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#17306 Xxl Bazooka?

Posted by ItalionStallion on 27 January 2004 - 04:01 PM in General Nerf

Yeah i've got one too.

They are pretty good, they've upgraded practically all of the ultimators flaws.

#16886 There Is Nothing Good About Bbbs Or Crossbows

Posted by ItalionStallion on 22 January 2004 - 07:42 PM in General Nerf

Well...If you dont like BBB's or xbows i can give you a powerclip for yours ;) .

But seriosley, automatic guns are better for indoor wars and speed ball. But high-powered, long range weapons are usually better for outdoor wars.

#16799 Mad A Paintball Gun

Posted by ItalionStallion on 20 January 2004 - 10:47 PM in Homemades

I would guess youve got a pump gun.

Yakman i believe did a mod for it on his site. I think its universal so i think it would work.

I dont have the URL but if someone could supply it im sure it would be a big help for this dude.

#16465 Lanard Copying Nerf?

Posted by ItalionStallion on 15 January 2004 - 10:29 PM in General Nerf

OK, i just recentley sold my nerf eagle eye with box on ebay for 25 bucks. I was pretty amazed that someone bought it now for that much in thw first place.

Anyway, yesteray i got the check and right on the check it said lanard toy company right on the front. That immediatley led me to believe that they may be using this to see wghat nerf us doing, or is this just a 1 in a million coincidence.

See for yourself.

Posted Image

Edit: Your gonna have to copy the url.

#16443 KB Toys Files Chapter 11

Posted by ItalionStallion on 15 January 2004 - 06:07 PM in Off Topic

Damn C, you beat me to the punch.

Anyway, this majorley sucks. KB toys is a gold mine for old guns, I personally was majorley pissed about this.

One thing that may come out of this is that they may dig threw their backstock and find some guns under the dust.

#16204 Ultimator Trigger

Posted by ItalionStallion on 11 January 2004 - 05:43 PM in Modifications

Well the thing is, the ultimator puts about 50x more pressure on the trigger, so even if i did all that stuff it wouldnt work.

THe only thing that may work is if i were to fabricate a trigger. But i dont have the time or moeny to do that.

Thanks though.

#16097 Ultimator Trigger

Posted by ItalionStallion on 10 January 2004 - 02:09 AM in Modifications

Ive thought about that, but the trigger is too small and it would break.

#16021 Ultimator Trigger

Posted by ItalionStallion on 08 January 2004 - 10:33 PM in Modifications

Before i say anything i want to explain how this broke. OK last year we were getting our basement finished and I had all my guns in one corner of my basement. Well the workers needed everything out and i was not home. My mom then had to rish and move all my guns out of their way,and.........she dropped it.

Heres the deal, i have tried everything, epoxy, plastic welder, plastic fusion, hot glue, creating a new trigger. Nothing has worked, and i have just about given up. If anybody has any ideas feel free to tell me. And if someone out there wants this, i can give it up for a very reasonable price.

Heres the pic

Posted Image

EDIT: Sorry for the extremley large pic.

#15919 I Need Help

Posted by ItalionStallion on 06 January 2004 - 10:23 PM in General Nerf

Ahh man i love retarded flammers. Heres what I got to say.

I swear i wish i could go to your house and kick your fucking ass. Half of us play sports and live a normal life, nerf is just another hobby.

And you can't tell me that any of the nerfers here are as nerdy as this guy:

Posted Image

Ohh man what a cool paintballer!!

I dont think i am going to ever stop laughing....

EDIT: So what if he was banned, That pick is hilarious. And why do you even care?

#15742 Next Nerf Series?

Posted by ItalionStallion on 04 January 2004 - 11:20 PM in General Nerf

I think this is good for nerf. The atom blasters are a large step forward from the AT line (not putting it down, its just nerf didnt really make any new guns, they just re-packaged old supermaxx guns up). From what i have heared the sales have been pretty good. Thats a good note for nerf, considering the fact that they have to know there is more interest.

Anyway i think they will do more of a futuristic line in the near future. Which means more complicated guns. Which is always good.

#15379 Super Bowl Predictions

Posted by ItalionStallion on 01 January 2004 - 02:51 AM in Off Topic

Even though i know they are gonna lose, im gonna have to stick with my tream. Go chiefs!

#15277 Dart Modification: Tape

Posted by ItalionStallion on 30 December 2003 - 02:13 PM in Modifications

I've always called them cigars. I've never taped around my stock darts though, i usually do it on stefans but with electrical tape.

#15250 Sega Game Gear

Posted by ItalionStallion on 29 December 2003 - 07:56 PM in Off Topic

Well its this blue little thing, im not exacly sure what it is. Its a pretty important part of the system, im not sure if i can get it back on.

#15216 Sega Game Gear

Posted by ItalionStallion on 29 December 2003 - 12:40 AM in Off Topic

I just got a game gear, basically for free. It doesnt work because its got a broken piece on one side.

I doubt anyone can help me, but i'll try anything.

#14829 "police Force" Spring Gun

Posted by ItalionStallion on 21 December 2003 - 06:16 PM in General Nerf

Heh, my brother won one of those from an arcade a few years back. Nice little gun, but i never got to see its full potential..

#14585 Xxl Pic

Posted by ItalionStallion on 18 December 2003 - 01:20 PM in Modifications

Yeah it is an ultimator remake, from what ATB described to me.

And for som reason you pic doesnt work, can someone post it here?


#14403 Cracked X-bow Shell

Posted by ItalionStallion on 15 December 2003 - 10:45 PM in Modifications

Thanks for all the help erveybody, i am going to get back to everyone once this is all done. Thanks again!

#14232 Poof Darts

Posted by ItalionStallion on 13 December 2003 - 01:41 AM in Modifications

I know someone just like that...

Anyway I've seen bigger ammo refills on the internet. The looked a little bit like Ultimator missiles, i was going to buy them, but i thought id rather have the 10$.

#14116 Cracked X-bow Shell

Posted by ItalionStallion on 11 December 2003 - 06:20 PM in Modifications

Wow, thanks famine. That should do the job.

Youknow how much that plastic is?

#14027 Cracked X-bow Shell

Posted by ItalionStallion on 10 December 2003 - 07:46 PM in Modifications

Hmmm. I think ive got an idea. With a little carving, cutting, and stuff i think i can fixthis babe...

Ill get back to evreyone..

#13995 Cracked X-bow Shell

Posted by ItalionStallion on 10 December 2003 - 01:11 PM in Modifications

Paper mache? I dont think thats strong enough, even with the wire. Thanks though.

#13948 Cracked X-bow Shell

Posted by ItalionStallion on 09 December 2003 - 11:30 AM in Modifications

I believe I said earlier that i didnt want to put anything inside of it, just the xbow guts. Thanks though.

#13927 Cracked X-bow Shell

Posted by ItalionStallion on 08 December 2003 - 09:03 PM in Modifications

Woah, well i didn't really get any ideas from anyone here. I dont know what else to do.

My friend is a clay artist. Just wait until i show everyone his dual LNL's..

#13891 Cracked X-bow Shell

Posted by ItalionStallion on 08 December 2003 - 08:42 AM in Modifications

Well thanks for all the help. Im probably going to get my friend to try to put some clay on it and whatnot.

Ill tell everybody how it ends up.

#13857 Cracked X-bow Shell

Posted by ItalionStallion on 07 December 2003 - 06:35 PM in Modifications

Yeah, the guy i bought it from dropped it......

Before that it was really awesome. I've seen it shoot through drywall.

Any help?

#13853 Cracked X-bow Shell

Posted by ItalionStallion on 07 December 2003 - 05:55 PM in Modifications

Heres a pic::

Posted Image

I had no luck on trying to find someone who'd sell me one, so i am going to try tp fix this one. I've got a pretty huge task ahead of me..

edit: literally..

Anyway sorry about the size.

#13837 Cracked X-bow Shell

Posted by ItalionStallion on 07 December 2003 - 01:26 AM in Modifications

I've got an xbow shell thats got a major hole in the front. The whole front end is basically gone. I was just wondering what i should do to repair it. I can get a pic if needed.ID like to use the original xbow internals too.


#13653 Rachet Blast, Help!

Posted by ItalionStallion on 03 December 2003 - 07:44 PM in Modifications

Taking apart a ratchetblast is not a good idea. Believe me, they are a bitch to get back together. And if you do get them back together it wont work as well as it originally did. I've taken 2 apart, and both got majorly screwed up and i eventually had to sell them.

Good luck :) .

#12743 Matrix Revolutions

Posted by ItalionStallion on 12 November 2003 - 11:43 AM in Off Topic

Its amazing how much they screwed the up the whole matrix trilogy. The first and second movie were great and i could watch them many more times. But this one just sucked so bad. Throught the whole movie it was just sooo boring. THe huge fight scene with the sentinels was cool but that shouldnt have consumed 3/4s of the movie. This might have been the worst ending to any movie ive seen in my entire life. Its amazing how much they have fallen after the second film. The second film was very well witten and played out very well. This one just was horrible. IMO one of the reasons that revolutions sucked was because they had to rush through the entire movie. The second movie accomplished a little bit. But this one needed to resolve several issues. IN the end all our questions that we had at the beginning were still there. The only way to save the matrix as one of the best series of movies of all time is to make a sequel and/or prequel.

Ohh and what my belief on the prophecy of the one was that the only reason he was made was to buy time for the humans. Thus the people inside the matrix have time to re-build, etc. Thats so incredibly stupid. Honestley if NEO would have killed all the machines and returned the humans to their dominant role on earth, the movie would not have been as bad as it was. Its as simple as that.

All in all the wachowskis must have been out of their minds when they wrote this.

#12689 Matrix Revolutions

Posted by ItalionStallion on 10 November 2003 - 08:17 PM in Off Topic

Look at star wars. I bet noone thought they would make new movies. Yet hollowood and the public wanted another one so they made 3 prequels.

IF they made another one everyone would see it. They would really have to do some major writing to make a sequel. But if they do it right they can make it huge.

Only time will tell....

#12649 Kansas

Posted by ItalionStallion on 10 November 2003 - 11:29 AM in Nerf Wars

Wow! This is pretty cool. I never knew anyone here lived in kansas.

Anyway I need to know a few things.

First off where do you live? Our clan is in Johnson county (leawood, and OP)

We have atleast 10 nerfers, 5 of whom would definetley come. (we would challange you guys though)

We do have rules for our wars. NO hommadesand or co2 powered guns, and you must wear eye protection.

Where do you want to have it? I think your going to have to make all the plans.

Its going to have to be in a couple of weeks because i am still playing football. Well see what happens.

PM me and we can settle everything out.

#12624 Matrix Revolutions

Posted by ItalionStallion on 09 November 2003 - 08:20 PM in Off Topic


The movie really disapointed me. They didnt settle anything like in the last one. The whole movie was hard to get in to. It was the exact opposite of the other movies. This one had one huge fight scene and that was it. I agree with SS, they have to end this movie. I mean come on! You cant end a movie with a peace with teh machines!!!!!

Ohh and NEO did not die, he practically cant die. Hes the one.

I still dont think trinity should have died either, that added nothing to the movie.

Heres what they did not solve or explain:
The french guy
How the oracle came back
Neos powers
How all those people lived (they said everyone died in thelast one)
Tons of other stuff

THey have to make a sequel, because they ruined they whole trilogy with this movie.

All in all the most disapointing movie i have ever seen.

#12396 As And Pb Vs Nerf

Posted by ItalionStallion on 05 November 2003 - 07:42 PM in Off Topic

I cant take these faggot paintballers anymore. They say the same thing over, and over, and over again.

All this BS about how nerf is pussy and what not. I swear to go i wish i could go right to this kids house and punch him right in the face. I wish i could punch every paintball or airsoft faggot who says nerf is pussy.

THis brings me to something, if your so badass than why do you wear protection? I dont see any nerfers wearing huge masks with chest and knee pads.

#12184 Bandit X-bow

Posted by ItalionStallion on 30 October 2003 - 10:54 PM in General Nerf

THose things sell near me for 30.

From what I'e heared those things are awesome.

Anybody have any mods?

#11668 Holy Crap! Stefan's Back!

Posted by ItalionStallion on 21 October 2003 - 09:32 PM in General Nerf

Thats pretty cool, the "stefan" is back. The genious whom developed the homemade dart.

New nerf lines, and competitors. Old sites went down, new ones went up. lots of stuff has happend.

Yeah nerf is kinda picking up on both coasts again, but its still dead as ever here in the midwest. ^_^

Good to see you back, even though i dont really know you.

#11597 Pump Or Cock Mech

Posted by ItalionStallion on 20 October 2003 - 09:46 PM in General Nerf

Damn dude, its like your asking to be flamed.

Since i'm a nice guy, i wont. ;)

#11342 Forum Contest!

Posted by ItalionStallion on 12 October 2003 - 10:13 PM in Modifications

COuld i have a slight extension? IT may take me about a week extra because i have football and its gonna take me a while to develop and scan my pics.

#10232 Nerf Online Returns

Posted by ItalionStallion on 22 September 2003 - 10:22 PM in General Nerf

I dont remember taita_cakes frim NO. Did you have a different username there?

#10086 Attention N00bs...

Posted by ItalionStallion on 21 September 2003 - 12:27 AM in Site Feedback

Didnt majin have like 10,000 posts?

The onb thing i dont like about noobs is that they cant seem to admit they are. IN the long run it helps to admit that you were once a newb.

#9658 Color Scheme.

Posted by ItalionStallion on 14 September 2003 - 08:08 PM in Off Topic

It is so shiny, my brother said it is all windows XPish when he saw them.

What isnt Windows XP nowadays.

Anyway I can put up with this untill you change it.