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#16406 Reckoning 2004

Posted by The Fred on 14 January 2004 - 11:41 PM in Nerf Wars

The above is an example of what happens when we leave Langley to his own devices. I'm surprised the snow and cabin fever didn't turn him into Jack Nicholson from the Shining (or Homer from "The Shinning").

"No beer and no TV make Homer go something something..."

The Fred

#12976 Reckoning 2004

Posted by The Fred on 17 November 2003 - 08:38 PM in Nerf Wars

You know,

It's really heartening to see the great reaction my physical plight has given everyone on this forum. YOU SHOULD ALL BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES. A man's health is no laughing matter, and when your young bodies begin to break down on you as the years pass, I hope your karma comes back and bites you in the ass.

The Fred

P.S. I think it will be Professor Plum, in the kitchen, with the ice pick.

#12868 Reckoning 2004

Posted by The Fred on 14 November 2003 - 06:23 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey guys,

The weekend of the 18th is the best. Rutgers commences on the following Tuesday (1/22), I think, so although I'll probably be able to make it on the weekend of the 25th, the 18th is a sure thing. And I promise not to hurt myself before this one.

Kicking the shit out of people one arm at a time,
The Fred

#16561 Reckoning 2004

Posted by The Fred on 17 January 2004 - 01:04 PM in Nerf Wars

Langley and I have been talking about this over the phone since last night and we've decided that next weekend would be better for us, as well. Neither of our cars (most of you have seen my 1991 Maxima with half a front bumper) can handle snow, sleet, freezing rain, or plagues of locusts very well and the trip down there might be too much. We're trying to get rid of our commitments for next Sunday, but we're sure we'll be down there for war on the 25th.

This sucks, but so does the weather.

The Fred

#16607 Reckoning 2004

Posted by The Fred on 18 January 2004 - 01:51 AM in Nerf Wars

The LGLF will be getting together at 9 am tomorrow in Middletown to take a look at the weather conditions, glue some darts, etc. If the weather is improved, i.e. if the snow that is coming down outside of our windows right now has melted, we're going to try to make it down there, but probably not until the second half of the war in a best-case scenario. If it is icing, snowing, or nasty out there we don't think we can make it, but we'll get as many of us together for a raindate next week.

I wish we had gotten a bit more notice to the sudden change of plans. We had already made contingency plans for next weekend, such as getting out of work and other commitments, before this happened. But whatever.

The Fred

#235039 Ddt.........s

Posted by The Fred on 08 June 2009 - 06:49 PM in Nerf Wars

In what I think is my first NerfHaven post since 2005, I confirm my attendance on June 27th. Looking forward to it!

#8815 Gnomefest2

Posted by The Fred on 27 August 2003 - 11:33 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah, the food is excellent around here and I am willing to inform and or take anyone who wants to partake in it to a delicious local eatery. Even the sushi is good around here.

The Fred

#7524 Gnomefest2

Posted by The Fred on 30 July 2003 - 11:27 PM in Nerf Wars

This may sound counter-intuitive because I'm moving into Rutgers on Thurs. the 28th, but my schedule makes me vote for early September instead. I can come down from school on the weekend, I wouldn't mind.

The Fred

#30999 The Michael Moore Movie

Posted by The Fred on 12 July 2004 - 04:50 PM in Off Topic

I, too, saw F-911 having already made up my mind as to whom I am going to cast my vote for in November (Kerry). I found the movie interesting and, in many ways accurate. Although I do not like Michael Moore and find his radically-leftist agenda annoying and occasionally disgusting, he did an excellent job of portraying the ridiculous and befuddled nature of the Bush administration up to, during, and after the September 11th, attacks. The clips with that one border patrol agent -- who works part-time to cover a 50-mile-long stretch of land -- are not an isolated incident. Sure, give us a sugar-coated "Terror Alert Color Coded System" to let us know when we should be scared in an Elevated fashion and when we should be scared in a High fashion, but let's just leave the U.S.-Mexico and U.S. Canada (God, I hate those Canadians) borders open and understaffed for people to just waltz in.

Some of Moore's claims were ridiculous, though. What did you all think of the beginning clips from the section on Iraq; namely, the ones that showed happy Iraqi children playing in parks, and liberated, fearless women sipping coffee in outdoor cafes, apparently unfazed by Saddam Hussein's "benevolent" regime? Sure, we may have gone into Iraq based on Bush's personal agenda, but don't feed us B.S. stating that Saddam wasn't such a bad guy to his people. He did gas 10,000 Kurds (with our VX gas) because he didn't like the threat their religion posed on his Ba'athist regime.

The Fred

#47589 Nj March War, Via The Viking

Posted by The Fred on 19 February 2005 - 11:35 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm in. And, Hersh... I'm going to stay, too, you f***er. :lol: Thanks, Talio, for using my gun as a benchmark for what's allowed... if that damned thing still shot like it used to when it was first modded, your rules might have granted the Philly kids an outside shot at bringing their 2ks. As it stands though, looking forward to a good time.


#32870 Nj Apoc '04

Posted by The Fred on 01 August 2004 - 09:57 PM in Nerf Wars

Had a great time at Apoc this year. The ride down in the rain was interesting, the visit from certain corporate dignitaries was fun, and the wars were excellent. I enjoyed myself.

Most amazingly, Langley drove the entire way without incident, accident, or disruption of the time-space continuum.

Thanks for a good day.

The Fred

#954 Nj Spring War:

Posted by The Fred on 27 January 2003 - 11:08 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey guys, this is Fred from the LGLF (I'm a computer science major with a minor in mathematics, by the way). I'm all for holding this war in Middletown, considering that most of the LCM now possess drivers' licenses of some kind, and I'm willing to bust my ass to get this done (even if I am typing this in Piscataway right now). I just want to let you all know that if we do have the war in my town, it's going to be handled with the same responsibility that Apoc, Reckoning (wasn't there, but I'll assume it was done well cause Evil Angel was on it), and other wars were. Middletown Tindall Park has a large expanse of woods, a challenge-type course, and if a friend of mine is working the mini-golf course on that particular day, I think that might be an option for a cool twist on things. There is a McDonald's, a Pizza Hut, and two pretty good local pizza places within walking distance, and if you want to drive a few miles, I'd say there are at least 20 good places to eat.

I also agree that, in some situations, less is more. I don't believe that this war is the best opportunity for the LGLF to bring in at least 5, possibly as many as 8, new people who have never warred before. It's no insult to them, I just think that Langley, myself, and other people who have done this before should take a look at them first before throwing them into the "fire." Langley has agreed with me on this principle before, and I'm sure that we won't be playing a huge role in a potential clusterfuck.

Anyway, this is a cool new board and I'm looking forward to seeing my people in the LCM again, I'm sorry I missed all you guys @ Reckoning.

The Fred

#1383 Nj Spring War:

Posted by The Fred on 14 February 2003 - 01:13 PM in Nerf Wars


Yeah, May 18th in Middletown sounds great. During my spring break (March 15-22), we'll get a permit settled (I don't know how many people are coming yet, but the fee is pretty small so it's no big deal to get it just in case) and we're open to input from you or anyone else as to specific details (specific wars, setups, etc). Anyone who wants to can reach me at Fredgnj@aol.com and I'll get back to you.

The Fred

#331579 Apocalypse 2013

Posted by The Fred on 05 July 2013 - 07:40 AM in Nerf Wars

Though I can be injury-prone... I plan to be there. Looking forward to it.

#970 Nj Spring War:

Posted by The Fred on 28 January 2003 - 02:17 PM in Nerf Wars


No problems here, except for the very slight possiblity that I would have a weekend final exam the exact day of the war. I wonder if my professor would buy Nerf as an excuse for a conflict exam...?

The Fred

#32091 [ec] Gnomefest3 August 21st

Posted by The Fred on 22 July 2004 - 01:43 PM in Nerf Wars

YES. I mean, NO, I will NOT fall in the tub.

I look forward to seeing all of you at our GnomeFEST3, Saturday, August 21, 2004. Make sure you either post here or PM Langley to let us know if you will be in attendance. As always, if you have any questions or anything, we'd be happy to hear them and laugh at you.

Take it easy, guys.

The Fred

P.S. We are looking into purchasing a HUGE master roll (775') of the finest 5/8" FBR that we can find. Would anyone be interested in buying some at roughly $0.20 a foot? Minimum order of 50'. It's a really good deal and you'd be buying through us and the manufacturer (Randall Mfg.), that's it. Let us know if you'd be interested.

#33204 [ec] Gnomefest3 August 21st

Posted by The Fred on 05 August 2004 - 01:25 PM in Nerf Wars

It'll be great seeing you guys at GnomeFEST on the 21st. I'm really happy to see that so many people are trying to make it. To Marco et al.: Don't confuse us getting pissed off in the middle of a war for us not liking you or not wanting you there. We have good wars when you guys are around, and I look forward to seeing the Philly group again on the 21st. This, however, does NOT abstain me from screaming, yelling, and/or cursing if one of your shots gets lucky and hits me in the nether regions.

The Fred

#33578 [ec] Gnomefest3 August 21st

Posted by The Fred on 09 August 2004 - 04:24 PM in Nerf Wars

Fair enough...trust me, we're all whipped, and for good reason.

I don't know if the term "whipped," which has serious negative connotation, can possibly be applied to the upshot of being "whipped," which is having lots and lots of sex - an undoubtedly good thing.

But yes, Talio, we ARE all whipped... to varying degrees. Maybe Langley would be, too, if his girl weren't jail bait.

The Fred

#34221 [ec] Gnomefest3 August 21st

Posted by The Fred on 17 August 2004 - 07:50 PM in Nerf Wars

The more the merrier. If we get too many people (significantly > 20) we'll have to make some plans as to maybe splitting up the wars Cali style, but as long as we don't maim/hurt/kill anyone at the park there shouldn't be any legal issues.

More info will be coming in the near future.

The Fred

#55638 Late May War

Posted by The Fred on 25 May 2005 - 07:38 PM in Nerf Wars

It looks like I'm out for this one. My dad is driving up from Florida to spend Memorial Day weekend with my little sis and I and I'm also getting a new truck out of it, so I'd be a dick not to spend some time with the man. I'm sorry about this. There's a chance I might be in Ocean County (Ortley Beach, to be specific) with my pop the day of the war, so if I am, one of you can expect a phone call from me and it can be drinking time in the evening, perhaps?


#54576 Late May War

Posted by The Fred on 10 May 2005 - 08:43 PM in Nerf Wars

Concur. (On the gratuitous birthday sex part, not the political incorrectness. After all, that's the best part of a birthday celebration).

I should be at the war assuming I don't have to work overtime.


#17282 Nj March War

Posted by The Fred on 27 January 2004 - 01:18 PM in Nerf Wars

Rutgers Spring Break is from March 13-21. The 14th and 21st are equally good for me.

The Fred

#61046 Nj Apoc 4

Posted by The Fred on 03 August 2005 - 02:18 PM in Nerf Wars

HAHA!  Nobody finds that park the first time.  Hell the Philly kids almost drown getting there if I remember correctly.  I ended up at an elementry school.  It's fucking hidden.


Maybe it has something to do with being born in NJ, but Fred found it on the first try, and the first time I drove there when I got my license I found it by memory without directions. Of course the last time I went I couldn't even remember what exit it's off of, but that's besides the point...

That's just because my navigational abilities are far superior to all of yours (unless, that is, I happen to be in the shower at the time).

It doesn't look like I'm going to be able to make it. I've got a lot of stuff going on this weekend at Rutgers and whatever time I'm not spending in front of the computer typing out project requests for work is going to be spent getting plastered.

Look forward to seeing you guys soon though.


#61090 Nj Apoc 4

Posted by The Fred on 04 August 2005 - 07:47 AM in Nerf Wars

Fred, when was the last time u MADE a fucking war?  On another note, it seems like the real nerfers will show up and have a time.  If anyone plans on being a fag about it and "not in the mood" or some other lame ass shit, then by all means stay the fuck home.  Not my fault if you're "not feeling it lately."  Grow the fuck up, its NERF.  It's something we all have been doing for over 3 years together now.

Whatever happens, APOC is gonna be the shit.


It was the Deal War on June 25th, which, if my memory serves me right, was only about six weeks ago or so. I couldn't stay at "Hershfest" long because my roommate (one of my oldest friends) had his 21st birthday party the night before, and I was partying in New Brunswick until about 7 am or so. I also had pre-existing dinner plans for later that afternoon in Middletown, meaning I had to leave at 3 so I could run some errands, take a shower, and wipe the disgusting after-aroma of sweat and beer off of myself.

As for my tendency to skip out on smaller, spur-of-the-moment, less organized events, I guess the best and most honest way to explain this is that I really don't care enough about this stuff to attend them. From reading the boards, I know I'm not the only one who shares this (at least implied) feeling. I've got more crap going on right now that I ever have had before in my life, and I'm just a little too busy right now to, pretty much on a whim, spend what is probably my one free day of the week Nerfing on that consistent of a basis.

You're welcome to your opinions, and as a friend, I'm not going to challenge them in a public forum. Sorry if I've insulted you.

There comes a time when everyone has to prioritize, at least a little bit.


#61147 Nj Apoc 4

Posted by The Fred on 04 August 2005 - 09:44 PM in Nerf Wars

Alright, now that I've had my period, and me and Fred are lovers again, who's actually coming to the biggest and baddest war of the summer THIS side of the mississippi?

Period = Bad.
Hersh's Period = Worse.
Period Sex = The rough equivalent of those frontal lobotomies they used to give retarded people, where they'd give you a local anesthetic and then shove an ice pick under your eyeballs and into your brain.
Period Sex with Hersh = When words are invented to describe something this disgusting, I'll be sure to let you know.


P.S. I love you, Hersh.

#39231 Fall '04 Dcno2

Posted by The Fred on 18 October 2004 - 10:22 PM in Nerf Wars

Langley, your always welcomed if you spoon with me afterwards.

Well don't I feel left out.


#57478 Nj: June 25th

Posted by The Fred on 13 June 2005 - 09:22 PM in Nerf Wars

Famine et al,

I'll be there on the 25th.


#57958 Nj: June 25th

Posted by The Fred on 22 June 2005 - 10:57 PM in Nerf Wars

Vacc or Chris,

What time can we expect to be finished? If it's after 4 pm, is it allright if I just follow one of your cars to the park? It looks like I'm gonna need to skip out at around 4 to make an appearance at my cousin's graduation party.

We'll be at Vacc's before 9:50 am on Saturday.


#22909 Any Nj Eb Nerfers Out There?

Posted by The Fred on 30 March 2004 - 03:22 PM in Nerf Wars

...unless those Asians attended Rutgers, meaning they would steal all of the A's in your Calculus classes, drive riced-out Honda Civics with no-dick mufflers, and stink up the hallways of your residence halls with the putrid aroma of fish.

#22985 Any Nj Eb Nerfers Out There?

Posted by The Fred on 30 March 2004 - 10:47 PM in Nerf Wars

Fool, the asians are at rutgers, and they are in all my business classes


Let's face it, they're EVERYWHERE. I mean, come on. Half of them don't even speak ENGLISH.

Disclaimer: I only hate Asians who smell funny.

#38999 Politics 'n Food

Posted by The Fred on 15 October 2004 - 12:15 AM in Off Topic

How about Nader and Gin and Tonic?


#9405 Nj Nerf Ownz! (thanks For The Pizza)

Posted by The Fred on 07 September 2003 - 11:11 PM in Nerf Wars

As I am now ambulatory and able to resume my existence as a biped, I must take this opportunity to express how goddamned PISSED OFF I am at myself for getting hurt and having to be in bed for this war. I missed a kickass time and I will forever rue the porcelain gods for making my weekend a living hell. (Don't ask, although you probably heard if you were there)

As for our guests from Hasbro, I second the notion that it's pretty cool that they decided to stop by, treat us to some second-rate pizza and tell us that they are interested in what it is we do. I wouldn't go all crazy about mainstream Nerf just yet, but it's definitely a positive that our efforts as modders, individuals, and clans are being noticed by the folks who make the guns. I wasn't there, so I don't know a great deal about the legalese that was present in the discussion, but the sentiments that I get from talking to Langley suggest that the Hasbro reps weren't exactly handing out cease-and-desists to everyone present (which is better than I would have previously thought, much much better).

Anyway, this is a chain of events that really psyches me up for the future. I'm just pissed off I wasn't there, you lucky bastards who were. Hope you enjoyed your pizza.

The Fred ^_^

#23120 April Invitational War

Posted by The Fred on 01 April 2004 - 01:29 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll be eating my fiber and ruffage the night before the war. There will be no rapid bathroom excursions for me in the middle of the war. Damn delicious medium-rare, greasy 12 oz. deluxe cheeseburgers.

Langley is in charge of my nutritional intake. I will be eating those potato chips, though...

The Fred

#1652 Nj May War:

Posted by The Fred on 20 February 2003 - 02:55 AM in Nerf Wars


I hope he can, too. Strange, I go to college with the guy and I haven't seen him once since September. I hope he is still alive...


#1612 Nj May War:

Posted by The Fred on 19 February 2003 - 05:05 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey guys,

I know we're trying to stay on topic here, and I do have important stuff to talk about regarding the May war, but I have a brief digression here. Langley, myself, and the rest of the LGLF just want to apologize for anything that may have been posted here that would suggest that we're not fully serious about making the war a totally badass experience. I know that a certain member of our group decided to troll the old thread; I read the post and we're going to talk to him about this. Anyone who's been on a forum for a period of time knows how annoying trolling can be. All of us, regardless of what clan we're in, have made a pretty awesome effort to try to make this work, and we're gonna continue doing that up to May 18.

Okay, in Middletown, if we're gonna have more than 20 people, we're going to need a permit. I know a few cops in town, so there's no danger of us spending a night in the drunk tank or anything (not like I've ever been there or anything), but still to be lawful and everything, I was wondering if all clans participating could send me a note on the thread or drop myself or Langley (preferably both) an Email and let us know how many are coming. I figure there will be more than 20, but if we have an rough estimate as to how many (I know people are gonna add on and drop out and stuff before May) it'll make things easier when I get the permit next month.

Let me know.

The Fred

P.S. To respond to that post I read on the other thread, we're gonna try to make el Pompo come to the war, even if we have to bind and gag him a-la-Hannibal Lechter.

#4396 May 18th. Down To The Wire...

Posted by The Fred on 08 May 2003 - 09:25 PM in Nerf Wars

Words cannot express how much I am looking forward to seeing a gun named after Hans Blix.

The culturally adept... The Fred

#36573 People Taken To Jail And Guns Confiscated For Nerf

Posted by The Fred on 06 September 2004 - 11:29 PM in General Nerf

It looks like the representations my Java book uses for illustrating recursion. "A NerfHaven thread post is either an empty post or a post followed by a NerfHaven thread post."

The Fred

#59380 July 23-24 Nj War

Posted by The Fred on 15 July 2005 - 10:38 AM in Nerf Wars

Not sure if I can make this one. I may have a pre-existing thing going on up by school that I have to attend. I will keep you posted, as I am invariably sure you, you know, fucking care.


#20009 The Lglf Official Guide To Stefan Making

Posted by The Fred on 26 February 2004 - 09:44 PM in Articles


Langley can speak for himself, but don't knock every member of the LGLF's sauce-making capabilities before you learn their stories. Women flock to a man with a big gun. (That's why Langley can speak for himself)

The Fred

#58563 Done Deal: War Wrap-up

Posted by The Fred on 01 July 2005 - 08:54 PM in Nerf Wars

Guys -

Had a great time last Saturday at the war. It was fucking exhausting by the end of it, but it was the good kind of exhausting. You guys know the criticisms (there were few) that I had on Juggernaut and Captain Falls, but both of the scenarios seem workable. More importantly than the gameplay, it was great having everyone together again. Can't wait for the next war - and if cigars and whiskey are involved, can't wait for the postwar either.