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#199866 Minnesnowta War

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 30 December 2008 - 09:48 PM in Nerf Wars

I might drop in, but probably not as a contender. just looking for some nostalgia.

Yeah, I'm shifting my interest into airsoft and I will probably sell my arsenal sometime soon.

#199872 Minnesnowta War

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 30 December 2008 - 10:45 PM in Nerf Wars

:D I'll think about the sock...you don't know where that's been...

#200774 Minnesnowta War

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 03 January 2009 - 03:33 AM in Nerf Wars

where the hell have YOU been, hilt? :D

#155155 Spano/no Spam

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 08 May 2008 - 07:55 AM in Nerf Wars

I haven't the slightest clue as to why I've been put down as attending.

I would love to, but I'm shipping out to BCT June 10th.

#155253 Spano/no Spam

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 09 May 2008 - 02:01 PM in Nerf Wars

Since I won't be able to come and show you lot how to play Nerf, I am working on getting the pair that was with me at MNNO to play in my stead. One has no tact, and the other has no fear. B)

#156385 Spano/no Spam

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 20 May 2008 - 07:15 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll try and deter him from coming, but I won't be in the state even. his ADHD/ADD/OCD might help and cause him to forget it altogether, or so I hope...

#144755 2nd Annual Mnsbw

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 11 March 2008 - 06:43 PM in Nerf Wars

Do you think it would be ok if i bring a nerf gernade?

say yes, it's a 'war' isn't it?

#142571 2nd Annual Mnsbw

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 26 February 2008 - 01:31 AM in Nerf Wars

I've got 2 potential noobs on the line, one's only 12, though...

is there an age limit?

#144835 2nd Annual Mnsbw

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 12 March 2008 - 12:19 AM in Nerf Wars

the weather might cooperate!
i ripped the cool pantaloons i was going to bring. dayum.'

11 pages, beyotch.

#145072 2nd Annual Mnsbw

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 14 March 2008 - 09:43 AM in Nerf Wars

hokay, so; I am coming for damn sure, my friend is unreachable, but last time we spoke he said he was going to his dad's. i told him to go buy fbr and make darts for himself, but i doubt he's done it, so if he shows up, he'll prolly need a gun, cuz all his guns are stock (fuck.). not to mention he's getting his own ride, making him totally invulnerable to phone calls. (bollocks.)

but I'm ready. just finished tweaking PITA, so I'm al ready.

hilt, how many people are you picking up?

sorry for double posting, but this just occured to me.

do we have anyone with medical experience or training coming?

"Caution and practice is nice, but can it set a broken arm?" -Lev Gregorivich Kolsevi (1980-2008)

#145090 2nd Annual Mnsbw

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 14 March 2008 - 01:41 PM in Nerf Wars

hypothetical situations:

a player falls off of the playground or slips on ice(if its still there) and busts their shit.
a player runs into a tree and is rendered unconscious.
Rare: someone is shot in the eye.

I asked because as a soldier(and future combat medic), it is my duty to promote safety.
It's not stupidity, just concern, which seems to be a foreign concept to you, sam.

#141982 2nd Annual Mnsbw

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 22 February 2008 - 02:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Oh and bring money. I might sell off my +bow assuming it's done. I have enough materials to make two so I'm going to keep one and sell one.

o really? got a ballpark price?

Most likely I'm going to sell it to sam, but probably around $100.

holy gay... is it a repeater? link to topic?

#144078 2nd Annual Mnsbw

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 06 March 2008 - 08:27 AM in Nerf Wars

scratch one, now my buddy frank might come, but i doubt he'll go through with it.

I feel like a little girl waiting for hannah montana to take the stage.

#137607 2nd Annual Mnsbw

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 28 January 2008 - 11:38 AM in Nerf Wars

I can't do it the 5th, 22nd looks the best, but either way, i'd need a ride, because niether my parents nor the buses are being cooperative...
who drives past ssp on their way?

#141690 2nd Annual Mnsbw

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 21 February 2008 - 08:28 AM in Nerf Wars

Oh and bring money. I might sell off my +bow assuming it's done. I have enough materials to make two so I'm going to keep one and sell one.

o really? got a ballpark price?

#138119 2nd Annual Mnsbw

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 01 February 2008 - 01:21 PM in Nerf Wars

also, did anyone check to see if there were any pot heads playing whilst we nerf?

I rarely understand what your saying.

I read a news article about a lot of potheads getting busted whilst playing frisbee golf. 15 pounds of sweet, sweet hash...

anyway, I'm happy we have more than 10 people attending...

#140858 2nd Annual Mnsbw

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 17 February 2008 - 06:51 PM in Nerf Wars

alrighty then, I'm official, so long as Hilt is still offering a ride...
this will be my first war, i suppose, so somebody should film this.

#141016 2nd Annual Mnsbw

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 18 February 2008 - 12:52 PM in Nerf Wars

I think I could mount my Hi-8 recorder on P.I.T.A. again, that would be far out.

Two-fold Gloves
ACU boots

2x Cs-6
1x Cs-6R
1x NF
44x Streamline
3x Suckers
7x Glowdarts

My darts have Blue, Black, And Red, in that order, it's on every one of them.
also, my friend might come as well, he's showing an interest...

#141511 2nd Annual Mnsbw

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 20 February 2008 - 03:53 PM in Nerf Wars

Keep in mind the majority of us have actually been to a nerf war and know stuff that you probably don't. I'd say have at the very least 100 total.

touche and point taken, I would like to know what I'm up against, so Show me what you're workin' with.

#141492 2nd Annual Mnsbw

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 20 February 2008 - 12:04 PM in Nerf Wars

though i am going to buy more rounds, keep in mind my CO awarded me expert infantry for my 98% m16 overall performance, because i can make every shot count.

how many rounds should i buy? i can't make them.

and, uh, does anyone have any spare mags they can bring/sell me?

#137814 2nd Annual Mnsbw

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 30 January 2008 - 02:24 PM in Nerf Wars

I am scheduled for drill (army training) on the 15th, but i'll try to move it so I can come...
so keep me in.
also, did anyone check to see if there were any pot heads playing whilst we nerf?

#102003 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 09 April 2007 - 07:02 PM in Darts and Barrels

what i do is convert all the non-longshot-capable darts int longshot-capable darts by taking of whatever headpiece already attached, glue in whatever fits(erasers, plastic bolts, thumbtacks B) , 6mm paint, airsoft, or bb's.), and, if need be, shorten the dart to my heart's content.

easy, cheap, tastes like chicken. ^_^

another thing i saw somewhere is reinforcing the dart with a straw. it kinda works.

#150921 The Vulcan

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 13 April 2008 - 03:36 PM in General Nerf

Hehehehe, back in the sadle, huh Dave? Still not addicted to Heroin? No? Good, that's real good. Guess I won't feel as guilty next time I suspend you. Don't pick up where you left off, let this thread die.

Please don't joke about heroin addiction. I used heavily back in middle and high school and ever since I accepted christ I haven't touched it. it's not an easy drug to quit, no sir. <_<

#146249 The Vulcan

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 22 March 2008 - 09:02 AM in General Nerf

I just had a dream where i was mowing down hordes of zombie bob doles with the vulcan.

holy gay on a fricking sandwich.

now kill this thread. lock it, or something...

#155234 The Vulcan

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 09 May 2008 - 07:56 AM in General Nerf

Back on topic.

The only weapon i see some resemblance in would probably be the Breda.
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Also, a question: can the belts be connected?

#253946 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 19 October 2009 - 02:50 PM in Homemades

ABP5K, currently lost to the ethers of Canada. Don't know when I'll get around to making another one (if ever).
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Every time I visualize a 35-round drum in that thing, I jizz. you owe me underwear, Slug. :D

#102264 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 15 April 2007 - 05:42 PM in Modifications

It's about time that I got to post here!

I've got two mods that are worth putting in. The first is a basic NiteFinder mod.

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RoseArt Marker Barrel, and three added ammo holders.

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Ammo Holder 1...

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Ammo Holders 2 and 3.

It gets approximately 55-60 I would guess with a 5 degree angle. This is very rough, as I'm just counting tiles in my dorm's hallway.

Up next is my heavily modified Longshot, the Peacemaker.

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It's perfectly functional, but the wood's a little thin. I may rebuild it a bit stronger and cleaner. But it works NICE.

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Will post again when I have other stuff. Ciao!


i crafted my LS pump kit the same way, kind of. mines got half a tin can for a handle. nice work.

#137619 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 28 January 2008 - 02:49 PM in Modifications

here are my newest longshots, starting with 'ol' painless, who is sporting a 2x spring mod, fixed stock, maglite integration, Sidearm integration, ar removal, and improvised bolt locking thing. rubber bands equal speed.
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here's her front:
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and my first creation, Ol' P.I.T.A. (pain-in-the-ass), who sports a very extended barrel w/weight attached, 2.5x scope, triple spring and AR removal, extended rail, reattached bipod, and a fixed stock.
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fps view:
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the extended rail is held to the rear rail catch with a flat piece of metal i found in my garage.
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And the scope, which is actually practical.
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I've listed the mods above, and no, i will never get around to painting them. P.I.T.A. has a finicky catch and pisses me me off constantly. i don't have any darts to test ranges with, but the PITA got 75' with a weighted dart, and the Painless gets 55'. i also have a double springed nf that gets 45' flat w/out bands, but it escapes me at the moment. if you are coming to mnsbw, you'll probably see it, depending on whether or not I fed it to my log splitter.

#137716 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 29 January 2008 - 04:29 PM in Modifications

BBB + RF20
The gun's name is Dunkel, but I'm not sure what to call the modification/integration.

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how does that nonsense work?!?