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Firefly Trouble

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#1 mavninja



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Posted 12 October 2006 - 01:26 PM

I recently bought a firefly and, of course, was displeased with the stock range. So I pulledit apart, did the restrictor removal, upgraded the spring etc. But when I put it back together it won't stay cocked. I'm thinking that I positioned the priming handle incorrectly, and I haven't had a chance to experiment yet (school work) so I may have solved my own problem. I just wanted to know if anyone else has had a similar problem and how they fixed it. Thanks.
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#2 Megamannt92



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Posted 12 October 2006 - 01:58 PM

That happens to me sometimes to somethings prolly is not aligned properly.

Take it apart again, look up some pictures of the internals of a firefly....

Check yours out and try again.
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#3 meiser5



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Posted 12 October 2006 - 02:06 PM

If you put your cocking mec in wrong that is the problem. You need to open the gun back up, and flip over the plunger assembly inside the tube so the tooth that locks into the catch is right side up. I wish i had some pics but I cannot find my card.... :angry:

Meiser--- :ph34r:
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#4 NerfMonkey



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Posted 12 October 2006 - 04:21 PM

You say you "upgraded the spring." If you put too heavy of a spring in, it won't contract to a short enough length when the gun is cocked for it to properly catch and lock the plunger in place.

Also, if you leave the spring in there and try to cock it, it could probably destroy the catch mech at any time, so I definitely advise you to take the spring out and put another one in that isn't as long/hard to compress. Or find a way to internally band it.
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#5 mavninja



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Posted 13 October 2006 - 10:52 AM

I upgraded the spring yes, but I measured beforehand to make sure it was the same size/smaller than the stock spring when fully compressed, so I dont think thats the problem. I'll check the plunger tonight. Do you know if the notch is oriented toward the top or bottom when correctly installed? Thanks again.
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