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#75231 Perfered Types Of Guns?

Posted by NerfMonkey on 05 March 2006 - 11:50 AM in General Nerf

I use whatever I feel like using. A Powerclip, Maxshot and Splitfire are what I usually end up with but I'm soon going to have a pair of L'nLs to play around with, so I might end up using those if I like them a lot.

Devious, can you really hit someone at 80'? I'd like to see you use that scope effectively. :lol:

#75109 Perfered Types Of Guns?

Posted by NerfMonkey on 04 March 2006 - 12:05 AM in General Nerf

That was possibly the best post I've ever read. Ever. added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole.

#75093 Holsters

Posted by NerfMonkey on 03 March 2006 - 10:43 PM in General Nerf

Set the parameters wider. Set it to Homemades instead of General Nerf, and make it Any Date instead of 30 days. Not that hard. I know for a fact that there are at least 2 really good holster writeups because I found them through SEARCHING. I don't mean to come off as a dick, but it's really easy. Try it again.

#75090 Holsters

Posted by NerfMonkey on 03 March 2006 - 10:25 PM in General Nerf

Dude, why don't you use the fricking search feature, you know, the little magnifying glass, at the top of the page? It's like magic, it can point you to threads that have what you need! Just type holster in to it and you'll get lots of stuff!

Seriously, try it.

#75059 Who Are You?

Posted by NerfMonkey on 03 March 2006 - 08:36 PM in General Nerf

Dude, Angel, nobody meant to offend you. Piney even explained himself to make sure you knew that. Even if we all DID act like ignorant pricks couldn't you just brush it off because YOU know that we're wrong? I do it every day when people make fun of me for Nerfing.

The only "pretty" gun I own is my PC and I still use it, so I'm definitely, in order, a modder, a Nerfer and a painter.

#74930 Who Are You?

Posted by NerfMonkey on 02 March 2006 - 04:13 PM in General Nerf

I voted Nerfer, because although I only have one person to play with (although I plan on going to almost all future DCNOs), I like to mod my guns and use them. I'm in to pretty paintjobs, but not to the extent that I won't use my creations in a battle.

I'm a bit self-important and tend to yell at people a lot, and most of the time that I act like part of the staff, I don't even realize it.

I like to Nerf, and although I post entirely too much and have a post average of 1.7 per day, I still like to go to a friend's house and shoot the crap out of them with my favorite guns. If that's not a Nerfer, what is?

#74847 Paintball/nerf

Posted by NerfMonkey on 01 March 2006 - 06:33 PM in Modifications

He answered the question with the link dude. Just a cheap pump gun you can pick up at walmart for $15.

#74845 My New Modded Nfs

Posted by NerfMonkey on 01 March 2006 - 06:29 PM in Modifications

Actually you won't need to use a ramrod for an NF. Pistols aren't really built for range, I mean if you want to get 55+' out of it you could use a ramrod but for a sidearm it's kind of pointless; I'd either coupler it like the other or just load the dart in with the end of your finger. It's just a pistol after all.

Nice, I also like the words on the side of the holster. One question though, can you paint that putty? It would look really good if it was blue, so it looked like it was made that way.

#74733 Scope Mod!

Posted by NerfMonkey on 28 February 2006 - 09:33 PM in Modifications

Like I said, I wasn't attacking the creator of the mod, I think it's kickass. Read my post, dude. I was talking to you when I spoke about looking through scopes or binoculars. It was kind of why I quoted you.

Sixo, I like the mod, just because it looks nice. I've heard about people putting scopes on their guns but never really seen it. Looks really sexy, I just don't see the practical use of it but if it's for cosmetics, job well done.

#74696 Scope Mod!

Posted by NerfMonkey on 28 February 2006 - 07:43 PM in Modifications

I've never tried using a scope and don't plan to. As Talio once said, this is a perfect thread for identifying who Nerfs and who talks about Nerf.

This isn't an attack on the starter of the thread, if you did it for cosmetics alone then good job, kind of reminds me of the "Ultimate NF" a while ago.

Angel, we get that you play in games of Nerf assassin, and that sometimes things like scopes can help you out, but 99% of us here play in wars among friends, during the day, and shoot from 40' or less. Stealth has NEVER played any part in a war I've been in; I understand Nerf assassins and Nerfing are two different things, but for everyone's purpose here who's argued against the use of scopes, they're totally useless.

But Maybe the scope might not be useful for a nf, but it might possibly be effective,for the longshot. If it can get good ranges.

No, it won't, not for any actual war, where you're actually Nerfing. Some people can utilize stealth in games and like to use scopes, but you know what I call them? Wusses.

I completely disagree. This allows you to watch the enenmy's location while having a weapon ready.

Please. Why would you want to watch someone in a Nerf war from such a distance that you need a freaking scope? Why not just play, that's what makes the game fun, not waiting and watching people from a distance with scopes and other things.

EDIT: No-ID, lighten up pal. Thirst was joking around, notice the note he put at the bottom of his text. It's called a sense of humor, get one.

#74684 At3k Blue'n'yellow

Posted by NerfMonkey on 28 February 2006 - 07:00 PM in Modifications

The problem with thest types of questions is that we don't know what kind of Nerfer you are. You can't just say "should I use this gun or this one?" It's like asking which gun is better, and I can't tell you that.

If you're looking for personal opinions, I love 3ks, and the only ones I've ever warred with were crappy Crayola barreled ones. Ask Cx, he's been using the same one for, what, 3 years now? It's a great gun, it just depends on what you want in a gun.

#74656 I Found A Good Way To Mount Brass In A Nf

Posted by NerfMonkey on 28 February 2006 - 04:55 PM in Modifications

Actually, well-made Stefans can be just as accurate and get ranges just as consistent as stock darts. It just takes practice to make them well.

I'm not real fond of the black plunger and trigger, but that's not the point of the thread. It's still nice to see a surge of mods coming from new forum members.

#74541 Buz Bee

Posted by NerfMonkey on 27 February 2006 - 05:27 PM in General Nerf

Yes, we have. Or at least most of us. It's motorized, making it impractical for modders, not like a springer or air gun, and it's been seen in stores (at least I have seen it). Old news.

EDIT: Here you go, a bit of searching turned up this old thread.

#74482 Your Choice Of Weapons

Posted by NerfMonkey on 26 February 2006 - 11:25 PM in General Nerf

Oops, I didn't realize this was a hypothetical story...thing, I thought you meant like what I actually use. Disregard my above post, I've really got nothing to add.

#74430 Your Choice Of Weapons

Posted by NerfMonkey on 26 February 2006 - 07:22 PM in General Nerf

There was a thread about gear a while back, but this is different. I think it's interesting to hear what people are using, so I'll start off.

I use a PC indoors but haven't gotten a chance to test it outdoors yet; I usually use a Maxshot outdoors and I never carry more than 20 darts. You just don't need that much ammo. Plus I actually tend to use stock darts in my PC more than Stefans because my foam sucks and isn't tight enough and stocks just fit well and are accurate.

You also don't need gear; it's not painful enough to warrant any kind of armor or the like, and ammo holders and (at least for me, I understand fully that people can and do use them effectively) holsters/straps aren't usually needed. I carry a PC or Maxshot and a few extra Stefans in my pocket. I only wear protective glasses if playing against guns that shoot upwards of about 60', and only if I'm playing from close ranges.

Oh, to actually answer your question, I voted super light, because I tend to carry only one weapon and not many darts.

#74342 Favorite Game System

Posted by NerfMonkey on 26 February 2006 - 01:11 AM in Off Topic

Super Nintendo or N64. Sorry, I'm a fan of super-smash brothers, mario kart, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, etc.


Will you marry me?

For me, the N64, Sega Genesis and NES.

I'm with ompa; I play my N64 just for a few games: Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Mario Golf, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, NFL Blitz (which I can't find, need to find one on eBay), Zelda: Ocarina of Time, occasionally Quake II and whenever I have a chance, Super Smash Bros. I don't own it, so I jump all over any opportunity I get to play it. The same for the Mario Party games. I play my N64 more than I play my PS2.

The NES is tied with the N64 in terms of how much I love it. That thing's got so much sentimental value it's not funny. It was a sad day when it died a few months back at the age of twenty years. Super Mario Bros. the arcade version, Super Mario Bros. 1-3 (I used to play SM Bros. 3 for literally hours at a time), Yoshi's Island (not like you'd think, it's a stacking game), Tetris, The Legend of Zelda, Captain Skyhawk, Duck Hunt, not to mention a few others. I just loved that thing to death.

Again, it's a tie. The Genesis was my brother's and we used to play Sonic and Tales all day in his room. There was also one (can't remember the name, someone help me out) with a little rocket ship and you have to pilot it, but gravity pulls at it and I always died on the first try. There's some floating head guy and you have to blow up his face...? Something like...Surface? That was always fun. My dad and my brother used to play NBA Jam a lot, but I sucked at it. I was only like five. There was also a racing game where one track was in the sky and you had to avoid driving off the track or an obnoxious screechy noise would sound and the car would either blow up or stop, I can't remember.

I need to buy some of these, the Genesis and NES are both gone and the N64 is dying. So sad.

#74282 R-clip Blast Bazooka

Posted by NerfMonkey on 25 February 2006 - 04:11 PM in Modifications

I've never understood how you keep your darts from falling in front first and jamming up; I've always had this problem with making clips like yours. Does it have to be pretty much always loaded? It seems like if you put a dart in and there wasn't already one in there that it would get all twisted around.

#74222 Fall '06 Blasters

Posted by NerfMonkey on 25 February 2006 - 12:14 AM in General Nerf

it's freaking huge, and that means i will find some way to turn it into a godly primary when it comes out

Do you mean with an integration or what? Because size doesn't have anything to do with performance...
Ten points to anyone that didn't think what I just did when reading that.

Thanks OMC, Talio and Groove. This is always the best part when we see pictures of the guns. Hasbro's really pumping out the guns, it's been less than a year since we saw the pics of the Firefly and DTB for the first time and the Crossfire was a nice surprise in between.

Thanks again, it can't be said enough how lucky we are as a community to have you guys.

#73956 Somthing Is Strange Here....

Posted by NerfMonkey on 23 February 2006 - 02:31 AM in Off Topic

I'm sorry to revive this thread, nobody else respond please, I just wanted to clear my name.

This is NOT me making these threads, but it is no coincidence that it's my AIM screenname. That would be someone who recently blocked me and apparently decided to try to make me hated by everyone on NHQ and now NH. I won't say who, but it's not me. I am in Las Vegas until Friday, I'm on my dad's computer and just noticed this. Also, how stupid do you guys think I am? If I decided to suddenly start trolling NHQ, why would I use a username that is also my screenname? You guys who believed it was me, think next time.

Thanks to anyone that believes me, and anyone that doesn't: up yours.

#73402 The Sexbow 2.0

Posted by NerfMonkey on 17 February 2006 - 06:19 PM in Modifications

DAAAAYYYUUMMNNNN! Thats one hella clean 2k paintjob. Do you sand alot before spraying? I mean, I've been interested in painting my nerf stuff for a while now, and I have no idea what sanding does to help the paint look better.

All sanding does is help the paint adhere to the plastic. If you use a made-for-plastic paint though, and are careful with your guns, it should work just fine without sanding.

#73065 Airtech 3k Mod Problems

Posted by NerfMonkey on 13 February 2006 - 05:11 PM in Modifications

That's not your OP valve, it's the check valve. I lost both 3ks the same way. It might have been due to the fact that I did a craptacular job plugging the pump and got a mound of glue on it, so if you have another be careful plugging the pump. If the gun just loses all the air as soon as you pump it that's the check valve and I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think there's a way to fix that other than just replacing the stock pump with a totally different one.

If you plan on doing this, just take some 1/4" outer diameter vinyl tubing and replace the stock 3k tubing with that. Connect it with Plumber's Goop to both the 3k tank and the new pump you're using. You probably won't be able to keep the cool shotgun-esque pump, but it would be a lot better to have a working gun with a new pump in it.

#72974 Ratios

Posted by NerfMonkey on 12 February 2006 - 07:56 PM in Homemades

Check out boltsniper's FAR writeup, he's got a simple equation for finding a barrel length for a given plunger size; it doesn't take friction in to account though.

#72951 Magnum Pistol

Posted by NerfMonkey on 12 February 2006 - 04:44 PM in Homemades

Depending on the strength of the spring I'd use between and 4 and 5" barrel, as the plunger stroke is about that of an NF, maybe a bit more.

#72920 Hasbro Press Release 2-9-06

Posted by NerfMonkey on 12 February 2006 - 12:33 PM in General Nerf

I don't get how anyone could not like this, waiting and speculating on new guns. I love reading what others think they will be like and being so excited to see the pictures. It's almost more fun waiting for the guns than it is using them!

I just don't get why Nerf is changing so much...stocks, scopes, bipods...it looks like they're targeting people between 13 and 16 or around there. Like others have probably said, I don't think a scope and bipod mean good stock range, they could, but I really doubt it.

I'm content with my current arsenal but I'll still buy one of each of these new guns just to check them out; they sound so awesome I can hardly wait.

#72913 Auto Dart Tag Guns

Posted by NerfMonkey on 12 February 2006 - 11:31 AM in Modifications

Yesterday I tried putting a bunch of rubber bands on the cock

Soooo added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole.

But even if it would get more than 4 inches it would only be semi-auto. To have an automatic gun requires a pump and a bladder of air along with a regulator of some kind; it's impossible with a springer like the DTB. If you really want a 10-shot auto, just buy a Powerclip or wait for the Magstrike.

#72886 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by NerfMonkey on 11 February 2006 - 09:16 PM in Modifications

EDIT: Hehe, just joking around a bit man. I'll post some pictures of my 2k later.

#72877 Supermaxx Buzzer Air Bazooka?

Posted by NerfMonkey on 11 February 2006 - 07:40 PM in Modifications

Um, why don't you just try something? It looks like the same thing as an LBB to me, why couldn't you just add a new barrel? It doesn't seem that hard.

EDIT: So break it off? If it's just a plastic piece snap it. And not all missile weapons like that have an O, I have no idea what you mean; the Titan and Blast Bazooka don't, and neither does the Maxshot.

#72805 Need Expert Advice On Some Important (to Me) Mods

Posted by NerfMonkey on 10 February 2006 - 08:56 PM in Modifications

EDIT: Whoops, sorry, it looks like I misinterpreted your post nerfer34. Never mind what I said.

#72788 Hasbro Press Release 2-9-06

Posted by NerfMonkey on 10 February 2006 - 04:34 PM in General Nerf

I'm not setting my hopes too high as for ranges, but a clip-fed springer sounds ultra-sexy. At least I assume it will be a springer if it's compatible with the CF and DTBs. Of course I'm talking about the Longshot, no confusion.

A working scope and bipod? What the hell? That doesn't sound...Nerfish to me, they wouldn't have done this a year ago. It's probably just a gimmicky thing to jack up the price $10 but oh well, I'll still buy it if it's clip-fed and spring-powered. Sounds nice.

As for the Magstrike, I can't wait for that. It sounds to me exactly like a PC re-released with extra clips. Maybe Hasbro is listening to people who want stuff like this.

I'm really excited about this stuff. Thanks SofaKing, I never would've found that if you hadn't posted it.

Oh, and there are no pictures, I checked the actual article out. Maybe in a month.

#72747 At2k Pistol Mod

Posted by NerfMonkey on 09 February 2006 - 10:29 PM in Modifications

It reminds me a bit of an SM500 because of the shape. I like it, it would be perfect since I've been chopping mine up to get it to fit in my paintball harness thing.

#72718 The End Of Night Finder Production?

Posted by NerfMonkey on 09 February 2006 - 04:10 PM in General Nerf

Wow, a re-painted EX-3 for only an extra $2...

#72598 Micro Titan

Posted by NerfMonkey on 07 February 2006 - 05:04 PM in Modifications

*Sigh!* If only my parent didn't throw out my broken RF20 :rolleyes:

1/4" vinyl is almost the same as RF20 tubing, except a little bit stronger. That would fit perfectly so even without RF20 tubing you could still do the reduction.

I never said it but nice. It looks like a pistol. I'd add a very short barrel to make it pistol-round legal, just because it's so cool looking.

#72497 A List Of The Fallen

Posted by NerfMonkey on 06 February 2006 - 04:21 PM in Site Feedback

I remember Cx posting a list of all the suspended people a few months back. Of course it would be outdated, but I still like to go through the list of users and read their posts. :w00t:

Good idea Wrath.

#72440 Micro Titan

Posted by NerfMonkey on 05 February 2006 - 10:27 PM in Modifications

Dude no offense but it looks really ugly, and looks uncomfertable to hold.  Also its easier to pump from the back when the rockets in the fill, now the fins of the rocket get in the way when you pump.  I give it a 2 out of 5 Mod rating. Good idea though, just needs rethinking


Dude, have you ever seen the gun or held or pumped or fired it? No. You don't know what he'll use it for, how he'll use it or his motives for doing it how he did it.

He made the gun about 1/4 the size it was originally, I don't think Renegade was going for looks.

Take a look at the pump, the fins won't get in the way. And how would it be uncomfortable, it's got the same handle as before. He acheived what he set out to do.

Anyway, how would you propose making it smaller or more comfortable anway? Don't question someone else's reasons for doing something if you can't do it better.

EDIT: Okay Solidius, I 'whacked off' and I'm calm now. You know what? My opinion hasn't changed.

You're still a jackass.

#72406 The End Of Night Finder Production?

Posted by NerfMonkey on 05 February 2006 - 06:40 PM in General Nerf

You guys do know that when people talk about "old" NFs they mean the ones before the N-Strike ones, right? Almost any store carries the disgusting EX-3s, they mean the old ones from '03 that didn't look totally ugly and were actually good.

#72391 Anyone In Utah (read More Here)

Posted by NerfMonkey on 05 February 2006 - 04:38 PM in Nerf Wars


You don't call that helping?

#72325 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by NerfMonkey on 04 February 2006 - 11:05 PM in Modifications

This is my PC, which is about my nicest looking gun right now. It's been clip modded, though I don't have any extra clips (I plan on buying one or two pretty soon), I just wanted something to do a few days ago. One side is all black, I think it came out too glossy, with the middle yellow flame thing masked off to break up all the darkness. The other side just has a neat blue wallpaper I printed out to stick in there to cover up the ugly banded bladder. I got the idea for this from C's 3k and Splitfire writeups so all the credit for it goes to him.

Posted Image
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#72186 Nerf On Frappr

Posted by NerfMonkey on 03 February 2006 - 09:12 AM in Nerf Wars

I don't think we'll ever be able to get rid of the "any Nerfers here?" threads, but if more people sign up we can just point them to the Frappr, so it will make things easier. I put myself on there, but if you're within fifty miles of someone else only one marker will show up when you're zoomed out a bit.

#72060 Nerf Is Better Than Paintball & Airsoft

Posted by NerfMonkey on 01 February 2006 - 04:09 PM in General Nerf

Maybe I interpreted it wrong, but I don't think his article was to say outright, "Nerf is better than paintball and airsoft", it was just highlighting some of the advantages of Nerf as a sport. Someone could easily write the same article about one of the other three games.

#72023 Crossfire Coupler Mod

Posted by NerfMonkey on 31 January 2006 - 07:39 PM in Modifications

When I compare it to a Scout I'm looking at the tiny plunger tube and Scout or Mav-esque internals with that stupid slide cocking mech. It might be worth buying but I'll stick to an NF since it's $4 cheaper and still outperforms the Crossfire.

Nice mod, nice pictures.