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There have been 196 items by Applefury (Search limited from 13-May 97)

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#259735 Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays!

Posted by Applefury on 25 December 2009 - 10:36 AM in Off Topic

It's not Christmas in Canada, ours is the 28th. But Merry Christmas anyways.

#250873 Extreme Wars

Posted by Applefury on 19 September 2009 - 05:12 PM in Nerf Wars

I don't understand why powerful weaponry isn't allowed at nerfing events. It's just foam, not like paintballs(I know some of you play) that make you bleed.

'Cause it's kinda lame taking shots at each other from 150ft away where no one actually wants to shoot 'cause they know if they do it will take them forever to reload.

#249569 North York Canada War September 5th

Posted by Applefury on 04 September 2009 - 02:59 PM in Nerf Wars

I have a new meeting place.
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#248984 Scano 3

Posted by Applefury on 29 August 2009 - 08:23 AM in Nerf Wars

I will be there barring unseen events.

#248695 North York Canada War September 5th

Posted by Applefury on 26 August 2009 - 04:45 PM in Nerf Wars

Sorry everyone about the Bi-Polar Location Changes but I have found what I think is a prime location.
Here is a picture of parking and where to meet me. The Picture is slightly big though.
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#248587 North York Canada War September 5th

Posted by Applefury on 25 August 2009 - 08:55 PM in Nerf Wars

Thanks Dude13. I should have provided the link before. I guess the one at Mt. Pleasant is the first one that shows up.

#248568 North York Canada War September 5th

Posted by Applefury on 25 August 2009 - 08:01 PM in Nerf Wars

The new location is Moore Park!

#248257 North York Canada War September 5th

Posted by Applefury on 23 August 2009 - 06:57 AM in Nerf Wars

Okay everyone, 2 weeks from the war. Now is a good time to start making darts if you haven't already. I am excited to try out this new location, I thought this would be a good time because Goulding is a really busy place on Saturdays when the pool is open and the pool is now open. Keep your weaponry in tip top shape ( This means that dumpster cannot touch your guns. )

#248192 District 9

Posted by Applefury on 22 August 2009 - 08:19 PM in Off Topic

I just saw District 9 with my friend and I thought it was really quite good. Strange how it is rated R in the U.S. but up here in Ontario, Canada it is 14a. It seems that everyone in the movie uses the word fook, what does fook mean?

Edit: I know what they were saying, I was being sarcastic.

#247217 North York Canada War September 5th

Posted by Applefury on 16 August 2009 - 06:33 AM in Nerf Wars

I am back from camp. SCANO 2 has happened so I think it is a good time to ask if anyone else can confirm their attendance to this war.

#245916 Good Things Happen When You Go To Church...

Posted by Applefury on 06 August 2009 - 11:18 PM in General Nerf

This "little kids" you are talking about are high school and college kids... I should have made that more clear. The church basement is pretty sick though, I'll try to send you guys some pics if I can.

Sorry I misunderstood. My apologies, how large of an area are we talking about here?

#245868 Good Things Happen When You Go To Church...

Posted by Applefury on 06 August 2009 - 08:39 PM in General Nerf

This is retarded, it is a bunch of church going little kids. Don't even mod them. If you mod it I bet that at least one kid will end up crying. Did you plan for eye protection for the kids? If not then please do not mod the guns and look into getting eye protection because even stock darts can hurt.

#245008 Scano 2. Now At Oakridge Jr. P.s.

Posted by Applefury on 01 August 2009 - 02:02 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey guys, thats the day before I get back from the Military, I would be in if it's gets moved to the weekend after.

So would I, but I would be late. At around 1 o'clock

#244987 North York Canada War September 5th

Posted by Applefury on 01 August 2009 - 10:26 AM in Nerf Wars

I found a new location. Here is a Google Maps Image.

You would get off the TTC at Hilda and Steeles, Take Hilda up to Pinewood, Turn left on Pinewood and take that to the park.

I like this location, it offers a variety of different things. Its nice and hilly, there is a playground as well. Alongside some nice trees.

The bathroom is a port a potty, as there is one on site.


#244692 North York Canada War September 5th

Posted by Applefury on 30 July 2009 - 10:35 AM in Nerf Wars

October 5th wouldn't be a good idea. I am some other nerfers are starting our first year in highschool and it may be hard to make that one.

You do High School on a Saturday?
I only suggested September 5th because MSDFS cannot make it to any wars in August after Scano 2.

#244689 North York Canada War September 5th

Posted by Applefury on 30 July 2009 - 10:15 AM in Nerf Wars

The two dates to choose from at this moment are August 29th and September 5th. This would give enough time in between Scano 2 and when Hell is usually held.

#244521 North York Canada War September 5th

Posted by Applefury on 29 July 2009 - 12:02 PM in Nerf Wars

Does your football team have practises or games on saturdays?

#244309 North York Canada War September 5th

Posted by Applefury on 28 July 2009 - 09:30 AM in Nerf Wars

-Where: G Ross Lord Park
-When: September 5
-How long: 10:00AM-5:30PM
-Purpose: Just have fun with the warm weather. I know I like to nerf as much as I can.

Bathroom note: Port a Potty

Safety Rules:
Eye protection for under 18. Dress appropriately for the weather.

Banned guns:
No Titans, No Homemade air guns No plugged BBBB ( Be nice if you have one unplugged, don't aim for the face.)
Titans will only be allowed if it is a 4 shot spread.

Games: wont go into details here but we will play most common games, ex: Team DM, CTF, Defend the core ,Guardian. We will mix it up!

Definites: (15)
Dude13 +2
Tank Rat

Maybes: (6)
Applefury's Guest (90%)
Glint (90%)
Weirdo's Guest

#243629 Guess The Amount.

Posted by Applefury on 24 July 2009 - 04:41 PM in Off Topic

234.45 CAD

#243274 Scano 2. Now At Oakridge Jr. P.s.

Posted by Applefury on 23 July 2009 - 07:27 AM in Nerf Wars

I live about 45min-1 hour away from them so they aren't really " In my Area". Noone else I know of lives close to me.

#243187 Scano 2. Now At Oakridge Jr. P.s.

Posted by Applefury on 22 July 2009 - 03:13 PM in Nerf Wars

Just letting everyone know that I will definetly be not in attendance as I will be in Northern Ontario at camp.

#242099 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 15 July 2009 - 04:32 PM in Nerf Wars

Really good pics, it seems in every picture I've ever seen of me shooting has me with my mouth open. I guess it helps me to focus.

#241672 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 12 July 2009 - 09:26 PM in Nerf Wars

+ Pumping my 1500 so angrily that the pump broke.

Haha, you were so pissed when Angel and I jumped out the bushes and shot you...
Yet you somehow managed to break my 1500 again too...seems I should never let you use it last round of the day again. :(

#241519 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 11 July 2009 - 08:10 PM in Nerf Wars

I think you missed some zombies, Team DeathMatch, headhunters, some dodging contests. Some really good rounds.

#241497 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 11 July 2009 - 07:02 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey Hardshot i think I have your NF, I found it in the bushes at the end of the war. 3/4in cpvc with nested petg.

-Seeing everyone again and meeting some new people.
- FA_24 and I popping out of some bushes in wingman and scaring the shit out of Dumpster and Hammerfist in the process, I also shot dumpster.
-Rockin my 1500 and getting some pretty good hits with it.
-Sweet dodging challenges at the end of the war.
-Shooting chicken out of the Mongo Titan.
-Fucking awesome wingman games! The end result was a battle cry from me after taking down FA_24 and Hammerfist alone.
-Shooting weirdo with my eyes closed while rushing him.
-New guys doing very well. Being pretty ballsy too.
-Inventing a new VERY SCARY game, HeadHunters....Honestly fuck that.
-Winning zombies
-In zombies Dude13 getting a pretty cool pot shot on Hammerfist's foot.
-Moving barricades
-Deaddumpster pushing his 1500 to 5 pumps through the war, and then 6 towards the end. No wonder it got really awesome ranges.

More When I remember.

#241343 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 10 July 2009 - 08:00 PM in Nerf Wars

Sweet Glint is coming too?

#241160 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 09 July 2009 - 08:06 PM in Nerf Wars

Damn, of all the things to happen he has to dislocate his shoulder before the war.
I hear that is painful.

#240985 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 09 July 2009 - 08:59 AM in Nerf Wars

Attendance is looking good, I'm going to keep my camera in my pocket at all times to have it ready to film.
I can't wait, the open field is going to be turned into a great battleground. The trees have leaves, and everything is just looking more dense than it was before. There is also some park benches out ( the ones you eat on. ). There is no City Workers to stop us so I might just flip those over for some cover too. Or We can put guns on them.

Directions: Go west on Goulding Avenue off of Yonge to reach the Goulding Community Centre.

Taking the TTC? Get off at Finch station. Take the Steeles West bus (#60) or Steeles East bus (#53) north to Goulding Avenue. Then walk west along Goulding Avenue to the community centre.

By car: from Highway 401, exit at Yonge and go north past Sheppard and past Finch. Turn left at Goulding Avenue and drive west to the community centre. There is free parking available at the community centre.

I hope those are correct.
I reccomend getting your own directions at mapquest.ca

If you need to use the bathroom, unfortunately the community center is closed, however approximately .17 miles away and 80 seconds away by car is a pizza pizza. I've been there, the bathrooms are nice.

I found this in my massacre folder.
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It actually happened.

#240901 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 08 July 2009 - 09:16 PM in Nerf Wars

Okay then the war is FOR SURE on Saturday still.

#240889 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 08 July 2009 - 08:10 PM in Nerf Wars

Now I'm pissed, it seems that it will be raining on Saturday and honestly....it's really annoying on how it keeps raining on our Nerf Wars. Christ, but once again Sunday is having perfect sunny weather. Who the fuck likes Sunday? Whatever, we will nerf through it.

Who the fuck cares? It's water, what will it do?

It makes my socks wet and feet itchy.

I am good for either day.
As long as I get to shoot Dumpster, I am there.

Amen to that.
However, if noone is opposed to Sunday I have no problem with that day either.
Dude13, if you can't make it then email me at Nathan.officer@yahoo.com

#240876 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 08 July 2009 - 06:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Now I'm pissed, it seems that it will be raining on Saturday and honestly....it's really annoying on how it keeps raining on our Nerf Wars. Christ, but once again Sunday is having perfect sunny weather. Who the fuck likes Sunday? Whatever, we will nerf through it.

#240604 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 07 July 2009 - 09:30 AM in Nerf Wars

So, I am sad to inform that I wont be able to make it up this Saturday. I just have way too much going on right now to drive 6 hrs up and back (and since I couldn't find anyone that has a passport I would have had to travel alone). The major reason for my decision not to come was that I found I have to work on Saturday..Effeminate fail. I hope you all have a great time! I promise that I will make it to the next war that is being hosted in Canada, no matter what!

Get some Effeminate kills for me!

That's too bad, you will be missed.

#240376 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 06 July 2009 - 08:01 AM in Nerf Wars

It's the same location just I am hanging tarps and such across the space that is more open to create more cover.

The park is in the back of goulding. ( On the opposite side of the building where the parking lot is. )
The water fountain is on now! ( Drinks mid game )

BTW, DQ/legacy...Are you coming?

#240337 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 05 July 2009 - 08:51 PM in Nerf Wars

I am also 14 (posting as reassurance for hardshot). I will bring 4 tarps each of which are 4 feet by 6 feet.

Awesome, I have 6 tarps of the same size. I also bought 328ft of all purpose rope. I plan to string 3 ropes across the field and then hang tarps in strategic positions. This will give us a really versatile playing area.

#240271 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 05 July 2009 - 11:29 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll explain games as the day goes on. And no I'm 14.
I can tell that you are excited, I was too at my first war.
I'm heading out to get extra tarps and twine from the dollar store today, then I'm going to the park to check out good placement spots for cover.

#239881 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 02 July 2009 - 08:06 PM in Nerf Wars

A week two days from the war, just bumping to see if there is any more interest.
Also, because of the stupid city workers strike the bathrooms very well might be closed if it is still going on.

#239441 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 30 June 2009 - 03:59 PM in Nerf Wars

If anyone has any Modded Longshot clips lying around that I could buy that would be great.

#239174 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 29 June 2009 - 06:47 AM in Nerf Wars

The date is going to be the 11th, this is because out of the people that are preferring one date over another, more are leaning towards that one.

#238911 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 27 June 2009 - 05:46 PM in Nerf Wars

I am scouting for a new and better location all the time. However, If anything I can drape tarps from the trees to provide more cover.

Right now, the date is looking more like it will be the 11th.

#237845 North York Canada War July 11th Recap

Posted by Applefury on 21 June 2009 - 06:34 PM in Nerf Wars

Yes, i am currently looking into other venues because of this reason. Goulding is a fall back location.