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#362489 Accufake darts

Posted by flyingchicken on 06 February 2018 - 08:11 PM in Darts and Barrels

I use springers. Accufakes are the truth. 

#358263 Nerf at Night (Sav, Ga, 03/06)

Posted by flyingchicken on 27 February 2017 - 05:14 PM in Nerf Wars

Actually, only a handful of people from our group look at this site anymore. You're more than welcome to post there!

#358173 Nerf at Night (Sav, Ga, 03/06)

Posted by flyingchicken on 23 February 2017 - 04:55 PM in Nerf Wars

SCAD had a really great HvZ scene for a while, but as far as I know it's died down in the past few years.


Your event format is interesting.


Have you heard of the Southeast Nerf Club? We host monthly wars around Atlanta: https://www.facebook...ups/SEnerfclub/

#357314 Georgia War: C.O.S.T.C.O.H. III

Posted by flyingchicken on 25 December 2016 - 10:52 PM in Nerf Wars

Recapping, better late than never! Thank you TheNerfZilla and AssassinNF for posting as well.


You know it was a good war when: you think of it, and dozens of small, great moments pop into your head. As a host, I was actually pretty satisfied.


+ The clash of old and new Nerfers alike. Was super great to have Spud and AssassinNF back out here again.

+ Weather was great. There was fear of rain and cold, but any bad weather cleared away at the start.

+ Good turnout; 20-30 people all day.

+ Only bringing two primaries for myself (Crossbow and Arrowstorm), but they performed extremely well for the entire day.

+ My dodging wasn't as on point as usual, but my accuracy was surprisingly really good.

+ Renting out a bunch of primaries and darts. Not only helps me out, but it also makes me happy to see other people enjoying using decent NIC-grade gear.

+ Making and handing out a bunch of SENC buttons. I loved everybody's reaction, as well as seeing people wearing them all day.

+ Winning Wingman with Modman.

+ Not seeing Dakota, lying prone on the ground, and getting tagged. Hella salty, but got my revenge later that round.

+ Rushed NoM when his RSCB fell off. I miss my main shot, my shotgun shot, and my pistol shot. He pulls out his Panther and wastes me at point blank range. 

+ Trying out Territories in an NIC setting for the first time. It worked pretty well, and I was happy my new flags held up.

+ Ay-Ay-Rawn going super hard in Territories, and always super stylishly.

+ My dad showing up for a few rounds (and getting to use a hopper!? Blasphemy!).

+ Zachary being the first one to actually count my Arrowstorm shots, and taking me out when I fired them all.

+ Playing Awfuls again, if just for one round.

+ Vernard

+ Mellow's fancy new Big Blast breaking in 3 shots.

+ Crossbow squad doing pretty well.

+ Christmas gifts from Joe.

+ Daniel showing up and taking some more awesome pictures.

+ Getting some good GoPro footage.

+ People putting more actual good stuff in the raffle. I only left with a DT3 pistol but I think everyone was happy with what they got. 

+ Olive Garden.


+/- Stupid county decided to raise the price of renting the pavilion. We couldn't afford it, so we took our chances, and fortunately, we got our staging area for the whole day!

+/- Forgetting how much stefans hurt.

+/- Only one round of Freeze Tag because it took too long.

+/- Leaving the war, just wanting to keep Nerfing...


- Didn't get to do a last FFA.


A whole album of pictures can be found here: https://www.facebook...66998439&type=3


Overall, I was super happy with COSTCOH III, especially as it'll be the last war I'll be heavily involved with hosting for a while.

Thank you so much to everyone who came. Each and every one of you made it all the more special. 

#357184 Georgia War: C.O.S.T.C.O.H. III

Posted by flyingchicken on 16 December 2016 - 09:54 PM in Nerf Wars

flying down right now
Loaner awfuls?

NYCNO too rainy



#357181 Georgia War: C.O.S.T.C.O.H. III

Posted by flyingchicken on 16 December 2016 - 07:52 PM in Nerf Wars

A few things to note:
- Please do not bring crappy stuff to put in the raffle. It's not a time to unload your junk: no one wants to see it full of Mavericks, Reactors, and the like. Put in good stuff to get good stuff. 
- Awfuls blasters cannot shoot more than 15 feet with any ammo. Mavericks shoot Elites farther than that. These need to be truly bad (I'm using a ball blaster).
- Lunch break will be 45 minutes. Plan ahead as to if you want to bring your own, or look to see what's around the area.

- It will be cold, so dress warmly!

- Bring tables and chairs to set up.


Turnout is looking real nice, I'm gettin excited!

#356989 Georgia War: C.O.S.T.C.O.H. III

Posted by flyingchicken on 02 December 2016 - 01:19 PM in Nerf Wars

Chicken’s Old School Testicular Carnival OHorror III

All I want for Christmas is NO HOPPAZ


The premier Southeast winter war returns.
No hoppers. No melee. No mercy.

Date: Saturday, December 17th, 2016

Time: First round starts at 10:00 am. Be there by 9:30. We play until dusk.

Location: McCurry Park, Fayetteville, GA 30214

It’s a big park, and we’re only using a small part of it. Our staging area is a large pavilion with picnic tables.
The parking lot is right off of McElroy Road, as you can see in the picture:


What to bring:

1) BLASTERS: Bring at least one reliable PRIMARY, a springer PISTOL, and an AWFUL (if you wish to participate in Awfuls rounds).

- If you need a blaster, someone may kindly lend you one, or there are loaners to rent.

- Blaster restrictions: DO NOT bring anything crazy overpowered. No homemade airguns or singled Titans/Hydro Cannons/drain blasters. If I deem your blaster to be too powerful, I WILL ask you to put it down.

- Pistol restrictions: Pistols may not hold more than 6 shots, and may not shoot more than 70'. Rainbow Pistols are not pistols.
If you do not have an adequate pistol, you may borrow one from the loaner pistol bin.

- Realistic blasters are dumb.


- Blaster hits WILL count and there will be NO barrel taps. 


- No hopper clips and no melee weapons are allowed.

2) DARTS: You may use stock darts, stefans, megas, discs, whatever. I recommend at least 200 darts per person.

- Dart restrictions: no darts with exposed metal. No darts heavier than a 3/0. All darts must have at least one inch of foam.

- Special disc rule: discs that bounce off of trees will still count as a hit.

If you don’t have darts to use, there will be stefans for rent as well.




If you do not have an NIC primary and stefans to use, for $5 you may borrow primaries or darts, and for $10 you may borrow both (they're not crappy, I promise).


Loaner pistols will continue to be free.


- LUNCH, I personally think it is much more efficient to just bring one with you instead of taking an hour to go get it. Trust me, a turkey sandwich tastes just fine after you have been Nerfing for a few hours. You are free to do what you want though.
- WATER, hydration is important.
- EYE PROTECTION: PRESCRIPTION GLASSES DO NOT COUNT AS EYE PROTECTION. You must be wearing something that completely covers your eyes. I don’t care if you’re over 18 or not, YOU WILL BE WEARING THEM.
- Money/Blasters for trading. We like to do a lot of this down here, so bring what ya got.
- Intelligence, Don't be an idiot.
- A good attitude. Don’t be a crybaby.
- Please do not bring any open alcohol, illicit drugs, or real firearms to this event.
- We will be renting the pavilion for the day, so I would really appreciate if people brought a few dollars to contribute.




Freeze Tag: Kill Confirmed
Carpe Testiculum


Speed Rounds

All gametype rules will be explained at the event.

Some rounds may also have prizes, so be sure to bring your A-game if you want to win some cool stuff wink.gif


Raffle! Please try not to bring absolute garbage. We will be doing it as a picked first = gets to pick what they want. Santa may be putting some cool stuff in as well. 

Facebook event: https://www.facebook...24418284651085/


- flyingchicken

- NerfOmania

- Red

- Spud

- Mellow

- Drac


- N00bman133712

- Chainmailleman 

- TheNerfZilla

- Like 20+ more on Facebook


If you’re interested in coming to this event, we’d love to have you! Here’s the war video for last year’s COSTCOH:

Feel free to ask any questions!

#355462 Apocalypse 2016 - August 6th in Ocean Township, NJ

Posted by flyingchicken on 09 August 2016 - 11:33 PM in Nerf Wars

Last year's APOC (and that whole weekend) was one of the best experiences of my life, so it's hard to compare it to last time. Nonetheless, I thought this war ran even better than last year's. 

This war wouldn't have been possible for me without the help of joedimarco and his family; he hosted me, drove me places, and bought me food. The real MVP of this experience; thank you so much Joe.


And now, my thoughts:


+ Seeing all my Northeast friends again: Joe, Gears, Jlego, DX, Miguel, Groove, Zach, Dan, Sam, Nick, Lucian, Koree, Aeromech, Randomshadow, Craftsman. 

+ Meeting awesome people: One Man Clan, Captain Slug, sublimedom, Ice Nine, Clownie, Griever, Shade, PBZ 

+ Fanboying slightly over Slug

+ Getting to represent the South yet again with my comrades Zaxbys, Drac, and EOC

+ Using some of the finest slugs in existence, courtesy of Red. Dart recovery was great as well. 

+ Took a few rounds to get going but I'm pretty happy with how I played throughout the day. 

+ First war using a fanny pack to hold ammo; it's great, would highly recommend. 

+ Somehow being intimidating with an Arrowstorm

+ Using the Grove instead of the main field most of the day

+ Lots of really good rounds; 3:15, speed rounds, and Freeze Tag, among others
+ Lots of good exchanges, especially with Gears, Dan, DX, and Jlego

+ Finally getting to do pistols at APOC! We had some really small but awesome Gunslingers rounds.

+ Filming an Effeminate Gunslingers showdown between TED and Jlego.

+ Team JaxcksonStorm?

+ Was a little nervous about meeting One Man Clan, but turns out he's super cool and fun to play with

+ Blasters worked pretty well; my Arrowstorm's reinforcements held up all day, though there were some rotation issues. The neoprene washer in my Crossbow's plunger head actually tore, which I wasn't expecting. Fortunately, I had a wonderful spare plunger rod made by Nerfomania that worked flawlessly for the rest of the day. 

+ Finally having my own GoPro and wearing it for a few rounds.

+ Snoop Doggy doge challenging me to a 1v1; it was enjoyable, and he put up a respectable fight, but I won 3-2. Keep up the good work, kid.

+ "Wipe the ravioli off your face and do something useful." 

+ Being clumped with Team Valor as a non-player and getting rekt

+ Seeing all the northerners getting beat by the heat and humidity, y'all would've died at NoMNE

+ Rained lightly during the day, and packing up just in time to avoid the heavier showers

+ My reputation preceded me; within the first hour I was handed a BBB.

+ Sam asking me if I danced (I do), and giving me a really lovely compliment about how it shows in my movement. Thank you man.

+ Buying air blasters from Dom

+ Being hit in the safety goggles a few times; as much of a pain as they are, I'm glad I wear them over my prescription glasses.

+ Losing my blue bandanna, but Langley very awesomely gifted me a replacement. 

+ Seeing a bunch of cameras, knowing there will be lots of great footage and pictures from this war.

+ First time flying with blasters and having no issues


+/- Screams for Harambe disrupting our lovely Gunslingers rounds


- None of Joe's stuff worked so he didn't play for half of the day, but he did eventually get a loaner

- Not getting a lot of personal pictures or video

- Hibachi place charged for refills



Huge thanks and props to Langley for once again running a great war.


10/10 would travel hundreds of miles to play with children's toys again

#355085 Apocalypse 2016 - August 6th in Ocean Township, NJ

Posted by flyingchicken on 19 July 2016 - 09:28 AM in Nerf Wars

Plane tickets have been purchased! Hype is imminent. 

#355061 NoMNE 6.0

Posted by flyingchicken on 18 July 2016 - 09:21 AM in Nerf Wars

Hi I will be going to the war.I was woundering what qualified as a primary, would a drain blaster shooting 3darts per shot count(im spliting via triad shotgun head) and I have a friend going with me. What can I make/lend him that will let him not have a day gettinf outranged and sniped) (will a un modded sentinel do)


Yes; if it has at least 3 barrels and shoots at least 3 darts, then it will be allowed. In regards to your friend, I've found air blasters are the easiest to make war-viable, but some springers can also do well.

An un-modded anything will be severely outclassed. Like the original post says, there will be loaners available to rent. 

#354397 North Carolina Nerf Wars

Posted by flyingchicken on 20 June 2016 - 05:47 PM in Nerf Wars

This is good. People in NC are starting to pop up. Keep em' coming!


I know, I wasn't expecting much. If you build it, they will come...


If any one of you guys wants to start a war thread, I'll be more than happy to help with anything. And if you get a decent enough crowd going, there's a good chance some of us from GA/the SENC will join you. 

#354245 North Carolina Nerf Wars

Posted by flyingchicken on 15 June 2016 - 07:38 PM in Nerf Wars

There are a few people in North Carolina, but you may not get a whole lot of responses.

You may be interested in the Southeast Nerf Club; we host wars every month around Atlanta, Georgia. It's not awfully far from you. Check it out: https://www.facebook...ups/SEnerfclub/

#353863 Georgia War: Spring SENO 2016

Posted by flyingchicken on 31 May 2016 - 01:00 AM in Nerf Wars

Thanks for recapping, Zilla.


Had a great time at this one; we had 10-15 people consistently on the field through most of the day. While that's only half as much as our Superstock wars get, I really enjoyed it because it threw me back to a few years ago, when we were thrilled to have 15 Nerfers out there. Smaller wars have their own fun charm.

+ Zax showing up, and seeing Spud again!

+ Steve and his son representing Fallout Nukelanta, always a good time seeing them

+ Seeing the Strattons again, always a great pleasure to have.

+ Seeing SENC Nerfers getting their NIC on

+ Derek and Taylor also trekking up from FL and putting in work with their flywheels 

+ Glad I made a bunch of loaner primaries; everyone wanted a piece of air-powered goodness.

+ Great weather

+ Lots of solid, fun 3:15 rounds

+ Trying out a new gametype: Crew Battle. Surprisingly good reception, though I'm still salty about the first round...

+ Zax taking sweet pics

+ Zilla shooting me right above my top lip, haven't had a hit that painful in some time

+ Zilla also putting on an impressive performance; I always enjoyed facing off against you.

+ Hella potshots 

+ A severe lack of hoppers negating the need for more than 1 or 2 no-hoppers rounds.

+ Decided not to charge a rental fee for loaners, but got donations anyway. Thank you so much. 

+ Usually in Southeast wars, we don't count blaster hits like every other region does. Trying it for this war was quite different, but I think it's a bit better.

+ Disrespectful pistol kills


+/- Loaners being used, loaners being broken. It's kinda meant to happen.

+/- People agreeing to take the hit at close range, but resorting to surrender every time is so incredibly lame.


- No Drac or NoM 

- Didn't bring a weapon for Wildcard

- No postwar dinner


Viva la SENO! 



#353787 Georgia War: Spring SENO 2016

Posted by flyingchicken on 27 May 2016 - 09:45 AM in Nerf Wars

War is tomorrow!

Went ahead and updated the attendance list, as well as included two specific rule changes:

1. There will be NO BARREL TAPS. If you agree with your opponent to just take the hit, that's fine.

2. Blaster hits WILL COUNT for this war.


Making loaner darts today. Make sure you all bring plenty of water! 

#353731 What to do about that glue!

Posted by flyingchicken on 24 May 2016 - 11:05 AM in Modifications

There are a variety of ways to open that part of the blaster. If you want to do it cleanly, I would suggest scoring and cutting through it (as you said), using an X-acto knife with careful cuts. It takes a little while, but the end result is super clean.

A dremel cutting wheel does the same thing quicker, but probably not as cleanly. 


Dipping glued parts in boiling water has been widely suggested, but has been hit or miss with me. 


AT2Ks are underrated and spectacular blasters; have fun modding it! 

#353637 NoMNE 6.0

Posted by flyingchicken on 20 May 2016 - 08:40 PM in Nerf Wars

Wouldn't miss this for the world.

Sunburn and heat stroke hype! 

#353247 Georgia War: Spring SENO 2016

Posted by flyingchicken on 04 May 2016 - 09:03 PM in Nerf Wars

Southeast Nerf Outing - Spring 2016

Spring is here, and what better way to welcome this weather than with a classic Southeast war?


Date: Saturday, May 28th, 2016

Time: First round starts at 10:00 am. Be there by 9:30. We play until dusk.

Location: McCurry Park, Fayetteville, GA 30214

It’s a big park, and we’re only using a small part of it. Our staging area is a large pavilion with picnic tables.
Make sure you use the parking lot off of McElroy Road, which you can see in this picture:


What to bring:

1) BLASTERS: Bring at least one reliable PRIMARY and a springer PISTOL.

- Blaster restrictions: DO NOT bring anything crazy overpowered (homemade airguns, singled Titans/Hydro Cannons/drain blasters), or it will not be allowed on the field. 

- Pistol restrictions: Pistols may not hold more than 6 shots, and may not shoot more than 70'. Rainbow Pistols are not pistols.

- Realistic blasters are dumb.

- Blaster hits DO NOT count, however this does not mean you can strap a large shield to your blaster.

2) DARTS: You may use stock micros, stefans, megas, discs, whatever. I recommend at least 200 darts per person.

- Dart restrictions: no darts with exposed metal. No darts heavier than a 3/0. All darts must have at least one inch of foam. Slugs are preferred above everything else.





If you do not have an NIC primary and stefans to use, FOR A MERE $5, you may borrow loaner primaries and stefans from me for the day (they’re not crappy, I promise).                                                            

Loaner pistols will continue to be free.




- There will be NO BARREL TAPS. If you agree with your opponent to just take the hit, that's fine.


- Blaster hits WILL COUNT for this war.


- LUNCH, I would NOT LIKE to see people running off for an hour-long lunch break. I personally think it is much more efficient to just bring one with you. Trust me, a turkey sandwich tastes just fine after you have been Nerfing for a few hours. You are free to do what you want though.
- WATER, hydration is important.
- EYE PROTECTION: PRESCRIPTION GLASSES DO NOT COUNT AS EYE PROTECTION. You must be wearing something that completely covers your eyes. I don’t care if you’re over 18 or not, YOU WILL BE WEARING THEM.
- Money/Blasters for trading. We like to do a lot of this down here, so bring what ya got.
- Intelligence, Don't be an idiot.
- A good attitude. Don’t be a crybaby.
- Please do not bring any open alcohol, illicit drugs, or real firearms to this event.
- We will be renting the pavilion for the day, so I would really appreciate if people brought a few dollars to contribute.




Slaughter (Noobs vs Vets)
Freeze Tag: Kill Confirmed
No Hoppers

Whatever else we feel like playing.

All gametype rules will be explained at the event.


Raffle! We will be having one as per the usual. Please try not to bring absolute garbage. We will be doing it as a picked first = gets to pick what they want.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook...38688156494086/



- flyingchicken

- Zaxbys

- Drac

- Mellow

- TheNerfZilla

- Spud

- 12 Facebook people





Feel free to ask any questions!

#352949 Thursday Night Chatroom Discussion: Upcoming Nerf Wars and Gametypes

Posted by flyingchicken on 22 April 2016 - 10:23 AM in General Nerf

Sorry I dipped after 11, had to get some sleep for a final this morning. I really enjoyed having a bunch of people in the IRC again; thanks to Langley for putting this together. Hope we get to do more of these!

#352769 Apocalypse 2016 - August 6th in Ocean Township, NJ

Posted by flyingchicken on 12 April 2016 - 08:38 PM in Nerf Wars

I will try my damnedest to be there again this year.

#352516 Alternate color Supermaxx 1500 (old verison)

Posted by flyingchicken on 29 March 2016 - 10:27 PM in General Nerf

Actually, yes!!

A few months back, I saw a sold eBay lot of Nerf stuff, and one of these was in it. I thought at first it was sun-damaged, but the color was too even... I thought I was crazy, it's awesome that you found it!

Where did you find this one?

#352251 NoMNE 5.0

Posted by flyingchicken on 18 March 2016 - 01:16 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm in with an extra coming too. 


May I borrow your time machine?


Conveniently, the thread for this year's NoMNE should be up soon, so sit tight.

#351022 Fifty Shades of Red 2.0

Posted by flyingchicken on 21 January 2016 - 09:23 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey, I live in north maryland and i was wondering if i would still be aloud to come to this war. I have been looking for one neer me for awhile and this is the closest i have found.


You are certainly allowed, but we are definitely not your closest option. There is a very active Northeast scene, mainly around PA. You just gotta look around more.

#350925 Fifty Shades of Red 2.0

Posted by flyingchicken on 19 January 2016 - 11:18 PM in Nerf Wars

You know I'm there. Can't wait for more REKT rounds.

Hope I get to fix my Crossbow by then.

#350902 Any Nerfers in the Phenix City/Columbus Georgia area?

Posted by flyingchicken on 19 January 2016 - 10:53 AM in Nerf Wars

Georgia has a very active Nerfing scene around Atlanta. We usually have at least one "superstock" war a month, and we post all of our NIC wars here on Nerfhaven. If you're interested, feel free to join us here: https://www.facebook...ups/SEnerfclub/

#349898 Georgia War: C.O.S.T.C.O.H. II

Posted by flyingchicken on 07 December 2015 - 09:06 PM in Nerf Wars

Attendance updated. If the numbers are to be believed, we may very well have 30+ people at this war.


Get hyped!!!!

#349766 Gametypes Poll - What are you playing at your wars?

Posted by flyingchicken on 01 December 2015 - 11:11 AM in Nerf Wars

  • Georgia
  • NIC wars: Attended 9, hosted or co-hosted ~7 of them.
    Southeast Nerf Club (SENC) wars: Attended and co-hosted over a dozen (not posted on NH)
  • NIC: The Southeast is a bit more lenient with our restrictions. We use both slugs and domes, as long as no metal is exposed (all darts in our community stefan bin are checked before each war). We also allow blasters above the normal power threshold, such as plugged Big Blasts. Sometimes we have REKT wars/rounds, where we use normally banned things likes 3/0s, singled Titans, singled Hydrocannons, etc.
    We make up for this leniency by strictly enforcing eye protection. Prescription glasses do not count; your eyes must be completely covered.
    SENC: These wars are all superstock/SAMBO wars; ammo must be completely stock, but blasters may be modifed (as long as they're not too powerful/dangerous). We allow Zing bows and melee, but we push proper eye protection when using those.
  • Our standard games include: 3:15 Free-For-All, Wingman, Deathmatch, Wildcard, Freeze-Tag, and Awfuls. Other ones I've played include Civil War, Freeze-Tag: Kill Confirmed, Action Pistols, speed rounds, Headhunters, Capture the Flag, Robot Mind Control, Dwarves & Elves/Fellowship, and Gunslinger.
    • 3:15 FFA, Wingman, Deathmatch: pretty self-explanatory; these rounds make up most of our day.
    • Wildcard is like Deathmatch, but the Wildcard is one person who's on his own. He has unlimited lives, a 10-second respawn, and uses some sort of rocket launcher. If he hits you, all of your lives are gone and you're eliminated from the round. Nerfomania is our resident Wildcard, and he does a great job of using his XXL Bazooka to put pressure on both teams. It's a fun way to add another dimension to Deathmatch. We play this one multiple times at every NIC war.
    • Awfuls is an FFA or Wingman round where you can only use blasters that shoot less than 15 feet. Alternative ammo is encouraged. Playgrounds are great areas for this round.
    • Freeze-Tag: Kill Confirmed is a variation on Freeze-Tag. Basically, if someone from the enemy team is frozen, you can tag them with your hand and completely eliminate them from the game. It's become our preferred way to play Feeze-Tag; it speeds the round up quite a bit. Langley let NoM and myself run a few rounds of this at APOC, and people seemed to really enjoy it.
    • Civil War is more of a light-hearted game. Two teams stand in lines, starting ~70 feet apart. Each team takes turns firing a volley at the other team (the team that's getting hit can't move at all), then both teams take one step forward and repeat until everyone is eliminated. Super scary when you get real close.
    • Action Pistols is a FFA pistols round where your hits only count if you do a cool action move when you shoot. Jumps, rolls, parkour, slides, you get the idea. Inspired by a very old war thread I read. This gets requested semi-frequently.
    • Speed rounds: we use to play a bunch of speed pistols rounds just to get a quick few rounds in, but I really liked the speed rounds Langley organized at APOC: teams of three, up to three wins.
    • Headhunters was taken from the Canadians. We played it for the first time a year ago at COSTCOH, and will be playing it at the sequel in a few weeks. I personally enjoyed the round (probably because I won it); some may consider it unnecessarily savage, but we're a pretty masochistic region (ask about Conga Line Freeze Tag). 
    • CTF: we like to run 5 lives with a 10 second respawn while touching the flag holder. It at least ensures that the round won't last indefinitely. We play this mainly at SENC wars.
    • Dwarves & Elves/Fellowship is a Wingman round we play at SENC wars; one teammate uses melee, and the other uses a Zing bow. Just a fun weapons variation.
    • Gunslinger, you (should) already know it. I enjoy playing it, but others down here aren't too hot on it, sadly.
    • Robot Mind Control: full rules explanation here. Admittedly, it can be rather one-sided fun for the Controllers, but it's still nonetheless an entertaining game type. I enjoy it, and I know others did as well.

All of the above rounds are in our "repertoire" of rounds we choose from, depending on the scenario. There's a few others that we've tried and abandoned, but I don't feel they're worth mentioning.

#349599 Who's still around from 2008/2009

Posted by flyingchicken on 23 November 2015 - 12:52 PM in Off Topic

Oh hi :)

#349438 Georgia War: C.O.S.T.C.O.H. II

Posted by flyingchicken on 04 November 2015 - 06:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Chicken’s Old School Testicular Carnival Of Horror II

The premier Southeast winter war is back - and more outdated than ever.
No hoppers. No melee. No mercy.

Date: Saturday, December 12th, 2015

Time: First round starts at 10:00 am. Be there by 9:30. We play until dusk.

Location: McCurry Park, Fayetteville, GA 30214

It’s a big park, and we’re only using a small part of it. Our staging area is a large pavilion with picnic tables.
The parking lot is right off of McElroy Road, as you can see in the picture:


What to bring:

1) BLASTERS: Bring at least one reliable PRIMARY, a springer PISTOL, and an AWFUL (if you wish to participate in Awfuls rounds).

- If you need a blaster, there will be plenty of loaners.

- Blaster restrictions: DO NOT bring anything crazy overpowered. No homemade airguns or singled Titans/Hydro Cannons/drain blasters. If I deem your blaster to be too powerful, I WILL ask you to put it down.

- Pistol restrictions: Pistols may not hold more than 6 shots, and may not shoot more than 70'. Rainbow Pistols are not pistols.
If you do not have an adequate pistol, one will be provided for you.

- Realistic blasters are dumb.

- Blaster hits DO NOT count, however this does not mean you can strap a large shield to your blaster.


2) DARTS: You may use stock micros, stefans, megas, discs, whatever. I recommend at least 200 darts per person.

- Dart restrictions: no darts with exposed metal. No darts heavier than a 3/0. All darts must have at least one inch of foam.

- Special disc rule: discs that bounce off of trees will still count as a hit.

If you don’t have darts to use, you are free to use darts from the Community Dart Bin. However, please pick them up with us and return them at the end of the war.


- LUNCH, I would NOT LIKE to see people running off for an hour-long lunch break. I personally think it is much more efficient to just bring one with you. Trust me, a turkey sandwich tastes just fine after you have been Nerfing for a few hours. You are free to do what you want though.
- WATER, hydration is important.
- EYE PROTECTION: PRESCRIPTION GLASSES DO NOT COUNT AS EYE PROTECTION. You must be wearing something that completely covers your eyes. I don’t care if you’re over 18 or not, YOU WILL BE WEARING THEM.
- Money/Blasters for trading. We like to do a lot of this down here, so bring what ya got.
- Intelligence, Don't be an idiot.
- A good attitude. Don’t be a crybaby.
- Please do not bring any open alcohol, illicit drugs, or real firearms to this event.
- We will be renting the pavilion for the day, so I would really appreciate if people brought a few dollars to contribute.



Freeze Tag: Kill Confirmed
Carpe Testiculum
Civil War
Speed Rounds

All gametype rules will be explained at the event.

Some rounds may also have prizes, so be sure to bring your A-game if you want to win some cool stuff wink.gif


Raffle! We will be having one as per the usual. Please try not to bring absolute garbage. We will be doing it as a picked first = gets to pick what they want.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook...45683082338165/


- flyingchicken

- Zaxbys
- Nerfomania

- Red

- Drac


- Scooba

- Mellow

- Margo

- TheNerfZilla + 1

- Like 20 more people on FB, holy crap


If you’re interested in coming to this event, we’d love to have you! Here’s the war video for last year’s COSTCOH:

Feel free to ask any questions!

#349437 GEORGIA WAR: Hell During Halloween

Posted by flyingchicken on 04 November 2015 - 06:15 PM in Nerf Wars

War was a success!

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+ Good amount of people, 14-20 throughout the day
+ Got a good amount of first-timers as well as familiar faces
+ Costumes! Cape hits suck.
+ Playing as the Phantom of the Opera was fun, and I got great rates on my auto insurance!
+ All my blasters holding up; my Crossbow and my Arrowstorm performing well
+ Team Jew crushing the wingman round we played in.
+ Singled, plugged Big Blasts? We got those.
+ The incredibly self-indulgent Vets vs "Noobs" rounds. 3 vets vs 9-13 "noobs" (with a vet leader the second round). Both were a total slaughter.
+ NoM loaning me his lovely +bow, I guess I need a hoppered homemade in my life.
+ Freeze Tag. Kill Confirmed is just so much fun.
+ Playing Robot Mind Control again.
+ Didn't reserve the pavilion, but we lucked out and got to use it the whole day.

+/- Got shot in the mouth by a singled Longshot

- Brought the supplies for Carpe YET AGAIN, but we still didn't get to play it
- Got shot by a singled Longshot

Photo album: https://www.facebook...13837359&type=1

...no one will read this, lol. I miss recaps.

#349333 GEORGIA WAR: Hell During Halloween

Posted by flyingchicken on 27 October 2015 - 10:29 AM in Nerf Wars

First post updated with attendance and Halloween costumes! Looks like we'll be getting a good crowd this weekend!

#348784 GEORGIA WAR: Hell During Halloween

Posted by flyingchicken on 19 September 2015 - 08:12 AM in Nerf Wars

Wish I could come, but probably won't work out. Do you happen to know if COSTCOH is going to be on the same weekend as last year, (i.e. Dec. 12th)? If so, I will almost certainly be there and will make plans now.

Yup! COSTCOH 2 will be December 12th. I was gonna make a war thread for that soon, so people can start planning way ahead.

#348734 GEORGIA WAR: Hell During Halloween

Posted by flyingchicken on 13 September 2015 - 06:51 PM in Nerf Wars

Looking for a more laid-back Southeast NIC war before COSTCOH? Look no further.

Also, it's Halloween, so DRESS UP!

Date: Saturday, October 31st, 2015

Time: First round starts at 10 am, so get there by 9:30. We play until ~6 or so.

Location: McCurry Park, Fayetteville, GA 30214

It’s a big park, and we’re only using a small part of it. The parking lot is right off of McElroy Road, as you can see in the picture. We will be using a large pavilion as our staging area.

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What to bring:

1) DARTS: We WILL NOT be renting our darts to ANYONE.

- Domes will be allowed, but slugs are always preferred.

- No deathdarts/tac darts/poorly made darts with exposed metal. Don’t be stupid.

- If you need to use stefans, you are free to borrow darts from the community dart bin, as long as you pick them up with us and return them.


2) BLASTERS: Bring at least one primary, a springer pistol, and an awful (shoots 15ft or less). Stuff breaks, so bring extras.

- Restrictions: no homemade air tanks/things that can actually be dangerous. The normal Southeast stuff will be allowed; plugged Big Blasts, SM5Ks, Rainbow pistols, etc. We may also do some REKT rounds as well, so bring your shitcannons out for those.

- Do NOT bring any all-black/realistic blasters. This is a public park; we don’t need the cops called on us.

- Melee is whatever. Use it if you want.

- Blaster hits DO NOT count; however, this does not mean you can strap a large shield to your blaster.


Other things to bring:
- Lunch: We would NOT LIKE to see people running off for a 45 minute lunch break. I personally think it is much more efficient to just bring one with you. Trust me, turkey sandwich tastes just fine after you have been Nerfing for a few hours. You are free to do what you want though.
- Water! Lots of water!
- Sunscreen (just in case)
- Eye protection: PRESCRIPTION GLASSES ARE NOT EYE PROTECTION; your eyes must be covered completely. It doesn’t matter if you’re over 18, YOU WILL BE WEARING EYE PROTECTION DURING ROUNDS.
- Money/blasters for barter: We like to do a lot of this down here, so bring what ya got.
- Intelligence: Don't be an idiot.
- A good attitude. If you act like a crybaby, we will escort you off the premises as a crybaby.
- Do not bring any open alcohol, illicit drugs, or real firearms to this event, or you will be kicked out. (Remember, public park.)
- As we will be renting the pavilion to use as a staging area, we would really appreciate if everyone chipped in a few dollars to help pay for it.


Whatever we want, who knows.
I can bring supplies for Carpe and Robot Mind Control if y’all want to do them.


Raffle! We will be having one as per the usual. Please try not to bring absolute garbage. We will be doing it as a picked first = gets to pick what they want.

Don't forget, it's Halloween, so wear a costume! We may also have a costume contest with prizes!

Facebook event: https://www.facebook...48251968726103/

- flyingchicken
- Nerfomania
- Red(omania?)
- ScoobaSteve
- Mellow
- Jake
- Harrison
- Daniel
- Aidan
- Charles
- Cameron
- Gus
- Lathen
- Kammy
- Jonathan
- Trisha
- Amy
- Tim

Feel free to ask any questions!

#348692 Air Max 1

Posted by flyingchicken on 09 September 2015 - 08:34 AM in Modifications

Very nice modification and write up. I always wrote off the Air Max 1s probably out of bitterness for the loss of the Panther; I just thought of them as easy to disassemble Hornet tanks.

I could be totally wrong, but I think you missed detailing a step: cutting a slot into the barrel itself for the dart. I've been wanting to do a rotating breech with brass for a while, but I never thought of using a screw to guide it.

I would also love more details about that lovely Sweet Revenge, if you don't mind.

#348469 Crossfire Bow + Blastzooka Integration

Posted by flyingchicken on 21 August 2015 - 09:01 AM in Modifications

This is really awesome! I especially like how you made such a versatile blaster with only one air tank rather than strapping a springer to the bottom of an airgun.
Do you have any problems with the lever slipping down from the top position and blocking airflow?

Sorry for the slow reply; thank you! The brass isn't totally polished, so it has enough friction to keep the lever from slipping. The only real problem is being mindful of not accidentally moving the lever with my non-firing hand.

#348323 Crossfire Bow + Blastzooka Integration

Posted by flyingchicken on 10 August 2015 - 07:26 PM in Modifications

Very nicely done. I was worried when I heard selectable fire, since I'm unsure if I ever really published mine. This is /WAY/ more space efficient. Mine uses a similar approach, but with a ball valve. Specifically developed for JWasko, if he ever gets his xbow off the ground.

Thanks Dom. I actually saw a system similar to this blaster while I was making it, but it used two big ball valves to direct air. I think this one has a bit more potential.

Awesome writeup! 2 in 1 function writeup is pretty cool. Have you thought about possibly using a roughcut AR system for a larger spread as a future project?

Thanks! Honestly, I don't think the Roughcut barrel system would be worth it because 1) even more dead space, and 2) twice as many darts to reload for the same shotgun effect. Also, Roughcuts are awesome by themselves.

Great mod and well done on the write up. Hows the air seal as a result of the secret shot-eque select barrel feature?

Thanks dude! The air seal with the brass is perfect, as the spacing between the holes prevents them from ever overlapping, or leaking elsewhere around the pipe. We all know how well two close sizes of brass seal with each other, which is the sole reason I was able to create this.
I didn't do a perfect job sealing the plunger tube around the brass and the tee, but it still works fine.

#348306 Crossfire Bow + Blastzooka Integration

Posted by flyingchicken on 09 August 2015 - 05:34 PM in Modifications

Excellent write up, to me. I think this is the best take on a two in one blaster, not bulky like most two in one projects. Was this used at apoc or did I miss it in use?

Thank you! Sadly, this blaster wasn't done, otherwise I would've taken it to APOC.

I saw you there, but I had no idea it was you! Wish we had gotten to chat.

#348304 2015 Mod Contest Submission Thread

Posted by flyingchicken on 09 August 2015 - 04:36 PM in Modifications

Squeaking in just before the deadline!

http://nerfhaven.com...showtopic=26283Crossfire Bow + Blastzooka Integration[/url]


#348303 Crossfire Bow + Blastzooka Integration

Posted by flyingchicken on 09 August 2015 - 04:32 PM in Modifications

This write-up is my submission to the 2015 NerfHaven mods contest.

I was very excited when this contest was first announced. I went out to my local stores and spent a good amount of time just standing in front of the Nerf aisle, brainstorming and conceptualizing. Out of the various ideas I came up with, I chose this one because I don't think I've ever seen something quite like it before.

The goal of this modification is to house a Buzz Bee Extreme Blastzooka (XBZ) in a Nerf Zombie Strike Crossfire Bow shell, with selectable firing between a 4-dart shotgun spread and an RSCB clip.

A rather lofty-sounding goal indeed, but pushing your boundaries is the best way to progress.


Start out with your Nerf Zombie Strike Crossfire Bow. A very fun blaster to play around with, but sadly inferior to most other newer blasters.

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Open it up. Internals shot:

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Nice and simple springer, but it won't stay that way for long.

Take out the following pieces: the plunger rod, the catch, and the priming handle. They are not necessary for this mod.

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That essentially just leaves you with the trigger and the barrels.

Now move on to your Blastzooka.

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Do yourself a favor and buy one. No, buy several. They're crazy awesome.

Open it up and take out the juicy bits.

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Now step away from your blasters for a moment. We're going to create what I think is the best part of this mod: the selectable firing system.

You need 2 sizes of brass cut into 3 different pieces:
- 3" of 1/2" brass
- .75" of 17/32" brass
- 1.5" of 17/32" brass

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Take your 3" length of 1/2" brass and drill two small holes at .5" and 1" away from one of the ends. Make sure they line up straight.

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Now you need to seal off the end closest to the holes. I used Goop and hot glue; make sure it doesn't block the hole nearest to the end!

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Now take your 1.5" piece of 17/32" brass and drill two more holes at the same distances, this time perpendicular, so that the hole at .5" is on the side, and the hole at 1" is on the top, like so:

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Laying out the pieces, this is how they will fit together:

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The outer holes in the 1.5" 17/32" piece will direct where the air flows, simply by turning the piece of 1/2" brass.

Side hole exit:

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Top hole exit:

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The side hole will direct airflow to the 4 barrels in the front, while the top hole will direct airflow to the RSCB we'll be adding.

Now we make the connection point for the RSCB. Take a small piece (~.75" or so) of 1/2" CPVC, dremel it so it fits around the brass, then glue it in place like so:

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Make sure the connection is airtight!

Downward view:

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Back to your XBZ! Chop off most of the barrel, so that there's just a little stub left.

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Wrap your .75" piece of 17/32" brass in a little bit of electrical tape, then Goop it into the XBZ barrel stub.

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The combined assembly so far:

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Now take a 1/2" CPVC tee and throw it on there. It should be very nearly flush with the brass, if not totally flush. Make sure it's straight!

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We finally return to our Crossfire!

Drill out those smart ARs. We don't need no education!

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On the lower barrels, make sure to clear them out enough to see that little plus shape in the back.

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By clearing out the air restrictors, we're essentially creating a 4-dart shotgun effect instead of the normal one dart per shot deal.

Moving on to the plunger tube: mark 1 inch from the end, then cut that piece off.

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Now take your dremel and carve out a little scoop, so that the tee can fit inside, like so:

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Now we have to seal the gap around the tee and brass. Seal up the plunger tube JUST up to the edge of the 17/32".

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Make sure the piece of 1/2" brass can be moved and taken out smoothly.

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Once you glue that tee in airtight, it's not going anywhere, so I took the opportunity to choose my barrel (6" of clear CPVC) and align it with the other 4:

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Now we get to the fun part.

Shell carving.

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The blast button ended up being very well-placed; just cut up the trigger a bit. Make sure the part that comes in contact with the button is slanted, so the button doesn't get caught on it.

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Almost done!

Now we need to attach the selecting arm to the 1/2" brass. Grab a little bit of CPVC (2.5" or so) and carve it to fit the brass.

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You'll have to cut a big slot in the shell. Don't make it clean.

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In this picture, you can see the lines I marked that showed me when the holes lined up:

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At first, I just used a zip tie and superglue to secure the arm, but that didn't hold up. Smother that shit in JB Weld.

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Finished internals! I decided to glue the tank down to prevent it from spinning.

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I used some copper piping for the RSCB clip (holds 3 Elite darts), and added the stock priming handle to the lever for some extra flair.

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As you can tell, the XBZ tank may be a bit too wide for the shell...

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Anyone who's modded a Blastzooka knows how much power they put out, even with the tiny release holes in this mod.

I chose to leave the pump unplugged, so I can pump until the OPRV kicks in (10 pumps or so).

To select the RSCB clip, flip the lever into the upwards position. To use the 4 dart shotgun spread, flip the lever down. It's got a cool Secret Shot 1 kinda vibe.

When they fly straight, Elite darts out of the RSCB will go over 80' flat.
The 4 dart shotgun blast goes... significantly less, probably around 25', but with a great spread. At close range, I don't see it being avoidable.

This blaster is compatible with stefans as well, but I made it primarily with stock darts in mind.

A firing demonstration of this blaster can be found here:


Closing thoughts:

- I originally intended for the smart AR system to keep its function, but as it turns out, smart AR systems and air tanks don't go well together. One pump would only send a dart 20 feet or so. Any more than one pump would launch multiple darts. I guess it really only works with springers.

- Since I built the selectable barrel system with the above in mind, there is still dead space to be cut down. The air release holes could also be widened as well. The tank would have to move up, requiring a less convenient trigger arrangement, but it can work.

- It's hard to tell in the video, but the bottom dart tends to plop out shorter than the others. In the future, I'll probably end up plugging that fourth barrel, so that the air is better spent on launching the other 3 darts farther.

I plan to put this thing through its paces next Saturday at our local SAMBO/superstock war.

All in all, I'm just happy it works.
Questions and comments are welcome.

Thanks for reading!

#348229 Apocalypse 2015 - Recapping on page 5

Posted by flyingchicken on 05 August 2015 - 01:19 AM in Nerf Wars

To say my APOC experience was great would be an understatement. I've been dreaming about going to this war for nearly 7 years, and fulfilling that dream was nothing short of incredible.

I could never have done it without my friends: NoM, Drac, EOC, Draculina, and Red. You know you've got a great group of friends when you can road trip from Georgia to New Jersey and back, and love almost every minute of it. Thank you.

And now, my highlights from APOC 2015:

+ Rolling up to the parking lot and literally jumping around out of excitement. We were up late marking darts, and our motel was 45 minutes away, so we got there later than I would've liked, but fortunately for us the war started a bit slow.

+ Meeting and Nerfing with so many awesome people that I had only heard about and interacted with online: Gears (instant BFFs), DX, JLego, Langley, Ted, Miguel (super fast friends), Lucian, tomorrowsDarkness (finally!), Nick, Dan, Chris, Xellah, hoongfu, randomshadow, Corbett, joedimarco, Koree, Zorn, Shoopy, Gates... I'm so sorry that I can't remember everyone's names, but if I talked to you at all, just know that I loved every second.
+ Meeting, and more importantly, shooting Van James.

+ Seeing Vlad and Groove again.

+ Introducing myself as "the dickhead who runs Nerf Modders Welcome"

+ My aim wasn't quite consistent, but man my dodging was on point all day.

+ Super satisfying, high-level play with Gears and DX, among others.

+ Using my primary Crossbow, Chickenbow Rev. 3. Lots of kills, lots of compliments, and any malfunction was repaired between rounds. Still totally in love with it.
+ Using my backup Crossbow during various speed rounds and deathmatches. It didn't break when I expected it to, and shot even better than my primary one.
+ Used my Arrowstorm surprisingly just as much as my Crossbows. It held up so well, performed admirably, and even got some favorable comments.

+ The speed rounds may have been the most fun I had all day. Langley did a great job at organizing them on the spot and running them efficiently.
+ Teaming up with Gears and Ted during the aforementioned speed rounds, and being one of the only 2(?) teams to go undefeated.

+ After the speed rounds, a low-key 5v5 2-life round with Miguel, Roboman, Nick, Lucian, and others that was incredibly fun.

+ Van throwing an Elite dart and hitting me. Hilarious, but absolutely didn't count ;P

+ Actually getting the opportunity to run 3 rounds. At APOC!
+ The Freeze Tag: Kill Confirmed rounds being well-recieved.
+ Finishing our 3 rounds just as the superstock group started its last one, and being able to film that entire round.

+ Having around 3000 of some of the best darts on the field at our disposal, thanks to Red, our amazing dart smith.

+ Gorgeous weather all day.

+ Miguel, Lucian, and the silly string incident

+ Leaving the war feeling like I had proven myself.

+/- Missing out on Carpe to play Gunslinger and TDM

+/- Staying super late to pick up darts. We ended up getting at least 70% of our darts back, but I didn't get to say goodbye to everyone

- No pistol rounds

- No Civil War (North vs South) or duels

- Not as many rounds or as high attendance as I had hoped for


Brunch with Groove and Zaxbys, downtown shenanigans, and exploring the Jersey shore with the SE crew.

All in all, easily one of my favorite wars I've ever attended. Thank you so much to Langley for putting in the work and running the war.

I don't think I could have asked for a better weekend, nor a better group of people to spend it with.
It's safe to say the Southeast definitely brought the heat; hopefully we will do so again next year.

I have a good amount of 3rd-person footage, as well as some sweet GoPro footage from Drac and EOC. I'm making a war video; if anyone else has footage they'd like to share, please feel free to contact me! I'd love to have as much to work with as possible.

Deadshooter711, thank you for those awesome pics! I remember talking to you while we were documenting the rounds; I had no idea you had an account.
Looking forward to seeing Zorn's as well.

(Will edit in more highlights as I remember them)

...I'm still so happy! :D

#347933 NoMNE 5.0

Posted by flyingchicken on 19 July 2015 - 09:20 PM in Nerf Wars

Yesterday was, far and away, the largest NIC war the Southeast has ever seen. At one point, we had 40 players all on the field at once. I think it absolutely deserves a recap.

+ So many awesome new people that showed up; Steve and his son, Cameron, Tamera, Scott and his family... I'm sorry I don't remember everyone, but thank you!
+ My 24th NIC war, the biggest war the SE NIC has had, and the biggest war I have ever been to thus far.
+ NoM bringing 6 of his own mobstacles, giving us a total of 11 barriers that broke up the field very well.
+ Red making a stupid amount of high-quality slugs for her friends. Thank you as always <3
+ NoM and Red donating our old darts to the loaner bin, and Troy making several hundred domes just for loaners. Thank you.
+ An incredible maze of shade; there had to be at least 9 tents set up.
+ Feeling so comfortable playing with my Crossbow. Got lots of hits, and compliments on its looks and performance.
+ Having lots of fun with my beloved (and now-functional) Arrowstorm.
+ Our normally massive field felt so small with this large of a crowd, making for some very frantic yet enjoyable FFA rounds.
+ Zax showing up before lunch, and using a hopper. lolwut
+ Chenanio
+ Paul
+ Aidan
+ Playing an awesome new variation of Freeze Tag that was super fun, intense, and fast-paced.
+ Tagging out quite a few people during said Freeze Tag rounds.
+ Drac impressively holding down his position from a 3-man rush, including shooting me at point blank... multiple times, actually. Hopefully that made for some sweet GoPro footage.
+ Having a total of 19 specially-named loaner Nitefinders to hand out to people, and people laughing when I read the names aloud.
+ Potshotting with pistols.
+ That last 3-man team pistol round; Nathan exhibited some truly veteran-level 3 vs 1 play. He runs right up to me and shoots me, evades all four of Zaxbys' shots and shoots him, then dodges Chenanio's shots and barrel taps him, only to surrender to Chenanio's last life out of exhaustion. Very well played my friend.
+ Being eliminated in the 3 Wildcard round almost immediately, but getting an excuse to take pictures.
+ Selling, trading, and raffling enough stuff to walk away with some awesome new things at no cost.
+ Getting to handle a Thunderblast in person, can't wait to get my own.
+ So many cookies.
+ Retiring my Chicken war shirt of nearly 5 years.
+ Bullshitting during and after dinner for several hours.

+/- Focusing on helping to run a war with so many people, I felt like I didn't get to interact with and talk to people individually as usual.
+/- Being somewhat flustered by the unexpectedly massive amount of attendees.
+/- Running out of loaners.

- - - - - My Crossbow broke :(
- The brutal Georgia heat and humidity.
- Was told of less-than-stellar sportsmanship by our younger attendees.
- Had my Crossbow disassembled in an attempt to repair it; someone moved the shell and all the screws disappeared into the grass.

Of course, the pros always outweigh the cons. Our wars are always great, and I feel so lucky to be a part of one of the best Nerf communities in the world.

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Full album of pictures here: https://www.facebook...33126704&type=1

Viva la Southeast Nerf!