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#273844 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by Pearson2 on 01 May 2010 - 07:14 PM in Modifications

For those that don't have a Spiderman Dart Tag Blaster the marvelous salvo can be made with Hornet internals. It just takes alot more work. Check it out.

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Detachable Big Blast Barrel.

How the heck did the guy who did the Marvelous Salvo fit everything into the big blast shell anyways?

#220122 Your Worst Nerf Related Injury

Posted by Pearson2 on 27 March 2009 - 08:52 AM in General Nerf

Last massacre, very first game I did a horrible fail slide into one of the barricades. Nice amount of skin off my knee. Nothing bad though.

#220152 Your Worst Nerf Related Injury

Posted by Pearson2 on 27 March 2009 - 01:22 PM in General Nerf

well now I have my modding injury. Today after trying to open the knots on the string for a buzz bee's double shot I stuck the knife right into my finger. Turns out the stupid gun still won't fire so I'm throwing it across the room after I type this.

Now for the fun one. My dumbest injury: I bought a PAS off of FA24, after he brought it over I was playing around with it and loaded the barrel then cocked the gun and sucked the dart into the chamber. Figuring I could fish it out I took the barrel off and looked down the chamber of the gun completally forgetting that the gun has a hair trigger. The gun went off and I got a stefan dart right between the eyes from about a foot in range.

#276827 N-strike Spectre Rev-5

Posted by Pearson2 on 04 June 2010 - 05:00 PM in News

I'm sorry but this gun just looks and sounds terrible. I'll be staying as far away from them as possible. The only way I would ever see myself buying one is if I see it in the thrift stores for $1.99

#282683 Nj Apocalypse 2010

Posted by Pearson2 on 10 August 2010 - 10:16 AM in Nerf Wars

Wow, a year and a half in the making. I have to say that Apoc was everything that Forsaken_angel hyped it up to be. It really was the big leagues. Not only was the competition tough but seeing the diffrent mods that people had made almost made my head explode with awesomeness.


- Meeting alot of really cool people, Badger, muttonchops, Jleggo, Talio, Team Massachusetts and the Sex dwarves plus countless other people I can't remember now kept the in between round chatter exciting
- Strifing an entire team twice only to fail and get hit in the chest before taking anyone out. Whoops.
- Jleggo had my number the entire day and Talio is damn near impossible to hit with a stefan, like I said, the competition was tough
- Team Canada and Massachusetts in the final round.
- Team Canada featuring Chops and Jleggo in the unoffical final round after the day was done
- Mecha-Shiva
- The 7 vs 1 and a half when myself and 8 others were aiming for muttonchops and badger only to realize badger wasn't in, then chops' death rush taking down about 4 of us and gunning my in the stomach before being eliminated
- My death charge one round that took out 4 of the other team and one of my own guys before being taken down
- White Castle was everything I had dreamed


- Day after apoc when wrestling with tank he busted up my ankle pretty good. Thank god it was after and not before.
- Getting Toilet paper stuck in my ear (I'll explain if you want)

Anyways, apoc was absloutally amazing. Can't wait to come back next year. Take care everyone and try to make a war in Canada if you can.

#225364 The Cyclops

Posted by Pearson2 on 23 April 2009 - 09:06 PM in Modifications

Wow. This gun is truly a thing of beauty. Remind me not to enter the mod competition, I don't think I can beat this.

By the way, I think I want to make one.

#225109 The Cyclops

Posted by Pearson2 on 22 April 2009 - 07:17 PM in Modifications

Wow, I don't know where to begin with how much I love this mod.

It looks clean, if I didn't know any better I would think you could buy this in stores.

A 100 ft firing pistol is one that is actually deserving of being a sidearm, I would keep one of these loaded in my pocket or hanging of my belt at all times as a reliable backup.

I may have to try and make one of these. Extremly well done piece of work.

Oh before I forget, did you plug the AT3K tank?

#259623 Berserker Fusion! Daikaiju!

Posted by Pearson2 on 23 December 2009 - 01:21 AM in Modifications

Looks really sweet. 20 shots with a BBBB without reloading? Sweet. Plus my main comment on this gun is it looks extremly clean. Very well done.

#224663 New Buzz Bee Double Shot Mod

Posted by Pearson2 on 20 April 2009 - 10:47 PM in Modifications

I was hoping this would show me how to make the double shot fire more then 4 ft. :(

I'm just kidding by the way. Very nicely done. I've done that before with a nightfinder before with good results.

#268657 The Grid Code Indoor Arena War

Posted by Pearson2 on 09 March 2010 - 10:27 AM in Nerf Wars

If I can talk Forsaken_angel, crooked or my other buddy K-10 to book the sunday off work (for the drive back up to Canada) I'll be there. 8 hours is a long drive to make by yourself though.

#257281 Ballzooka Mp150

Posted by Pearson2 on 26 November 2009 - 03:08 AM in Modifications

I will give credit where this is due this gun is beyond sweet.

But almost 9 pounds? Shit, you'll be ripped after a few wars of wielding that thing.

#224005 Peasant's Guru

Posted by Pearson2 on 16 April 2009 - 06:04 PM in Modifications

Well done. You certainly have set the bar high for the competition. I love how clean the mod looks as well.

#296396 Full Metal Nerf Gun.

Posted by Pearson2 on 21 March 2011 - 10:23 PM in Modifications

I am into nerf and I am into metal castings and forging. It was only a while before I put 1 and 2 together. A nerf gun made out of 100% metal with a monster of a spring in it. I think it would be cool, but it is basically turning nerf guns into real gun. It will still shoot a dart and be super cool. Before I put all the effort into the idea I would like some other opinions and if anybody would be willing to buy it. I have not determined a price because I have to set the price after words because of cost of material and effort. Pleas give me your opinion and any ideas of what I should do or problems I may run into.

Knowing how to do metal castings and forgings can be very helpful for this hobby for parts of favorite guns that have a tendency to break. A nerfer from Singapore was selling Big Blast aluminum triggers with great success as they would be very unlikely to break. The same guy started in the works of aluminum bolt sleds, also very handy to have.

Personally I have been making a push for an aluminum pump action shotgun catch trigger. I've gone through too many of those and I'm getting fed up.

*hint hint*

#231368 Hinged Double Barrel Pump Action Shotgun

Posted by Pearson2 on 19 May 2009 - 06:42 PM in Modifications

Long had a dreamed of a PAS that could be flipped down to be loaded. Even longer had I dreamed of a double barrel PAS and you made both. Is there a writeup anywhere? This gun out and out rocks.

#223519 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 13 April 2009 - 11:08 PM in Nerf Wars

Dawm it... I live in Quebec and I only have my temporary driver license. F**K. <_< :angry:

Take a greyhound bus dude. I used to take those all the time before I had my full licence.

#225130 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 22 April 2009 - 07:44 PM in Nerf Wars

Would anyone happen to be passing through scarborough area (specifically the Birchmount and Lawrence area) on route to Massacre 4. I really want to go but I have no means of transportation to get to ajax. Pm me if anyone wishes to offer a ride.



I won't speak for crooked but he and I are coming through that way we might be able to pull somthing off. The reason why I say 'might' right now is because there is a possibility we may have 2 completally packed cars if all goes well. Send me a PM when we get closer and I'll be able to let you know.

#225362 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 23 April 2009 - 09:04 PM in Nerf Wars

As much as I got owned by CNP last nerf war, Nerfmomma is the one I'm fearing, she always managed to plug me right between the shoulder blades time and time again.

I say its a good arguement, losing vs being able to rush, realistically in my opinion neither one is better then the other but it just depends on your play style. Is it fair to ask someone who can't run to save themselves to rush more and try and get in and get out like CNP has down to a science? Probably not. That doesn't mean that losers can't push the action, personally there are times when I love walking right in the middle of a heated battle field firing off shots, trying to pick people off.

At the same time should someone like crooked, who can't hit the broad side of a barn from 6 ft in front of him try to pick people off? Probably not. Its all about what works for you.

Judging from what I saw boneriot do at the last war I'm guessing he plans on doing a lot of rushing and running around but maybe, from what he said, with a singled gun or something that has a slow reload time.

We've all met each other and know we are all good guys, nothing wrong with arguments as long as they don't turn into flame fests.

#224665 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 20 April 2009 - 10:52 PM in Nerf Wars

You may want to get more tarps if 50 people show up.
I remember points at the last massacre where I was behind a single durofoam bunker with 3 other people.

That's because some people at the last war felt the best strategy was to camp and try to make the perfect shot.

As crooked would put it, "This strategy is called 'lets hide behind the green tarp, and try not to get shot.'"

#230001 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 13 May 2009 - 02:18 PM in Nerf Wars

I have pics now too!

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More to come later...

This pic is beyond Effeminate. Quite possibly the coolest pic ever. The beauty too is that with the proper blocking it looks like Mike is pulling off a chris angel and is hovering above everyone else. Of course that's why we had to shoot him.

Glint you were pretty good at your first war but either through odd teaming or bad luck I didn't see you much at the first war. This war it seemed every time I turned or had the camera on you were doing some badass killing or gunning people down. Not an insult to the first war you were in just a testament to how good you were at this one.

#219276 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 22 March 2009 - 03:51 PM in Nerf Wars

Damn... I'll see if I can make it. I took time off work for the last one and I'd have to do it again for this one... Unless I organize a switch with someone and not have to lose my shift. I see what I can do when I go into work today. Pearson, can I come with you again?

course dude you know it. SGM and I are having a BBBB building contest. You'll have to try em both and see which one you like.

#219045 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 20 March 2009 - 11:46 PM in Nerf Wars

I gotta learn me how to make one of those. That was a sweet gun.

#219043 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 20 March 2009 - 11:36 PM in Nerf Wars

wow coming up quick. I'll be there I could bring as many as 10 although with the way it went last time it will be more like 2.

#220128 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 27 March 2009 - 09:21 AM in Nerf Wars

I breathed a huge sigh of relief. When you origionally said you changed it I thought my course would interfer with it (April 18-19 and 25-26) thank god this works out well.

Since massacre 4 has been moved and I need my nerf fix for April would anyone be up for a small outdoor get together on the 3rd? If there is enough interest I might try to arrange something.

#228030 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 03 May 2009 - 10:28 PM in Nerf Wars

I have heard from FA24 that a lot of people have been asking him about PETG. I can bring something like 30-35 feet to the war if anyone needs it. PM me with requests, first come, first serve. Be forewarned I'm charging $1 a foot, if you don't like it don't PM me.

#229261 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 09 May 2009 - 08:38 PM in Nerf Wars

Well I know this will be an ongoing post as I always forget stuff. As always massacre was a lot of fun and lived up to, and surpassed the hype.


- BoneRiot (aka afro thunder) and I got the bad blood out by shooting each other a bajillion times. (really there was no bad blood but you would never know it the way we seemed to have it out for each other each round)
- I was one of the few who hit the reactor, but paid the price dearly for it
- Eliminating both FA and Crooked from the Wingman tag team title tournament
- My debut as camera man which turned into devils advocate as I did more trying to talk people into rushing then anything else
- Crooked's incredible leap over the barricade, yes he missed but it was one of the coolest moves I've ever seen
- Watching K-10, afro thunder, glint, grimbsby pops and kid, and quite a few other who I can't remember right now evolve from newbs at the last war to deadly killing machines at this war. There were never any sure shots and everyone was dangerous which made for even teams and a lot of fun.
- Making a few over the barricade kills, and more then a few rush kills.
- Vanilla coke and cherry pepsi. Are there better words in the English language?
- Chocolate doughnuts with SGM. Plus a lot of good people to talk to in between rounds. Always good company.
- The barricades took a beating. I know that probably doesn't go well for FA and Fester but watching people plow into them was hilarious.


- Missed the over the barricade kill on Crooked. I probably jinxed myself by saying BOO-YA CHAKA while performing it.
- Performing a rush that a picked off probably 3 or 4 people only to come back and have K-9 (who was on my team) fire of volley of about 7 head shots off of me. Doh!
- There were a few hits that I made the people didn't take. This isn't a huge deal because in the heat of the game people don't feel it and its hard to hear someone 30-40 feet away it just always stinks to see a nice hit and not have it count.
- My first two rounds I lasted a grand total of a minute and 24 seconds. To cap this off, the second round I was standing behind a barricade when a lob shot came over and nicked me in the finger. Also Doh!
- K-10's big blast scatter cannon that I made for him had the trigger break on the first shot. That gun is cursed.
- The Cardiac Kid didn't show. Again.
- This might be my last war for about 3 months (though I really hope not.)

Really all of the cons are laughable and memorable (really making them more like pro's). I can't think of a better way to spend and afternoon and for all of you who came out and made it possible I say thank you.

Points of interest

- Glint, Mike and I actually were going to present you with the Tag titles after the clean up, we didn't realize you had already left. Sadly this will have to be postponed until the next war at which you will have to defend them. We didn't really have time in between rounds sadly to present them to you.

- Defending the core was as close to the feeling of impending doom that I ever want to be. We were hopelessly outnumbered, 12-15 of us were pinned down behind 3 barricades trying to hide the onslaught of bullets (that were oddly all targeting us rather then the core) I asked Mike how we were doing to have him inform me we still had 3 minutes left, knowing that regardless of what I did I was going to get hit (which I often did) only to re-spawn and do it all over again. There were a few times I wanted to say to the attackers "Here. Take the Core. I don't want it anymore. Its not worth it."

#229412 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 10 May 2009 - 04:47 PM in Nerf Wars

- Defend the core was awesome. Am I the only person who rushes the other team when they're rushing us?

That was one of my favorite rounds. No one expects to be rushed by a defending team. By doing that I was able to sneak up on SGM and get a kill on him as well as my 4 kill rush which involved shot, barrel tap, barrel tap, shot.

#220177 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 27 March 2009 - 05:57 PM in Nerf Wars

As long as I'm not up north..... or in alberta or elsewhere it shouldn't be a problem.

#221457 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 03 April 2009 - 05:45 PM in Nerf Wars

course i'll be there. this is going to be sweet.

#220472 What Guns Do You Use?

Posted by Pearson2 on 29 March 2009 - 02:17 PM in General Nerf

I use my pride and joy my PAS with my MR.T upgrade. Usually with this I don't bother with a sidearm although FA and I have talked about twin loading nightfinders which might be sweet.

#220517 What Guns Do You Use?

Posted by Pearson2 on 29 March 2009 - 05:44 PM in General Nerf

Alot of people are saying they use a scattergun as a primary. You guys are alot braver then I am. I used one at a small war a few weekends ago and although its fun blasting someone with 4 barrels at once that thing takes a looooooong time to reload.

I will say this though my BBBB scattergun was tons of fun when I was guardian. Anyone who got close I would unload on. Plus I had a few extra barrels lying around me so I could take multiple targets quick.

For a large war though I don't imagine I'll use a scattergun even though K-10 pwnded me with it a few times.

#216967 The Countess

Posted by Pearson2 on 08 March 2009 - 05:47 PM in Modifications

By some miracle and luck of timing I actually got to see the couness in person and I have to say the photo's do not do it justice this is one fine scary ass piece of work.

What, for me anyways, was probabally the most jaw dropping was the fact that it is possible to either fire one stationairy shot or, as mike showed me, you can load up to 5 stefans, they won't go as far but its almost like hammering off a shotgun. Excellent for close range multiple targets or if you have horrible aim.

#221547 Massacre 3

Posted by Pearson2 on 04 April 2009 - 12:18 PM in Nerf Wars

Mike this is beyond sweet. Some of your best work by far. 4 parts? Holy crap. Can't wait to see part 4.

FA24's new catch phrase "Get the Child!!"

#218197 Massacre 3

Posted by Pearson2 on 16 March 2009 - 12:33 AM in Nerf Wars

Mike Actually reminded me of quite a few good memories I forgot about

- Solo rushing a team in guardian strifing the entire team and getting a legit look at their guardian, thinking I would take him down in a shot or two, then getting mowed down by about 15 darts from a rapid fire. That stratagy was brilliant

- Repeatedly saying "As if that just happened." Moments I said this included FA, Dumpster and a few others doing a mad rush in a one life death match. - Money Train being the first person into royal rumble, waiting for the second person in the rumble then rushing them and gunning them down. - Dumpsters "horror movie" kill on Rokor. Rokor takes a shot at dumpster from about 15 feet, misses and starts to panic reload. Rather then shooting or running up to barrel tap roker, dumpster slowly and methoticly walks about 6 feet away from roker before shooting him.

- Money train. As mike put it this guy was insane. He was fast, hard to hit and had that killer instinct. If he already didn't have a sweet nickname I would have called him shaft not only did he kill you, he killed you in style

- I hope he was shot when this happened because it would have been that much cooler but spencer crashing into and over the barricade with everyone standing on the other side durring royal rumble.

- My James Bond kill on K-10 when he was the camera man. Sadly this was the only time I hit him the entire day. He was another one that was impossible to slow down or to hit

#214286 Massacre 3

Posted by Pearson2 on 22 February 2009 - 07:58 PM in Nerf Wars

We will be playing games according to the turnout and such.
If we play Royal Rumble and have 40 people we will introduce a new player every 15 seconds.
So I am not standing there for 40 minutes counting people off before I go in.

Big news!

I am working on something.
A large scale modification.
If I could briefly describe it. I would say it is definitely, "Next Level Nerf Weaponry"
Does anyone else remember the last time I said that and what had followed?"

I am hoping to finish it in time for Massacre 3.
If it can be done then there will be an official unveiling.

Also if anyone needs modding supplies and would like to pick them up at the event. Contact me ahead of time so I have time to pick up the parts for you.

If its better then the doomsayer I'm running for the hills now. That is one impressive piece of machinery. And here I thought if I got it done in time my PAS mod would be the highlight of this war. I should know better though.

#213342 Massacre 3

Posted by Pearson2 on 18 February 2009 - 07:47 PM in Nerf Wars

If 40 people show up are there going to be any changes to royal rumble and to wingman? Lot less places to hide, which might be kinda sweet.

#218558 Massacre 3

Posted by Pearson2 on 17 March 2009 - 10:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Glint: Ah I finally figured out who you were from the pics. Dud you need to come to the wars more often, you were fearless, charged quite a bit, wreaked some havoc with umm.... I have no idea what the name of the gun you had was but the one that could fire 12 shots, Lol I figured Dallas was your code name thats why I was confused.

K-10: Dude you gotta see the video where I smoked you in the chest. I feel bad but it honastally looks like a james bond moment.

CNP or SMG: When you two come up to another war can I ask a huge favour? Can you bring a case of Cherry Pepsi or Vanilla coke (or both) I'll pay you with our fake canadian money or pay pal it over I miss that stuff hardkore.

#218824 Massacre 3

Posted by Pearson2 on 19 March 2009 - 06:36 PM in Nerf Wars

Buffalo wings. Those things are the shizzle.

lol dude I just realized you know now you're never allowed to shave off the afro?

#220664 Massacre 3

Posted by Pearson2 on 30 March 2009 - 08:31 AM in Nerf Wars

Although it has some lyrics at the begining through the fire and flames by dragonforce. That song always makes me feel like shooting something.

#219047 Massacre 3

Posted by Pearson2 on 20 March 2009 - 11:49 PM in Nerf Wars

Ha I could make a list but I'd be so stoaked for as much cherry pepsi and vanilla coke as possible.

The next big ones would be cookie crisp, mellow yellow, that blue mountian dew. ummm........ white castle.

You guys both rock by the way. Having an american contact for this stuff is sweet.

#212268 Massacre 3

Posted by Pearson2 on 14 February 2009 - 06:07 PM in Nerf Wars

I was talking to a friend of mine in Ajax who might be able to come if it isn't filled up by the 14th. Now for the shocker, the friend is a girl. Dun dun dun.......