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There have been 301 items by DTReaper (Search limited from 30-January 97)

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#269839 Scorpion Ldr

Posted by DTReaper on 21 March 2010 - 05:02 PM in Homemades

Good job on the gun but I would like to see some disassembled pictures of the gun so I can see the particulars of how it works.


#67594 Rubber Tubing

Posted by DTReaper on 13 November 2005 - 05:47 PM in Off Topic

Is that ID or OD?


#67565 Rubber Tubing

Posted by DTReaper on 13 November 2005 - 08:59 AM in Off Topic

Thanks for the help everybody.


#67861 Rubber Tubing

Posted by DTReaper on 17 November 2005 - 06:43 AM in Off Topic

I know its old but I feel it better to reuse this topic then to create another so I have a question. How whould I attach the two ends of the rubber tubing together?
Not only that but how long should the tubing be?

#67542 Rubber Tubing

Posted by DTReaper on 12 November 2005 - 07:04 PM in Off Topic

I recently saw some rubber tubing at my local Home depot and I am wondering what diameter I would require to make a three man water ballon/snowball launcher?


#168959 Recon Problems.....we Got Work To Do

Posted by DTReaper on 13 August 2008 - 11:39 PM in Modifications

Why dont you try on the next recon you get to put some type of buffer inbetween the plunger tube inner and outer on the back end. This will stop plastic from hitting plastic which is most likely what is causing your plunger to break. The AR would normally slow the plunger down enough to make the plastic on plastic damage insignificant but without it the damage is far greater and with what seems to be the weaker plastic they are using nowadays it is too much for it.
So the answer is simple in addition to not dry firing the gun (which I garentee does more damage then it does with a dart in it) all you need to do is put a bumper in it and it will help alot I almost garuentee.


#66711 Raleigh, Nc

Posted by DTReaper on 28 October 2005 - 05:39 PM in Nerf Wars

...are you older than twelve, and do you posses an IQ that is above room-tempature?

Is that in celsius or farienhieght (sp?)


#68177 Pump-action Clip Writeup

Posted by DTReaper on 23 November 2005 - 11:17 PM in Homemades

Most couplers hold a barrel IE. CPVC securly in place so no air exscapes but isn't too tight allowing it to be pulled out. This increases ROF by makinging it possible to use longer barrels without a ramrod.


#135646 Proplusion, Springs And Psi

Posted by DTReaper on 11 January 2008 - 06:05 PM in General Nerf

You are all forgetting a key factor in the speed of the plunger and that is friction it will slow down the gun since F=MA the speed and weight are important factors to consider when making a spring gun so a lighter yet still strong plunger is a good way to improve ranges in your spring guns. However i agree with basically everything else that they say.


#70646 Problems With Nitefinder

Posted by DTReaper on 08 January 2006 - 03:55 PM in Modifications

The darts tearing happens in my AT2K because of the pressuse relase. The way to fix this is to put a straw on the inside and hotglue it in. This will stop the ripping.


#65795 Problems With My Nerf Guns

Posted by DTReaper on 14 October 2005 - 07:01 PM in General Nerf

With my scout I did the first part of ompa's then instead of replacing the barrel i was lazy and stuck a piece of brass in the end of the barrel with e-tape around it. It improved the range. Until it broke... yet again.


#171963 Poll: Which Of These Olympic Sports Should Not Be One?

Posted by DTReaper on 24 August 2008 - 01:03 AM in Off Topic

Ping Pong is pure sport. You guys are stupid. It's just like tennis, just less running back and fourth and groaning. Synchronized swimming ~<==8 now that isn't a sport.

I'm sorry to say it but I think synchronized swimming is a sport. The women in it throw each other in the air without touching the ground. I think that all the Olympic sports have there place in the Olympics. Just watching them makes me think, the average person can't do that. Trampolining is also a sport and deserves it's spot in the Olympics, after all, it is gymnastics. Now all they need is beer drinking in the Olympics.

Haven't you ever heard of beerfest come on now its held every year. But as far as olympic sports that shouldnt be sports, Handball might be one of the dumbest ones that nobody ever heard of but power walking shouldnt be one, I imagine the judging would be really gay for it. table tennis is fine you have to be really good to play on an olympic level, so yes everyone can play it as someone said but to play competitively you have to actually be good.


#65930 Pick An MP3 Player

Posted by DTReaper on 16 October 2005 - 03:41 PM in Off Topic

I bought a Zen Xtra because I was poor and needed a lot of space. It plays music very well, but I haven't had good experiences with it. I'm already on my third MP3 player.

My first Zen Xtra broke after it fell from my pocket. Whatever the thing that reads from the plates was called smashed into the plates and pretty much destroyed the hard drive. Luckily it was under warranty, but the Staples guy sure was mad that I brought it in on the last week of the warranty! This sort of damage isn't supposed to happen, but I didn't mind. It's the only break I've heard of with one of these.

My second Zen Xtra was stolen. Nothing else can be said because I don't know much about what went on. However, whoever stole it sure isn't getting any use from it today because they don't have the cable to recharge it. What a waste! I'm fairly sure of who the kid was who stole it, and every month I've found a sex-toy catalog and signed him up for distribution... stupid bastard probably enjoys it.

My third (and final) Zen Xtra has been working fine since I got it. With FBR padding on top of the regular case, I don't think it can be damaged very easily.

All in all, keep this stuff safe and secure kids. Once you do so, your MP3 player should provide a lifetime of listening pleasure.

Dude that has to be one of the best ways to get someone back I mean it's soo funny but you could have done one better and if hes a guy send him a gay pornagraphy every month now that would be the best way to get back at someone... without injuring them in anyway... expecaly if that person still lives with their parents/wife/girlfriend/in a army barracks.


#67503 Painted Darts?

Posted by DTReaper on 11 November 2005 - 11:37 PM in General Nerf

If you want to signal them use a whistler dart. I'm not sure if they whistle but if they do that might work. Or you could use Walky Talkies.


#67471 Painted Darts?

Posted by DTReaper on 11 November 2005 - 03:27 PM in General Nerf

Unless it is a glow in the dark paint and you are playing in the dark. Then the paint is infinently not good.
1. they can see it in your barrle
2.they see coming
but it is ggod in
1. you can see it on the ground


#67431 Painted Darts?

Posted by DTReaper on 10 November 2005 - 07:35 PM in General Nerf

Some people have gotten better ranges with painted darts due to the increase in air tightness. But I think it will just flak off like squiggs said.


#67440 Painted Darts?

Posted by DTReaper on 10 November 2005 - 10:14 PM in General Nerf

What if you use a primer then the paint. Woulden't it not come off as much?


#132498 Other Sports Or Shooting Sports

Posted by DTReaper on 14 December 2007 - 11:30 PM in Off Topic

I shoot .22's for my schools rifle team its a pretty good sport got a 164/200 today. For those who don't know I have to use all four positions off hand (standing), kneeling, sitting, prone (laying down). The shoot 5 shoots for each in a space of 30 minutes. Im actually fairly good considering I just started the sport this year.


#69549 Open Letter To New Members And Admins

Posted by DTReaper on 19 December 2005 - 08:26 PM in General Nerf

I find that most noobs post in things they have no idea about or are totally useless. That is why my motto is if you don't have anything important to say then don't say anything at all. Thats mainly why I only have like 100 posts in like 4 months. That is all I have to say.


#69552 Open Letter To New Members And Admins

Posted by DTReaper on 19 December 2005 - 08:40 PM in General Nerf

That's still one post per day. I don't post unless I have to. Look at all my post's and most of mine are mod writeups, and help toward other's. (No anger or anything toward you.)

Anyway's, To all new members. Try and make at least ONE contribution to the NIC. So you're not just some n00b, instead you have something to call your own, to be remember'd and identified by. Think before you post, and the search function is your friend.

Yeah I know that haven't made any real mod writeups, but the reason for that is due to the fact that I lack a digital camera and I really haven't come up with anything origanal.


#69622 Open Letter To New Members And Admins

Posted by DTReaper on 20 December 2005 - 04:01 PM in General Nerf

No moderators don't deleate topic that haven't been posted in for a month because some actually help people. They are there for history and help. So that way people can look a mod up before they say anything and if all topics over a month old were deleted the amount of people asking for mds would at least double. It would be a mess.


#231777 Nj Apocalypse #8

Posted by DTReaper on 21 May 2009 - 09:21 PM in Nerf Wars

I am planning on attending and probably bringing at least one person.


#80876 Nitemav Version:2

Posted by DTReaper on 27 April 2006 - 01:40 PM in Modifications

The NF cylinder fits inside of the maverick very tightly AFTER you gut the inside of it. You have to do lots of custom cutting and fitting. They I hot glued the cylinder in and it's placement is just about perfect.

Yeah, my camera only uses quicktime MOV. files and I hate it. If anyone knows of some free conversion software, I'd greatly appreciate it. I tried to convert it with a cheap program and it didn't work very well. Here it is anyway:

Firing 6 shots

Cartoon that is almost exactly how I made my nitemav but I had a NF firing case inside the mav. It doesnt work right now due to the air seal problem.


#63706 Nite Mav

Posted by DTReaper on 15 September 2005 - 07:07 PM in Modifications

I will keep you informed and as a side note the only reason i want to do this is because I dislike the fire fly greatly it is too big and I could make the nite mav for less money. Not only that but if I get another mav I could do the cool Barrel mod (the one where you can take out the cylinder).

#63699 Nite Mav

Posted by DTReaper on 15 September 2005 - 06:07 PM in Modifications

I am looking for the nite mav mod or to put it for simpler people a mav with a NF plunger in it. I would prefferable prefer it in write up form but will settle for pictures. Any help would be most abliged (sp.).

#67426 Nite Finder Help

Posted by DTReaper on 10 November 2005 - 06:40 PM in Modifications

I rcently replaced a NF's spring with a stronger one and it was too powerfull; it broke the holders on the plunger and now it's working on going through the case.


#67545 Nite Finder Help

Posted by DTReaper on 12 November 2005 - 09:37 PM in Modifications

its more of a "tim the tool man taylor" more power thing. i just wanna out shoot my hallmates. the one across the way has an at2k. i just put a massive spring in it. i havnt reinforced it yet but it hit a wall about 6' up from 70' away. it leaves welts on bare skin now. the other reason for beefing it up is no one else on campus(msu) thinks its cool they think we should buy air soft guns. i just gitta showem up with a $6 nerf pistol.

That makes Perfect sense, Brillient.


#87091 Nf Mod, What Did I Do Wrong?

Posted by DTReaper on 10 August 2006 - 09:06 PM in Modifications

If you want better ranges with your current setup all I can add is that you should add some rubber bands to it to stop the problem of the plunger getting slowed by the airtight seal. Also adding a new barrel like CPVC, PVC, brass, PETG , or even copper (if it fits your darts well) will improve your ranges. Good luck on the gun.


#94811 Next-gen Systems

Posted by DTReaper on 19 November 2006 - 02:18 PM in Off Topic

Ok, Back on topic I have played the Xbox 360 and I like it. The graphics are quite good. Personally I don't reaseach these things alot but Nintendo Has been making new consoles that are outside the box and ultimatly may sell way less or way more due tyo its uniqueness. Personally I will probably stick to my PS2 that and my donkey kong stand up arcade game. Just because the other things are quite expensive. I dont know which I want to get. But I voted PS3 because well i like playstation and because I think the gamecube blows. I really wish this argument would be stopped by the admins or by the bigger man just stopping it.


#64405 New! Sharpshooter II00!

Posted by DTReaper on 26 September 2005 - 05:48 PM in Modifications

What is the range of the gun?

#65335 New Version Bbb Mod

Posted by DTReaper on 08 October 2005 - 04:19 PM in Modifications

First off exelent mod and paintjob. Second I have looked at the BBB for a while and am wondering how the crap you cock the gun?


#66355 New Silencer

Posted by DTReaper on 22 October 2005 - 09:57 PM in Homemades

Yes silencers only work in pump guns and not spring guns.


#66352 New Silencer

Posted by DTReaper on 22 October 2005 - 09:50 PM in Homemades

Ok so I know many of you are saying we alsready have silencers but this is a new way to make them that I came up with. I use micros so I also use 1/2 cpvc.

-So I took that and then cut it to the length of the barrel but then added on 2-3 inches.
-Then I did to make the silencer was to drill out one end of it with a 1/2 inch concreate drill bit.
-Then after I drilled rows of smaller holes in the sides to make it a silencer.

I think it works rather well and there isn't any fuss of it falling off. I use this with my airtech 2K single coupler moded. So tell me your thoughts questions and comments on it and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


#67390 New Fun Ammo

Posted by DTReaper on 09 November 2005 - 08:35 PM in General Nerf

Ok so I just realized that Smarties (you know the candy that comes in rolls) fit quite well in half inch CPVC with a little persuasion. It fires good out of my quaded AT 2K and it's super fun to shot at people because it's candy. I know this is childish but fun. Also mini marshmellow fit into CPVC too, A great party game ehh.


#67986 New Fun Ammo

Posted by DTReaper on 19 November 2005 - 11:35 AM in General Nerf

I am sorry I ever made this topic. It was a one time fling then I ate the smarties and it ended. So this should end because all I usually use is foam. And babies holding hammers, just kidding about that last comment.


#67648 New Fun Ammo

Posted by DTReaper on 14 November 2005 - 07:29 PM in General Nerf

I really really don't like where this is going.


#64278 New Clip

Posted by DTReaper on 24 September 2005 - 08:13 PM in Homemades

I had a new idea for a clip one day when I got irritated at figuring out how to make a detacable (sp.) clip so I made one that didn't requre you to take it off the gun so it stays there. So here it is.
Posted Image

the red is a T joint cut in half, the light blue is pvc, the brown is either balsa wood or sheet metal, the dark blue is a hinge and the white part is another peice of balsa or metal that opens to allow stefans in. the two prongs on the outside are to pull down so the dart goes all the way in to the chamber.

In the second oneit shows the inside. This clip is based off of the other clips I have seen.

So thoughts, questions, and opinions?

Edit: sorry after posing I realized that the pics are too small so if the admins would kindly resize them it would be much apreciated

#93170 Nerf-emplacement Cannon

Posted by DTReaper on 28 October 2006 - 11:39 AM in Homemades

Ok I have three things to say; first what kind of ammo will be used in this gun. And second I don't think the barrel is long enough for that size of air tank. Generally what I have hear is that the volume of the barrel should be about a fourth the volume of the airtank. Third that thing will take forever to prime if you are using a bike pump.


#92946 Nerf-emplacement Cannon

Posted by DTReaper on 25 October 2006 - 05:55 AM in Homemades

If I were to make a cannon of death I would have PVC that fit around a poolnoodle and then have one section in back of a bunch of stefans and one in front in the barrel. So that way when it fires you get alot of stefans flying everywhere and therefore having a better chance of hitting someone with the emplacement so that way even if you get only one shot you will have made a kill or two.


#68909 Nerf Range Catagories

Posted by DTReaper on 08 December 2005 - 06:20 PM in Nerf Wars

Well I view assult type wepons as guns with higher rates of fire like At3ks, 4ks, 2ks (somewhat), RF 20s, fireflys and PCs.
Long range weapon is basicly a weapon that can reach about 100 feet like singled At 2Ks,3ks, and 4k (I think), LBB, and Xbows.
sidearms are handheld weapons mostly that can reach about 40-70 feetish like mav (which doubles as an indoor assult), NF, LNL, and other such.
Hold outs are guns that are like a last ditch effort goes under like 20 feet like SSPB, Hidden shot and some others.

There may be others I forgot but that's basicly it for me.