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#58844 Nerfers Nerfing Disease

Posted by The Large Moose on 07 July 2005 - 07:45 PM in Off Topic

Yeah, I have almost finished completing my computer, it has a P4 3.4, I am still waiting for my RAM (1GB) to come in the mail, and its finished. I will hook it up, and try this out.

#48626 Maveric Rev-6 Mod

Posted by The Large Moose on 03 March 2005 - 08:45 PM in Modifications

well who said i didn't do the nf plunger?!?

Dude, many NF's don't even get that range! And they have a good seal! My NF may get around 70 on a good day, and thats one out of 20 shots. Seriosuly. I doubt a Mav, with the seal and weak tube, can get more than 60'. If it was angled, I understand, but with the way you are putting it, I think you are exageratting.

Lieing on the internet is stupid, its not like they are ever going to your house to see if your gun fires that far...

or maybe they will....we have some weird people here.

#40797 The General, General, New Player Guide

Posted by The Large Moose on 04 November 2004 - 07:07 PM in General Nerf

Bravo, *claps*. Someone should sticky this.

#52602 The Ultimate Nite Finder

Posted by The Large Moose on 15 April 2005 - 10:01 PM in Modifications

I dont get it..... everytime I click on one of ur links it just sends me to a random site.


You need to shut your firewall off to see pics sometimes. At least thats what my problem was.

I was getting sent to the Reagan memorial site and an airforce recruitment site. :D

moose-this is a month old, but I guess since you had to add something, you are fine.

#52540 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by The Large Moose on 14 April 2005 - 09:05 PM in General Nerf

You know, I think it'd be great if they re-released the SM1500.

Although they re-released it several times already, it has essentially been replaced by the AT2k, the AT2k gets same ranges, on same pumps, if not less, and is smaller. I don't thnk they would re-release it, but who knows? A rereleased Ballzooka would rule.

#51266 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by The Large Moose on 01 April 2005 - 02:28 PM in General Nerf

Posted Image

I'm sorry guys but this gun looked really familiar when I saw it. Then I realized I'd seen something very like it in a preview for the game Pariah.

Posted Image

There is a surpirsing relevance between the two. Ohh, and Pariah will be GotY. Either that or UC2. Possibly even GTA:SA for Xbox.

#50625 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by The Large Moose on 26 March 2005 - 02:55 PM in General Nerf

Ohh, please, please let it be the Gator! I have un-controllable love for it, and what a joy it would be for them to rerelease it!!!!! ::sarcasm::

Anyway, any airjet gun (PC, SF, WF) or something of the like would be nice. But with Talio saying we will all be shocked? It must be something great, if HE thinks its great. Hopefully fall 05 comes soon. I would cry if it was a LnL, BBB, or A-storm, because it would ruin the old school feel. No offense, but all the new nerfers will just ahve those, and they will be as the old school ones. I like the fact that if you want a better, older gun, you have to search, and pay good money, but now everyone will have a LnL, and BBB, and then it will feel like noone does. I mean, you will still know which is the older one (the new ones would prob. have a new color scheme) but still....it would ruin the pimp factors of these old-skool hipsters.

#41386 N-strike Maverick

Posted by The Large Moose on 10 November 2004 - 10:12 PM in General Nerf

This looks like it would be difficult to mod. Sure you could put PVC/CPVC/Brass etc. on the front, but the dart going from revolver 2 barrel would be catastrophic, huge, lose of range. I don't see any other way of modding, other than cutting off the front, and having the revolver completely visible, and attach 6 barrels to that itself.

#41232 N-strike Maverick

Posted by The Large Moose on 09 November 2004 - 05:09 PM in General Nerf

I am guessing you would have to turn it manually, since that little grey peice that the revolver's clips resides on (we'll call it the rotator). The rotator doesn't seem that sturdy enough to turn the clip automatically, so I am assuming its manuel. I could be wrong though. The clip probably isn't initially removable; but that hasn't stopped us in the past :rolleyes:

#41221 N-strike Maverick

Posted by The Large Moose on 09 November 2004 - 04:36 PM in General Nerf

I hope this thing gets good or relatively good ranges, cuz I am sure to buy 2, whether or not they are good, they look awesome! I love a good ROF pistol! And seeing as I just got a revolver airsoft gun, I might have to go John Wayne on all yall. :) These guns along with the Nite Finders, and the N-Strike set are showing that nerf is coming back huge!!

I would think that these crossbows are from long ago, lost in the back but who knows, when I get mine, I will check the dates and what not on the box. Also, a rerelease of the Powerclip would be great! Seeing as my old one was broken down and used as spare parts.

Love the new paint job aswell.

I also noticed the rail on the top, but I bet everyone saw that first anyway ;)

Grr, me and my editing, anyway, If you guys see the little grey thing attached to the rotater, it looks as if it would swivel out like the reall revolver, so that is how you load it. Awesome, I bet people will make interchangeable clips for them now!!!

#41224 N-strike Maverick

Posted by The Large Moose on 09 November 2004 - 04:43 PM in General Nerf

It looks pretty cool...

QUOTE (Airsoft999 @ Nov 9 2004, 01:31 PM)
8 barrels

Six, I believe.

I think its eight actually

I just hope the ranges are good for this gun... Anyway good job

Since its name is the Maverick REV-6, I would assume it has 6 barrels, or wouldn't it be called the REV-8? Plus its a revolver, and I beileve all revolvers to date have 6 barrels.

It seems logical, since the Hornet was named the AS-6, and it had 6 barrels, the RF20 had 20 barrels etc.

#41227 N-strike Maverick

Posted by The Large Moose on 09 November 2004 - 04:56 PM in General Nerf

Ahh, well anyway, as you can see, in the first photo, 3 barrels, including the one in the firing position, on the other side, there are 3, and it doesn't look like there could be one hiding under the bottom part, unless its just sneaky like that.

#79229 Nerf Grenade

Posted by The Large Moose on 08 April 2006 - 10:30 PM in Homemades

The reason there is no true fool-proof Nerf grenade is because its incredibly hard, if not impossible.

Nerf utilizes air technology to fire it's projectiles, while real weapons use combustion/explosive means to propel its projectiles.

Real hand grenades use this same process to expel shrapnel everywhere. It would be difficult to do with air as you need a time release function, and other measures that would be difficult to put into a small enough container and still prove effective.

Plus the fact to make it fool proof makes it seem more difficult. Hell, real grenades (not as much now-a-days), aren't fool proof, and may explode prematurely, or not at all.

#79221 Nerf Grenade

Posted by The Large Moose on 08 April 2006 - 10:20 PM in Homemades

Heres the simple alternative to a grenade:

Step 1: Rush your friend and shoot him in the face. Don't be a pansy about it.

There you go!

EDIT: To make my post semi-important; search. There are plenty of Nerf Grenades/Failed Idea posts around here thats bound to give you ideas. Don't always come to the forum asking for others to do it for you. Make sure all your options of doing it yourself are depleted.

#94848 I Have A Nerf Gun That Shoots Almost 400'

Posted by The Large Moose on 19 November 2006 - 10:13 PM in General Nerf

Elf AVec and maverickxx you both piss me off.

Echo I'll makke you a deal over PMs.

Another thing to add, did anyone else realize how accurate the dart was?

Funny, hhuh?

While traveling 400 feet it lands in the same path as shot.

I can make a video like this saying my NF shoots 400 feet.

Like OMC says you can robably make a 20 foot airtank and have the thing shoot 1000' but it doesn't matter.

If it wasn't windy as stated in the first place the velocity would make the dart very accurate. It wasn't RIGHT where the gun shot either, it was a few feet to the right, but a properly weighted dart and a heavily pumped airtank could create such a result. Why are you being such an ass about it, after he posted a video about it to prove himself.

If he edited it who the fuck cares. Just ignore it, but don't be an immature asscactus about it and start posting up a storm about how he's a liar and other crap because you made him a bet and he puts out "proof" that he wins. Hell, take it to PM's if you must, but posting such comments makes you look like an immature child that doesn't know when he's lost the fight. If theres one thing I come out of this thread knowing, it's that you made yourself look like a dumbass.

I'm sorry to flame. I rarely do. Hell, I rarely post on this forum, I just needed to let this out; because I seriously need to go take a raincheck after reading a few of these posts.

That is all.


#51429 Code Of Conduct

Posted by The Large Moose on 02 April 2005 - 10:53 PM in Site Feedback

In Kingdom of Loathing, to use the chat you have to pass a test that the Ghost of English Literature gives you. It has a sentance that you have to type in, word for word, and you can't copy and paste the line. Trust me, I tried.

Then he makes you answer a trivia question, about what color George Washington's white horse was. We could probably make one to fit Nerf.

But, like Vintage said, what would we do without the silly n00blet threads?

Heh, you play KoL too? My name is The Large Moose. I am a rare item extroainare. Look me up sometime.

EDIT: Just read the date from before, sorry to continue it.

#52002 Armageddon 2005

Posted by The Large Moose on 08 April 2005 - 08:02 PM in Nerf Wars

I am working for my uncle in SoCal between May and June, so I have to see where exactly and what exact dates, I might be able to come, but I will have to see.

#91027 Looking For A Complete Checklist

Posted by The Large Moose on 01 October 2006 - 10:01 PM in General Nerf

Dang, I have one of those Blue Ball Launcher gun things from Lanard. Two of them actually. I'll try to see if they have a name. I might have the packaging that they came in.

#48880 If You Could Ask Hasrbo

Posted by The Large Moose on 06 March 2005 - 11:25 AM in General Nerf

1. How long do you think the nerf brand line will continue? Due to the fact that there was a large gap between guns, do you think the nerf community is growing or shrinking?

2. What do you plan for the next release of guns? Would it be possbile to make multiple clips, or ejectable shells, to make guns more semi-automatic? But with the possibly to use at longer ranges?

3. Are their any "grenade" type products planned to be released? such as a small nerf bomb, that pops open and lets small nerf particles fly everywhere. Something that can be reuseable.

#49626 If You Could Ask Hasrbo

Posted by The Large Moose on 14 March 2005 - 08:07 PM in General Nerf

How difficult would it be to design a gun that, can use self priming, such as an internal pump?

What type of plastic do you use for your guns?

How are the darts made that you create?

Is there any interest of you provoking the "modding" community? i.e. guns that can use differant parts/upgrades.

Any developments for spring-powered or alternativly powered rifles? i.e. motor.

Where do you come up with your ideas for future guns?

(as stated before)
Do you play with your own nerf guns?

(as stated before)
Do you consider Lanard or Buzz Bee Toys a threat?

Any designs for a clip or shell designated gun?

Any interest in any more fully automatic guns such as the rapidfire and wildfire? Do you still have the patent for them?

last of all....

Any type of reuseable "nerf grenade" in production, or in future production?

#49533 I Just Wet Myself

Posted by The Large Moose on 13 March 2005 - 06:41 PM in General Nerf

Argh, I just had a heart attack. My K-mart is remodling to become: Sears Essentials. Sears and Kmart are merging! And from the looks of it, not many more toys. ^_^ :( Hopefully the start shipping to TRU, because from the looks of it, my K-mart will mostly be centered on apliances. :(

#49362 I Just Wet Myself

Posted by The Large Moose on 11 March 2005 - 11:43 PM in General Nerf

BuzzBee is on a fricken roll!!!!!!


Look at the rifle! Fricken CLIP OMG OMG.....and a refill pack. They also have a mechanized 6 shot pistol. I swear I am buying ten of each. But look at the rifle, it uses clip, and ejects shells!!!

Buzzbee is doing excellant!!!

EDIT: If you find these, tell when, and where, and how much each. If they don't show up near me, I will buy tons of the shell refills, so i will buy them if you sell them.

#49624 I Just Wet Myself

Posted by The Large Moose on 14 March 2005 - 07:56 PM in General Nerf

Went to K-mart today, still nothing new. TRU had the purple BB, all the old "Airzone" toys, a few Mav's and the AT3k pack. I bought a few Mav's. I have 8 NF's and 2 Mavericks. I feel sick.

Anyway, hopefully Buzz Bee will sell directly from their website, beacuse these guns are a dream come true. If anyone finds these buy them all, and I will pay triple the price...Just kidding.

They will end up somewhere, hopefully not Meijers because there are none in Florida. Possibly Target and Walmart, but lets not get our hopes up. Let us join Hunter, and pray.

I pray that thy lord bestow me with buzz bee winchester rifles.......and refill packs.

#49375 I Just Wet Myself

Posted by The Large Moose on 12 March 2005 - 12:26 AM in General Nerf

I would buy atlesat 4 myself, 1 for myself, another for a buddy,and use the extra two clips. If these things have decent range, I think somebody may be fighting for te crown of foam. They still have along way, but shells, clips, and motorized guns? I dunno about the range, but if they are atleast as decent as the shotgun, I'll bang em.

#49503 I Just Wet Myself

Posted by The Large Moose on 13 March 2005 - 12:23 PM in General Nerf

Exactly NerfLad. Hopefully, if these guns are decent, and Nerf retaliates, we wil have a whole new wave of guns, particualy clip/shell guns, and meybe even nerf motorized guns.

#53790 Good News, Bad News

Posted by The Large Moose on 29 April 2005 - 04:09 PM in General Nerf

All I have to say is this:
I need it. Again.

Dude the Maximizer was made by mattel. Check out the review on Nerf center.

If you didn't really catch my drift, as someone else pointed out: Mattel Maximizer, Lanard Maxshot. When is Nerf going to try a lever-cocking Max gun?

Also, if the lever-cocking method is copyrighted by Lanard, then I didn't know.

#53607 Good News, Bad News

Posted by The Large Moose on 26 April 2005 - 09:50 PM in General Nerf

All I have to say is this:
I need it. Again.

#53050 Good News, Bad News

Posted by The Large Moose on 20 April 2005 - 10:32 PM in General Nerf

I hope the new 3B has a differant color scheme, because seriosuly, I don't know about you guys, but I am definately a classic nerfer. I would rather take an old school gun with half the range of an AT2k anyday. I love the LnL, BBB, X-bow etc. just for the pimpin' factor. I just hope its in a new color scheme so you can still have a differantiation between the old and new. I don't know about you guys, but I am imagining a dark red BBB? Like the scout color. It would go good with my purple ones. :)

#53129 Good News, Bad News

Posted by The Large Moose on 21 April 2005 - 07:11 PM in General Nerf

Mine has held up pretty well for me, though I know people who have had thiers repeatedly break.

Either I got a super BBB, or you all treat your guns with disrespect, I have never had my BBB break for the 6 years I have had it, and I constantly nerf with it. It's on my top 5 favorite guns, and I think its very reliable. I agree the plastic is a bit flimsy, but do you throw your guns down after being shot or something? I never have the feeling its going to break, maybe I keep my cool and don't tear it back when being rushed, or something, but I find a very reliable, powerful gun. Mine gets roughly 90' and it can nail a telephone pole at 65' with 90% efficiency. I could easily hit something at 90 with a scope, and its velocity is great, so you don't have to lead TOO much, but I love it, and yes, more than my crossbow.

#41193 X-bows

Posted by The Large Moose on 09 November 2004 - 09:30 AM in General Nerf

Yes, Airsoft999, I myself would like a crossbow from you. PM me if you sell them here, or I will just continually go check ebay.

#41247 X-bows

Posted by The Large Moose on 09 November 2004 - 06:05 PM in General Nerf

Can someone with one of these new xbows take a clear picture of the front and back of the box and post it or email it to me please? The higher the resolution the better.

As soon as I get mine, I wll post pics with my camera phone.

#37065 Toning Down The Titan

Posted by The Large Moose on 12 September 2004 - 06:36 PM in Modifications

Use the search button in the upper right corner. Then search for "titan modification" or any other mod you need.

I did, and I found the scout, and the titan single barreled write-up. What I didn't find was the multi-barreled mod. That is what I am looking for, and so far, there isn't a step-by-step write up of it yet.

#37013 Toning Down The Titan

Posted by The Large Moose on 12 September 2004 - 12:13 PM in Modifications

Sorry this is off-topic, but I keep wondering, will there be N-Strike mod write-up \ put in the modding section? I am having trouble with the scout (trying not to break it) and I want to multi-barrel my titan. If so, I would greatly appriciate it. I already single barreled my first titan, and I want to multi the second. Also, not sure if there is one on the forums or not, but if there was a write up for a 2k, single or multi (I broke my first one by cutting it to short, only guoes 10+ feet...) Thanks




#50579 Gear

Posted by The Large Moose on 26 March 2005 - 01:08 AM in General Nerf

INDOOR: My PC, NF on the side, extra PC clip, maybe a household item to wear as camo (blanket, etc.), possible holster, and occasionally a small backpack holding an SM1500 for multi-weapon battles.

OUTDOOR: Since there is more space to frolick, just an SM1500, NF on the side, perhaps a holster (my pockets work well), a pic-a-nic basket, and my friend has a gilly-suit I would really like to wear :P

Guille suit I beileve, or Guile?

Anyway, I carry either:
Xbow + 2 LnL's
Holsters for LnL's
Ammo strap thing that you see heavy gunners use in movies and games and such around their chest
Sometimes in woods I use walkie-talkies.

Or same setup with BBB in place of Xbow

#64804 Youre Computer Specs

Posted by The Large Moose on 02 October 2005 - 02:15 AM in Off Topic

Boltsniper knows the way of teh heat dissipation. B)

P4 3.4ghz OC'ed @ 4.0ghz
LanParty 915x UV Pro
2x 250GB Maxtor 8MB Cache 7200RPM
2x 52x48x52 CD Burner/ 16x DVD Reader
2x 1GB GeiL DDR2 Performance RAM
Thermaltake BigWater Watercooling Kit
Thermaltake Xaser III Super Tower
22" Sony Flat Panel Monitor
Creative Sound Audigy 2 (w/e its called)

Thats what I have for now...soon upgrading to an AMD.

#36970 Quad Barrel Titan W/scout

Posted by The Large Moose on 11 September 2004 - 11:07 PM in Modifications

@Thrist: Would it be out of the question for next time when you make another mag, to include a step-by-step tutorial on how to make the shotgun barrel(sp?). I am one of those people who need to see pictures, because I can sort of figure out how you made it, but I am sure if I tried, with what I know, I wouldn't get it right somehow. Ohh and kudos for the Titan, very nice. What is the velocity for the shotgun blasts, if they are relatively fast, that is one devasting machine. I would definately take the time to modify my second titan like yours. :)

#54384 Quad Barrel Titan W/scout

Posted by The Large Moose on 08 May 2005 - 10:19 AM in Modifications

When you take off the coupler, does it shoot micros well? if so, get your test on and get some ranges if possible, 'cause this looks awsome.

Although your intentions are good, this topic is nearly 9 months old, and has been dead for along time. Please refrain from posting in topics this old unless you have something to really add. Now about the range, I am sure it gets the same as ompa's does, considering it looks like the same modification. Try not to bring back old topics in the future.

#48872 What Guns Do You Take Into A War?

Posted by The Large Moose on 06 March 2005 - 10:24 AM in General Nerf

Gun (range) = type

Setup 1
X-bow (70-85') = Primary
Dual LNL's (70') = Secondary

Setup 2
Maxshot Revolver (93') = Primary
2 First Shot (60') = Secondary

Setup 3
Arrowstorm (70') = Primary
2 Nitefinders (50') = Secondary

Setup 4
EaB (85') = Primary
Racthetblast (20') = Secondary

Setup 5
At3k (75') = Primary
2AT2k (90'-100') = Secondary

Setup 6
Titan (142') = Primary
2 Mavericks (45') = Secondary

Setup 7
SM1500(90') = Primary
2 Nitefinders (50') = Secondary

Setup 8
BBB (85') = Primary
2 TTG (70') = Secondary

Setup ???
SM5000(still fixing) (was 120') = Primary
2 SSII (100') = Secondary

Setup Death
Ruff Stuff Shotgun x 10 (muahah) = Primary
Ruff Stuff Shotgun x 10 (rawr) = secondary

So basically I can supply a 4 on 4 war myself. I still am daily adding to my collection.
Yes I am a sucker for duel pistols. Sadly my cosmetics mods SUCK.

Of course, if I could only bring one, it would either be the one with the BBB, the one wiht the AT3k, or the one with the xbow.

#49359 What Guns Do You Take Into A War?

Posted by The Large Moose on 11 March 2005 - 11:33 PM in General Nerf

In my older nerf days, I would carry a PC and my trusty SS1. I personally like the SS1, because I tend to go for spring guns, and the extra shot is pretty nice to fall back on. My PC doesn't work anymore. I've tried several times to fix it, and it was resurrected for a little while, but not any more  :cry:

Nowadays, I still use my SS1 on the side. After adapting a bit, my new love is an SM 1500 PVC mod.

I do have an RF20, which I have debated on using in place of the PC, but I just don't like it as much as a 1500. Sure, it's an auto, but I don't have the same finesse with it.

Hey, you are talking about the Secret Shot right? Well the Secret Shot is referred to as the SS1, and the Sharp Shooter is referred to as the SSI. Just helping ya out.

EDIT:nvm, looked like an I on my laptop, sorry

#36963 Best Gun

Posted by The Large Moose on 11 September 2004 - 10:31 PM in General Nerf

Thanks, glad to be here. Nice to see a good site since Nerf Online. For awhile I was occupied with other stuff, but I picked up my old BBB, shot my dad in the back of the head, laughed a ton, and now I am back into nerf. :) It seems we already have a moose, so we need a nickname for me, because there can't be two moose; it would cause to much confusion. I could be lmoose, TLM, etc. figure out something. For all I care you guys could call me banana.