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#204664 Rifletech2000

Posted by Magic on 19 January 2009 - 09:25 AM in Modifications

Fuck you NoF.

Can you explain to me the need for cursing me out? I can already say that this will be closed eventually do to it turning in to a bitchfest.

#204837 Rifletech2000

Posted by Magic on 19 January 2009 - 08:18 PM in Modifications

One, thank you for your constructive criticism. Lynx, who the fuck do you think you are? The bitchfest has started, and i've warned people previously. Now I await an admin to close this.

#204697 Rifletech2000

Posted by Magic on 19 January 2009 - 01:06 PM in Modifications

Shhh, just stop.

Do you like you're new blaster?

I assume no since you posted a simple mod on the forums looking to get gratification.

If you were really proud of it, you'd be nerfing with it RIGHT NOW.

Now, stop cursing, it isn't fucking necessary and makes all of us look bad. All that has needed to been said has been said plus useless flaming.


Actually I do nerf with it. It was late when I uploaded it. I just got back from nerfing with it.

#168923 Good Primaries

Posted by Magic on 13 August 2008 - 09:37 PM in General Nerf

Sorry for whatever was said on my account, it seems someone was on my account that wasn't me.

#207838 May I Please Have Your Attention

Posted by Magic on 30 January 2009 - 10:13 AM in Off Topic

As OMC and Carbon said, very glad to have you back. You had spoken to me about the whole impregnating girlfriend thing, but not the other details. I knew it was a tough time for you before you left, but never assumed all that other shit would happen. Nice to see you back.

#193049 At2k And At3k Tanks

Posted by Magic on 30 November 2008 - 04:02 PM in General Nerf

Like busta said, they still make 1K's. As for 4K's, stores out there sell them, but they're difficult to find. I'd reccomend buying online. Just keep your eyes open.

#201193 2k Turreted Mega Missile

Posted by Magic on 04 January 2009 - 11:11 PM in Modifications

Comment? Sooo much dead space between the turret and the actual chamber. This could effect ranges negatively so I'm gonna say it gets less then your friends 5inch CPVC if his is singled.

That is all.

Yeah, not really. I may have forgotten to mention that the dart gets ramrodded down to right infront of the chamber. It goes through the original barrel and the 2k turret.

Edit: Yes, it is a fun blaster. :P

So you have a turret with 4 darts, but between shots you have to pump and ramrod?
Why have a turret? Ramrodding a dart that's already in the chamber is practically equivalent(when comparing ROF) to putting another one in.

You also have to note that this gun specifically wasn't intended for a primary for a major war. For a local war, in my opinion a fairly small 4 shotted gun that takes roughly 10 seconds to load and about 4 seconds per shot is pretty good. Loading all four in at once, and using a secondary for backup incase anyone rushes. Yes it isn't practical for most, but for me it's pretty good. For anyone who asks why not use your crossbow and turret it, it's because using the same gun over and over gets boring, plus my crossbows are big. =/

#201189 2k Turreted Mega Missile

Posted by Magic on 04 January 2009 - 10:56 PM in Modifications

Comment? Sooo much dead space between the turret and the actual chamber. This could effect ranges negatively so I'm gonna say it gets less then your friends 5inch CPVC if his is singled.

That is all.

Yeah, not really. I may have forgotten to mention that the dart gets ramrodded down to right infront of the chamber. It goes through the original barrel and the 2k turret.

Edit: Yes, it is a fun blaster. :P

#201186 2k Turreted Mega Missile

Posted by Magic on 04 January 2009 - 10:47 PM in Modifications

Two of my friends stumbled upon a KB Toys that was closing down. Each of my friends got 5 Mega Missiles, and one was nice enough to give me one. Right away I new this thing had potential, especially after seeing previous mods done by other members.

Supplies Needed:
-Hot Glue/Hot Glue Gun
-Mega Missile
-PETG (6 Inches)
-PVC (2-1/2 Inches)
-Airtech 2000 Turret
-E-Tape (Optional)
-A dremel, knife, razor, or mini-saw

Okay so here's a picture of it in the box.
Posted Image
Take your sharp object of choice and cut off the stock barrel.
Posted Image
Wrap your PETG up in some e-tape, or just glue it straight in to the peice of PVC.
Posted Image
Glue the peice of PETG nested in PVC where the stock barrel used to be.
Posted Image
Now on the end of the 2K turret, where it used to be attatched to the 2K tank, there is a little nub. Glue that into the PETG. The end result should look something like this.
Posted Image

As for ranges, I haven't tested outside yet, but they're definitly above 100FT for ea barrel. My friend has one with a 4 or 5 inch CPVC barrel, and it goes 95FT flat. It barely pierces through cardboard. Each barrel on mine pierces through cardboard, so i'm going to estimate about 100-110FT flat.

Questions? Comments? Flames?

#201374 2k Turreted Mega Missile

Posted by Magic on 05 January 2009 - 10:13 PM in Modifications

One. Ice, who the fuck said you can speak? Two, i'm redoing it to make it more effective, so you all the bitches in this thread will shut the fuck up. Jerm had the correct way it should look, and ice, just because someone commented a positive statement on a not so positive gun it doesn't mean you should flip a shit. Have you ever looked at any of your things? Get back to me once you decide to not be an idiot.

#201195 2k Turreted Mega Missile

Posted by Magic on 04 January 2009 - 11:23 PM in Modifications

This doesn't make any sense. Why is there a turret if your putting a dart into the original barrel after each shot. Why not just skip the turret altogether?

Read the post above yours.

Edit: Also forgot to mention only tight darts need to be ramrodded, as most just drop down.

#268767 Barrel Pod Mass Production

Posted by Magic on 10 March 2010 - 04:53 PM in Homemades

Awesome idea. Can "Great Stuff" be picked up at Home Depot?

#174927 Marvelous Titan Difficulties

Posted by Magic on 04 September 2008 - 05:09 PM in Modifications


#181834 Favorite Air/pump/ Gun?

Posted by Magic on 05 October 2008 - 08:50 PM in General Nerf

Posted Image
Titan, bought it from BustaDartInYOurAss (friend from school) and it's amazing. All credit goes to him.

Ranges: With a foot long barrel around 120', with a 2 1/2 foot barrel around 160' flat.
Accuracy: So far probably around 7 or 8. I'm still working on a shell and trigger.
Pumps: Minimum pumps for me is 10, but maximum around 15.
Comfortability: It's a bit bulky but when the shell is done i'd say 9 out of 10.

Edit: Just so you know MY ranges are not bullshit, if you really don't believe me ask BustaDartInYOurAss, or anyone on the haven. They are average titan ranges. Forgot, the pump is plugged. :)

#182549 Favorite Air/pump/ Gun?

Posted by Magic on 09 October 2008 - 08:09 AM in General Nerf

Who would buy that? It is an incredibly simple mod. The hardest part would be opening the gun. From what I see all you did was remove all the unnecessary stuff and seal off the tube to the hornet attachment then attach a coupler. Thats not really groundbreaking stuff. I don't see why some people seem to be excited and amazed by it.

Yes, it's simple but he did more then that. He not only took it out of it's shell, but like most other people's titans, there's not dead space AT ALL. Plus you can still shoot the titan rocket and take any type of barrel. Also customization is fucking awesome. :) I'll have pictures up soon.

#221300 The Monk

Posted by Magic on 02 April 2009 - 06:42 PM in Modifications

That looks like crap on a bun. Plus, that's nothing close to the guru. More of a knock off of the CrookedsBow, and TantumBull's LS. What's the point of RSCB clipping a previously clipped gun, besides range?

#212938 The Majority Hammer

Posted by Magic on 16 February 2009 - 10:39 PM in Site Feedback

I also agree with SGM. If this is a rule, it will not be fair. Just because someone doesn't like another member, they will rate them low, and if someone likes a member, they will rate them high. The whole thing will turn into a popularity contest.

#175047 Painting Textures?

Posted by Magic on 04 September 2008 - 09:13 PM in Modifications

I remember him saying he got the crackle effect by spraying the next coat of spray paint when the one before wasn't completely dry. I'll see if I can find the link to that...
Edit: http://nerfhaven.com...Sicklefin&st=15
Scroll down to the bottom of his post with Sicklefin and the crackle paint job.

Thank you very much, you may have just solved my problem. I think his paint jobs are the best out there, except every now and then I see very nice ones. His are consistent, and I hope this effect works on my guns. Now i'm wondering if he just made the actual crackles with tape or what?

#175276 Painting Textures?

Posted by Magic on 05 September 2008 - 10:07 PM in Modifications

Now that's the kind of posts i'm looking for. Thanks.

Edit: Maeric, was the clear coat wet when you did the black?

#175014 Painting Textures?

Posted by Magic on 04 September 2008 - 08:30 PM in Modifications

I happen to have a crossbow as well that I may think about putting a paintjob like that on, but currently i'm interested in my LnL.

A crackle coat involves using two incompatible spray paints with one another, then sealing the result with clear coat.

If you want to produce other textures without having to add clear coat then you'll need some dry brush work, or a mask on the item you are painting.
Cheesecloth can be used to make a wood grain, rope netting used for wrapping a ham is used to make scale patterns, and so forth.

When you say two incompatible spray paints what do you mean? Like Krylon against another sort of paint, or like ingredients that are opposites?

#174989 Painting Textures?

Posted by Magic on 04 September 2008 - 08:03 PM in Modifications

Yeah so recently I was looking at the picture/mod thread, and on page 102 or 103 I saw the most beautiful big salvo by baghead. I messaged him on how to paint like that but no response was received. Does anyone know how to paint crackles like that or other painting textures?

Edit: Here's the link, scroll about halfway down. http://nerfhaven.com...arsenal&st=1515

#175365 Painting Textures?

Posted by Magic on 06 September 2008 - 11:24 AM in Modifications

Okay thanks for the advice. :angry:
Edit: Remember though, I want to do the exact thing he did with the glow in the dark paint. Would that be considered the clear coat?

#175555 Painting Textures?

Posted by Magic on 06 September 2008 - 11:47 PM in Modifications

Ahh, I see. Well bags you've contributed much to this site and personally much help to me.

#175008 Painting Textures?

Posted by Magic on 04 September 2008 - 08:25 PM in Modifications

Interesting, i'm hoping baghead respondes. If you look at his big salvo, I personally think it's the coolest looking gun i've ever seen. I'd like to do the exact paintjob to my LnL. :lol:

#175549 Painting Textures?

Posted by Magic on 06 September 2008 - 11:32 PM in Modifications

Reading all of the posts in this topic made me think about paint jobs alone. I don't mean to change the subject but it's just stupid to make a whole new topic about this. I've always wondered how people paint pumps, and triggers, etc... Whenever i've tried to paint a trigger or pump, the paint always scratches off. Anyway to prevent this?

#175486 Painting Textures?

Posted by Magic on 06 September 2008 - 06:55 PM in Modifications

Longshot - Can you post pictures?

Salmon - I understand making a crossbow look like crap. I was an idiot when I painted it. My first crossbow I painted crappily so I tried smearing off the paint with paper towel. Not a smart idea. :lol: But I got over it.

#175661 Painting Textures?

Posted by Magic on 07 September 2008 - 02:10 PM in Modifications

Sorry for the double post, but as you can see in this picture I am very happy. Posted Image
I am so happy, because I took bags advice and tried it. These are the two paints I used.Posted Image
Since I use a mac to take my photos, it's backwards. The name of the black paint is brand name Rust-Oleum specialty plastic. The green paint is Rust-Oleum specialty fluorescent. Now when you first put the coat of black, don't do a heavy coat but a fairly light one, and about 30 to 40 seconds after you spray that, spray the coat of green, also a light coat. Make sure the green coat isn't heavy. I decided to try it out on a dead nitefinder shell, and the results amaze me. Here's what it looks like.Posted Image
Hope this helped anyone that's confused. :)

#175540 Painting Textures?

Posted by Magic on 06 September 2008 - 11:07 PM in Modifications

One, bags thank you for responding. Two, holy fuck that is a beast paint job. 3, I'm not planning on trying this first on my gun, I'm either going to try it first on a dead shell or something else. This topic has been of much help to me, but the point of it wasn't only for bags crackle effect but for others as well. If anyone else has other texture comments please do.

#174656 Switch Shot?

Posted by Magic on 02 September 2008 - 10:27 PM in General Nerf

I also believe this blaster may be part of the new nerf game, with the mega-vulcan.

#174600 Switch Shot?

Posted by Magic on 02 September 2008 - 07:49 PM in General Nerf

Hey sorry if this has already been posted and whatever but what is this gun?
Does anyone have any info on it?
It says that you can use it for the wii???

Switch Shot

Indeed that is a wii blaster. It's a nerf gun that shoots darts, and then by opening the top of the gun up you take out the internals and put in a wii remote, using it in a gun game for the wii.

#268599 Tech Target Internal Replacement

Posted by Magic on 08 March 2010 - 09:32 PM in Modifications

Great mod. My friend (BustaDartInYOurAss) did the same thing to his NF. I put it in a diskshot, and it's getting great results. :)

#207145 Pioneering Speed Loaders

Posted by Magic on 28 January 2009 - 09:22 AM in Modifications

Wouldn't it just be easier to make a flip clip or a super clip..? New members make everything more complicated then it has to be. =/

#182852 Nerf Guns In School!

Posted by Magic on 10 October 2008 - 06:23 PM in Nerf Wars

Ask him, as long as he is nice then he'll understand. It was a bit awkward to explain to my electronics/tech teacher that I was in to nerf but I got around to it. He helps me machine things that I can do at home, plus he's helping me replicate hereticorp's stefan maker. :)

#158055 Stefan Issues

Posted by Magic on 04 June 2008 - 08:38 PM in Modifications

Yes, that may be true, but you can also use a small mist/spray bottle with light mist feature and give it a few sprays.

#158053 Stefan Issues

Posted by Magic on 04 June 2008 - 08:30 PM in Modifications

Well, i've faced this problem many times. I found a solution. Before getting your hot glue on the FBR, get a bowl of cold water. Right after you get a good dome of hot glue, dip it in the water for 5 to 10 seconds which should keep the dome perfect, let it sit there and make your next stefan.

#218060 New Homemade Ideas

Posted by Magic on 15 March 2009 - 02:52 PM in Homemades

Jesus Christ.. Fix up your grammar, and read the CoC you fucktard. You double posted, and your grammar sucks. Don't make a post or thread for that matter about what you're going to do. Just do it.

#218056 New Homemade Ideas

Posted by Magic on 15 March 2009 - 02:44 PM in Homemades

Are you fucking retarded? I can't wait until you get banned. One, you should always do something before posting an idea. Admins get really pissed at that. You also didn't even post pictures. You wrote a short fucking sentence. Nice knowing you.

#218064 New Homemade Ideas

Posted by Magic on 15 March 2009 - 03:05 PM in Homemades

Jesus Christ.. Fix up your grammar, and read the CoC you fucktard. You double posted, and your grammar sucks. Don't make a post or thread for that matter about what you're going to do. Just do it.

Dude chill I'm new ok and how old are you like 22, I'm probably way younger than you so just chill and don't curse it's not cool

Okay, you double posted again. I'm 14 almost 15, and age doesn't make a difference in this conversation. I'm trying to help you. And you're not new. You've been a member since may, 12 days before I joined. I'm newer than you. Unless your under 13 I can understand, and if you're under 13 you shouldn't be on this site.

#220528 New Breach

Posted by Magic on 29 March 2009 - 06:14 PM in Modifications

Okay, I've not said anything for too long. Nice breech, i've seen it done before, but you get points for posting it. I have a little pet peeve with the spelling of breech. It's breech, not breach. Carry on.

#175986 Breech/barrel Integration?

Posted by Magic on 08 September 2008 - 06:38 PM in Modifications

Like usual, I got bored so I got thinking. People integrate guns onto there primaries because it's an extra shot. Why not integrate a gun onto your barrel? This way it's removable. I don't know maybe it's stupid but I think it's pretty cool. Here's a pic of what I mean.
Posted Image