses affairs. They just want resources. Iraq? Oil. Afghanistan was slightly different, it was a show of power. The armies way of giving terrorists the middle finger. Vietnam, interestingly enough, was for rubber. During that time period, North America was at a shortage for rubber, for tires and whatnot. Vietnam on the other hand, had an abundance of rubber. America attacks Vietnam, tries to get rubber, gets owned. Korea was a land dispute. Then there was WW2. WW2 was a different story though, since everybody KNEW Hitler had weapons.

Just thought I'd just give everyone a brief history lesson. And now I'm done.

[EDIT] Don't flame me, because this is my opinion. It's who I am. If you don't like it, piss right the hell off.


Found him in the bottom of a hole, full of lice, rats, and most-likely copious amounts of his own feces...

Sounds like a family reunion :unsure:

#14287 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by Spectre2689 on 14 December 2003 - 09:53 AM in Off Topic

I'll bet you the soldiers who caught him would get at least a silver star. My thoughts? Thread a long hook through his ballsack and hang him from a tree in Baghdad town square. Let people yank the string for a dollar. They inflict massive pain on Saddam, AND they get revenue. How can they lose?

#14248 Computer Blueprints

Posted by Spectre2689 on 13 December 2003 - 12:53 PM in Homemades

I hear Studio Max 3D is one of the best out there, next to Maya, and it has a trial. If worse comes to worst (or w/e...), you can just keep re-downloading the trial... <_< It COULD work...you never know. On another note, I'm hoping to get into 3D modelling soon, if anyone has any tips, it would be greatly appreciated. I may even mail you a used sock as a present :)

#14220 Why Do You Nerf?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 12 December 2003 - 10:33 PM in General Nerf

It's fun, and it's a great way to vent your anger. Well, unless your modding a gun of course. Then it's a health hazard (ex. spring in your eye, licking a glue gun (??), exacto knife through the finger, etc...) But yeah, great waste of time.

#14193 Hey Hey

Posted by Spectre2689 on 12 December 2003 - 03:48 PM in General Nerf

Holy crap. I don't think I've ever had such an eventful welcoming. I vomitted in terror, threw stones at ferrets, and spit on people walking past my house after reading this thread. And now I cry, partially because more than half of you sound like complete and utter morons (don't take that in a bad way, for me it's a good thing), and the rest of you belong in the Special Olympics :huh: KIDDING. But yeah, thanks everyone for the lukewarm welcome. I think I'm gonna have some fun with you people...

#14085 Hey Hey

Posted by Spectre2689 on 11 December 2003 - 03:39 PM in General Nerf

Hey guys, I just registered on these forums (obviously...). My friend (Sylent_Blade on the forums) got me into Nerfing, and damn is it fun. I'm trying to successfully mod a Blastfire, but so many freakin things have gone wrong that I think it's posessed. If you want a full list of the wrong-goings, lemme know and I'll get back to you in a couple days.

My interests include playing the guitar, watching old people on icy sidewalks, cheese and penguins (together or seperate), and chewing glass shards. I enjoy long walks on the beach, but only if the sand isn't burning and there's an angry pitchfork-wielding mod following me.

Other than that...I really don't know what to say. Accept me? Please?! AAACCEEEPT MEEE!!!