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#88815 Nerfers In New York

Posted by meiser5 on 02 September 2006 - 06:14 PM in General Nerf

Take a look at the Frapper Map in Flaming Hilt's signature. I think that is where it is.

Meiser--- :rolleyes:

#82702 Supermaxxes In Walgreen's

Posted by meiser5 on 03 June 2006 - 06:52 PM in Off Topic

I'm not so sure but do Walgreen's drug stores have access to old nerf blasters because recently I walked into one and asked them if they had any nerf guns, they pointed me out to a isle that had 5 sm350's, 2 old version sm750's, an sm3000 yellow, and a bunch of older nock-off dart guns. I did buy one of each and they all except for the 350 which shoots micros came with what appeared to be freshly new Larami"s. Check out your Walgreen's in your area, the only thing i could possibly think of is because i live in God's Waiting Room(Palm Coast) the nerf guns do not sell well and mayby they get leftovers in a lot of stores.

:ph34r: ===Meiser5- Everybodys Favorite Little Money Hog=== :ph34r:

#82734 Supermaxxes In Walgreen's

Posted by meiser5 on 04 June 2006 - 12:44 PM in Off Topic

They are infact left overs.

Thankyou for clearing that up, just making sure.

#83025 Whee Jaw Surgery!

Posted by meiser5 on 09 June 2006 - 12:47 PM in Off Topic

Are you high, why do you love surgery it is painful. My god what are these doctors doing to you, are you okay, no really i want to know. :mellow: :lol: :mellow:

#97783 Does Anyone Watch "twenty Four"?

Posted by meiser5 on 05 January 2007 - 11:18 PM in Off Topic

I got into it during the second season because the first one was suckish, so yes I watch it, and yes it is a good show.

Meiser5--- B)

#89846 At2k Problem

Posted by meiser5 on 16 September 2006 - 09:38 PM in Modifications

Sorry for the DP, but OMC is right, I have been here for almost a year posting every other day and I still only have like 129 posts. Slow down dude... Or you might be banned if CX gets aggitated.

Meiser--- :)

#89820 At2k Problem

Posted by meiser5 on 16 September 2006 - 03:30 PM in Modifications

Here is how the pump works... When you pump the air it goes through a rubber valve at the end of the shaft. Because the gun is one giant tank that valve is the thing that holds all the air in the tank in. The other valve connects to the trigger. But you said it fires so that valve is not the problem which leaves two possibilities..

A. There is a crack in the tank.

B. The pump valve it screwed up.

I do not think it is A. because if there was a crack the plunger would not shoot out like it does, it would all go out through the crack. This leads me to beleive that the plunger valve is the culprit. I honestly do not know a way for you to fix it without breaking the pump off of the main tank. PM me if someone else cannot help you.


#85228 06' Blasters Situation

Posted by meiser5 on 17 July 2006 - 02:23 PM in General Nerf

The Magstrike is basically a remake of the P.C., and is only as of this moment availible on Walmart.com for about Forty including shipping and tax.

The Longshot is not out yet except for the lucky someone who got his at a comic store.

Meiser---- :)

#87536 Ls..very Odd

Posted by meiser5 on 15 August 2006 - 02:14 PM in Modifications

Tell him he needs to remove the original spring and not to dry fire it, it should be fine. It also might be jamming because if he removed the stopper in the barrel that goes up when you open the bolt, the darts are not going all the way into the chamber.

Meiser--- B)

#94635 Goblet Of Fire Scenario

Posted by meiser5 on 16 November 2006 - 01:18 PM in General Nerf

Sounds interesting... But, It would probably take a lot of thought and consideration to get something like this going. If it were me I would just stick to the regular nerf wars we all have come to love so very much.

Meiser--- :)

#86805 Magstrike "problems"

Posted by meiser5 on 08 August 2006 - 02:10 PM in General Nerf

*********STUPID POST**************

#83736 I've Officially Lost My Mind!

Posted by meiser5 on 24 June 2006 - 02:51 PM in General Nerf

May the gods of nerf have mercy on your pitifil soul for defiling a perfectly good sawtooth.......
Somewhere in a distant place a noob weaps. Did anybody even need to know this crap, I think my vocabulary has dropped by ten percent.

Meisr, aw screw it. :o :wacko:

Edit: Sorry for the outburst, i am running on a half an hour of sleep. But getting that thing to shoot 35' is kinda cool when you think about it because nobody probably has ever tried somthing like this before.

#81742 Rf20 Salvage Ideas

Posted by meiser5 on 13 May 2006 - 09:21 AM in Off Topic

THis is probably my first ever post but lets get to it. You have just gotten home with your nice shiny new rapid twenty and you take it out of the box. You load it and pump it up and when you fire all you here is air rushing out. What do you do. When this hapens to me i do not fret, i always do three things to the gun before i throw it out.

1.) In the case of the rapid fire twenty it is not firing because the gun is either leaking out of the bladder or in my case, the gasket on the firing valve gets stuck open on the first shot. I tried to remedy this by opening the gun up and puting the gasket back on but it kept missfiring. So know on to step two.

2.) If you cannot fix-it, salvage-it! Thats what I unfortunately had to do to this gun but when i was done, I had extra screws for one of my future modding projects, then i was able to get a half decent spring for one of my other guns. (Just in case) I got the entire pump assembly and this was probably one of the most useful peices i got out of it, The 20 round drum.
This was so usefull because i can use it to store and protect up to twenty rounds of ammo or when taken apart you can use it to cut micro stefans and to straghten them.

3.) Through the garbage away.

#81745 Rf20 Salvage Ideas

Posted by meiser5 on 13 May 2006 - 10:00 AM in Off Topic

Yeah, the store i had gotten it from had had a closing sale and i happened to be there, that is the only reason i did not return it.

(Edit) No KB-toys was the store.

#83693 Give Me Some Ideas For Games

Posted by meiser5 on 23 June 2006 - 09:16 PM in Nerf Wars

One word, Search Button.
Oh, my bad that is two words.

Meiser--- <_<

#82680 Sprinkler Valve Question

Posted by meiser5 on 02 June 2006 - 07:21 PM in Homemades

You could check online home inprovement shops for sprinkler valves and Home Depot or Lowes, and Walmart might even have them. ;)

EDIT// Just think of me as a homless person, ignore me and i,ll go away. You can just take Gramanam's advice about Menard's, it is a lot easier.

Edit 2// Im not ragging on you but Around has one "R", again sorry for if you think i am ragging on you for spelling.

#83696 How Do You Post A Picture?

Posted by meiser5 on 23 June 2006 - 09:22 PM in General Nerf

Type your future posts like that and you will have a happy and healthy life here at nerf haven. <_< :D

Meiser---- B)

#90690 New Nerf Fourm Members?

Posted by meiser5 on 28 September 2006 - 02:02 PM in General Nerf

Oh sweet Jesus... Guys, he is new so don't flame him to hell. Dude, it is usually not cool to post your forum on another forum. You are just asking for a flame-out. Instead, post it in your signature and add it to google, people will join it if they want to. It is not uncommon for a forum to take a while to develop, just be patient.

Meiser--- :lol:

#82373 Need Help!

Posted by meiser5 on 26 May 2006 - 08:06 PM in Off Topic

What if I found a way to fill the dart up with some lightweight air proof material so a small air pocket could form?
Caulking might work....

EDIT///What if i was to just block the hole towards the middle where the air pocket hole end, i would be saving weight and time, would this throw the dart off. I will be going to the store this Sunday anyway to test it out so does anyone have any suggestions on why that might not work.

#82255 Need Help!

Posted by meiser5 on 23 May 2006 - 11:22 AM in Off Topic

Okay guys, if you did not hear the back ground story on this you would chew me out for asking this but hear it goes. I need to know if there is a way to get larami darts because i have looked and called every where in my town and cannot find them. I even tried getting them on ebay or special ordering them directly from Hasbro but to no aveil. I need help, please respond fast. ;)

Does any of the older members have any in put, i mean i have experimented with megas but they are to heavy even when they are cut down, and unless i was able to get a picture of the darts that carbon suggested i would not know for sure if the darts would work with my sm1500.

#82358 Need Help!

Posted by meiser5 on 26 May 2006 - 09:36 AM in Off Topic

Thankyou for all the help, im still pretty new at this so i admit i might have looked like a lazy ass on this thread, but i will order some and see if they work with the older larimi guns like the 750 and 1500.

On another note, if the holes on the back were not big enough but the dart was thick like a mega couldent you just use a hot glue gun to enlarge the hole, or would that be out of the question?

#88544 My Rf20 Needs Repairs...any Advice?

Posted by meiser5 on 29 August 2006 - 02:45 PM in Modifications

Basically you are going to unscrew the gun and open the gun up. then you are going to take the pump and lift it out of where it is mounted. There should be a grey end-cap holding the pump handle and shaft together. Pry it apart and pull the shaft completely out of the tube.(Wow, that did not sound right... :blink: )At the end of that shaft will be a little rubber ring. You are basically going to take lots of lube and put it all over the o-ring ant the inside of the shaft then put everything back together.
I really hope this helps somewhat...

Meiser--- :) Riding out Tropical Storm Ernesto...

#88541 My Rf20 Needs Repairs...any Advice?

Posted by meiser5 on 29 August 2006 - 02:22 PM in Modifications

Open it up and lube the o-ring, it is probably dryed out.

Meiser---:) Riding out Tropical Storm Ernesto...

#83709 Easiest Homemade

Posted by meiser5 on 23 June 2006 - 09:55 PM in Homemades

Spelling and Grammar.

#83685 Longshot Cs-6

Posted by meiser5 on 23 June 2006 - 09:03 PM in General Nerf

Dude, I am almost 100 percent sure that we do not need info like this, there were countless threads on this site, nerfhq, and other small time sites about the same exact things you just said, granted there might be a couple people out there that are new to nerf and might be going wow a new auwsome nerf gun, but still we have all heard this before.

Meiser--- <_<

P.s. Fix your spelling and grammar before you start getting yourself ruthlessly flamed back to the Middle Ages.

#85057 Questions

Posted by meiser5 on 14 July 2006 - 08:54 PM in General Nerf

I'm not sure but I don't think you can, unless somebody knows more than me.

Meiser--- :w00t:

#88326 Just Watch This Video!

Posted by meiser5 on 25 August 2006 - 05:24 PM in Off Topic

Your links are busted...

Meiser--- :lol:

#92143 Old Posts

Posted by meiser5 on 18 October 2006 - 09:00 AM in Site Feedback

All the text seems fine when I read it...

Meiser--- <_<

#92344 Longshot Question

Posted by meiser5 on 20 October 2006 - 07:04 PM in General Nerf

You should not need to search for this, the answer was on the box if you bothered to read it.

Meiser--- :P

///EDIT/// This is a prime example of why I made the Q/A thread.

#89845 War Movie

Posted by meiser5 on 16 September 2006 - 09:35 PM in Off Topic

Pretty cool, the edits could use some work but it was a pretty good vid. Oh, by the way, the Superbowl Football music gave it a Chuck Norris feel :) .

Meiser--- B)

#91679 I Need Some Help.

Posted by meiser5 on 10 October 2006 - 02:32 PM in Homemades

What Nerf Monkey said, silicone is not airtight at all.

Meiser--- :P

#91811 Firefly Trouble

Posted by meiser5 on 12 October 2006 - 02:06 PM in Modifications

If you put your cocking mec in wrong that is the problem. You need to open the gun back up, and flip over the plunger assembly inside the tube so the tooth that locks into the catch is right side up. I wish i had some pics but I cannot find my card.... :angry:

Meiser--- :ph34r:

#86303 Possible Design Flaw In The Mag Strike

Posted by meiser5 on 02 August 2006 - 10:36 AM in General Nerf

There might be a reason to this, because I had a similer problem as well so I compared the taggers to refill taggers you get in the bags, and made a startiling discovery. The darts you get with the gun are shorter and thinner then the refill pack darts. And the hole at the base is wider.
I'm not sure but this difference would probably affect the gun in a very noticable way. So I'm off to get pics of the different darts and some ranges with the different darts.

Meiser---- :P

EDIT--- Anyone that gets the taggers with the gun just throw them away, if you are going to use the stock taggers shell out the eight dollars at your Wally World for a refill pack.


I think the wind got to the 55, 49, and 45 shots.

Ms Darts---


The 19 footer got caught in the wind.

Edit Edit--- Alright I was frustrated when I posted, don't actually throw them away, just give them to your cat for a great chew toy!!!!

#90159 Request: Supermaxx 250 Internals

Posted by meiser5 on 21 September 2006 - 02:03 PM in Modifications

All I have is the 350, there both similer but I am not going to post pics of it unless you want me to.

Meiser :rolleyes:

#81764 My Firefly Is Being A Retard Please Help

Posted by meiser5 on 13 May 2006 - 02:32 PM in Modifications

I looked into it and nerfer34 is write, do the cpvc mod and if it still does not work, you need a new gun.

#88671 Magstrike

Posted by meiser5 on 31 August 2006 - 06:52 PM in General Nerf

It is like 24.99$ in my area.

Meiser--- ^_^

#85463 Zoom

Posted by meiser5 on 21 July 2006 - 12:12 PM in Off Topic

Wow this thing is going to the crapper real quick, to get back on subject...
I personally think that zoom was an early form of goverment brainwashing, and it's purpose was to create a group of brain-washed pansies to do the goverments bidding for them.

Meiser----- :P

#86165 Home Theater Projectors

Posted by meiser5 on 31 July 2006 - 10:35 AM in Off Topic

If it were me I would probably buy the more expensive one because you would probably get slightly better graphics but that is just me. If I were you I would go with that standard projector because you would get what you need in the projector at a reasonable price, and personally I think you are getting that as a steal because I have seen similer brands run as high as a grand. But one tip of advice, keep the box and warrenty in case you do not like it or it is crap, so you can return it. Any way, good luck with this purchase.

Meiser---- B)

#86023 Home Theater Projectors

Posted by meiser5 on 29 July 2006 - 08:36 PM in Off Topic

What types of games, and what system are you using the projector for?

Meiser--- :)

#91767 Signature

Posted by meiser5 on 11 October 2006 - 05:54 PM in Site Feedback

Again I am not sure... Just go with it, if an admin says somthing just do what they tell you.

Meiser--- B)