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#216210 March Meltdown

Posted by DX-Robert on 03 March 2009 - 10:12 PM in Nerf Wars

I would definitely be out. I'll be lying on the beach at Mazatlan, Mexico that following weekend ^_^

#216184 March Meltdown

Posted by DX-Robert on 03 March 2009 - 08:43 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey, I'm just wondering if March Madness will stay as scheduled with the forecast of rain on the weekend. I'd personally rather nerf in the rain than miss a rescheduling, which would happen if it were postponed to the 14th. That and its status will drastically affect my travel plans this weekend. As of now, I will be leaving New London at the crack of dawn for the Jersey Shore, then rushing for Boston the moment the war ends. It would be helpful to know if the war is still on before booking rails and rides.

#335887 2013 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by DX-Robert on 09 December 2013 - 05:36 PM in Nerf Wars

[url=http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24595] 14th [NY] Tristate War[/url]

#331975 Apocalypse 2013

Posted by DX-Robert on 15 July 2013 - 11:49 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll definitely be there if it's a FADDLE BATTLE!

#332835 Apocalypse 2013

Posted by DX-Robert on 09 August 2013 - 06:30 PM in Nerf Wars

I only jumped into the last picture in that set, which I think was on someone else' camera.

#325018 Firestrike Mod Overview

Posted by DX-Robert on 03 January 2013 - 12:19 AM in Modifications

Question for anyone who has already modded a Firestrike: How does it stack up to a 1st gen NF with comparable mods?

#173746 Last Minute Nj Nerf War

Posted by DX-Robert on 30 August 2008 - 05:17 PM in Nerf Wars

I didn't say i wasn't coming but it would be easier for me to get a ride. Putting myself through college doesn't really allow me the 40 bucks its gonna cost to drive all the way there. That sir is a months worth of beer.

You serious? I would hop on a train at fucking 4 in the morning to make it down to South Jersey for this, but Metro-North isn't hardcore enough to get me out of New London in time. With 5 station transfers and 3 line changes, it would be start time before I'd have even crossed the Hudson.

A quality war is worth more than $40. And that's in no way a month's worth of beer, that doesn't even last a weekend.

I can't make it, so I hope everyone who can has a great time ;) [and actually shows up].

#353152 [CT] NENO 15 May 1st

Posted by DX-Robert on 29 April 2016 - 06:46 PM in Nerf Wars

The forecast has improved to 51 degrees with periods of light rain.  The heavy stuff has been bumped to the evening.  I'd still bring rain gear and a change of clothes, but this is much better than the earlier forecast.

#353140 [CT] NENO 15 May 1st

Posted by DX-Robert on 28 April 2016 - 09:30 PM in Nerf Wars

War is still on, regardless of weather.  Bring a rain jacket and a change of clothes.

#353119 [CT] NENO 15 May 1st

Posted by DX-Robert on 28 April 2016 - 12:08 PM in Nerf Wars

NENO is this Sunday!  There is a chance of rain, so pack a jacket.

Like last time, I will be bringing a bunch of things I don't want.  The better ones will go into the raffle, the rest anyone can just take.  Whatever is left will go straight into the trash.

#353123 [CT] NENO 15 May 1st

Posted by DX-Robert on 28 April 2016 - 03:48 PM in Nerf Wars

For the raffle, we typically put in a $10-20 item (or combo of items, or Nerf blaster book, or Nerfstrong wristband, or big box of junk, or...Jaxon's left glove...).  Each person gets a number and numbers are drawn randomly, you pick in the order that the numbers come up.

#353134 [CT] NENO 15 May 1st

Posted by DX-Robert on 28 April 2016 - 06:40 PM in Nerf Wars

No, but you can trade the extras, depending on what you have.  I am always looking to trade junk for junk, especially for Deploys, regular ATs, RF 20s, etc.

#113139 It's Clean-up Time!

Posted by DX-Robert on 26 June 2007 - 12:25 PM in News

This is certainly not the first time I've heard that suggestion. I have a bit of expertise on this subject since I have done it myself on more than one forum and regret it. On some forums, it is a good idea, on others, it is not. Most of the time, pruning inactive members is done to make stats more representative of the actively contributing and posting membership. However, here, no one really cares about stats. How many posts and members NH has doesn't mean anything significant.

The majority of members on most forums do not post, they browse and absorb knowledge. Some may browse for an entire year and then return to post. Depends on the person and how comfortable they are to posting. Some of the most intelligent online members I know did not post their first day, or even first month. There was this one kid who made an account, forgot about it, came back the following year, and now has been a regular contributer for the past 2. If you prune members, it actually turns people away from registering, and definitely from coming back. You could have a guy ready to make stunning contributions, but when he comes back, he finds that this account has been deleted. He will be lost from that site.

After watching the effects of pruning, I've found that it shouldn't be done unless a site needs to reduce its server load and conserve space. However, that is rarely a problem. And of course, these are observations, not suggestions or opinions, both of which tend to get people in trouble. Elsewhere, I am well known for only opening my mouth when backed by real experience.

#343883 [PA] Nerf War at Plains Airsoft Arena, Sunday March 22nd

Posted by DX-Robert on 04 January 2015 - 03:33 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there if able (if there is gas in my car, it still runs, and there is no snow).

#344037 [PA] Nerf War at Plains Airsoft Arena, Sunday March 22nd

Posted by DX-Robert on 07 January 2015 - 10:43 PM in Nerf Wars


The nerfer formally known as DX
Shandsgator +1

The Twinkies rise again!

#95045 I Have A Nerf Gun That Shoots Almost 400'

Posted by DX-Robert on 22 November 2006 - 11:29 PM in General Nerf

This really should have died already. As stated countless times before, who cares? Who are you going to hit from 400ft out? For all I care, it could have 4,000ft of range. If it were accurate enough to actually nail someone from such great distances, that would be a matter worth caring about.

I'm surprised that this topic has warranted flaming. It's among the most pointless use of flaming I've ever seen. We can never know the absolute truth about whether the gun cleared the mark or not, so why do you even bother to try and force one decision over another? Those who believe the proof do have the right to try and persuade. Those who don't have the right to try and dissuade. However, once it wanders from intellectual argument to personal attack, the line is crossed. Flaming is never justified for anything. Those with no sense of restraint, those who always have to be right, and those who need to pump their egos are a primary reason why society is going down the crapper before it is even flushed. This topic is a perfect example of what not to say in what started out as a valid argument. It is shocking to see how difficult it can be for some people to remain civil and keep their posts somewhat formal. I've seen little children with better behavior.

Personally, I would have tested this with as many variables as possible removed. That means a closed, controlled environment with at least prosumer-level cameras, well marked intervals, and exact measurements of the firing angle. That would also mean that the trial would have to be run many times to siphon out the variables that could lead to a bias or holes in the proof. When conducted like a true experiment, the resulting proof could bear much more scientific weight.

Since there were so many variables possible, the range test that was conducted cannot be proved or disproved absolutely without doubt. You've got a hung jury here, and cannot fairly come to a decision that everyone must accept. Therefore this case should be tossed out of court. Please let it die on its own, as having a topic closed by an admin would demonstrate how this community cannot conduct itself in a mature manner. However, I do think that this topic needs to be physically closed and people need to move on.

#188935 Thanksgiving War At The Shore

Posted by DX-Robert on 10 November 2008 - 11:00 PM in Nerf Wars

Dude that was the highlight of the war. SAVE me Mommy, SAVE me!

#184621 Thanksgiving War At The Shore

Posted by DX-Robert on 20 October 2008 - 02:00 PM in Nerf Wars

Only the 29th would work for me. Black Friday is a no-go, imagine trying to drive into Jersey from the northeast early in the morning on that day. The Palisades Mall guards the Tappan-Zee route and the other option is the city...no way that would end well.

#188932 Thanksgiving War At The Shore

Posted by DX-Robert on 10 November 2008 - 10:53 PM in Nerf Wars

I am cleared for that date. Now to find a ride...

#193212 Thanksgiving War At The Shore

Posted by DX-Robert on 01 December 2008 - 12:29 AM in Nerf Wars

- Seeing mostly familiar faces on a familiar field. My fast and fluid fighting style works best in this type of terrain.
- Pouring in the hits, all day long. Didn't matter whether the victim was moving, stationary, veteran, newbie, wide open, or through the brush, my maxshot meant business.
- Knifing into the enemy in the first round. I didn't expect it to be a turkey-shoot, but they wouldn't stop dying :blush:
- Shooting Vacc in the cheek to end the standoff on the road. "A sweet, yet terrible hit".
- Watching Ice Spartan fork over $190 for a crossbow. Damn that's like a semester's worth of college textbooks at the best online discounts possible.
- Finding some old darts that I fired over 3 years ago at an Apoc that wasn't much larger than this war!
- Defense - barely saving the flag. Had someone not called my name, I wouldn't have even noticed it getting away. Couldn't do anything about the second time though.
- The bridge battle. At times I was alone with 4 people shooting at me while dodging and trying not to slip cause the wood was wet. The fight across the bridge from within the bushes was also really intense. Split took a shot that missed my head by an inch or two.
- Getting a ride from Badger to jump-start a long trip home. Left at dusk, took 5 hours, made 4 transfers, rode 3 lines, pulled into 2 Penn stations, caught 1 express, and finally stepped on Westport platform at 10.

Edit - glad to hear that you two are alright.

#191783 Thanksgiving War At The Shore

Posted by DX-Robert on 24 November 2008 - 08:57 PM in Nerf Wars

My attendance is more then likely at this point.

#192694 Thanksgiving War At The Shore

Posted by DX-Robert on 29 November 2008 - 05:22 AM in Nerf Wars

I've secured a full ride, so forget what I posted earlier. See you guys at the war! [notice the post time hehe]...

#192896 Thanksgiving War At The Shore

Posted by DX-Robert on 29 November 2008 - 11:05 PM in Nerf Wars

Someone will probably make a recap thread by tomorrow. I just got home lol, that ranks 2nd as my longest travel time commitment [1st was the ECNO earlier this year]. Was worth getting up at 5 for though, will post a personal recap tomorrow. There's some good pics too, hopefully those will be posted...

#191826 Thanksgiving War At The Shore

Posted by DX-Robert on 25 November 2008 - 12:04 AM in Nerf Wars

I am confirming now, given "a 99% chance" of a ride. 100% attendance rate still alive after 3 years!

#193501 Thanksgiving War At The Shore

Posted by DX-Robert on 02 December 2008 - 03:10 PM in Nerf Wars

So what ever happened to those pictures? There were a few I was hoping to see, especially the "bad influence" one with Badger.

#191863 Thanksgiving War At The Shore

Posted by DX-Robert on 25 November 2008 - 11:43 AM in Nerf Wars

@Kuhlschrank: Said comment was not related nor intended to be related to your specific affairs. I cite that attendance rate almost every time I confirm to a war, I'm just glad that real life has not forced me to bail yet. You should know by now that the power to insult is not one which I wield, especially for those I hold in high regard. Apologies for any misunderstanding as it is the internet and unrelated thing can become associated when viewed in certain ways.

#192509 Thanksgiving War At The Shore

Posted by DX-Robert on 28 November 2008 - 04:17 PM in Nerf Wars

Tim and I ran into some trouble and may need to use public transportation. If we take the train, the closest we can get is Bay Head; if the bus then the closest is Toms River. I need to know if anyone would be willing to pick us up from either of those points?

By train we would be in Bay Head at 9:21 AM or by bus in Toms River at 10:05 AM. Obviously Toms River is closer, but the bus option may not be available, given the scheduling it looks like the train is more likely.

#311809 DCNF 3

Posted by DX-Robert on 24 February 2012 - 11:42 PM in Nerf Wars

For those who know the general region, which route is better from CT to DC: I-95 all the way, or 78 to 83? 95 is the most direct route geographically, but it will also carry the highest probability of traffic and tolls. 78 to 83 swings out west more, but looks to take only 26 min more on paper with less tolls and little possibility of traffic since nothing's out there. On the way back home, I am definitely not taking 95 since I will be leaving during Monday morning rush. However, I don't know which route is better on a Saturday morning-afternoon-evening coming south.

#310882 DCNF 3

Posted by DX-Robert on 07 February 2012 - 10:54 PM in Nerf Wars

I don't particularly care where it ends up being. Just really hope that Doom's available because otherwise I'd have to leave at about 2-3 AM to get there by 9. I've seen crazier things done for wars though (like NC to NY to MS), getting there is not the concern...it's getting back that sucks.

#310422 DCNF 3

Posted by DX-Robert on 31 January 2012 - 12:28 PM in Nerf Wars

I would still love to make it back to the DMV area for a war, but I'd have to spend both Friday night and Sunday night with a host. It's a punishing drive from CT, before factoring in any traffic.

#311624 DCNF 3

Posted by DX-Robert on 22 February 2012 - 10:45 AM in Nerf Wars

I am now a definite.

#259800 Battle For New York 4

Posted by DX-Robert on 26 December 2009 - 02:07 AM in Nerf Wars

Oh one more thing, and it's kinda random: if anyone has a single tube of 1/2" PETG (think it's the thinwall type) about 8 inches long or so, cleanly cut, I'll give you a dollar for it at the war.

#259741 Battle For New York 4

Posted by DX-Robert on 25 December 2009 - 12:12 PM in Nerf Wars

I can confirm attendance now, though I'm pretty fucked - all my darts are white (they'll all be lost with the snow on the ground). See you then and Merry Christmas now.

#257790 Battle For New York 4

Posted by DX-Robert on 02 December 2009 - 01:45 AM in Nerf Wars

Currently a maybe, will know for sure by the end of the week.

#260277 Battle For New York 4

Posted by DX-Robert on 31 December 2009 - 03:44 PM in Nerf Wars

Keep in mind that it is a war...this war in particular draws people who come to fight. Selling is generally sporadic, casual, and specific. People come knowing what they want to get.

#260420 Battle For New York 4

Posted by DX-Robert on 01 January 2010 - 11:47 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm still making darts, have been putting it off all week. My Maximizer now has a name (Max) and I've given him an RSCB and a new paintjob. Cya tomorrow!

#260670 Battle For New York 4

Posted by DX-Robert on 04 January 2010 - 04:22 PM in Nerf Wars

That was awesome, even though "Max" finally kicked the bucket. I hope to fix it up in time for BCNO.

Highlights -

- I finally got with the times and outfitted Max the Maximizer with an RSCB. It double shot sometimes, didn't shoot uphill well, and led me to run out of ammo much of the time, but overall was a major improvement.

- Good turnout and always nice to meet new people.

- Titankid didn't have a titan

- Defense during "Ride the Bull". I never really considered raiders to have a good war use until that.

- Revamped nitefinder doing some damage during that round.

- Outpost being great fun as usual. Started out boring as I was on defense, but it really got good when the tide turned and we lost several bases. I rushed up to take one back and like 5 of our people were then able to respawn. The flags were a great upgrade.

- Being the last survivor in Zombies. I rarely lose that gametype - you can't tag what you can't catch.

- Headshot on Skitzo. He was behind a large rock and there was nothing else to aim at.

- Actually finding my own darts sometimes

- Having "Max" blow up at the end of the FFA round. I was on a killing spree, 6 kills in less than 2 minutes, when I pulled the lever back and it went boom - the case completely cracked in half. I was worried about the cold making the plastic brittle, but it held up fine until then. When I fix Max, I probably will limit its use in future cold wars, falling back on an air gun instead.

#131177 Reckoning V 2008

Posted by DX-Robert on 01 December 2007 - 10:46 PM in Nerf Wars

The 5th or 6th are the only dates I could make. My Winter Break gets cut short due to track.

#294591 March Meltdown '11

Posted by DX-Robert on 16 February 2011 - 08:29 PM in Nerf Wars

I'd hate to miss this one, but the 19th and 26th don't work for me. The 5th and 12th do, but it looks like things are leaning towards the 19th.

#311452 Grid Code Indoor Nerf War in PA

Posted by DX-Robert on 18 February 2012 - 09:51 PM in Nerf Wars

I might be a bit late depending on when I get out the door and how the highways are flowing. Alarm is set for 5:30, see ya tomorrow bright and early.