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There have been 33 items by limegreennerf (Search limited from 18-January 97)

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#363249 Phoenix Arizona War

Posted by limegreennerf on 05 August 2018 - 07:53 PM in Nerf Wars

End of September can go either way. October is a much safer bet.

#363109 Phoenix Arizona War

Posted by limegreennerf on 15 June 2018 - 01:21 PM in Nerf Wars

The way I look at it if you are not willing to shoot yourself at point blank range than it is too powerful. 

#363072 Phoenix Arizona War

Posted by limegreennerf on 08 June 2018 - 03:56 PM in Nerf Wars

We only have stock or close to stock blasters as well. We also only do normal darts. ie kosh, waffle head, accufake, z tip darts. So that would be my choice, but I am open to other options.


Hopefully the OP 464 logs back on as he hasn't been here since April. 

#363060 Phoenix Arizona War

Posted by limegreennerf on 05 June 2018 - 10:37 AM in Nerf Wars

We are in too.  Hopefully after summer is over and it cools down we can have a war.

#350931 What kind of darts are these?

Posted by limegreennerf on 20 January 2016 - 12:34 AM in Darts and Barrels



When we bought a bunch of blasters from someone a while back there were these darts that I do not recognize in with them.  They are yellow with an orange/red semi translucent suction tip.  As you can see in the pictures they are bigger than the normal micro dart (koosh dart in the pic) and they are smaller than a modern Mega dart.  I tried them in an old tech target blaster with the larger barrel and they were not big enough for it.  I also tried then in an ERTL dart gun and they were too long for it.


I suspect that someone on here knows what they are.  So what are they?



Lime Green Nerf




Attached Thumbnails

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#350930 China Darts Review

Posted by limegreennerf on 20 January 2016 - 12:14 AM in Darts and Barrels

If the one Pineapplepies showed the link to are the same as the ones I got from the link below I can tell you that they are not the same as ACCurate darts.  The red ones have tips that are solid and hard.  Not something I want to be shooting at little kids.


Here are what I bought to test.  



If anyone wants me to cut them open to show just let me know.  



#350328 Are Amazon elite darts knockoffs better than elite?

Posted by limegreennerf on 30 December 2015 - 06:41 PM in Darts and Barrels

My preference is still the Koosh darts gen 3.  The FVJ darts and the ACCurate darts tend to sting more.  While I don't mind the more sting, we deal with lots of people that have 5 yr olds - teenagers and adults using them and the younger ones don't like that sting and I need to keep our customers happy.  They all fly more accurate.  The only benefit of the FVJ and ACCurate darts over the Koosh is price which can be a big benefit.  However the FVJ have also been banned from some wars.  



#349942 Chunlin Darts on Amazon, similar to Xplorer darts

Posted by limegreennerf on 10 December 2015 - 10:26 AM in Darts and Barrels

HI, I just had to add about both of these darts- black ACC and knock-off megas. I got them both off aliexpress last week.

the black ACC look neat, but my voltage modded stryfe pulled off the head of one out five darts shot. and ranges are inconsistent: sometimes crap, sometimes awesome. they don't seem to be glued well at all.

as for the knock-off megas. the foam isn't as stiff as Hasbro megas. the rubbery heads are a mediocre cast- almost too thin on some sides. I tested them with my spring enhanced cyclonshock and this is what I think: the dart don't seal the barrel as well as the brand darts. ranges are far worse than regular megas. don't waste your money on these. oh, and the don't whistle since they have no hole.



LarpBeard - I got some knock off megas on ebay from China.  Mine have the holes and whistle and the quality seems to be good..  However I can't compare to real nerf megas as I have not had any.



#349825 eBay Nerf darts

Posted by limegreennerf on 04 December 2015 - 11:05 AM in Darts and Barrels

The koosh darts sold by beautifulwoman work great in stock blasters, including the retaliator.


nineofspades some of us buy even more darts than 400.  Our last order, and our largest to date was for 2000 darts.  Plus right after that we ordered 1400 glow in the dark darts.  However we will never use most of them.  We sell them when we sell blasters and we are in the process of setting up a nerf rental business for parties and they will be used for that.  Plus if I could ever find the manufacturer of the koosh darts and buy them in bigger bulk and at a better price I would start selling them on ebay so that there was someone selling them from the US.


In case anyone is wondering, this is what a box of 2000 koosh darts looks like.




#348593 Chunlin Darts on Amazon, similar to Xplorer darts

Posted by limegreennerf on 31 August 2015 - 02:07 PM in Darts and Barrels

Racer, Any update on testing of the darts. We are getting back into things, after taking the summer off, and need to order a thousand or two darts. I am trying to figure out if they are worth our testing out before I put in a bulk order. Personally I am most interested in their performance out of un-modified blasters, spring, air and flywheel.


#345110 Berserker crayola marker mod - need help

Posted by limegreennerf on 19 February 2015 - 08:51 PM in Modifications

Spud is correct. I haven't opened it up. That is what I liked about the marker mod is that it was quick and easy. The only glue I have is on the scatter gun attachment that I made for the missile part.

I wanted to use the crayola markers (which I know can work) because they were free. If I have to buy them it adds an addition $4-$5 in cost to the blaster and that is a big chunk of the profit.

As far as dead space goes, I realize there is some of that but with the dollar tree markers in there I am getting elite blaster range. Also I really like the koosh darts and find that they work very well.

#345076 Berserker crayola marker mod - need help

Posted by limegreennerf on 18 February 2015 - 11:46 PM in Modifications

I have done the crayola mod on a Berserker before and it turned out great. I call it Ultra Rainbow... Taste the Rainbow.
Posted Image

I used some Dollar Tree markers. All I had to do was take apart the marker and stick it into the tubes and it worked. I just got a bunch of crayola markers from one of my son's friends and I did the same thing with them to another Berserker and the performance was sad. At first I thought that the Berserker was bad but when I put the Dollar Tree marker tubes in it works great like it should. I also took a drill and drilled out the ridges on the inside of the crayola markers and it helped some but not much.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong, or what else I need to do to make it work with the crayola markers?


#344815 Looking for Dart Tagger dart (velcro dart) source

Posted by limegreennerf on 05 February 2015 - 11:36 PM in Darts and Barrels

you could make velcro dot slugs 1000 dots (hook and loop)on ebay, 3000 velcro dots (hook only)on ebay :)

P.S. hook is the side you want on the darts

Thanks,we recently acquired a few hundred tagger darts so don't need them right now, but the church that I sold 50+ blasters to asked about velcro darts. I told them your idea and they liked it. I will keep this in mind for when I need more.


#344593 Hosting an RV resort event

Posted by limegreennerf on 26 January 2015 - 09:24 AM in Off Topic

Those kiddos that are 8 - 12 will probably want to play longer than just an hour. My son's 9th birthday party was a nerf war and was longer than that and they still wanted to play. However at that age they need more structure. I think Snoop had a good idea about having a small area set up for the kids so that they can play nerf and not get jealous of the larger ones playing. Perhaps have simple games for them such as the dart dual, target practice, etc.

You want to keep the kiddos happy so that they don't bug the parents and make them take time away from the game.

I am not really much help for the main game. However you will want to have a main table as your command center as well as one or two strong helpers so that when things happen fast and you get bombarded that they can help you. You will have to be there manning that table the whole time. You need to be the one in charge making the final decisions on anything. You want it so that when someone needs to know what to do that either your two helpers can answer the question with confidence because it was simple or that if not simple everyone knows that you are the one to go to and get your answer. Basically there needs to be a person in charge that makes the final decision when there are different opinions on what to do. I have been to many other large events not related to nerf and where there isn't one person in charge chaos happens.


#343734 "Koosh" darts

Posted by limegreennerf on 26 December 2014 - 11:46 PM in Darts and Barrels

Duke, I don't think anything was settled in that other thread. I had asked if anyone knew who the manufacturer was. Someone else was also interested and you stated that beauftifulwomen had bad glue and yutoys had bad foam. I know that the darts that I bought in September from BW had bad glue but the ones I ordered from BW in Nov had good glue. Also a recent thread about buying bulk foam talked about how different colors could have an affect of the quality of the foam. In my koosh darts I have not seen anything different in the foam between the bright green and the blue.

I know personally I am still looking to find the manufacturer as BW claims not to be the manufacturer.


#343727 "Koosh" darts

Posted by limegreennerf on 26 December 2014 - 11:19 AM in Darts and Barrels

I can confirm that the beautifulwoman seller ships quickly and that we received them quickly. We received our last order (end of October) in about 2 weeks, which from China I think is fast. I can not comment on Yutoys as I have not bought from them.


#343725 "Koosh" darts

Posted by limegreennerf on 26 December 2014 - 10:05 AM in Darts and Barrels

XCS2 gave you the right link. We have bought from them a couple of times. The first batch the glue wasn't as good but the second batch it was better. The dark green is a new color added in the last month or so. We have both the blue and the lime green and I couldn't tell any difference.

We have been trying to track down the manufacturer so that we could buy in bulk and resell on ebay as a USA seller but we haven't had any luck.


#343704 Looking for Dart Tagger dart (velcro dart) source

Posted by limegreennerf on 24 December 2014 - 09:29 AM in Darts and Barrels

Thank you Draconis, I will touch base with you after Christmas.

#343586 nerf war: starkville, mississippi

Posted by limegreennerf on 16 December 2014 - 08:19 PM in Nerf Wars

I am in Arizona but am curious what is the deal with the gas cans?

#343459 Looking for Dart Tagger dart (velcro dart) source

Posted by limegreennerf on 11 December 2014 - 08:21 PM in Darts and Barrels

There are taggers in ToysRus. Have you checked there yet? Or do you just want a cheap source?

I can get them but even at the Toys R Us sale price of $11.04 / 36, it is still $.31/dart plus tax. At 3 - 4 times the price that I pay for the elite koosh darts I am trying to find a better priced source that I am assuming will be coming from China.

#343448 Looking for Dart Tagger dart (velcro dart) source

Posted by limegreennerf on 11 December 2014 - 12:22 PM in Darts and Barrels

I am looking for a source to get cheap tagger (velcro) darts. All I can find are the official nerf darts and the lowest price that I have been able to find them are around $.31 per dart. I have been buying koosh darts for under $.10 a dart so it is hard to justify more than triple the price. Has anyone found a source (I am guessing it will be in China) for the tagger darts?

I do realize that they don't work in clip systems but my son sells a large portion of his blasters to parents for their kids nerf war birthday party. Power and distance are not as important to the 6 - 10 yr olds. Fun games are what is important. There are lots of fun things the kids can do with the tagger darts.


#343432 What to do with empty nerf blaster shells?

Posted by limegreennerf on 10 December 2014 - 05:59 PM in General Nerf

Nerfa-derpa I like the idea. We want to start painting some blasters soon so they can be good practice.

Thanks for the ideas. If you have any more keep posting.

#343308 Arizona Nerf War

Posted by limegreennerf on 04 December 2014 - 09:30 AM in Nerf Wars

Since I am not getting any response I will leave it like this: If this post gets old know that I am still looking to put together a Nerf war in Arizona. Either post on here or PM me. I am also open to where and when so if you are in AZ and interested in attending a nerf war please let me know.

Thank You

#343306 What to do with empty nerf blaster shells?

Posted by limegreennerf on 04 December 2014 - 09:09 AM in General Nerf

My ultimate plan is to build a shell grinder and filament extruder to feed my 3D printer. I shall call him Oroku Saki.

Is that possible yet to grind your own plastic up and extrude filament for a 3D printer? If so the idea of getting a 3D printer might be moving up on my list.


#343305 Flipfury Simple Mods

Posted by limegreennerf on 04 December 2014 - 09:03 AM in Modifications

I would like to know how well it works. It is basically just like a strongarm but with a quick reload? Does the second barrel work well or is it more gimmick than function? Is it hard to hold? It looks very front heavy.

BTW, Nice write up.

#343064 What to do with empty nerf blaster shells?

Posted by limegreennerf on 25 November 2014 - 08:59 AM in General Nerf

I have a couple of hornet blasters where I have taken them apart and am selling off the pumps. This leaves me with two blaster shells that I was originally planning on just tossing. Then I was thinking perhaps I can turn them into something else. Right now I am thinking about getting some small led panels, mounting them to the large front opening and adding a battery chamber to turn it into a cool looking powerful flashlight.

I realize that I could just paint it and make it look cool. However, I am looking for something at least somewhat functional, other than just as a prop or decoration.

Does anyone else take their leftover blaster shells and turn them into anything non nerf? Or do you just toss them or rip them apart and use the pieces of plastic for spare parts?


(If this should be in the mod section please let me know)

#342979 Nerf Elite Rhino-fire

Posted by limegreennerf on 22 November 2014 - 10:11 AM in General Nerf

The Rhino-fire may be impractical to maneuver and expensive, but it still looks really cool and sometimes at the end of the day you just want to feel like a Schwarzenegger or Stallone standing there and firing. I personally like the turrets moving back and forth. I also bet that there will be a lot of dads out there that get it so that when their kids have a nerf war that they can feel cool and impress the kids.

#342957 Arizona Nerf War

Posted by limegreennerf on 21 November 2014 - 12:12 AM in Nerf Wars

Really? 119 views, 47 people in AZ on this forum and no one is interested in a Nerf war in AZ?

#342937 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by limegreennerf on 19 November 2014 - 11:51 PM in Modifications

This is my other mod. It is a very simple Tech Target, the kind that shot the mega darts. It was a simple add of cpvc pipes to reduce the barrel size. I love it because shoots so far. I even love the looks of it although I will probably paint it soon.

With my big beast Ultra Rainbow and this small but powerful blaster I am all set.

Posted Image

#342935 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by limegreennerf on 19 November 2014 - 11:34 PM in Modifications

We haven't done that much modding we are just starting on it. This is a Buzz Bee Berserker. We added marker barrels to bring the size down to nerf dart size. Also cut off the tip of the rocket launcher. You see the scatter gun attachment on it. Also I can still fire rockets and have a loser attachment for it. With the loser attachment I can get over 200ft at an angle. Fishtailing seems to be my main limit on distance.

We call it ULTRA RAINBOW. Taste the rainbow (stole this part from someone else that did this)

Posted Image

#342828 Koosh Darts

Posted by limegreennerf on 12 November 2014 - 12:41 PM in Darts and Barrels

Has anyone been able to find who the manufacturer of the koosh darts is? We have only been able to talk with the person selling them on ebay under the beautifulwoman and one other name with man in it. From what I can tell there is a positive feeling about the koosh darts and I know that I think they are better than the elite darts.

I am asking because I want to order a large number and then resell them. I want to get the manufacturer to use a better glue on the heads and also to get them in other colors. We have searched on alibaba and some other sites but have had no luck.

Also any feedback you have on the koosh darts would be appreciated.


#342788 Arizona Nerf War

Posted by limegreennerf on 10 November 2014 - 11:32 AM in Nerf Wars

I would like to find a Nerf War in Arizona but since I have not been able to find one I am considering putting one together. Is there any interest in a Nerf War in Arizona, preferably in Phoenix?

I am thinking either a mid December Saturday morning or in January. Let me know what you think of these months for a war.

I am also thinking of Moon Valley park near 7th Ave & Greenway. I know it is on the north side and not as central but it is a good park and close to me so I can provide support. However I am open to other locations.

Please sound off and let me know if anyone on here is interested.


#342752 Nerf Disc Shot

Posted by limegreennerf on 08 November 2014 - 05:30 PM in Modifications

If he didn't take you up on your offer for the disc launcher remote I will. Please let me know.
