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There have been 130 items by JT Nerf Girl (Search limited from 05-February 97)

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#3081 Horsemen On G4?

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 07 April 2003 - 08:14 PM in Off Topic

don't feel stupid, i have an equally stupid question. what is arena on G4?

Excatly what I was thinking...

#3158 Horsemen On G4?

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 09 April 2003 - 10:00 AM in Off Topic

JT no offence but I would stop posting as much yes this is my problem but I just saw a new post on nerf hq now one here slow down but again no offence.

Um... posting to much? What is it any of your business how much I post. I have a few classes during school where I'm in a computer lab so I post some. I don't have as many posts as you do? My posts per day is only so high because I just joined. You have like five posts per day so don't get after me for having only three. At least most my posts are meaningful when all you do is tell people they 'post to much'. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. What, like I'm trying to boost my post count? Why would that matter?

#29997 Aw Goddammit.

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 30 June 2004 - 09:13 PM in Off Topic

Not really storm related, but my hard drive in my computer died a few weeks ago. That really sucked.

#3156 I'm Trying To Make A Site.

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 09 April 2003 - 09:57 AM in Off Topic

He averages 5 posts per day and warns people who average 3.5 posts per day.

Thanks for showing me that I would have never noticed it.

#4108 Happy B-day To Famine

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 28 April 2003 - 07:27 PM in Off Topic

So that's how Black Blade does it... Heh, I never go all the way down on the page, never really thought about there being any usefull stuff downthere.

#4432 Orange Weirdness!

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 10 May 2003 - 02:18 PM in Off Topic

Has anyone seen this new Mountain Dew LiveWire? It's like... orange... It says it's only available summer 2003. Anyways, I was just wondering who all has seen this, it's weird.

#29492 Gun Remakes

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 24 June 2004 - 10:40 PM in General Nerf

I said the LnL, because I love mine. Not that I wouldn't love to get my hands on a Xbow or a BBB *drools*, but I'm more of a pistol gal.

#3195 Proof Of Hasrbo Engineers Modding Their Guns

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 09 April 2003 - 08:17 PM in General Nerf

You know what this means don't you? We must organize a war against these supposed "engineers" who work for this "Hasbro". A reckoning must be brought forth. EVIL WILL BE DISPELLED!!

Hold on, what's going on? Get away from me.

I bet we'd kick thier pansy asses... or more likely their mods would rock ours and we'd go home feeling odd and stupid.

It'd still be worth it to play like 'professional' Nerfers. There should be like actual Nerf Areans, like paintball areas. Now if that ever happens, that would be sweet.

#30183 Aim Hacks

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 02 July 2004 - 10:37 AM in Off Topic

Also, it allows you to ghost, using the /ghost command. This makes you appear offline on everyone's sn, including your own if you have your own sn on there. The only way you can tell if someone is ghosting is to go to their sn while they're offline and check their profile, because while you're ghosting you can still see the ghosted person's profile.

With the newest version of AIM, you can do that. There is a little 'eye' icon that is open when you're being shown as 'online', and if you click on it to close it, you appear to be offline.

#45105 Whats Your Favorite Line Of Nerf Guns?

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 29 December 2004 - 07:55 PM in General Nerf

My LnL is my baby.

#29534 Holsters

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 25 June 2004 - 11:13 AM in General Nerf

I was just wondering how to make a good holster. I'd like to make one for my LnL and maybe one for my Switch Shots Super. Also been thinking about something for my PowerClip, a carrying strap or something.

#29583 Holsters

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 25 June 2004 - 10:12 PM in General Nerf

My pet monkey tells me that she was asking for more specific holsters probably, not the generic one that you make by wrapping cardboard around it. Maybe she wants a fashion-holster to go along with her outfit. You know?


Ha... not funny. I don't do that. One of my friends hates the fact that I like never match, I don't try to match.

#29594 Holsters

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 26 June 2004 - 08:44 AM in General Nerf

It's kinda depressing that I'm the only one who sees the irony in one of the few active female nerfers wondering how to make holsters.

~like any good jedi, more cryptic then useful~

Well, seeing as I have been nerfing for around five years, I'm not a a n00bie as you're probably thinking. I've just never got around to making any holsters or anything, usually just stick whatever I can in pockets, cargo pants are good for that, you know.

#2950 2003 Toy Fair Pics

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 03 April 2003 - 11:14 PM in General Nerf

The first pistol there looks like a newer Sharp Shooter II, don't you guys think? If it is then that's great, cause I love my SSII.

#3636 Hey Guys...

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 18 April 2003 - 03:44 PM in Off Topic

And I would know how??

#3661 Hey Guys...

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 19 April 2003 - 09:57 AM in Off Topic

And I would know how??

Well if you've been stalking me like you SAID you have been, I'd think you would have uncovered this tidbit of information.....

I'm stalking you? That's news to me.... you do know I live on the east coast right?

#3695 Hey Guys...

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 20 April 2003 - 09:27 AM in Off Topic

Wait... is that the thing where they had people hit each other with some kind of stick to knock them off something.... or something... that was like on in 92 or something? I think I remember seeing something like that when I was little...

#29262 2004 Line-up Poll

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 23 June 2004 - 12:57 PM in General Nerf

The Scout looks awesome. I have a think for pistols though. Now, I love my PowerClips and all, but I love my pistols.

#3667 Hey Guys...

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 19 April 2003 - 02:55 PM in Off Topic

I'm stalking you?  That's news to me.... you do know I live on the east coast right?

No no, seriously, I'm flattered. I mean it's not every day that you get you're own personal stalker. Whoa, what a head trip! I tell ya what, we'll get you and Steph into an American Gladiator style match with each of you on a raised pedastal and give both of you big ass padded poles. If you can knock her off of her Tower of Power, then we'll talk.

If I were an American Gladiator, I'd be Laser, because Turbo is such a ghey name.

What's American Gladiator?

#3630 Hey Guys...

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 18 April 2003 - 03:12 PM in Off Topic

Hello!! I didn't know he had a bro, but I don't really know anything besides he's Spoon. Nerfing's great! I'm hoping to have a war tomorrow, long as it isn't raining. But anyways enjoy the boards!

#29286 Lefty? Righty? Switch?

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 23 June 2004 - 03:40 PM in General Nerf

I might want to try nerfing lefty. I think I'd be able to pump alot faster with my right hand. I've had practice. :wacko:

*Shakes her head* I'm sure most of y'all here have had plenty of pratice...

I'm right handed, so I shoot with my right hand. Maybe both hands to aim better, James Bond method, perhaps? Don't really know what that means so...

#44969 Where Da Old Bastards At?

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 27 December 2004 - 11:34 PM in Off Topic

anybody over 13?

I'm over 13. I'm in fact 17, and will be 18 in one month and 29 days.

#3208 The Unlimate Nerf Arena

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 09 April 2003 - 10:06 PM in General Nerf

I just wanted to know what you guys think the untimate Nerf arena would be. It doesn't have to be possible, just explain what it is and why you picked it.

I got my idea from LOTS. Have any of you been to Busch Gardens? I love that place. But anyways, he said that that would be the ultimate place for a Nerf war. Just think, you could have as many teams as there are countries and have each country be that teams base. Like Ireland for example, that would be the team I would be on, just because I love Ireland. But each team would have a few maps, and you could play kind of... hmm... like a capture the flag/scavanger hunt or something. I dunno how that would work, but it would still be cool. Anyways, tell me what you think and post your own ideas!

#30398 My New Friend

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 05 July 2004 - 02:10 PM in Off Topic

Those things are good. So is the Ice Java stuff.

Anyone had a MOOlate from DQ? They're awesome, but expensive.

#3275 The Unlimate Nerf Arena

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 10 April 2003 - 08:57 PM in General Nerf

I think the ultimate Nerf arena would be a gigantic public bathroom...

Uh... why excatly? Please explain.

#3258 The Unlimate Nerf Arena

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 10 April 2003 - 04:43 PM in General Nerf

The Impossible: 10 Acres of land including wooded areas with rope bridges and hunting blinds, rocky hills for capture the flag, and a beach with cliffs so we can get the "D-Day" vibe going. A concrete slab about two football fields in length for "urban" shoot-em-ups. And a Juice Bar. A massive Juice Bar.

I really like your idea. Expecially the D-Day thing, that would be fun. Heh, juice bar. Why a juice bar?

#3343 The Unlimate Nerf Arena

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 12 April 2003 - 01:33 PM in General Nerf

Or crotchity old men. then you have a great place

if there werent any kids, then we wouldnt have to worry about him. and he COULD be easily taken care of...

*tosses grenade
*shed where crochity old man is explodes

That's so crule!! Haha, but still funny!

#3305 The Unlimate Nerf Arena

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 11 April 2003 - 01:54 PM in General Nerf

It could be the fuckin back room of a zoo where they try to force pandas to mate...

Do you have any idea how random that was?

#29531 Artic Camo :: Nite Finder

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 25 June 2004 - 11:10 AM in Modifications

Nice job. I've been using acrylic paint for mine. Takes a lot longer, but it's worth it if you want a solid color with a certain symbol or something. It'll come off easily though, that's why I use a clear crystal glaze spray as a top coat, makes them shinny, and if you do it right, it looks like it was made that color/design.

#3432 Dringing

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 13 April 2003 - 10:24 PM in Off Topic

My parents had a Buick Stationwagon that they got for 300 bucks and drove it for 5 years. They didn't have to do any 'extra' work to it and they sold it for 600. Look, you guys live in big cities right? Well I live in a small county with only two *real* cities in it. A few small towns and only 2 high schools. And the next county over isn't that big either. Cars go for cheap around here. Good cars too. Cheap cars where you are may be 'clunkers' but they all aren't around here. We have a good selection of cheap, non-dealer, good cars so don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.

#3276 Dringing

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 10 April 2003 - 09:01 PM in Off Topic

Insurance is a bitch, and it's high for me being a young owner of a red sports car. What's with the red cars being higher anyways?

Red cars are higher because most of the people that drive them are at a higher risk of crashing than those that drive say a... green car or blue. I think the highest are red and black. Plus sports cars are a lot higher. One thing for me though is I'm a girl. Girl's insurance is a hellvua lot cheaper than guys. Heh, sorry guys. Plus you get off some if you like have good grades or had like an A or B in driver's ed or something. There are different things. I'm just going to get a cheap car though for my first one.

#3257 Dringing

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 10 April 2003 - 04:38 PM in Off Topic

I like GROOVE that would be kool. I'll probably be getting JT 110 or maybe just JT if they have it. My favorite number is 110, long story that I'm not going to tell.

Anways, as for the kind of car I'm getting, I have no idea yet. I have like 500+ saved up in the bank, and I start my job on Saturday. Four hours Saturday and four on Sunday. That sould give me about 40 bucks or so. Plus I get paid for getting A's. I'm working on all A's, so I can get 100 bucks. All year I've gotten at least one B on my report card. Our grading scale is hard to. A 95 is the lowest A you can get. But I think I can do it this six weeks. My dad still owes me like 80 bucks though. What sucks for me is that I have to pay for everything with my car. My parents won't pay a penny. It'll be 300 bucks, maybe less, for a cheap car, I don't care what kind really as long as it's not a stick and it runs well. And then another 300 bucks for insurance then plus all the other stuff I have to get. But it won't be too much longer. I'll probably start mowing some yards, 10-20 a piece, here soon, so I'll have 700 before long. I'll still want to keep a bit in the bank.

Ack, sorry, I have to plan everything out. I have to know what I'm going to do before I do it, I can't be spontanious(sp?). Anyways...

Oh, Groove, check your pm's okay?

#3250 Dringing

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 10 April 2003 - 01:54 PM in Off Topic

I'd like to learn a stick, but we don't have any cars like that. I'm not buying a stick either. I would love to have a 65/66 Mustang though... that's like my dream, hah.

#3194 Dringing

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 09 April 2003 - 08:10 PM in Off Topic

I was just wondering who has their learners or liscense. I've had my learners since Oct. but I haven't gotten to drive much. I don't like to drive with my dad much because he makes me nervous. The slightlest little thing I do wrong he yells at me and grabs the stering wheel like I've driven in a ditch or something. And then he usually ends up knocking it into Netural and I'm sitting there wondering why the truck won't go. My mom gets nervous driving with me. Heck, I just get nervous driving period most of the time. I think I was shaking the other day because a cop was following me, heh. I'm a very cautious driver I suppose, don't drive all that fast, but not totally slow either. Anyways, who here can drive?

EDIT: Urgh, sorry, I cannot type. It's supposed to be titled "Driving" not "Dringing". Heh :D ^_^ :alien:.

#3283 Dringing

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 10 April 2003 - 10:10 PM in Off Topic

And we all know the truth about female drivers, don't we guys? ;)

I am a perfectly good driver thank you very much. That is so not true about women drivers. Girls is cheaper than guys cause girls aren't as crazy as guys and whatnot. But I'm a good driver. I have yet to hit anything!! I even parked between two cars yesterday perfectly! I had a little problem with parking... I'd park as far away from everything as I could.

#3306 Dringing

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 11 April 2003 - 02:06 PM in Off Topic

Uhh, did you say you were planning on buying a car for $300? Better add at least an extra zero on to that dear....

Uh... no? It's a used car here. I'm only 16 here, I'm not going to be getting a *new* car. That's way to expensive. Plus the taxes and everything. You can get a nice used car for 100 bucks sometimes you know.

#3372 Dringing

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 13 April 2003 - 10:21 AM in Off Topic

JT: I understand what you're saying.  I'm saying save up a little longer and get something cheap and new, or at least a newer used car with fewer miles.  Used cars, especially used cars that are that cheap, are simply more trouble than they're worth most of the time.  You get what you pay for and if someone is selling a car for $300 theres usually a REASON it's so cheap, whether or not they mention it up front.

Why can't you understand?! This is my *first* car. I don't want something expensive or new incase I wreck it or something. All I need is something small cheap and that runs that I can drive to school which is a whole mile. I'm just sick of riding the bus in the afternoon cause it takes 30+ minutes when I only live 5 minutes from school. That's about all I'd use it for, maybe a trip around town, but my town isn't that big here. I don't want a 'newer' car. I can get a perfectly good car for 500 bucks here. There are always lots of ads, and no, there isn't *always* something wrong with them. Do you understand?

That wasn't all the ads either. God, why can't you guys just believe what I say? You don't live around here so you don't frickin know. We have a bulletin board paper that has probably 100+ ads for cars in it, same for the thrifty nickle. They're cheap *and* run well. I will scan one if you don't believe me.

Can't someone ban jon or something? He's a frickin retard.

#3344 Dringing

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 12 April 2003 - 01:36 PM in Off Topic

You guys aren't understanding. That's not even HALF the ads that are around here. And not all of them say 'Needs work' or anything. We do have a lot of cheaper cars.

I don't *want* to make payments, I just want a cheap car that I can drive to school. It's my first car so I don't need an expensive car.

#3317 Dringing

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 11 April 2003 - 10:39 PM in Off Topic

Umm, no. No you can't. What freaking planet are you on? You can't buy ANY car that actually runs, used or not, for $300, much less $100...

Maybe you're confused about car payments versus the total cost of a car. I mean buying a used or new car from a dealer usually means that you pay a monthly payment (usually between $100 and $300 per month, it depends) for a period of 36 months or something...

I don't mean to discourage you, but you need to be realistic....

[color=purple]Uh... no I'm *not* confussed. Maybe where YOU live you can't get them cheap, but around here they go from 200-600 for used cars. I live in Virginia here, in a dinky little redneck town. Everything's probably a helluva lot cheaper in where ever you are. And no, they're not just 'clunkers' they run, and run well. I'm not 'confused' either and I won't be buying it from a dealer. That's why they have ads in the paper. And I'm being totally realistic.

Here's one of my local news paper sites. They don't usually have many ads, but the bullentin board and the thrifty nickle usually do. I can't get to either of those right now.
Click here

If that doesn't work here's a piece of it, there are a lot more though.

1989 PROBE LX, runs; 1990 Probe LX (for parts). $1200 for both. 1984 Toyota Starlet Limited Ed., $300. 1982 Buick Skylark, 4-spd, needs motor, $200 OBO. ***-***-****.

Toyotas aren't bad and look at the price! $300 whole bucks!! Hm... I think that's just to much for me. */scarcasim(sp?)*

1986 DODGE CARAVAN, maroon. Runs, but has a couple problems. $500. ***-***-****.

Caravan... hmm... not my type... Another one. There aren't that many in those, but there are other papers and a whole lot more that are cheap like that. Believe me now? No? Here are a few more that I just found at this address.</span>

TOYOTA MR2, 1986, needs minor work, $500. Call after 7 p.m. ***-***-****.
1994 CHEVY Corsica, needs head gasket, $600. ***-***-****

No, you won't get a nice new looking shiny car. But it'll be something good for my first car. You know?

#29189 Hello!

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 22 June 2004 - 06:28 PM in Off Topic

Yes, I know y'all missed me. Been thinking about getting back into nerf, if that's possible with my hetic life. I'll try though, try and get some people here back into it and all. Anyways, who remembers me?