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#248759 Thoughts On Making A Rf20 Better?

Posted by anubas911 on 27 August 2009 - 09:18 AM in Modifications

So I have had my Rapid fire 20 for a long time never done anything really cool to it. So I was looking at it and I noticed the spring. Now I thought to myself what might this do. At first I thought "Oh its probably just what opens and closed the airway, but why would it be such a large spring (not large, but you get what I'm saying). So then I thought maybe its like the Vulcan and the air auto-primes the spring, and if that is the case what I could add or replace a spring. I havren't tried yet cause I want more advice before I screw it up. Im pretty sure it works the first way, but I'm not sure and haven't had time to mess with it. What do you guys think?

#245593 Wisconsin Nerf War Is Cancelled

Posted by anubas911 on 05 August 2009 - 11:00 AM in Nerf Wars

So the war is obviously cancelled. Only because there aren't enough people who can make it. We only have one person who actually wants to or can come, and I am not renting the park out for the day if theres only 1 other person besides me and my 6. Sorry.

#244464 War In Wisconsin (echoes)

Posted by anubas911 on 28 July 2009 - 11:02 PM in Nerf Wars

Zach, take a screenshot of this. Just copy and paste that for your war threads and people would think you are a god.

And when you say Homemades do you mean +bows? I only ask because I might see if I can visit U of W Madison and its kinda close.

+Bows are okay. I mean no homemade airguns.

#244140 War In Wisconsin (echoes)

Posted by anubas911 on 27 July 2009 - 10:02 AM in Nerf Wars

HorseShoe Park, Kaukauna Wisconsin Map http://maps.google.c...s?hl=en&ie=UTF-

August 16th (I will post about the weather the Wednesday before. If more than a 75% chance of rain war is cancled

What to Bring:
Primary Blaster
Secondary Blaster
Pistol Blaster
NOTE BBBB, Titans, and Homemades NOT ALLOWED in ANY form!!!! If you are carrying more than one blaster you MUST have a strap or holster. Absolutely NO blasters in pockets.
Extra Ammo (Be prepaired to lose ammo. All stefans MUST NOT have metal exposed)
Water and Food (There are resteraunts close-by)
EYE PROTECTION (Z-87 rating is recommended)
Tools (incase a gun brakes and needs to be fixed)
Positive Attitude (If you snub, constantly complain, or are a total jerk you will be asked to leave)


Game Type:
Free For All
Team Deathmatch
Capture The Flag
Team Duals
Grudge Match
NOTEThere will be variants of each game type. Such as stock lives, time limit, small teams, big teams, pistols only, medic,and you only live once.

9:00-10:00-War prep (Buying, trading, and selling, or guns and ammo is allowed)
10:00-1:00- War Games (Map 1)
1:00-2:30- Lunch (Map Change)
2:30-2:45- Persoanl Announcements(Open to Anyone who has something to say)
2:45-6:30- War Games (Map 2)
6:30-7:00- Clean Up (Do not have to stay)
7:00- Buffalo Wild Wings(Going as a group, pay youself, not required, I dont have rooms for rides)

So that should sum it all up. Now a few things i gotta say. You MUST have a ride home I will not be dropping people off or driving people home. If you 18 you dont have to wear safety glasses but it is recomended. Bring more than one blaster incase one breaks. We are NOT responsible for any injuries, only post if your sure your coming or theres a 75% or higher chance you are coming, and who ever you will be bringing. Also if theres not over 10 people who are coming we may have to cancle, but we will give notice long before that happens.Thank you.

People Currently Signed Up:
Anubas911+6 (all with moderate-high nerfing expierience)

#241346 Echoes(date Change)

Posted by anubas911 on 10 July 2009 - 08:14 PM in Nerf Wars

I changed the date for Echoes to August 15th so everyone who wants to come heres the link.


#240873 Echoes (official Post)

Posted by anubas911 on 08 July 2009 - 06:38 PM in Nerf Wars

Ok due to popular demand I will change the date it is now August 15th. No more date changing deal with it clear the day your coming. Wow ok. keep posted I will be adding more info about the war as I get more ideas. Location may change if I find a better one. Also no one under 14 is allowed to participate in the war. Sorry, only exceptinon will be my younger brother. Don't like it? Don't come. That simple.

#240756 Echoes (official Post)

Posted by anubas911 on 07 July 2009 - 11:47 PM in Nerf Wars

I was planning on doing this, but we are already most likely having two wars on the weekend of the 18th here in MN. Can the date be changed to August possibly? Thats probably the only time this will work for Minnesotans.

you said that yours was th 24th

#240737 Echoes (official Post)

Posted by anubas911 on 07 July 2009 - 09:52 PM in Nerf Wars

Ok as for the 11yr old go ahead. The MN stuff thats unfortunate cause mine has been planned for a long time just no specifics sorry. I am over the fact you can't come. Good luck with your war. Also the pockets only because of saftey issues. Sorry.

#240563 Echoes (official Post)

Posted by anubas911 on 06 July 2009 - 10:45 PM in Nerf Wars


Hey everyone, sorry I didn't get back sooner about the war ,but I was having alot of trouble getting a location.
I got one and its the best I can get with the what we have availibe to us. Here comes the info.

Location HorseShoe Park, Kaukauna Wisconsin Map http://maps.google.c...s?hl=en&ie=UTF-

Date August 15th (I will post about the weather the Wednesday before. If more than a 60% chance of rain war is cancled

What to Bring Primary Blaster
Secondary Blaster
Pistol Blaster
NOTE BBBB, Titans, and Homemades NOT ALLOWED in ANY form!!!! If you are carrying more than one blaster you MUST have a strap or holster. Absolutely NO blasters in pockets.
Extra Ammo (Be prepaired to lose ammo. All stefans MUST NOT have metal exposed)
Water and Food (There are resteraunts close-by)
EYE PROTECTION (Z-87 rating is recommended)
Tools (incase a gun brakes and needs to be fixed)
Positive Attitude (If you snub, constantly complain, or are a total jerk you will be asked to leave)

Also if you under the age of 15 you MUST have a responsable gaurdian there at all times. Unless they talk to me and I okay it.

Game Type Free For All
Team Deathmatch
Capture The Flag
Team Duals
Grudge Match
NOTEThere will be variants of each game type. Such as stock lives, time limit, small teams, big teams, pistols only, medic,and you only live once.

Scheduel 9:00-10:00-War prep (Buying, trading, and selling, or guns and ammo is allowed)
10:00-1:00- War Games (Map 1)
1:00-2:30- Lunch (Map Change)
2:30-2:45- Persoanl Announcements(Open to Anyone who has something to say)
2:45-6:30- War Games (Map 2)
6:30-7:00- Clean Up (Do not have to stay)
7:00- Buffalo Wild Wings(Going as a group, pay youself, not required, I dont have rooms for rides)

So that should sum it all up. Now a few things i gotta say. You MUST have a ride home I will not be dropping people off or driving people home. If you 18 you dont have to wear safety glasses but it is recomended. Bring more than one blaster incase one breaks. We are NOT responsible for any injuries, only post if your sure your coming or theres a 75% or higher chance you are coming, and who ever you will be bringing. Questions can be personally messaged to me. Thank you.

#237294 Infinite Chaos

Posted by anubas911 on 18 June 2009 - 09:59 PM in Nerf Wars

Sorry to all of you that were planning on coming to the war on July 18th in North Eastern Wisconsin. I am still having it and it will be on July 18th. So if you have plans and want to come clear you plans. Just kidding, but there is one problem and thats an indoor location. I have a gym in mind but i haven't seen it and it may be to small. The two story gym wont work its too expensive. For 5 hours it was $900 and when I heard that I made an oopsi poopsie. I am how ever working on a location but like it always is for me its very hectic being a yea young to reserve a place, but it is going on I assure you, but it may be outdoors.

So yeah I'm begining to repeat myself so let me know f you are coming ,and if you dont know for sure if your over 75% sure you are let me know. Thanks.

#233714 War In North Eastern Wisconsin

Posted by anubas911 on 31 May 2009 - 11:42 PM in Nerf Wars

So July 18th is looking like the day this war is gonna happen. Now i just need to secure the location, and the best way i can think of getting school permission is if we make this into a benifit so since my uncle died last year of a brain cancer I would like to charge 5$ admission and put all the procedes toward some brain cancer charity, but I mean if a few people can absolutly not pay I won't deny them entrance, as long as most people pay. If thats okay with everyone who wants to come.

#233589 War In North Eastern Wisconsin

Posted by anubas911 on 31 May 2009 - 12:54 PM in Nerf Wars

That day doesn't work for me. Oh well.

Well instead heres what ill do here are dates let me know what works the best for you guys. I read the calender wrong so here are all new dates.

Saterday, July 18th
Tuesday, July 28th
Saterday, August 1st
Sunday, Augst 2nd
Tuesday, August 4th

Final date will be up on Thursday.

#233560 War In North Eastern Wisconsin

Posted by anubas911 on 31 May 2009 - 08:58 AM in Nerf Wars

Allright well it will be probably the 20th of July, and on Thrsday I will talk to the school to see if we can host it there. If they say no which is likely I will try and figure ut another place, but so everyone knows it will be in Kaukauna/ Little Chute/ Kimberly (all extremely close to eachother, Wisconsin. Which is 15min away from Appleton, but I will put up the official forum on Thursday.

#233453 War In North Eastern Wisconsin

Posted by anubas911 on 30 May 2009 - 04:20 PM in Nerf Wars

I would be interested in attending, though I would just need a ride.

I would make a definite offer, but it's pretty likely my dad and I will be staying there at my Grandma's house for several days. My dad would probably okay about the ride part, but I'm not sure how my grandma would feel about having nerfers staying at her house, especially for longer than a night or two. That, and while we are there, we will be doing yardwork and whatnot for my Grandma. I'll talk to my dad some more.

Speaking of which, my dad is pretty okay with this. He feels bad because he didn't let me go to CHANO, and this war is a lot more convenient. Just give me a date, time, and location and I'll be there. June 27th is my preferred date.

As of now the 2 possible dates are July 20th or August 4th just because I got to my dads every other weekend and the 27th is his. Unless I switch weekends so unless those dates won't work for anyone let me know and ill talk to him about it cause im at his house now. (6 more months of dealing with coming to his house. Woot)

#233382 How To Not Lose Fingers To A Longshot

Posted by anubas911 on 30 May 2009 - 09:21 AM in Modifications

Oh man thats so wierd. I have been doing that elbow thing to my longshots too for months now. I didn't anyone would do that. It's actually a really great idea though, the notch thing. I'm deffinetly gonne do that, and hopefully not smash my finger again. Awesome job.

#233338 War In North Eastern Wisconsin

Posted by anubas911 on 29 May 2009 - 10:40 PM in Nerf Wars

I would be interested in this, seeing as how it sounds like a Massacre style thing. My Grandma lives about 30 miles away from Appleton, so I wouldn't have any problem finding a place to stay. Just make sure it's not on June 20th, thats when the big Minnesota war is. I could probably get some people to tag along with me, like BustaNinja, NerfCrazy, or Beaver. I'm really hopeful this will go through. I've always wanted to see Wisonsin nerf get going.

Awesome. I am probably going to do this. Now I'm like 90% sure. I'm going to go talk to the schools administrater on Thursday... hopefully. I might get lazy and not do it ,but I'm gonna try and get down there. I'll do an official war post on Sunday if I'm not too busy with work on my newest primary.

#233326 War In North Eastern Wisconsin

Posted by anubas911 on 29 May 2009 - 09:37 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm an unlikely maybe...I don't know if I can find any more free weekends this summer, but I like the idea of Appleton Nerf.

Yeah...but I don't think I'm gonna do it there unless i can't get an indoor place. Maybe. I'll have to see what there parks look like.

#233270 War In North Eastern Wisconsin

Posted by anubas911 on 29 May 2009 - 04:11 PM in Nerf Wars

I know you say NE for as to where, but can we get a county where-abouts at least?

What I'm thinking at this time is Outagamie County in Kaukauna (Appleton Area), but I haven't really decided yet. The other places i was think would be somewhere in Greenbay or maybe Appleton. Like I said i dont know yet. I'm 80% sure this war is gonna happen, but i need to talk to the school ,and also see how many people will come.

I plan on posting if its going to happen this coming Thursday when school is done and over with.

#233254 War In North Eastern Wisconsin

Posted by anubas911 on 29 May 2009 - 03:29 PM in Nerf Wars

I might be able to attend. It would be much better if it was in July sometime.

The only problem with July is that I'm shooting a movie and its going to be quite long, and we're planning on doing that July and we need time to shoot it. June or August is what its going to end up being.

#233245 War In North Eastern Wisconsin

Posted by anubas911 on 29 May 2009 - 02:28 PM in Nerf Wars

Okay so I know people are going to be upset about this ,but this war isn't set in stone yet. I am from Wisconsin (North-eastern Wisconsin to be exact) and I would really like to host a war this summer (in late June). The only reason its not set in stone is because I don't want to hold one if there isn't any one to come. The plan would be to go to my old middle school and have it in a gym. The gym has two levels to it, one which would be used for the actual war, the other for things such as spectating, video taping, pictures, resting, and things like that. There actually 2 gyms in the school one that is extremely big and also has an overlook, but would only be used if there was a high amount of people coming (25+ is what i mean by big). Games would not include everyone on the warzone all at once. Just to give people resting time. Most matches will be timed but there will be deathmatches where if you die once or a set amount of times would sit out for that round. The types of games I have in mind if we use the small gym would be as follows("v'"represents versus); 5v5 timed/lives, 2v2 timed/lives, free for all timed/last man standing. There would be variations such as; pistols, set ammo, save the hostage(capture the flag), stock guns( just for kicks), ect. If we used the big gym there would be those and more like HvZ(human v.s. zombie) and other team building game types.

So if you are a Nerfer from or near Wisconsin please let me know if you would be interested in coming. I don't need deffinite answers i just need to know if you would. As of now we only have about 4-6 people who might come only 2 are avid Nerfers. Thank You. Any questions feel free to send me a personal message.

#174154 An Awesome Nerf Movie

Posted by anubas911 on 01 September 2008 - 12:11 PM in General Nerf

I think we're getting off topic here. This is about the video.

I was very confused throughout this movie. Ice was the only actor that really spoke loud enough, I could not make out anything the other ones said. It also seemed kind of weird that the entire thing was in black and white, and I think you should have loaded the guns and fired actual nerf darts out of them. I also think the music was used a bit too much, which didn't help me understand the quiet dialog either. There were plenty of good things about it too, like the action sequences with the swords looked pretty good, and I like the sound effects.

i agree the movie was very confuseing because the peopl i had acting were very bad i plan on putting subtitles on the video soon. live darts was very very hard and no one could shoot for shit so that kind of blew but we did attempt it sorry about the not understanding the prequels were help a little bit but not much thank you for watching

#174043 An Awesome Nerf Movie

Posted by anubas911 on 31 August 2008 - 11:48 PM in General Nerf

Would this be the guys from Spank Tank? Please adjust your spelling to our standards. This isn't a Wal-Mart it's more like a fine restraunt. Have a nice stay.

what does that mean.. its SpankN Tank

#174033 An Awesome Nerf Movie

Posted by anubas911 on 31 August 2008 - 10:55 PM in General Nerf

i make nerf short films and my latest one was just uploaded today and i thought i would let everyone here know about it to mabey up the popularity this video is pretty good we spent alot of time on it. the movie features ice also known as uin13