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#199490 How To Put Pics On Here

Posted by DX-Robert on 29 December 2008 - 03:08 AM in Modifications

Speaking of pics, you ^ owe us some from that Mill Creek war!

#338865 Posting html or word documents

Posted by DX-Robert on 11 May 2014 - 12:05 AM in Site Feedback

The [HTML] BBCode tag is an XSS threat and I don't think it's ever been turned on here. You'd have better luck re-formatting your post than trying to convince the admins to allow an injectable tag.

#354056 Are These Blasters Good For A Friendly Nerf War?

Posted by DX-Robert on 08 June 2016 - 12:59 PM in General Nerf

These are my recommendations:

1. Instead of a Rapidstrike, buy 2 Stryfes.  This lets 2 people use flywheels for the same price, and Stryfes are more versatile blasters.

2. Buy 2 Rampages or Retaliators off Ebay or somewhere other than retail.  Again, you could get 2 of those secondhand for the price of 1 at retail.

3. Strongarms are popular, buy several.

4. Skip the Jolts and get Hammershots.  The one-handed priming will allow people to dual wield and they are fun in general.

5. Skip the Magnus.  You only get 3 dart capacity for that $14ish dollar price tag, and the darts are expensive.

6. Skip anything to do with the Modulus.  Complete waste of money for this specific purpose.  Instead, get several Buzz Bee Sentinels.  Those will be the strongest blasters assuming everything is stock, and perhaps the most fun to use given the cowboy style lever action priming.  They are compatible with Nerf brand magazines and drums.

7. Skip the elite darts.  For one, elite darts suck, and two, they are expensive.  Instead, buy darts secondhand off Ebay.  If you have time to wait, get them from China for around $3-4 per 100.  See the NH stock dart buying guide for the differences between darts and their advantages/disadvantages.  If you don't have time to wait, still buy these types of darts, but make sure the seller is domestic.  You'll pay more and they may be used, but you'll still get way more darts and better darts, for way less money, than buying elite packs.  You'll want as many darts as possible, a couple hundred is not going to cut it.  Factor darts into the budget last, after you've purchased the blasters.  Whatever is leftover should go to darts.

8. Doesn't really matter what you get, as long as your sister will like it and have fun.  See what her style is.  That said, probably skip the string-powered bows.

9. Consider going on Ebay again, for extra magazines.  18 rd mags and 12 rd mags are good buys for around $5 each or less.  Try to get them in bulk.  The recommended blasters chew through darts and mags, so you'll want a lot of extras.

With those recommendations, you spend about $200 on about 15 blasters, and then have $100 left for darts and mags.  If you have time to wait for China shipping, you could have 8+ mags and 2,000 darts.

The bottom line: Try not to spend more than $25 on any individual blaster, so you can maximize how many you have while still providing good ones, and buy way more darts than you think you'll need.  Whatever budget is left should go to darts and mags.


#355359 5 cents per bottle deposit

Posted by DX-Robert on 04 August 2016 - 11:43 PM in Off Topic

It works the same way you would normally return carbonated soda and beer bottles.  Most grocery stores have a room marked "Bottle Return" or Bottle Deposit" near the entrance doors (outside the store itself).  In 2016, it's all automated with machines for different types of bottles, it will say what each one is for.  Simply insert the bottle, the machine spins it to read the information, and then it is either accepted and crushed or rejected and returned to you.  When you are done, the machine prints a receipt.  Collect the receipts, head into the store, and redeem them at the customer service desk.

Depending on the store, you can get an attendant to accept some of the rejects, as well.  They are more likely to do this if their store sells the brand that was rejected.  If you have brands that aren't sold in New York, they will probably be rejected (out of state bottles cost the store money).

#333295 Need a little info about LBB's

Posted by DX-Robert on 20 August 2013 - 05:31 PM in General Nerf

Most Berserker tanks are essentially 2nd gen 4B tanks. War organizers generally class them as such and there is no difference in performance. However, Berserker tanks the size of 1st gen 4B tanks do exist, they look just like 1st gen 4B tanks, but are black instead of white. You can tell them by the wide, raised band, larger back area, longer length, and that they don't have a drop-in fit for a Raider shell. I didn't think they existed until someone sold one in a thread on NH a few months ago without realizing what it was.

One note is that the pin pull speed makes more difference than the tank size. Due to quality control or factory variation or whatever, some tanks have faster pin pulls than others and some OPRVs have higher stock tolerances than others. A 2nd gen tank usually hits around 250 FPS, but a faster pull and higher OPRV hits in the 270s, so shop around for the best components.

#325038 My personal pic

Posted by DX-Robert on 03 January 2013 - 01:25 PM in Site Feedback

I've turned caching back on, which should help.

That appears to have ended most of the slow loading for me, most actions now take about the same amount of time as before.

#308078 Canceled.

Posted by DX-Robert on 06 December 2011 - 09:59 PM in Nerf Wars

I might have to work that Saturday. Otherwise, I'll come.

#321168 Thank You NerfHaven!

Posted by DX-Robert on 29 August 2012 - 12:36 AM in Off Topic

Welcome back! Next time Hersh won't be there to save you though...

#76210 Favorite Baseball Team?

Posted by DX-Robert on 14 March 2006 - 10:33 PM in Off Topic

Down with the Evil Empire-Red Sox all the way! Rooting for this team is costly, however, seeing as Yankee Stadium is literally 18 miles east of here. :D

#354654 Quality voberry darts

Posted by DX-Robert on 28 June 2016 - 11:46 PM in Darts and Barrels

Why would you want to use voberries in 2016?  There are better options all over.  For indoor usage, koosh is probably going to be your best bet.  Good perfomance at stock and superstock levels, good in flywheels, soft impacts.  See Nerfhaven's stock dart buying guide.

#356775 Nerf wars and Nerf groups in New York City?

Posted by DX-Robert on 20 November 2016 - 08:34 PM in Nerf Wars

We have a superstock group in the city, wars are held in Central Park near the Met.  Check the "CPNO" war thread for the most recent one.  There may be another one before the year is over, I dunno.

#364720 APOCALYPSE 2023 - August 5th-6th, Manchester and Clifton, NJ

Posted by DX-Robert on 19 June 2023 - 01:10 AM in Nerf Wars

It's sad that NH is so abandoned that last year's Apoc wasn't even posted here, but the event itself is not only still alive, but is actually growing, with over 100 players attending in 2022!

We have something special planned for you guys in 2023 - Apoc is becoming a 2 day event!






Apoc FB Event Link

When: Saturday, August 5, 2023, from 10 AM – 6 PM

Where: Cousins Paintball, 750 Whiting New Egypt Rd, Manchester, NJ
There is a secondary parking lot when the main lot reaches capacity.  After parking, check in at the main office and then walk up the path to find the staging area.  This will be marked and admin will be on hand to help.

FPS Cap: 300 FPS for most games (ignore the 250 cap in the payment link, that was copy-pasted from Cata events).  Some rounds may have different/lower caps for different player classes and blaster types.  This will be clearly explained by admin at the start of those games.  UNO Master Rule Set

Gametypes: Flag Push, Carpe, Domination, King of the Hill, Pistols, and more!

Cost: $15.  This is the field fee for the paintball venue and is the best deal ever - you get a whopping 8 hours of gameplay on three massive fields with trenches, a village of wooden buildings, barrels, and even a pair of loser towers!  

Payment Link: APOC Tickets

What's it like? Here is a video from 2021 Apoc - We also have vendors now, so there will be a row of popular vendors offering equipment.  Procrastinated and need to finish your blaster on the day of the war?  No problem!





When: Sunday, August 6th, 2023, from 10 AM - 4 PM

Where: Sports Domain Academy, 1075 US-46, Suite A, Clifton, NJ

FPS Cap: TBA, will edit this in when confirmed.  I'm not a BPOC admin, just a messenger.

Game Format: Flag Dash

Cost: $35.  This is the field fee for the indoor venue, you get 6 hours of competitive scrimmage gameplay in the Maryland flag dash format, which is extremely fun.  This is a casual scrimmage, so you do not need to have a pre-formed team.  Best part?  It's indoors, so no 90 degree Jersey heat or thunderstorms to worry about!

Payment Link: BPOC Tickets

What's it like? Here is a video from a comp clinic - prominently featuring me wiping out off-break, cause I'll never live that moment down.  It's like this, but with more teams!

#70223 Idea?

Posted by DX-Robert on 01 January 2006 - 11:35 AM in Off Topic

What do you think Hasbro does every year? I see what you're saying, but:

A: There has probably been a topic like this at some point in time before.
B: Don't wait for a company to come out with something you really want. Take the initiative and make it yourself. I've learned the hard way not to rely on companies too much. Want crazy ranges? High power? Go out and buy some PVC/fittings/other parts, and get all you desire.

Nerf is on very good terms with Hasbro. Count your blessings now or you'll end up like the Soaking Community, where I once tried to lead a boycott on Hasbro for ignoring us and giving us crap guns for the last 3 years. You don't know how well off you are in terms of good quality company-manufactured guns, so If I were you, I would either be satisfied, go homemade, or shut up.

#354263 Rehosting

Posted by DX-Robert on 16 June 2016 - 02:28 PM in Nerf Wars

There are several things to discuss, like the possibility of running this both Saturday and Sunday with a different location, doing superstock rounds instead of pistols, and making a playlist to minimize downtime.

Many changes are being made.  New host, new location, new name, probably Saturday rather than Sunday, basically a new war.  I'm going to make the new thread after work, but it may be fairly late tonight, so please wait until then.

Patience, Van, P - A - T - I - E - N - C - E

#363259 [NJ] NENC 3: Close Encounters of the Nerf Kind (August 11th, Unami Par

Posted by DX-Robert on 07 August 2018 - 04:41 PM in Nerf Wars

NENC events are mainly organized on Facebook:
Saturday, August 11th
Starting at 9 AM (Arrive at any time and play as long as you'd like)
Unami Park

Lexington Ave, Garwood, New Jersey 07027

FPS Limit: 300
Homemades: OK
Slugs and Half Lengths: OK
Melee and Shields: OK (see rules for size limits)


See FB event page for full ruleset (Ulgh Van this needs to be cleaned up a lot)


NENC Main Page

The Northeastern Nerf Club (NENC) is a collaboration between several local clubs from CT to PA.  We've banded together to host larger events than we normally could alone.  Our current main event is held quarterly in NJ.  We play NIC, Ultrastock, and Superstock (Current limit 300 FPS).  Our events are always centrally-located between our clubs and accessible by car or train.

Current NENC clubs: (Do you run a Nerf club in the northeast?  Are you interested in participating in NENC?  Talk to us!)
NYC Nerf Ops - New York City
NY Nerfherders - Long Island New York
L.I.F.E (Long Island Foam Encounters) - Long Island New York
CT Nerf - Coastal / SW Connecticut
Philanerfia - Philadelphia / SE Pennsylvania


#177460 Nerf @ Connecticut College

Posted by DX-Robert on 14 September 2008 - 10:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Say what? Nerf in Connecticut?

We all know that the CT Nerf scene is dead, that there's a large void between Jersey and Mass. I'm looking to get something going here at Conn College in New London. There's - quite a few - people already interested, they just have to realize that the others are too. Once the scattered nerfers on campus are all connected, we could potentially get some awesome wars going. Perhaps we could host a venue in the fairly near future - the Conn countryside boasts some interesting terrain.

#364766 Connecticut Pandemonium 3 - August 17th, 2024

Posted by DX-Robert on 15 August 2024 - 11:53 PM in Nerf Wars

Kind of short notice, but just in case anyone here is from New England, the Hudson Valley, or NY metro area and doesn't already know about CT Nerf Ops - 
Pandemonium 3 is THIS Saturday at Puddletown Adventures (186 Main St, New Hartford, CT) from 11 AM ish until sunset.  This is a private venue with an outdoor nerf arena and smaller indoor space.
We will be playing a mix of casual and comp gametypes like 1 life elim, flag push, death clicks, koth, and hotpot.  Most games will take place outdoors and later ones will be indoors.
200 FPS springers, 160 FPS flywheels
130 FPS flat cap for "low power" games
Lunch on the grill and dinner at nearby Michel Angelo's!
Perfect weather is forecast!

FB Event:

#364765 APOCALYPSE 2024 - Saturday, August 3rd in Manchester NJ and BPOC - Sun

Posted by DX-Robert on 31 July 2024 - 10:42 PM in Nerf Wars

Apoc and Bpoc return for 2024!  Apoc is still a large format general nerf war at Cousins Paintball and Bpoc is still a competitive format tournament at Sports Domain Academy.

I realize the post is a bit late given that these are happening this weekend, but it's more for historical reference than actually expecting anyone to read it now lol.


- Apoc and Bpoc are mostly adult events, you must be 12+ to play.  Players under 18 must have a parent or guardian present the entire time.

- Thunderstorms are in the forecast.  There is a protocol in place for lightning, but otherwise Apoc goes on rain or shine.  Bpoc is indoors.  The current forecast trend leans on storms arriving in the afternoon, so the best move for getting more gameplay in may be to arrive on time.  This may change as we are still several days out.

- It may be in the low 90s with high humidity.  South Jersey in the summer is hot?  Surprised Pikachu face!  Please hydrate, bring plenty of water and energy drinks, and also bug spray.

- Eye pro is mandatory!  You could get hit in the face at 300 FPS lol.

- NO cars may be driven into the staging area unless given prior authorization.

- HPA and realistic-looking blasters are allowed. (HPA on a case-by-case basis, show your blaster to an admin)







Apoc 2024 FB Event Link:

When: Saturday, August 3, 2024, from 11 AM – 6:30 PM

Where: Cousins Paintball, 750 Whiting New Egypt Rd, Manchester, NJ
There is a secondary parking lot when the main lot reaches capacity.  After parking, check in at the main office and then walk up the path to find the staging area.  Admin will be on hand to help.


FPS Cap: 300 FPS for most games.  Some rounds may have different/lower caps for different player classes and blaster types.  This will be clearly explained by admin at the start of those games.  There will be a 130 flat cap for low power games such as attack/defend and potentially domination.

Updated Apoc Rules: https://docs.google....D8OCIS6C9A8NWdY

Gametypes: Flag Push, Death Clicks, Domination, Defend the Core, and Attack/Defend

Cost: $15.  This is the field fee for the paintball venue and is the best deal ever - you get a whopping 8 hours of gameplay on three massive fields with trenches, a village of wooden buildings, barrels, sand mounds, and forest.  Lots of cover!

Payment Link: https://cousinspaint...uno-nerf-event/

What's it like? Here is a video from 2021 Apoc - We also allow vendors and sale of whatever you want to sell.






When: Sunday, August 4, 2023, from 10:30 AM - 6 PM

Where: Sports Domain Academy, 1075 US-46, Suite A, Clifton, NJ

FPS Cap: 250 springers, 200 flywheels

Game Format: Flag Dash

Cost: $35.  This is the field fee for the indoor venue, you get 6 hours of competitive tournament gameplay in the Maryland flag dash format, which is extremely fun.  This is a casual style tournament, so you do not need to have a pre-formed team.  Best part?  It's indoors, so no 90 degree Jersey heat or thunderstorms to worry about!

Payment Linkhttps://tntevnts.com...vents-bpoc-2024

What's it like? Here is a video from a comp clinic - prominently featuring me wiping out off-break, cause I'll never live that moment down.  It's like this, but with more teams!

Flag Dash Rules: https://drive.google...RgDhsGkeof27A4X