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#280 I Long For A Lano

Posted by rawray7 on 03 January 2003 - 02:28 AM in Nerf Wars

Well...I am relatively new to the Lanos(having only been to april 2002 lano, and armageddon 2002), but i have been longing for another large-scale nerf war. It's been almost six months since armageddon and because nerf online shut down i haven't heard of another organized los angeles war. maybe i was just left out of the loop. i think we should try to get one together around the end of january, or beginning of february. I don't know what the situation with Spoon, CXWQ or Hal is, but if they are too busy, i would be happy to organize it. I will try to talk to Desert Storm, some Santa Monica people, Steve's Clan and the others this week.

Also, if I am in charge of hosting it, then it will definately not be called LANO, and may not be at the usual location.

(this is thread is also here: http://www.forum-125...=ST;f=19;t=152; )

#321 I Long For A Lano

Posted by rawray7 on 04 January 2003 - 02:14 PM in Nerf Wars

good deal. I am still working on contacting people...although i am not having much luck. where has spoon been anyway? Was he taken to Tibet also?

#323 Approach To Modification

Posted by rawray7 on 04 January 2003 - 02:46 PM in Modifications

If it is a gun i am not familiar with, i usually look at CXWQ or Yakman's mods, then decide if i am going to do exactly what they did, or tweak the mod a little bit. then i open up the gun, and stare at the innards for a bit, to make sure i have my plan correct...then i start hacking away...and if it doesn't work, then i go back to it and try and fix it, or turn it into something else. Although, if i care about the gun alot, like my crossbow or powerclip, then i try to do as little to the gun as possible, to get the best preformance. If i find the inside parts tricky, like the 5000, i usually follow directions exactly. i guess i would say that i am impatient with mods, as long as i don't love the gun...then i am semi-perfectionist.

#486 Socal War In Feb

Posted by rawray7 on 10 January 2003 - 01:35 AM in Nerf Wars

i would definately want to go to a february war...and there is probably a 90% chance i could go.

i think the usual spot is pretty good. if you are dying for something else: i have found an okay spot up in La Canada (about 10 minutes wester on the 210 than pasadena), the only problem is you have to deal with frisbee-golfers, because some of the best nerfing areas are on or near a frisbee-golf course. there is an open river-bed that's a good spot a few minutes up some trails from there, but i think it might be too confusing to group mass hords of people there. it has water there, and food about 5 minutes away.

maybe i can get my wussy 12-year-old followers into nerfing shape. they preformed poorly at armageddon, the only good move i saw by any of them was when my brothers friend (about 11, kind of tall for his age, asian, short hair) shot VACC (when almost everyone was watching). There were only three people left in the game and VACC had just capped off the other kid, pistol style.

EDIT: oh, i might be able to make a SDNO, and having it over spring break improves my chances of being able to go.

#515 Socal War In Feb

Posted by rawray7 on 11 January 2003 - 02:46 AM in Nerf Wars

count my head in. and a possible 5-9 others with me, depending on whether we have two cars or not. 5 total is the most probable number to use.

#618 Socal War In Feb

Posted by rawray7 on 14 January 2003 - 11:47 PM in Nerf Wars

Anybody who's bringing a bunch of friends, make sure you forget to pick up the dipshit who won't count hits, mmmkay? Right.

i think steve brought that dipshit...i only brought the dipshits who yelled at that dipshit, and whined about him being a dipshit. i am hoping my brother's friends grew up a little since last time, or i am not bringing them.

#671 Clan/nerfer Regestry

Posted by rawray7 on 17 January 2003 - 12:44 AM in General Nerf

Other members: none on NH or NHQ but there are about 17 of them

not quite 17...more like, 9. and my email is rawray7@hotmail.com.

I really would like to have a more consistent flow of wars in the so-cal area, and i think i am going to try to host a (most likely small) war between YANO and the possible SDNO during spring break, and if any of you clans are interested in a war, email me, or Personel Message me either here or on forum-125.com.

#1296 So Yea, I Have A Brass AT3k Now....

Posted by rawray7 on 11 February 2003 - 09:36 PM in Modifications

i attempted to brass my at3k a week or two ago, and when i finally got around to buying the brass, and setting it all up to work, i realized it was leaking. not trusting the liquitron, i immediately jumped to conclusions and leak-tested everything between the pump and the tank. i later realized that what had happened was that the valve built into the end of the pump chamber, had broken, and all the air leaked back out, sometimes even pushing the pump back forward. i think that the reason this part of the gun broke was because of plugging the air release valve in the pump, but it could have just been a retarded gun to start out with. my two options now are to get a new one, or try to integrate a different pump into the gun. i think i will mess around with the latter before i waste my dough on a new one.

well...if anyone else is having this problem, then i suggest future moddifiers of this gun either: replace the pump right from the get-go, or, don't plug the pump.

#1300 New Article!

Posted by rawray7 on 12 February 2003 - 12:40 AM in Site Feedback

That was a well written article, and i liked it a lot. I will agree completely with the statement concerning Desert Storm's camo-painted guns. The day that we go back from the April LANO, three or four people that i nerf with started painting their guns. I think that it was out of intimidation, but more so, they were impressed by the level of commitment put into the sport. If you spend time painting your gun, it definately appears as though you've spent a lot of time nerfing in general. I think that it will also inspire some of the people who will join the site to think before they post. Great job.

#1304 Big Visit

Posted by rawray7 on 12 February 2003 - 12:59 AM in Nerf Wars

i'll check my calendar and my other clan member's calenders. we're just north of pasadena, so i am guessing 45 min - 1 hour drive to LAX. We should be able to get at least four people to nerf on any given saturday or sunday. If i can get hold of a decent location, then i would definately be willing to attempt a post-YANO for anyone who could make it. If you want to get in contant with me, i check my Personal Messages at this site, my AIM is rawray7, and my email is rawray7@hotmail.com

#1428 Socal War In Feb

Posted by rawray7 on 15 February 2003 - 11:29 PM in Nerf Wars

the average teenager has horrible planning skills. i can't stand it. expect only four of us tomorrow.

#1454 Kick Ass Yano

Posted by rawray7 on 17 February 2003 - 04:37 AM in Nerf Wars

agreeable. that was the most fun nerf war i have ever had.

Steve: "Hey Spoon, you dead?"
Spoon: "Yeah"
Steve: (yelling across the battlefield) "Hey, Ray, you dead?"
Me: "Yeah"
CXWQ: "Blue team charge!!"

CXWQ: "Okay, Ray, your pick."
Me: "Well...Toj is completely useless, unless we need someone to hop around"

thanks julie for taking those pictures. i just realized how many i am in, and how ridiculously awesome and yet dumb i look.

#1455 At3k Petg Mod Writeup

Posted by rawray7 on 17 February 2003 - 04:40 AM in Modifications

for anyone deciding whether to do this mod, do it. that gun was the attack force of whatever team CXWQ was on.

#1456 Gallery Section Is Alive!

Posted by rawray7 on 17 February 2003 - 04:50 AM in Site Feedback

The pictures are great. Julie, thanks for spending 9 hours of your day taking the pictures for us. You definately schooled Hal in the turnaround department. Also, thanks for making me look like an awesome killing machine with pink glasses. (see picture #33)(column 1, row 5)

#1582 At3k Petg Mod Writeup

Posted by rawray7 on 19 February 2003 - 01:01 AM in Modifications

actually, if you were intent on re-producing a "the beast", it would still be possible to get the barrels to rotate. you would just disconnect the pump from the air tank, and then you would just pump the pumping handle once for every barrel rotation.

#1709 Gallery Section Is Alive!

Posted by rawray7 on 22 February 2003 - 01:10 AM in Site Feedback

If I recall correctly, there were some pretty nice breech mods on a 5k as well as Ray's xbow. I think he had it off during the war (modular design) because of some problems but it looks like it will be sweet when he gets everything worked out.

yeah, this weekend i am going to re-do that breech using PETG tubing. the stuff it perfect for it, because it cuts easily, has the correct inner diameter, and its clear-factor is a bonus. Once i get it shooting more than 5 feet, i will make sure to submit pictures of it, and possibly a step by step instruction thingy.

Zero, if you are looking at the 5k of the kid with desert camo pants, then yes that is a breech loader made with a 1/2 schedule 80 barrel inside a 1" PVC outer shell. That outer shell has a good sized piece removed from the top to put the dart in through. Connected to the gun is both a 1/2" and a 1" connector, so the whole thing is removable. Those details should be right, seeing as how i (helped) modified the gun, but it's user, Iceman17, may have changed it a bit since. Most of the guns that my clan uses have a breech.

#1948 Weights For Stefans

Posted by rawray7 on 03 March 2003 - 12:59 AM in Homemades

I just go to the hardware store and use these small washers. They fit perfectly in the dart and i only need to use 1.

wow. another fellow washer-weighted person. that's funny that the same idea appeared simoutaneously(sp). yeah, i use #6 washers, although i think i will be switching to 1/4" slingshot ammo, due to popular YANO complaints of partially exposed weights, and the fact that washer darts seem to hurt more.

#1969 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle - C02 Powered

Posted by rawray7 on 03 March 2003 - 07:33 PM in Homemades

that bolt idea is very nice. i am now inspired to change the way i have been going about attempting bolt-action.

#1970 Taglines

Posted by rawray7 on 03 March 2003 - 07:40 PM in Site Feedback

i am not sure if it is true for all store.yahoo stuff, but i have been very impressed with the quality of t-shirts from http://store.yahoo.com/homestarrunner/ i'm not sure if they are iron-on or not, but the shirts are comfortable and washable and durable.

#2014 Kharma, Karma, And Carma

Posted by rawray7 on 04 March 2003 - 09:13 PM in Site Feedback

is there an approximate release for the kharma system? i think it's a great idea, and i would like to see it in effect as soon as possible. it appears that there has been enough daily flow on the site lately to make good use of the system.

#2051 Gym Size War

Posted by rawray7 on 07 March 2003 - 01:11 AM in Nerf Wars

that sounds like fun. i would agree with spoon, get some cheap dark fabric or maybe just tarps, and then make a pvc frame with legs kind of like a portable baseball backstop (if any of you play baseball...the thing that a pitcher would be behind while throwing in a batting practice). well...if you turn this into an organized war, i will be happy to make and bring up some barricades, if you are in need. i bet a few others would be willing to do the same too. also, are you going to completely cover the gym in barricades, like a building with hallways and rooms? or, will it be more like indoor paintball (i think it's called speedball), with fewer barricades, and more space in the middle of the arena. i would say that if you are going to use the SWAT theme, try to have as many barricades as possible. this is a great idea, if only I had a gym at my disposal...

#2129 Gym Size War

Posted by rawray7 on 10 March 2003 - 01:08 AM in Nerf Wars

okay, just tell me if you want me to make any barricades to bring up to the war, if it ever happens. i think some should be 6 feet or more (in height) to use as walls, and others of smaller sizes to use as bunkers and barricades. i may go ahead and build a few for fun, but if you have any specific dimensions you will want for the war, i will use those. also, when is the gym scheduled to be finished, and do you think that the war could likely happen this summer?

also, would homemades and/or brass/PETG 5ks be allowed? i know it's your style, but indoor homemades could cause some problems. there is one solution which will allow you to have your cake and eat it too, which would be to require paintball masks to prevent from the injuries bound to happen. with that rule, you should suggest long pants and shirt too.

on a side note, i think it would be cool if people wore kneepads, which would add some interesting sliding tactics on the hardwood.

#2156 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by rawray7 on 11 March 2003 - 08:24 PM in Nerf Wars

i was thinking about building some pvc and cloth or tarp barricades for Batman's possible indoor summer war. if i did build them, would people want to use a few at YANO? i was thinking that the open concrete between the handball and the flag area could use some sort of extra cover, and maybe one on the knoll and possibly one on the grass on the tenis-court side of the bungalos. i think it might be interesting to play one or two wars with these new implements, but i can see how people might be against it. there might need to be some rule adjustments, if we do use them. also, if i build some for YANO, are there specific dimensions i should make them, or specific materials to use?

count me for 4-6 people.

#2157 Co2 Powered Homemade

Posted by rawray7 on 11 March 2003 - 08:34 PM in Homemades

i'd imagine that if you take the "bottom line" (i think it's called that)* off of your gun, you could find a standard fitting to bring it into steel or copper tubing.

*the piece i am talking about is the part that (standardly) goes from the bottom of your handle, where the tank screws in, to the front of the gun (just below the barrel). when using it with a homemade, you would have the tank screw into the regular spot, but the other end go into a female fitting that you purchased. your going to need a really good valve if this idea is going to work, i don't think a sprinkler valve will take that kind of pressure. if i were you, and obsessed with using paintball parts and using co2, i would just throw a brass barrel onto my paintball gun. (seeing as how your gun doesn't work, this isn't an option)

#2181 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by rawray7 on 13 March 2003 - 12:54 AM in Nerf Wars

*i can see how it could happen to you time. but time again it happened to you, now that's just too far.* (sorry, the phrase "time and time again" is just funny)

anyways...i am thinking that they should be about 3' high, so you have to duck a little, about 6' feet wide, to alow for two or three people to be there at the same time. i think that i would use either cheap and dark fabric (something that can withstand a dart) or blue tarp material. if you want to get really schnazzy, i could try and find a way to put either some bitchin' taglines on the bunkers (of course they would be appropriate for public eyes) or nerfhaven.com or both or nothing. one final question, should i attempt to make the barricade fabric with as little opacity as possible, or should it be see-through enough to make out that there is a person behind it?

#2350 Good Sniper Wepons.

Posted by rawray7 on 18 March 2003 - 11:40 PM in General Nerf

well...if you insist upon being a loser: you will definately need a ghilly suit, and a full camo outfit underneath, a bush hat, oh, and definately a 10 * 18 scope. you will probably want a brass modded supermaxx 5000 with that too. But, after you read into the sarcasm in that first sentence or two, you'll see that losers (in the true sense) in nerf are pretty pointless. unless you have about 25 people, and a half-acre of dense wildlife, acting as a true loser isn't going to help your team any. from my experience at YANOs, LANOs and Armageddon, being a loser is a degrading term; i've heard comments from "what was the point in hiding there the whole round?" to "you little bitch, you camped on the knoll and didn't even hit anyone" you mind as well just be 'the guy with the powerful gun', or as most on the forums call them, 'sharpshooter'.

to answer your question. supermaxx 5000 would be considered the sniperlyist, and mod it like on this site. but if you live in la, just sch. 80 it if you want to use it in a war.

#2352 Barricades At YANO

Posted by rawray7 on 18 March 2003 - 11:52 PM in Nerf Wars

before i invest my time into this so soon, i want to know if it's worth it. i am going to vote the third choice, it makes the most sense. i think good dimensions would be 4' high, 6' tall, 3/4" PVC. the material i would for the 'wall' is a medium-weight fabric my mom had left over in large quantities, i have blue and grey. also, when CXWQ sends me a suitable NerfHaven logo, i will attempt to iron on (or some other method) a big logo on the barricades, along with my favorite slogans from the tag contest. um...that's about it.

on a side note, please don't vote if you don't plan to be at an LA based war. i haven't seen this happen so far on NH, but it happens way too often on other boards.

also take into consideration before voting, the fact that barricades don't have to and are likely not to be used for every round.

Thanks for the spelling corrections.

#2353 Nerfhaven

Posted by rawray7 on 19 March 2003 - 12:02 AM in Off Topic

yeah, i find that with both nerfhq and nerfcenter i have to cycle through eight to ten "WHAOH WHAOH HELPZ PLEEZ NEEEZ SNIPOR GUNZ!!!" or "I JUST FOUND THIS NEW GUN> THE AT2K, HOW DO I MODZ IT!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" before i find one post worth reading or replying to. i asked one of the admins at NHQ if there was anyway to highlight quality posts, but he said it wasn't possible, and i should 'just deal like the rest of us'. this is the reason i don't to those sites very often. and, the reason i like this site so much is because i don't have to do that. the biggest differences are that here: there was content before forums, and there are a smaller number of people, and a good percent of that smaller number are people who were asked to be part of the beta test, because they were contributing members of the old forums.

#2357 Hey!

Posted by rawray7 on 19 March 2003 - 01:58 AM in Off Topic

is your name some sort of christian warning against non-believers? like, Jesus Christ is Coming, you better shape up?

#2433 Good Sniper Wepons.

Posted by rawray7 on 20 March 2003 - 12:45 AM in General Nerf

Anyway, if you do somehow get your hands on one, forget the dart and ball barrels. Take the arrow shooting one, poke out the air restrictor in the tip. Then, where you screw the barrels in, chizel out THAT mesh air restrictor. Now you have a gun that shoots 100 feet plus with darts.

one, i was under the impression that no one, not even cave-nerfers, used the ball barrel or the dart barrel. i would recommend using neither, and just putting a new barrel on it: brass, PETG(PTEG, whichever order it is), or sch. 80 PVC.

#2434 Sniper 5k Mods

Posted by rawray7 on 20 March 2003 - 12:53 AM in Modifications

i would try taking just a tiny peek at the rest of this site. the 5k mod on this site is, shall i say, pimpy. i guess you could paint it chrome, too...but people might complain about the bling.

i'd say for next time, try looking around a little before you eat up the boards with 2 topics in a row. this is also in the wrong section. it should be in mods.

on a side note, i don't think searching "pimp'd 5k" on google will get you anything useful.

#2435 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by rawray7 on 20 March 2003 - 01:06 AM in Nerf Wars

alright, the gauntlet has been thrown, and i accept. prepare your 30 stefans spoon. my team is whoever i bring, and the difference will be made up with other people at the war, probably including CXWQ and Steve (if he's feeling badass).

#2501 War On Iraq

Posted by rawray7 on 20 March 2003 - 10:15 PM in Off Topic

i don't really agree with the war morally, but i shall say that strategically the U.S. army is doing almost everything perfectly to carry out the motives that i disagree with. i will now explain this seamingly radical statement, with as little moral argument as possible:

okay...after only a day of bombing, ground troops were sent in, mostly raw soldiers, and not monstar amount of vechicles. well...this seems crazy; in most wars, one would bomb for days, taking everything important out before sending in troops. now, the reasons i think it's smart to do the opposite: 1. everything we destroy we are going to eventually have to rebuild, because we are planning to take control of their governent. (replace, take over, what's the difference?). 2. it takes 250 million gallons of oil to supply the army in iraq for one day, while on the move. by keeping more of the tanks and vechicles still, we are saving gas, and putting less emphasis on our supply lines. 3. We went in against UN approval, and there are going to be reprocussions. Sending in human soldiers is begging for a chemical or biological response; and if we get one, then we can tell the UN, "I told you so." if we keep bombing, and prevent chemical or biological weapon use, there will be less proof to show the UN, even if it is saving our Marines lives. also, by sending the elitest soldiers (also the ones that will suffer the least damage to chemical or bilogical agents) to charge the capital, we can provoke use, but minimize casualties. 4. we are killing less citizens by sending in humans. 5. it is much easier to negotiate when you aren't inside a tank. surrender negotiations are something that we are definatlely banking on by launching a ground campaign. 6. Iraqi civilians will not see airplanes as saviors, and even if they did, airplanes aren't going to be the ones running the country when we are done. The human element is going to get a lot more people on our side. 7. i think that human soldiers will keep terrorism against civilians at a lower rate. with an enemy you cannot defend against (our planes), one must funnel their angle at the country controlling the planes. with the enemy being someone you can kill(our soldiers), they are the target of your anger.

now, i don't agree with the war. i would have, with UN approval. but, Bush pussed out of the last vote that was scheduled, after seeing that 3 countries were already saying they would say no. i think this is because he wanted the last UN vote before the war, 1441 to be a winning vote. i also don't agree with trying to replace the government in iraq...because i don't think we need to be the worlds police. and if we are going to be the police, there are a lot of other places we could be.

there are definately going to be mass reprocussions from this attack; especially if the ground assult is attacked by weapons of mass destruction. no one is happy when their family members and friends are dead. bush knows this, and still sending them in anyway is smart in the 7 ways i said, plus some; but is also counting on a lot of choices on their part, the biggest being their surrender.

#2502 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by rawray7 on 20 March 2003 - 10:23 PM in Nerf Wars

mason, try not to post private messages on public boards. you obviously have enough ways to contact me, three being on this site: personal messaging, my email, and my aim screen name. just use one of those next time.

next, i think that would be sort of a cool war style. a '6 on 6 king of the hill tournament' seeing as how spoon threw the gauntlet, it's his team vs. another (preferably mine), then winner goes on. whoever comes out after all teams have fought at least once wins. winner gets a cookie. limited to 3 lives, to save the onlookers time. i dunno, what do you guys think?

#2503 Scenario And Games Section

Posted by rawray7 on 20 March 2003 - 10:26 PM in Site Feedback

i don't think that making a section for it would really work. i mean, why not just make it a post inside nerf wars? it doesn't seem like a broad enough topic to turn into a forum section. a good example of why i don't think this will work: the tactics section of NHQ. this section never gets any traffic that is worthy of reading.

#2504 Nerfhaven

Posted by rawray7 on 20 March 2003 - 10:37 PM in Off Topic

Same for that Blackblade dude.... I'm watchin him.... I mean 30-somethin posts in a few days is a high indication of a lack of life.  

amen to that.

blackblade, you have been on this site for 4 days, and you have 45 posts. there are maybe 2 worth reading. about half of them can be answered using the different sections of this site alone. mrgrinch and jrbill2006 have been doing the same, but not quite up at the same rate. i am sure all three of you have great things to say, but seriously, chill out. you three are the reason i almost edited my comment about not having to filter through complete 'crap for posts' on this site. please look around for the answer before you put 4 topics in the same forum, and are the sole owner of all 6 replies in each (i know that is an exaggeration). if the kharma system were here, my browser wouldn't even let me look at your posts.

#2546 Liquitron Modification Testing

Posted by rawray7 on 22 March 2003 - 04:49 PM in Modifications

good experiment. i like the conclusive data.

Really wanting to turn the liquitron into something, i've been thinking about what was said at YANO, about the liquitron acting as a back-up tank, in theory. is there anyway to prove that with the liquitron emptied, it takes less pumps to re-pressurize the tanks after the first shot? i haven't been able to think of a way to test it, without adding a pressure guage to the main tank, which probably wouldn't work too hot. it's not really a big enough tank to make much of a difference, either...so the experiment might not be worth trying.

#2564 Liquitron Modification Testing

Posted by rawray7 on 22 March 2003 - 10:01 PM in Modifications

yeah, your right. oh well...i may drain the liquidtron for the pure purpose of not having to look at it. i haven't opened up an at2k in a few weeks, does it look like 1/4" polyvinyl tubing would fit over the nozzles? are the fittings the same as a 1500? i think being able to completely bridge the liquitron would allow for repairs, or if you just didn't want a power guage.

#2575 Foam Fortress Warrior Central

Posted by rawray7 on 23 March 2003 - 12:38 AM in Off Topic

california (southern)
Dragon Army

#2725 Shirts?

Posted by rawray7 on 27 March 2003 - 12:19 AM in Site Feedback

the sheer coolness of the idea of RAD teams really got me into nerfing. so, they aren't completely outdated. the idea of a professionalesque nerf squad is still one of the cooler inventions in the tactical area of nerf. i am not sure if there have been any group of people who would be qualified for the name RAD team, but it's a great ideal to look up to. i think if you re-worked the articles a little, maybe changing things up to work with autos, then they would make a great article.