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#291841 R3l Re-shelled

Posted by MavericK96 on 30 December 2010 - 02:08 AM in Homemades

This looks awesome. The only thing better would be if you could get it working with the clip system.

#320878 Hey Guys, iNerfHaven Dev Here UPDATED ANDROID VERSION TO BETA 4

Posted by MavericK96 on 22 August 2012 - 11:02 PM in General Nerf

Running ICS 4.0.4, stock Samsung.

#320829 Hey Guys, iNerfHaven Dev Here UPDATED ANDROID VERSION TO BETA 4

Posted by MavericK96 on 22 August 2012 - 11:23 AM in General Nerf

Gave this a shot on my Galaxy S III, worked great. One thing I'd love to see is maybe links to some other major Nerf-related forums as well, like Nerf Revolution and SGNerf. Just an idea since, as someone was saying, this seems more like a "NIC" app than a NerfHaven-only one.

#169910 Maverick Drop Clip

Posted by MavericK96 on 17 August 2008 - 04:17 AM in Modifications

Thread is still over a year old. You could PM someone to ask a question rather than resurrect the thread.

#285691 Insane Bna

Posted by MavericK96 on 18 September 2010 - 06:22 PM in Homemades

Dude, it's a bow. Meant for Killing things. And you made it do what? Fire a "safe" foam projectile at someone? Not the brightest move man, that could actually cause some major harm dude. For example, a freak string snapping occurance could easily damage you, and firing it at someone's chest could injure their eyes, given the innacuracy of a nerf dart. Try it on some of the nerf glasses bro, and see what kind of harm it'll do to the glasses.

To be fair here, arrows are made to kill things, not bows specifically. The original Nerf Bow N' Arrow worked on similar principles as this (except it was spring-powered rather than string-powered, though the difference is negligible, really) and it was safe enough to use.

I don't particularly see this as being a viable, useful Nerf weapon, but let's be realistic here. Suddenly it's okay to make a singled Titan or something that can hit over a hundred feet, but not this? It's not like he's firing darts out of something with gunpowder or any other combustible.

#290082 Nerf Barricade - Clip Conversion - Mod Guide!

Posted by MavericK96 on 04 December 2010 - 08:40 PM in Modifications

It seems too bulky with an 18 round drum to be a decent sidearm, and there really is no point in doing this to just put in a 6 round clip. But this thing would be a great primary in HvZ, pistol rounds, and places with no super long range guns.

Fast reload would be a reason to do this for 6-round clips IMO.

Though if 10 rounds isn't enough for your sidearm, I think you might be screwed anyway.

Then again, modded this thing can get 40-50 ft ranges, so it might be a semi-decent replacement as a primary for HvZ or something, like you said.

#290528 Nerf Barricade - Clip Conversion - Mod Guide!

Posted by MavericK96 on 09 December 2010 - 06:05 PM in Modifications

Wow. This is the same price as a Maverick. I can see this replacing the maverick as the cheap, high ROF blaster for the little kiddies.

Making a Barricade Manta would be awesome. Dual wielding them...

It's not the same price as a Maverick. But it is a pretty good deal.

EDIT: On another note, It'd be cool to see this with a minimization mod as well, i.e. making the side parts that accommodated the turret smaller so the entire blaster could be thinner.

#276026 Rsp-skeleton

Posted by MavericK96 on 26 May 2010 - 05:25 AM in Homemades

I'd love to see a detailed write-up of this, as it seems fairly simple in terms of a parts list and construction.

#276091 Rsp-skeleton

Posted by MavericK96 on 26 May 2010 - 05:01 PM in Homemades

I wonder if you couldn't set up some sort of two finger trigger system, like some paintball guns have.

#276077 Rsp-skeleton

Posted by MavericK96 on 26 May 2010 - 03:36 PM in Homemades

Awesome, I'll be watching this thread to see how you did it all.

#283487 N-strike Alpha Trooper Cs-18

Posted by MavericK96 on 19 August 2010 - 10:41 AM in General Nerf

I'm also fairly happy with the Alpha Trooper out of the box. I really like the mini-drum design, and the ranges for a stock blaster are pretty decent. Probably will still do an AR removal, though.

Has anyone else noticed that the trigger pull is kind of odd? Like you have to pull it really hard/far to get it to shoot, and even then it sometimes doesn't fire right away? I think it has to do with the "slam-fire" mechanism, because if you hold the shotgun grip farther forward, it's easier to shoot. If you let it "float", it can be more difficult.

EDIT: Just did an AR removal, results are pretty impressive. This is actually a really decent little blaster for the price. Good ammo capacity and ROF, coupled with decent range. I could see using this as a primary in an indoor war or perhaps a (albeit larger) secondary in an outdoor one.

#277036 N-strike Alpha Trooper Cs-18

Posted by MavericK96 on 07 June 2010 - 01:54 AM in General Nerf

Posted Image


#275174 N-strike Alpha Trooper Cs-18

Posted by MavericK96 on 18 May 2010 - 02:15 PM in General Nerf

I assume "rapid-fire" in this case means the same as it did for the Raider, where you push-pull the charging handle while holding the trigger in order to fire. So basically just a smaller-drummed Raider?

#304087 New Nerf Series!

Posted by MavericK96 on 30 August 2011 - 05:51 PM in General Nerf

These seem pretty cool (nice ranges), but the accuracy is the only problem I can see. Seems like the discs fly pretty randomly even with no wind, and WITH wind...they just go nuts.

Might pick one up just to mess around with, though. Seems like fun.

#135696 Adding Another Spring To The Recon

Posted by MavericK96 on 12 January 2008 - 08:16 AM in Modifications

*cool mod stuff*


I really like this design, primarily because it seems like you could easily remove the stock if you wanted to use the gun without it. I also like the idea that adding the stock adds range, making it more beneficial to convert the gun to the "rifle" configuration. Makes sense that the "rifle" should have more range than the "pistol". B)

Anyway, nice work. I do see your concern with the stock's locking mechanism, though, since it's just a tiny piece of plastic, but maybe if it was replaced with metal or something it would be stronger.

#281888 Is The Nerf Tactical Vest Worth The $30?

Posted by MavericK96 on 02 August 2010 - 07:30 PM in General Nerf

I'd like to know how big this thing is, measurement-wise. Like, is it only made to fit 10-year-old kids, or can it be adjusted for decent-sized young adults?

#285111 Is The Nerf Tactical Vest Worth The $30?

Posted by MavericK96 on 08 September 2010 - 07:34 PM in General Nerf

The clear mags only seem like they would be useful if you had a Clear series blaster. Otherwise, most of the mag is up inside the blaster and you can't see the dart count anyway.

Might be cool for the 18-round extended mags, though.

#290116 Nerf Barricade - Mod Guide!

Posted by MavericK96 on 05 December 2010 - 03:01 AM in Modifications

I would just use a piece of wire and etape.

I don't know much about electonics, but would using two unprotected and one standard battery just lower the voltage or bring it up to 9.9v? SGnerf said that 12.6 was too much and the motors didn't work, and this might be the happy medium.

You typically don't want to mix battery types and voltages.

#291586 Nerf Barricade - Mod Guide!

Posted by MavericK96 on 26 December 2010 - 05:52 PM in Modifications

Batteries in parallel is not a super-great idea. If you are going to do it, though, make sure they are *identical* (and I do mean identical). Also, make sure they are at the same charge level.

And like SGNerf said, using 9-volt batteries isn't a good idea for this application because they have really low capacity, especially in a relatively high-current situation like this.

#292345 Nerf Barricade - Mod Guide!

Posted by MavericK96 on 06 January 2011 - 06:49 PM in Modifications

Does anyone know where to source those AAA to AA adapters for making the "empty" battery cells? The ones on DealExtreme look like they don't have a bottom piece (making them worthless for this applications) and they're out of stock anyway. I haven't been able to find ones like SGNerf uses online anywhere.

If I can't find any, I guess the only option is to find a bolt/wire to jam/solder in between the contacts in the gun itself with no casing.

I just bought a few of them... let me see if I can dredge up a location... I'll edit this post once I get the name of the company.

EDIT: I found the source: Click Here (2 Pack for 2.26 USD)


So, after I ordered these (at least a couple weeks ago, in fact), I never heard anything until I finally got them today. And as it turns out, they are NOT the enclosed type with the spring that are shown in the picture, but rather the same as the ones DealExtreme makes (with no spring and simply an open bottom for the negative terminal). Obviously these don't work for the Barricade, so I'm kind of upset. I'll email the company, as you must have gotten the correct ones (I assume anyway) and they gave me the others.

#292411 Nerf Barricade - Mod Guide!

Posted by MavericK96 on 08 January 2011 - 01:00 AM in Modifications

If any real electronics experts out there can elaborate further on how the safety feature works, it would be helpful to us all. :)

If someone took a close-up detailed picture of the PCB I might be able to figure it out. B)

#290071 Nerf Barricade - Mod Guide!

Posted by MavericK96 on 04 December 2010 - 08:00 PM in Modifications

Does anyone know where to source those AAA to AA adapters for making the "empty" battery cells? The ones on DealExtreme look like they don't have a bottom piece (making them worthless for this applications) and they're out of stock anyway. I haven't been able to find ones like SGNerf uses online anywhere.

If I can't find any, I guess the only option is to find a bolt/wire to jam/solder in between the contacts in the gun itself with no casing.

I just bought a few of them... let me see if I can dredge up a location... I'll edit this post once I get the name of the company.

EDIT: I found the source: Click Here (2 Pack for 2.26 USD)

Excellent, just what I needed. Thanks. Free shipping, too!

#290022 Nerf Barricade - Mod Guide!

Posted by MavericK96 on 04 December 2010 - 01:34 PM in Modifications

Does anyone know where to source those AAA to AA adapters for making the "empty" battery cells? The ones on DealExtreme look like they don't have a bottom piece (making them worthless for this applications) and they're out of stock anyway. I haven't been able to find ones like SGNerf uses online anywhere.

If I can't find any, I guess the only option is to find a bolt/wire to jam/solder in between the contacts in the gun itself with no casing.

#284864 New Shields?

Posted by MavericK96 on 05 September 2010 - 04:05 PM in General Nerf

Honestly, the Stampede shield is pretty stupid and not really large enough to protect you at all. I guess if you were down to using a sidearm you could shove it on there and try to move it around to protect yourself, but on the Stampede itself it's not like you're going to be able to flail the gun around to position the shield where you need it to be.

Also, on a sidearm, it would look retarded.

#284871 New Shields?

Posted by MavericK96 on 05 September 2010 - 05:23 PM in General Nerf

Honestly, the Stampede shield is pretty stupid and not really large enough to protect you at all. I guess if you were down to using a sidearm you could shove it on there and try to move it around to protect yourself, but on the Stampede itself it's not like you're going to be able to flail the gun around to position the shield where you need it to be.

Also, on a sidearm, it would look retarded.

How big is it and whats the size difference between it and the Manta? Also what about the Stonewall shield? Its a pretty decent size.

I don't have a Manta so I can't comment on that, but the Stampede shield is probably a little less than a foot across and maybe 6-8 inches high, if that.

#251932 Puget Sound Nerf War

Posted by MavericK96 on 28 September 2009 - 04:22 AM in Nerf Wars

Not sure I can make this, but it sounds awesome. Glad to see there are some other Nerf enthusiasts in the greater Seattle metropolitan area. B)

#285087 New Shields?

Posted by MavericK96 on 08 September 2010 - 02:18 PM in General Nerf

I do see a question of consistency if gun hits are allowed along with the Stampede shield. Probably be hard to determine what exactly got hit.

#276780 N-strike Spectre Rev-5

Posted by MavericK96 on 04 June 2010 - 03:43 AM in News

Here's to hoping it has decent ranges. Otherwise, like everyone else has said, no point.

My guess is it's meant to eventually replace the Maverick.

#281330 N-strike Spectre Rev-5

Posted by MavericK96 on 26 July 2010 - 11:09 PM in News

Does the silencer actually work? From what I've read, it just "looks" like a silencer...

Lol, what kind of a question is that? Of course it doesn't.

#282124 N-strike Spectre Rev-5

Posted by MavericK96 on 04 August 2010 - 05:04 PM in News

Well, the very concept of how a silencer actually works should clue you in to the fact that this one does nothing.

#283604 Nerf Stampede - Reviews & Internals Guide

Posted by MavericK96 on 20 August 2010 - 02:07 PM in General Nerf

Didn't see this posted yet.


#283675 Nerf Stampede - Reviews & Internals Guide

Posted by MavericK96 on 21 August 2010 - 02:34 PM in General Nerf

Yeah, I watched the video shortly after posting. Pretty sad, but fun to see more footage of it "in the wild," I suppose.

#285241 Nerf Stampede - Reviews & Internals Guide

Posted by MavericK96 on 10 September 2010 - 04:51 PM in General Nerf

Hey quick question, sorry if this has been said before, anyone know the size of the stampede sheild vs the manta ray?

It is exactly one foot (12") wide and, at it's longest point, 9.5" tall. The actual height from the rail to the top of the shield, though, is 4.5".

#281539 Nerf Stampede - Reviews & Internals Guide

Posted by MavericK96 on 28 July 2010 - 09:27 PM in General Nerf

I'm thinking that without replacing the gear mechanisms/motor with stronger ones, a stronger spring would probably cause the gun to malfunction and potentially break. I guess it all depends on how much strength the motor and gears really have beyond how they are normally used.

#281528 Nerf Stampede - Reviews & Internals Guide

Posted by MavericK96 on 28 July 2010 - 08:16 PM in General Nerf

Sooo...People have this thing. How long until we see some mods? Or at least an AR removal with new ranges?

#171172 Splitlip's Vulcan Overhaul

Posted by MavericK96 on 21 August 2008 - 01:03 AM in Modifications

Looks awesome, but does the mag actually feed and fire properly? We haven't seen that in a video yet... ;)

#280980 N-strike Barrel Break Ix-2

Posted by MavericK96 on 22 July 2010 - 04:01 PM in News

Maybe it's just me, but I don't care about watching someone "unbox" a product for 2+ minutes before actually doing anything with it. Should just skip to the actual workings of the blaster.

Also, nerfidda, that same video was already posted almost a month ago, and in fact is only 7 posts above yours.

#277082 N-strike Barrel Break Ix-2

Posted by MavericK96 on 07 June 2010 - 05:20 PM in News

i'm very interested on how you load it!

I would think that it is loaded by breaking the barrel like on the double shot or something like that.

But it looks like it uses the whistler darts, which have a tip larger than the body. So I'm wondering how you rear-load those things as well.

EDIT: At this point, my guess is that you simply break open the barrels and then load the darts into the rear of the gun. The front barrels are likely only for show/some semblance of accuracy. Which really would be fairly pointless, IMO.

#277109 N-strike Barrel Break Ix-2

Posted by MavericK96 on 07 June 2010 - 08:48 PM in News

Thats what I think, so we we could just unscrew the hinge CPVC it and use it like that.

Yep, it'd be pretty cool as just a two-shot front-loading blaster, if the range was decent (or able to be modded to be decent).

#135334 Nerf Recon Ar Removal

Posted by MavericK96 on 08 January 2008 - 08:19 PM in Modifications

Tried that technique over an electric burner, and also above an open flame (Zippo) with no success. The only thing it did was start to melt the plastic a bit, but the "glue" or whatever didn't loosen one bit.