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#171546 The Chimera (titan Rifle)

Posted by serpent sniper on 22 August 2008 - 01:42 PM in Modifications

Nice, I've been wondering about these since they got so much buzz in the Apoc thread.

Looks a little hard to pump. The breach is cool, I think it would be a beast with shotgun shells too.

#171319 Gmail Users Read

Posted by serpent sniper on 21 August 2008 - 04:52 PM in Off Topic

Thanks for the heads up with the security issues.

OMC, awesome addon. The theme is very similar to my firefox skin, and my IM client's skin. Everything is nice and unified.

More google related thread hijacking:

Anyone else use digsby? It's a cool IM client that can do a lot of stuff. It combines all of your IM services, and can alert you if you get emails or messages on a social networking site. I use it and like it a lot. It keeps me from compulsively checking my gmail accounts and facebook.

It has a couple downsides though, no AIM chatroom support (yet at least) and doesn't work with just any email address. So far they support Gmail, AOL, IMAP, and POP accounts. I can't make it check my campus email (which opens in a web version of outlook), but I'm no email expert.

Just thought I'd share.

#162034 An Intro, A Thank You, Links Etc

Posted by serpent sniper on 08 July 2008 - 11:19 PM in General Nerf

I just wanted to say thanks, and awesome work to OS1.

I've been inspired by your stuff to make a steampunk rifle of my own. I had an RFR laying around that I wanted to get rid of, so I figured why not. I used to be really into painting warhammer figurines, and I think that some of the painting skills that I learned can be scaled up. I also have a box full of citadel paints.

I hope you don't mind my intrusion onto your "turf" so to speak. I do plan on selling it on ebay when it's complete. It's not going to be as good as your stuff, I'm pretty sure. But I plan on taking my time on it. I've really taken note of some of the details that you put on your guns, and I can tell that those small details really complete it.

#277385 Talos

Posted by serpent sniper on 10 June 2010 - 07:45 PM in Modifications

Posted Image

Not meant sarcastically, of course.

#170405 My Very First Nerf Mod... Ever! (finished W/ Lots Of Pictures)

Posted by serpent sniper on 18 August 2008 - 07:08 PM in Modifications

Thanks for the comments guys. Guess I won't change it up anymore than it needs to. I did notice that the purple looks a lot like the purple on the crossbow.

I'm going to try and finish the rest of it tonight after I go out and buy some sort of sealant. Anything you guys recommend?

You might want to get some Citadel Clear coat. That's kind of expensive though, but you know it's compatible.

I use krylon triple-thick clear coat on my guns and it seems to work pretty good. It's cheap too, $3 @ Wallyworld.

I like your paintjob though, very slick. Blacksunshine made a few maroon guns, this reminds me of those. It's a good color on nerf guns.

#165086 Poll: The Rapidfire 20

Posted by serpent sniper on 29 July 2008 - 02:32 AM in General Nerf

I like my RF20. I don't really think the vulcan would replace it. The RF20 seems a bit more maneuverable and IMO easier to reload. Plus it's killer integration material, like Slug's Bobs or Lemmypoo's Gustaff (you might not be aware of this one, SS2 integrated to the RF).

#170100 Worst Nerf Gun Ever!

Posted by serpent sniper on 17 August 2008 - 08:13 PM in General Nerf

I dunno about the worst, but the stinger was awkward at best.

I remember getting one, and playing around with it for a few days. I intended to mod it, but I think I just threw it out.

#25329 Alone

Posted by serpent sniper on 01 May 2004 - 08:36 PM in General Nerf

I was one until I had an awesome war with my friend. Haha! Suckers :wacko:

#13056 Homemade Pistal!

Posted by serpent sniper on 20 November 2003 - 04:14 PM in Homemades

3DBBQ, you are so cool :D .

#165077 The Snapbow, Updated

Posted by serpent sniper on 29 July 2008 - 01:14 AM in Homemades

Impressive. I must say, a bit funny looking, but form follows function.

#13263 Homemade Pistal!

Posted by serpent sniper on 25 November 2003 - 09:24 PM in Homemades

They're just brass ball valves...

3DBBQ- Your pistol is so cool, I think I will make one or two like it. ^_^

#25677 Got Punk?

Posted by serpent sniper on 07 May 2004 - 07:12 PM in Off Topic

Anti-Flag remind me of Good Charlotte now. Silly kids.

I take offense to that.

*slaps zero with glove* *pours some type of drink on zero's face* *insults his mother or lover*

I challenge you to a duel.


Well, I'm glad thats resolved.

#16789 C's Creepy Floating Head.

Posted by serpent sniper on 20 January 2004 - 08:41 PM in Off Topic

I was just messing around... and I made that. Yeah, this is kinda stupid, but I thought I'd bother sharing it.

#170837 Weird Barrel Issue

Posted by serpent sniper on 20 August 2008 - 12:19 AM in General Nerf

It could just be that your darts are too small for your barrel.

I had an AT2k that I was running with a crayola and pvc setup for stock micros. Most of the time it shot like a beast, but regularly, a dart would become folded over in the pvc.

Look for a barrel material that allows the smallest amount of space around the darts.

#24979 Got Punk?

Posted by serpent sniper on 27 April 2004 - 05:54 PM in Off Topic

Oh man, sounds awesome...except for sum 41...bleh. Now I just need $6.

#166875 Steampunk Mav Mod

Posted by serpent sniper on 06 August 2008 - 04:30 PM in Modifications

Let me offer some advice. I'm no Professor Shagnasty, but I've made a good money from my two guns. If OS1 were here, he'd say the same thing.

PREP WORK! The key is prep work.

This gun was clearly not prepped. The glue and most noticeably the paintjob are well, at best very rudimentary. If you took some time, sanded the warnings and logos off, sprayed a smooth coat of primer, and planned out your design, it would be much better.

To me, it looks like you had no real plan of attack. You thought on a whim to make a "steampunk" gun and then did it in an hour. I plan my guns out. I draw an initial sketch. Then I go out and look for parts. When I have a selection of cosmetic add-ons, I draw the gun again, reflecting the parts that I have.

Second, you need to plan your paintjob. You need to decide on a color palette that works. I recommend 3 or 4 colors. Pick one to be the main color, one or two for the other parts, and one for the accents. This white or grey color is not really associated with steampunk. Try something gold, bronze, brass, copper, silver, gunmetal, or even wood. These are the kinds of colors that are what make something steampunk. Remember, steampunk is the alternative reality where modern technology is created through Victorian means. Think about what something from the Victorian era is made of. Some kind of metal or wood.

Lastly, if you're doing cosmetic mods, you need to think of aesthetics. Maybe the gun looks awesome to you, if so then you've succeeded. Personally, I find it very unbalanced. The barrels look small and offset in comparison to the body of the gun. You've taken away a lot on the front, while adding a lot to the back. This is what creates this unbalance. I suggest making the back smaller. You could shorten the grip, sand down the slide, making it a nite-mav would also work. The hose is a good touch. If you took the time to glue it more evenly, and with less glue, it would work fairly well. I would definitely lose the spring on top. It looks silly. I know what you were trying to go for, some type of wire coil, and you're right, that would look cool, but if you want a wire coil, make one. It's not hard, and would go a long way to improve looks. A spring just isn't really a good stand-in.

I would highly recommend practicing. Maybe not on guns though, that could be costly. I am able to paint guns well because I have a slew of warhammer miniatures that I've painted. Most of them suck, but you learn from experience. I don't want to come off as a know-it-all self-important asshole. I just want to offer you some advice to expedite your learning experience.

To sum things up:
Practice painting
Practice designing
Prepare properly

#12571 Happy B-day Sandman

Posted by serpent sniper on 08 November 2003 - 01:06 PM in Off Topic

a few gag presents from friends.

Hehe :rolleyes: ...sandy got dildos...

:huh: What?!

Anywho...Sandman...send me your adress...and if possible, shirt size...
Yes, I am sending him a present...

#14602 What To Get A 7 Year Old Kid?

Posted by serpent sniper on 18 December 2003 - 05:04 PM in Off Topic

Lego was awesome.


#14990 Holy Fuck!

Posted by serpent sniper on 24 December 2003 - 10:36 AM in Off Topic

Well, Wask's secret crush has been revealed...

Yeah, since we're all bragging about meeting people, I met Boba Fett...well the guy who played him in the original trilogy. Such a cool guy. Talked to him for like ten minutes while everybody was gathering around darth maul...

*sigh* ...useless thread.

#169087 Nite-mav

Posted by serpent sniper on 14 August 2008 - 01:13 PM in Modifications

Very clean, dude.

One question; The Maverick slide doesn't slam into the shell when you fire, does it? That's the only potential problem I see with this. I really like it though, seems simpler than the original nite-mav.

#13307 My First Homemade

Posted by serpent sniper on 26 November 2003 - 06:02 PM in Homemades

Yeah... the barrel looks waaaaay to long. ^_^

#171710 Blaster Identification Tool

Posted by serpent sniper on 23 August 2008 - 02:03 AM in General Nerf

You might think about putting the airtech jet squadron under the "glider" ammo type as well. The original darts it came with had adjustable wings and fins.

This is very cool though.

#241853 Expand A Blast, By Sublimedom777

Posted by serpent sniper on 14 July 2009 - 12:02 AM in Modifications

I'd just like to point out that it seems you've permanently inscribed your gun with the phrase "In Memorandum."

You mean "in memoriam."

Posted Image

Seems like a nice mod though.

#163931 Bfg

Posted by serpent sniper on 23 July 2008 - 05:19 PM in Modifications

Cool. Personally, I'd put the pump somewhere else. Like others have said, that would be badass with a shotgun mod. Maybe even a pvc stock.

#15861 Testing Height

Posted by serpent sniper on 06 January 2004 - 04:20 PM in Modifications



But yeah, a set height to test from is a great idea...

...or at least people could tell what height they were shooting at if they don't like the metric system.

Anyways, interseting post C, I never knew height had that much effect on range.

#1812 Sm 500

Posted by serpent sniper on 25 February 2003 - 09:15 PM in Modifications

well there a two, the green one with a stock is a 5000 and the red pistol is the 500. And mystic, I'll get you that pic asap, so like later tonite.

#20289 Firecracker Nerf Gun

Posted by serpent sniper on 29 February 2004 - 04:27 PM in Homemades

boob noise

Boob...noise... ^_^

#1881 Sm 500

Posted by serpent sniper on 28 February 2003 - 04:21 PM in Modifications

sorry I couldn't get the email through. Goddamn you MAILER DAEMON! anyway thanks for the help. btw, maybe I sent to a false adress, whats your email?

#1889 Sm 500

Posted by serpent sniper on 28 February 2003 - 08:21 PM in Modifications

I just wanted to know if everything was okay before I go hacking away at the rest of the barrel.

#1611 Sm 500

Posted by serpent sniper on 19 February 2003 - 04:42 PM in Modifications

I've already plugged the pump. Your guns seem to be a little different than mine. I have the small soldiers one. I've just been waiting to cut the barrel 'til I knew what to do. Thanks guys.

#1541 Sm 500

Posted by serpent sniper on 18 February 2003 - 06:27 PM in Modifications

Mystic, good to have you back. Thanks for the help, but are you sure that the pvc fits in the barrel? oh and theres this thing that like held the air restrictor or something sould I cut that off? I've already cut the barrel preety much. If you wanta pic I can get one by tonite.

#16617 Lanard Copying Nerf?

Posted by serpent sniper on 18 January 2004 - 10:54 AM in General Nerf

I had this dream last night where I went in wal mart and there were all these new guns with the nerf logo and the lanard logo on them... Man, that was weird.

#906 Sm 500

Posted by serpent sniper on 26 January 2003 - 11:13 AM in Modifications

Does anyone know any mods for it. I'd like it to use megas, as most of my arsenal does. I'd just make one on my own but I don't want to ruin it. Well thanks in advance.

#15827 Testing Height

Posted by serpent sniper on 05 January 2004 - 09:38 PM in Modifications

Umm waspy... you realise that that post was made by famine, right? Its not often that one should take him seriously...

#1885 Sm 500

Posted by serpent sniper on 28 February 2003 - 05:53 PM in Modifications

okay I had the wrong adress, I sent it to you.

#6462 Happy Birthday To Julie!

Posted by serpent sniper on 02 July 2003 - 06:06 PM in Off Topic

Must...resist..mention of sex!

Bwahaha! err..uhh.. Happy Birthday, and may you always have...umm..it err...uhh...a good...umm...Bwahahaha! :rolleyes: :lol:

#11728 Webcomics

Posted by serpent sniper on 22 October 2003 - 09:05 PM in Off Topic

Penny Arcade...
Posted Image

#9166 Best FPS

Posted by serpent sniper on 03 September 2003 - 09:02 PM in Off Topic

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory...its free! I'm sure those other games are better, but I'm a cheap bastard seeking cheap thrills... :lol: *props to good ol' ZT for tellin' us about that game*

#8308 At3k As A Snper Gun

Posted by serpent sniper on 16 August 2003 - 12:28 PM in Modifications

You have to sand down the ridges. I'm lazy and tight with money, so I use Roseart markers. They have no ridges and you can get 11 for the price of 10 crayolas.

#3853 Milk Jug Airtanks

Posted by serpent sniper on 23 April 2003 - 02:47 PM in Homemades

*snip* Zero, you got some seriously big jugs *snip*

hehehe :lol: Things are best when taken out of context....I'll shut up now.